Two days of preparation passed quickly, with soldiers of the Varden and Dwarven armies moving all about Farthen Dûr. All of them wore grim expressions, but none of the men Eragon observed shirked their duties. He had helped as much as he could, moving equipment and weapons, and helping to sure up the Varden's defenses. Scouts had reported early this morning that the Urgal's were entering the tunnels, and Eragon was glad that the dwarves had been able to seal off most of the other entrances.
Ajihad was an effective leader, commanding the Varden with ease. Men listened to him intently, their belief in the man evident. Even dwarves gave pause when he talked, and Ajihad was quick to offer council to even Hrothgar. The two leaders worked together well, showing the strong bonds between the two races.
When Eragon had received word of the Urgal's movements, he casted his mind out to Glenwing and Fäolin, telling them to meet him in the Main Hall. They agreed, and Eragon quickly retrieved the egg from Saphira. He was walking towards the hall when he spotted the twins. They glanced curiously at the concealed object he held, but he said nothing to them, waiting for them to pass by before he entered the Main Hall. Inside where only the two elves, and Eragon was glad to see that they were already armored.
As he approached them, Eragon whispered wards on the egg and in surrounding hall. Glenwing bowed slightly to Eragon, and Fäolin merely inclined his head, his expression carefully blank. He guessed the elf still didn't care for him, but at least he kept his word about being amicable.
"Good, your both here." Eragon said. He gazed at the egg for a moment, before holding it out for Fäolin to take.
The elf accepted it after a moment of pause, his movements slow and concise. Continuing, Eragon said to the elf quietly, "Succeed where I have failed."
The elf nodded his head, face tightening. "We will not fail the dragons, Shur'tugal. So long as Glenwing and I live, none shall reach the egg."
Eragon inclined his head, thanking the elf. Turning his eyes between them, Eragon asked, "Do you both know the spell of teleportation?"
Glenwing responded, "Aye, but where would we send it? Du Weldenvarden is warded, and I know not a safe place for it."
Eragon pondered the situation, his mind racing quickly. "If it comes to it, and you believe that the egg will be lost, cast the spell and send it to Du Fells Nángoröth."
He reached out with his mind, impressing on them an image of the location. "We will do as you, ask, Eragon," Glenwing replied. Eragon nodded, staring at the egg in Fäolin's grip for a moment. He left them under the Star Sapphire, closing the door and peering around the hallway. No one was watching him, and he avoided others as he made the trek up the nearby stairs to the Dragonhold.
He was strapping on his armor when a knock sounded at the still open door, and Eragon turned to see Arya.
She glanced around the dragonhold briefly, before her eyes settled on him. "Your task is complete, I take it?"
Eragon tightened the vambrace on his arm, the leather creaking as he pulled. "Aye," he responded.
Arya nodded. "Ajihad asked that we join the company him at the barricades. The scouts report that the Urgal's are almost upon us."
Eragon checked his belt, ensuring that Brisingr was secured to his hip. He grabbed the elven helmet, silver armor gleaming in the magical lantern lights. "Let us be off."
Arya followed him down, neither talking as they went. Most of the women and children had already been evacuated, and he watched as a group of soldiers cleared the various rooms and halls of Tronjheim. They were searching quickly for any stragglers, guiding them towards the tunnel that would lead them to safety.
When they arrived at the entrance to the tunnel, Eragon saw the company Ajihad was to command. Saphira was standing to the side of the men, and someone had strapped on dwarven armor to her, the various pieces protecting her soft belly and throat. The men nearest her were staring, the awe clear on their faces.
You look fearsome, Eragon said to her, Urgal's will run in terror when they spot you.
Saphira turned her head, her neck craning as she peered at the approaching pair. Flatterer, she stated, and he could feel the warmth of her words. You look fit for battle as well, little-one.
Eragon thanked her, following Arya as she took the lead towards Ajihad. He trailed behind her, taking in the soldiers standing around in formation around him. They were sharp and focused, and many of the ones who weren't staring at Saphira were peering into the dark tunnel, their gaze fixed and waiting. There was fear in them, but they did not fold under the pressure, and Eragon was heartened at the fact.
He saw Angela standing towards the back, a werecat at her feet. Blinking, Eragon inclined his head in greeting to Solembum when the werecat gazed at him. The werecat blinked in response, his eyes shifting to green. Eragon headed toward the witch, dodging around the soldiers until he was standing before her. She wore green and black armor, but whether it was metal, or a type of leather was hard for him to discern. Angela had a red cape on as well, which prompted a raised eyebrow from the Rider.
The witch nodded her head in greeting to him, "Long since has it been that I've fought in such a battle."
"Aye," Eragon responded, his gaze still set upon her cape. "Nice cape."
She smiled at him briefly, her eyes sweeping over him. "Fine armor you wear, Shur'tugal. Elven, yes?"
"It's not what I'm used to," Eragon said, "But the dwarven armor I had was no longer fit for battle."
She chuckled her hand resting on a dwarven sword-staff by her side. He studied the weapon for a moment, noting that he needed to ask the witch later about the double-bladed marvel later. "Are you ready, Rider?"
Sighing, Eragon adjusted his helm, "About as well as one could be, I suppose. Saphira and I will fight to defend the Varden with all that we are."
The two remained silent, and Eragon watched as a dwarf came scurrying down the tunnel, his short legs closing the distance to the Varden's position. The scout ran up to Ajihad, speaking quickly before running off behind the soldiers. Ajihad called out loudly, silencing the few conversations that were still taking place. "Men of the Varden! The Urgal's approach us! Prepare yourself! We stand at the forefront of our home, ready to defend our very existence!"
The men cried out, their lines quickly forming before the entrance to the tunnel. It didn't take long for Eragon to hear the approaching steps of the Urgal army, their steps echoing loudly down the passage before them. They needed to quell the Urgal's in the tunnels, preventing them from gaining entrance to Tronjheim at all costs. Eragon and Saphira made their way to the front, the soldiers of the Varden letting them through quickly. Saphira stopped behind the line of archers, not wanting to block their line of sight.
Eragon waited in front of the soldiers, grabbing a shield that a dwarf handed him. He thanked the dwarf, watching as the smaller man ran back behind the enemy. You forgot to grab a shield earlier. I had Orik send for one from the dwarven armory. Saphira said, amusement in her tone.
Right, Eragon said, cursing himself. Thank you, Saphira. He wasn't accustomed to carrying a shield, but he knew that he needed one for the fight. He hardly carried one anymore, though the weight felt familiar in his hand. He quickly strapped the shield to his left arm, swinging it lightly. The dwarven craftsmanship was grand as always, and Eragon quickly warded the shield as well.
"They come," said Arya, appearing next to him. She had a shield as well, though Eragon could tell it was of elven make. She nodded at him, drawing her blade. Eragon did the same, holding in low to his side as he waited. The steps were loud now, and in the far distance of the tunnel Eragon could make out shadows moving.
A mass of Kull approached at the front, and Eragon could see that they were running, their large frames surprisingly swift. One Kull bellowed out loudly, the call being answered by his brethren. Saphira stretched her head above the army, and roared her challenge back. Her own roar drowned out the Kull's, and Eragon winced as his ears rang. He saw Arya flitch as well, and he watched as Saphira loosed a massive flame, the blue tinted fire spreading out far above the army.
Some of the Kull paused in their advance, but many continued on. Eragon raised his shield in front of him, hearing Ajihad behind yell, "Ready!" The sound of swords being drawn and shields clanging together rang out, the men forming their lines. The plan, as far as Eragon knew, was to hold the tide of Urgal's back, retreating to the open planes of Tronjheim if necessary. There they could maneuver their forces quickly, and it would allow them the use of horses as well.
The Urgal's approached the lightly concealed pits, and Eragon watched as the first few Urgal's in the front fell, their forms disappearing as they went. The others behind them leapt over their fallen comrades, charging down the tunnel.
"Archers, fire!" Ajihad ordered, and Eragon heard the twang of many bows, and saw a mass of arrows fly down the corridor. Many made their mark, and Eragon watched as the Urgals fell. He heard in the distance the soft reply of the Urgal's own bows, and Eragon raised Brisingr, the blade pointing at the approaching army.
"Letta," Eragon murmured, watching as the arrows slowed to a stop above him. He kept his sword pointed up, and said, "Ganga." He watched as the arrows twisted in the air, firing back into the Urgal army. The arrows were larger than the Varden's, and they easily pierced the tough skin of the Urgals as they charged.
Many more fell, but their numbers were quickly replaced. How many Urgal's Durza had command of Eragon didn't know, but he drew slightly upon the energy stored in Brisingr's pommel. He uttered a spell, the words lost to the bellows armies around him. His sword remained pointed at the army, as he spoke, the spell long and complex.
The moment his spell was complete came a loud clap as light filled the chamber briefly, silencing the armies. The sound was deafening, and Eragon saw lightening spring forth instantly from Brisingr's tip, striking the Urgal army ahead of him. The beam of pure energy hit an Urgal square in the chest before it quickly jumped to the next. It proceeded throughout the army, and Eragon felt the pull of energy as the lightening continued to branched out.
He could feel the atmosphere around him rapidly heating, and a terrible stench emerged as he held the spell for second. That brief time was all he needed, for he watched dozens of Urgal's collapse. He released the magic, taking a breath deep through his mouth. He saw Arya glance to him, her eyes wide. The men behind him cheered, and Eragon could feel the temperature slowly return to normal.
Using such a spell was dangerous and powerful, and required significant amounts of energy to use. Forming lightening purely from magic was ill advised, but Eragon had learned how to shift the balance of the air, thus changing the charge around himself and his target. He didn't know how exactly it worked, only that as the mysterious charge grew it would try to equalize, and lightening would form for a brief moment. The spell kept the air shifting, and the longer he maintained it the more violent the lightening would become, draining any reserves of magic quickly.
The Urgal's continued their trek towards them, and Eragon did not know how many he struck down with his earlier magic. It was both a show of force and a way to help thin the army, but he knew he couldn't use such a spell again. Once the armies collided, he wouldn't be able to control exactly who it struck, and it would certainly kill the men of the Varden as easily as the Urgals. Eragon heard men approaching from the side, quickly forming the shield wall next to Eragon. He locked his own shield with theirs, Arya pressed in close next to him.
In an instant the armies smashed together, Kull's ramming into their shields. The men behind braced their comrades, spears flying out to strike at them. As one the Varden pushed back against the Urgal's, and Eragon dropped his shield slightly, Brisingr flashing out and cutting deeply into a Kull in front of him. The massive Urgal dropped, Brisingr's blade drenched with blood. Again, the Kull's hammered against the men, driving them back. But the Varden would not be so easily cowed, and the battle began in earnest.
How long they fought for, Eragon couldn't say. The Urgal's eventually gave up their ramming maneuver, instead trying to tear down the shields and overpower the weaker men of the Varden. Ajihad yelled a command, and the shield wall broke, the men fighting in groups to take down the much larger Urgal. Saphira wade her way through the army, men stepping aside to let her pass. She tore at any Urgal that came close, her claws rendering any sort of armor that they Urgal's had useless. She would reach out and grab hold of a Urgal in her mouth, tossing the creature easily into its comrades as she went.
Eventually she came up to Eragon, her massive form drawing in more Urgal's as they came. He felt the drain of energy from her wards as they deflected weapons, protecting Saphira from attacks. Arya was next to him, muttering in the ancient language as she went, blade flashing out quickly. He saw a group of Urgal's fall in front of him, and he knew that it was her doing. The Urgals had spellcasters, and Eragon felt the probes of their mind against his own.
Saphira and Eragon quickly battled with mind and body against the Urgal's, and after a moment he broke into some of the spellcasters minds, killing them as he went. He muttered his own words of death, watching as more Urgals fell around him. There seemed to be no end to Galbatorix's army and Eragon saw no sign of the Shade he knew was with them.
Eventually, Ajihad called for a slow retreat into the fields, the men at the back of the army quickly moving away. The movement of the army was slow going, seeing as there was no real front to the battle. But still they went, step by step. Eragon would let the Urgals come at him, killing them, and then taking a few steps back. On and on it went, and Eragon watched as Saphira let more fire spring from her mouth, bathing a large group of Urgal's. The fire quickly overwhelmed any wards they might have had, and Eragon heard their screams as she kept up the steady stream.
He knew she could hold the fire for longer, but she cut it off, her roar sounding at her victory. More Urgal's charged at her, and Eragon felt a few of his ward's collapse, the energy expended. Their weapons drew blood, and he could feel the ferocity in Saphira grow. She tore into them, with both claws and teeth, and Eragon muttered a quick healing spell. He didn't have time to check over the wound, only using one that would stem the flow of blood and close the wounds as best he could.
He felt her gratitude flow from her, and Eragon returned his attention to the fight. They were almost completely out of the tunnel, and Eragon knew that the switch from such a narrow field of battle to a wider one was going to be difficult. Ajihad must have understood it as well, for he heard the man screaming orders, the Varden Leader killing Urgal's as he went. Men formed up on the sides and behind him, and Eragon slowly made his way back to them, felling another Urgal as he went. He saw Arya do the same, their steps bringing them closer to the shield wall of the Varden. Saphira cleared the area around her quickly, before launching herself above the Varden's men in a single jump, landing clear of the battle.
When he was sure he was right in front of the shield wall, Eragon pointed his blade straight at the approaching Urgals, and Arya did the same. They never said a word to each other, but they both yelled out, "Jierda!" The Urgals in front of them stumbled, many flying back as their spells slammed into them.
They both used the small break to form back up with the men. As they cleared the entrance, and Eragon saw the Urgal's flood out onto the plains of Tronjheim. Trusting that Ajihad knew what he was doing, Eragon broke away from the wall after a moment, another soldier stepping up to take his place. The Urgal's tried to surround the men, slamming into the soldiers' shields. Saphira nearly held the entire left side of the Varden herself, Urgal's rushing at her only to be torn to bits. Eragon glanced at Ajihad, who was watching the battle with critical eyes.
He ran to Saphira's side, vaulting over the soldiers of the Varden that held the front. He came down, killing the Urgal that raised its axe at him. He kept moving, nimble as any elf, blade flashing as he went. He drew even with Saphira, and ducked under her massive tail as she turned. It struck at a group of Urgals, sending them flying towards the Varden, who's spears and swords but an end to their struggle.
Eragon vaulted up her back, and retrieved his bow, sliding Brisingr back into the sheathe that housed it. The bow that Queen Islanzadí gifted him was powerful, and each time Eragon drew the string back, Urgal's would fall. After a moment, Eragon casted his mind out to the twins, who were to relay Eragon's and Ajihad's messages, no matter their distance.
His mind found theirs easily, and they granted him entrance after a moment. He kept his thoughts quick and ordered, saying, Tell Ajihad that Saphira and I are heading to Jörmundur to see how they are faring.
Whatever they were thinking was hidden to him, but Eragon heard them respond after a few seconds. Very well. We shall call you if Ajihad has need.
He disconnected his mind from them, shivering as he did so. Saphira killed the last of the Kull that dared to get close to her. She took off into sky with powerful strokes of her wings, turning briefly above the surging Urgal army. Eragon's wards deflected the arrows sent by the army, and Saphira rain fire down upon them. She cut across the Urgal army, her fire bathing a line straight through, perpendicular to entrance to the tunnel. She flew high, turning over the fields towards the other armies.
Eragon glanced back at Ajihad's, watching as the man commanded the army of the Varden. The Urgal's would try to envelope the army, but the men were quick, hampering the Urgals. He saw then that the Varden army were far enough back from the entrance, and Eragon watched as the siege weapons of the Varden, few enough in number, rained down on the Urgal's from a distance.
He turned to look at the other entrance to Farthen Dûr. He spotted the army easily as Saphira flew swiftly ahead. They were pushed back further than Ajihad's army, but Jörmundur's men still held. Saphira blazed a path of fire across the Urgal's as she banked around, her armor clanging as she landed. He fired his bow quickly, arrows finding purchase among the enemy.
After he fired a few more arrows, he stowed his bow in the quiver that was strapped to the saddle. He held on tightly as Saphira twisted, her claws flashing out against the tide of Urgal's. He waited for the right moment, bringing his legs under him in the saddle. Crouched, he waited as Saphira twisted back around, vaulting off her back and onto the field.
Brisingr was already in his hands, and he blocked a blow meant for his head with his shield. Pushing the blade aside, his strength equal against the Kull before him. Eragon struck, his blade slicing cleanly into the Kull's neck. He ducked out of the way of another one, making his way close to Saphira's side.
He cast his mind out, feeling for a magician in Jörmundur's ranks. A sorceress named Trianna answered his call, telling him her name quickly as her mind connected with his. How fairs the fight? Eragon asked.
Better now that you are here, she answered, pausing for a moment. He guessed that she was talking to Jörmundur. After a moment, she said, Jörmundur asks that you aid Du Vrangr Gata in our efforts against the Urgal's magicians. I've already lost a few good magicians to their magic.
The incorrect syntax of the name used for the Varden's magicians always amused Eragon, but he merely replied, Find them, and Saphira and I will join your efforts and crush them.
She agreed with him, her mind already guiding his to one such Urgal spellcaster. He felt Saphira's mind meld with his own, and together they easily overcame the spellcasters defenses. With but a whisper of a word, Eragon watched as over twenty Urgal's fell, the men of the Varden cheering as they went.
The fighting continued, fierce in its intensity. Eragon lost count of the hours in which they battled, army's surging together in a mix of battles. Many Kull's challenged Saphira and Eragon, their battle cries fierce, but Eragon cut them the down, and Saphira bathed many others in fire as she went.
Eragon cast a spell, light flying from the tip of Brisingr, channeled through the blade. It struck at Urgal's, and Eragon turned away, only to find another enemy swinging their weapon at him. On and on it went, the men slowly giving ground to the immense armies of the Urgal.
Eragon felt two minds press against his own, and he allowed the twins entry to speak. The battle goes badly for the Dwarves. Ajihad ordered for you to assist.
Fine, Eragon said, ending the connection.
Ordered? Eragon thought. He pushed the matter aside, jumping up to Saphira's back. She took off quickly, and Eragon relayed the message to Trianna. The sorceress merely acknowledged him before turning her mind back to her struggle with another of the Urgal's spellcasters.
Saphira flew quickly, her wings beating hard against the air. He could see the dwarves being pushed back, but even still the fighting was fierce. Saphira landed, the dwarves to her right, and she roared her challenge to the Urgal's. Even the Urgal's couldn't match her ferocity, and Eragon once more leapt from her back. He felled an Urgal quickly, darting around to cover Saphira's flank.
Saphira and Eragon pushed forward into the surging tide of Urgals, and Eragon could hear the cries of the dwarves as they regained the ground they had been losing. Eragon darted under Saphira's head, deflecting a spear with his shield that was meant for her neck. Saphira's head came down, teeth biting deep into the attacker's body. She shook her head, snaping the Urgal's spine before dropping the body next to Eragon.
Glancing ahead, Eragon saw Hrothgar fighting, the ancient dwarf swinging his hammer Volund around. The dwarf king grabbed a spear from a corpse of dwarf, throwing it easily back into the Urgal's numbers. He saw the spear pierce an Urgal, and he was surprised at the strength that the old king still held. Together, Saphira and Eragon pushed back the Urgals with the dwarves, bodies piling up slowly as they moved.
Twisting around, Eragon blocked a blow from an Urgal with his shield, Brisingr flashing as he cut the Urgal down. He felt once more the twins attempt to contact him, and Eragon felt frustration build. What now? He asked, keeping his tone as neutral as he could.
There are loud noises coming from under Tronjheim, Ajihad believes the Urgal's are tunneling underneath the city! You and Saphira must go at once and destroy their tunnels.
He withdrew his mind, telling them as he went, very well. Saphira overhead their conversation, but Eragon did not leap up her back. Instead, he told her, Go get Arya.
She killed a Urgal with a swipe of her claws, turning to look at him briefly. Fine, she sniffed. I do not like the sound of this.
Eragon understood her concern, and he mirrored it as well. How the Urgal's were to have dug under the city so quickly he could not guess. As Saphira launched herself into the sky, Eragon turned back to the city, his feet carrying him faster than any horse could run.
He broke into the city through one of Tronjheim's gates, glancing around as he went. As he neared the city center, Eragon's wards in the dragonhold flowed softly back to him, and Eragon paused as he realized the hold was empty. The twins were supposed to be up there, able to watch over the battles for Ajihad, and to direct the forces as he ordered. He casted his mind out into the city, but did not feel them anywhere.
He grew more cautious as he went, but there were no signs of battle anywhere in the city. After taking a moment to decide, Eragon raced forward, his feet carrying him to the Main Hall. He heard then a loud bang, echoing down from in front of him. When he reached the hall, Eragon threw the doors open, those force of his impact tearing one from its hold. In the middle of the room was a giant hole, the stone flooring laying all around the entrance. Urgal's were clambering out of the tunnel, too many for him to count at once. Glenwing stood battling with several Urgal's, and Eragon spied Fäolin fighting as well, the leather bag containing the egg hindering his movements as he held it in one hand.
A figure emerged from the tunnel, and Eragon knew at once who it was, even though he never laid eyes on him before. Durza entered the hall, the crimson hair and red eyes giving the shade away easily. The pale figured vaulted into the room, and Eragon sprinted forward, watching as the figure launched itself at Fäolin. The elf barely managed to parried the shades blow, and Eragon watched as the shade struck again.
Eragon was still moving forward, nearing the pair when Durza twisted, the pale blade of the shade flashing as he cut deep into Fäolin's neck. No! The Shade smiled, and two things happened at once; The Star Sapphire exploded over head, showering the battle below with fragments of stone, and Eragon reached Fäolin's falling body, grabbing the egg tightly in his hand.
He saw Saphira descending into the Main Hall, Arya alighted on her back. The elf's hand was raised, green magic wrapped around her hand, her face fierce as she took in battle. Saphira opened her maw, firing spreading down onto the Urgal's, the smell of burned flesh in the air. Durza turned to him, and Eragon quickly parried a blow from the Shade.
"We meet at last, Dragon Rider," the Shade said, his face twisted with a cruel smile. "Long has Galbatorix known that another Rider lived, sheltered safely by the cowardly elves."
Eragon said nothing, holding tight to the egg. Durza stretched out his hand, "Give me the egg, Eragon. The Black King desires his treasure back, and I would deliver onto him both you and the egg."
"You talk too much," Eragon said. He swung his sword, watching as sparks collided against the pale blade. There was a long scratch on the blade, Eragon noticed, but he twisted out of the way as the Shade responded with his own blow. He heard crashing around him as the Star Sapphire came down, the stone's movements too slow to not have been aided by magic.
The shade's mind pressed against his own, and Eragon tightened the shield around his mind. Back and forth they battled, minds and swords beating at each other's guard. He caught glimpses of Saphira in the background, with Arya by her side, fighting off more Urgal's that came from the tunnel. He parried another blow, adjusting his grip on the egg.
Fighting as he was his movements were hampered by the presence of the bag. Durza struck again at his mind, the Shade's thoughts sharp as a blade in his attempt to breach Eragon's mind. The Shade could find no purchase, and Eragon drove his own mind against Durza's, pushing him back. He saw Arya make her way forward towards the Shade, and Eragon twisted around, turning their battle so that Arya was behind him. The shade had caught sight of her, his smile widening.
The second the shade over Eragon's shoulder he darted forward, blade catching against Durza's arm. The Shade screamed at him, rage pouring forth. Durza raised a hand and shouted, "Garjzla!" Light sparked outwards, reaching towards Arya, but Eragon anticipated the move. If there was one thing he knew about Shades, it was that they would fight dirty, using any and all advantages they could find. He unleashed his own spell, watching as the lights collided together. There was a flash, and then the Shade was upon him, the pale blade slicing through the air. Eragon deflected the blow, and sensing that Arya was close behind him, tossed the egg at her.
She didn't seem to be expecting his throw, but she caught the egg. He didn't have time to see her expression. Turning back to the Shade, he shouted, "Protect it!"
Durza scowled at her, making to move past Eragon, but he struck at the Shade, forcing him back. "I know you, Eragon. I know what you have done, Dragonkiller. Shadeslayer." Durza spat the last word, and rage filled his visage again.
"I will kill the elf, like I killed the other one," Durza said, and he heard Arya gasp softly behind him, "Then I will capture you and your dragon, and I will turn you over to the king myself. But first, I will spend some time with you. I've learned many things from my time under Galbatorix, and I intend to show you."
Anger flowed over Eragon, but he pushed it back, channeling it into his strikes. His blade came up, smacking against the Shade's own. He could still see Urgal's swarming out of the tunnel, Saphira slaughtering them as she went. He spotted Glenwing next to her, the elf dancing around Saphira, protecting her flank as they fought. Behind him, he heard the clash of blades, and he knew that Arya was fighting as well.
I need to end this now, Eragon thought. He had the measure of the shade now, and Eragon watched as Durza lunged forward. Sliding past the blade, faster than Durza could move, Eragon flicked his sword against it, driving the pale blade away. He shouted then, the name of his sword, "Brisingr!"
Flames danced up from the hilt, wrapping the blue sword in fire, growing larger and it fed off his energy and rage. He saw the Shade's eyes widen and Eragon moved forward, his blade piercing deep into Durza's heart.
The Shade looked down at the sword, his crimson eyes belaying the shock that he felt. Durza opened his mouth, and a howl filled the air, darkness spreading across the man's skin. The Shade ripped apart, the darkness flowing around him. Eragon watched as three spirits formed from the darkness, disappearing quickly from sight down the hall.
The moment the Shade was dead, the Urgal's let out a howl, instantly turning on each other. No more came from the tunnel, and Eragon watched as Saphira and Glenwing finished off the rest. He pondered the situation, wondering if perhaps Durza had cast a spell over the Urgal's, forcing them to fight for him.
"Nicely done," came from behind him, and Eragon turned to find his father walking forward, sword in hand. Blinking, Eragon took in his father's features. The man's face was weary, as though fighting had made him more than just exhausted. Blood splattered all around the armor he wore, but Eragon could not find any wounds.
"Where have you been?' Eragon asked. He recalled that he hadn't seen his father at all during the battle. He was glad he was unharmed, and it seemed that he did join in the battle at some point.
His father shrugged at him, "Around. Mostly killing Urgal's that thought themselves clever. I'm not young enough to be of much use to the army, but I can still handle a few Urgal's myself."
Nodding, Eragon watched as Arya and Glenwing approached Fäolin's body, their faces streaked with tears. Arya kneeled down next to the elf, placing her hand softly upon his check, the egg still cradled in the other. Though the elf and Eragon had never gotten along, nor had they resolved their differences, he was saddened by the sight. As far as he knew, this was the first elven death since the Fall of the Riders, and the elven people would mourn the loss of such a young elf.
"So," Brom said quietly next to him, looking at the elves. "You've now killed two Shades. I dare say that's more than anyone else has ever done." Saphira approached them, nudging Brom softly in greeting. Eragon reached up, softly rubbing at her scales. His hand came away bloody, and Eragon set about healing her wounds.
"I wonder then, if I get another title now." Eragon muttered to his father. Brom shook his head, reaching up to Saphira to remove some of her dented armor. His father left the undamaged pieces, only removing the ones that gave her trouble.
"There are worse things than to be a Shadeslayer, Eragon." Brom responded, his voice low.
As Eragon finished, he turned back to the fallen elf. He said nothing, silently agreeing with his father. Nothing could change what had happened, but the Fäolin died fulfilling his promise of protecting egg. That he should survive against such a foe when the elf didn't leaved Eragon feeling hollow. He was always saddened after a battle, both for the comrades he had last, and for the enemies he had to kill.
Saphira nudged him softly, her snout pressing against his armor, offering him her comfort.
Eragon left the Main Hall with his father, the two of them searching for Ajihad. When they left the city the saw that the battle was mostly over, for the Urgal's seemed to have completely left. Only a few stragglers remained, but the forces of the Varden and Dwarves were able to easily handle them.
"You never did tell us why Hefring was outside Furnost, nor why he fled the capital with the egg," Eragon stated. They made their way past some of the returning soldiers, most covered in blood and gore. Many were mostly only carrying slight injuries from the battle, but a few were being helped along by their comrades. Eragon was sure that there were more soldiers that were carted off to the healers, and plenty who never would return.
"He was scared, that much I could tell for certain," Brom sighed, "He kept saying that even before we approached him that he felt he was being watched, claiming that the eyes of animals and people were following him. I got him to agree to our plan, but I wanted to keep an eye on him."
"Where is he now? Did he return to Furnost?" Eragon asked.
"No, I took him to just outside Urû'baen. He did also say that when he entered the city there was a great presence around him." Brom said.
"How did you know he wasn't going to take the passage to the elves? Arya said that you just told her that he was using a different one." Eragon watched as Brom's face furrowed, confusion spreading.
"I-I don't recall," Brom muttered, and Eragon turned to him in surprise.
"You don't remember how you found out the thief was going to run?" Eragon stated, his words careful. His father was many things, but forgetful was definitely not one of them. He could even feel Saphira's surprise as she listened through Eragon at the conversation. She remained with the elves, watching over the egg. She said that Arya and Glenwing were distraught over Fäolin, and wanted to stay close.
"No," Brom hesitated, "I just knew." His father rubbed his temple, and Eragon's worry grew. Although he was glad his father's information was correct, the fact that he couldn't remember was a sobering thought.
"If you forget anything else," Eragon pled, "Let me know, please."
Brom's face twisted, "I'm not going senile, Eragon."
Eragon merely smiled back, but it was half-hearted at best. "Not yet, old man."
His father grunted, motioning ahead of them, "There, I see Ajihad with Jörmundur and Nasuada."
They pair walked over to the Varden Leader, and Eragon nodded respectfully at Nasuada. Ajihad glared briefly at his daughter, as though her presence angered him, but neither said a word to the other. Whatever their argument, Eragon felt that it was over for the time being.
"Durza is dead," Ajihad guessed. At Eragon's nod, he continued, "I'm glad, but I would have liked to kill the bastard myself. What happened?"
"The twins told me that you wanted me to go to the city, so I went. Durza and the Urgal's had broken into the Main Hall through a tunnel, and where fighting Fäolin and Glenwing. Fäolin was killed by Durza, I'm afraid," Eragon explained. His voice turned morose towards the end, remembering the elf.
"The twins?" Ajihad challenged, "I never told them such. Where are they?"
Eragon shook his head, "They weren't in the dragonhold. I wouldn't be surprised if they left."
"You think them traitors?" Ajihad accused. "They have served the Varden nobly. I know many don't agree with their methods, but they are the best spellcasters we have."
Eragon shrugged, "It was too convenient that they would tell me the Urgal's plan, leading me right to the Shade. That they should be missing at such a time is not exactly doing them any favors."
"If they turn up, I will question them. The Varden does not take lightly to traitors, but I assume they will have a suitable explanation." Ajihad said, "So Durza killed Fäolin? The elven Queen will not be pleased. Tell me the rest."
Eragon told Ajihad how Saphira and Arya destroyed the Star Sapphire, and the Varden Leaders face paled as he went on. He did not interrupt Eragon until he was done, dragging his large hand across his face.
When Eragon was done, Ajihad declared, "The dwarves will not be happy with Arya and Saphira for what they did. The Star Sapphire is extremely important to them. Still, I am glad that you were able to recover the egg, and strike down Durza. Galbatorix has been dealt a major blow, but we have suffered our own losses as well."
Brom gave Ajihad his own report of how he had hampered the Urgal's trying to get into the city. After thanking the two of them, Ajihad dismissed them, telling the Rider's that he had matters to attend to.
"What will you do now?" Brom asked as they walked away.
Eragon motioned to the soldiers around him, his face grave. "Help heal the wounded. The Varden has indeed lost a lot of good lives today. I need to help them."
If there was one thing that both Eragon and his father understood, it was the Rider's call to help. Though the Order had many problems, Eragon firmly believed that the Rider's were meant to help others. He could not sit idly by while others suffered. If he were able to lend his strength, he would do anything within his power to aid those who did not have the means to help themselves.