After the cheers of the men calmed did Ajihad finally order the soldiers to return to their original duties, but even then a few stayed. It took a moment for Eragon to realize that they must have been the Varden Leader's personal guard, but the soldiers made no attempt to block his way when Eragon stepped closer to the dark-skinned man.
Reaching his hand out to the man, Eragon said, "I hope that in time we can build a strong trust between us, Ajihad, but for now know that I am glad to be here amongst the Varden."
Ajihad reached out, gripping Eragon's forearm, his strength surprising for a human. After a silent nod at each other did they both move away. The elves remained quiet, and Eragon noticed how Arya's eyes remained on Saphira's form. The dragon still had the mass of her bulk concealed behind the bend in the tunnel, and Eragon worried that her neck would soon begin to ache from such an awkward positioning. Until the group moved forward, however, there would be no room for the large dragon.
Ajihad gestured for the soldiers to make their way down the tunnel, calling out to Eragon, "come, Rider, let us head into the heart of Tronjheim. We will show you where you can stay, as well as were Saphira can make her rest."
Eragon followed behind, his voice rising above the clanging of boots as the men marched, "if it is all the same to you, Ajihad, I would prefer to stay with Saphira in the dragonhold."
The leader raised an eyebrow, before a small smile creased his face, "ah," Ajihad said, "Forgive me. I hadn't realized you had been here before, Eragon."
Nodding, Eragon explained, "I did not take this entrance last time, but yes I have been to the heart of the Dwarven Kingdom and seen their jewel."
As they walked down the long corridor, Eragon could hear Saphira slowly move in behind them, her scales reflecting the torch light around them. Colors danced around the tunnel, captivating both the elves and men. Eragon felt a small smile grace his face.
Ajihad gestured back at the dragon, his own eyes following the patterns of light as they moved in the tunnel. "In all my days I have never seen a more beautiful sight then this. The elves always talked about how fierce and majestic the dragons were, and even Brom has commented as such, but to see one in person is a blessing of a lifetime."
Saphira's mind slowly brushed against the group, and Eragon could feel their astonishment at the ancient and powerful presence, you flatter me, Ajihad. We are well met, indeed.
Ajihad smiled then, a true smile that showed how much the dragon's words affected him, and the hope he was trying to keep tightly locked away, "I only speak the truth, Saphira. The men will sing stories of your beauty, and I can only wait to see what one such as yourself is capable of."
Saphira hummed lightly under her breath, her mind gently receding from the group. She kept in contact with Eragon, a light tendril of thought rushing between the two of them. It wasn't long before Eragon heard the sounds of footsteps approaching them, and from the gait could only guess that they belonged to a dwarf. As they made their way did the dwarf finally reveal himself, his short stature towered over by the men and elves before him. The dwarf wore a soft brown tunic, and his brown hair was long and braided around the back of his head. As the dwarven fellow bowed before Ajihad, Eragon watched in amusement as the long beard the dwarf had nearly scrapped the ground."
"Orik," Ajihad said, "good of you to arrive when you did. I am pleased to introduce both dragon Saphira, and her Rider, Eragon Shadeslayer."
When Orik heard Eragon's name did he finally rise back up, his bushy eyebrows high on his head. The dwarven man said nothing about it however, "Welcome then, Rider and Dragon, to Farthen Dûr, last great home of the Dwarven kind. King Hrothgar sends his regards, and asks that you meet with him, Ajihad."
Ajihad nodded, turning towards Eragon, "Forgive me, Rider. I must speak of your arrival to the King himself." Ajihad moved forward, speaking to Orik, "Orik, if you would be so kind, can you show Eragon and Saphira to the dragonhold? I am sure that after such a long journey they require rest."
Eragon made no move to correct him, but he knew Saphira would be glad enough to have the new saddle removed. She had complained relentlessly during the flight the previous days, and Eragon had to keep up a steady stream of comfort for the dragon, if only to remind her that it would take time to break the leather in.
Ajihad moved away, his soldiers following behind. The three elves hesitated for a moment, Arya's eyes flickering between Eragon's and Saphira's, before she finally moved to follow behind the Varden leader. Orik watched them leave for a moment, shaking his head.
"Elves," Orik muttered, deep under his breath. After a moment he jumped up, remembering himself. "Ah forgive me, I am Orik of the clan Dûrgrimst Ingeitum, adopted son of King Hrothgar. It is a pleasure to meet you both, Eragon and Saphira."
Saphira lowered her head towards the dwarf, before speaking to Eragon, I like this one. He shows no fear.
Smiling, Eragon bowed to the dwarf. Hoping to make a good impression, Eragon switched to the dwarven language, his words uneven at first before gaining confidence, "The pleasure, Orik son of King Hrothgar, is ours."
At his words the dwarf lit up, "Ah, you speak our language! Good, good. Though you must know, your words are clunky, but still easily understood."
Eragon nodded, "Forgive me, it's been nearly two hundred years since I've had need to speak the language of the dwarfs."
Orik waved the matter away, gesturing for Saphira and Eragon to follow behind. "It is of no matter, Shadeslayer. I feel in time it will only get easier. Such is the way of the past. I can't help but have overheard the two of you had been here before, no?"
Smiling at the dwarf Eragon watched as they slowly approached the end of the tunnel, a large gate obstructing their passage. "I have, Orik. But not for a long time. The city you dwarfs have built is always amazing to me, and I am eager to see it again."
Saphira hummed her approval, following swiftly behind the dwarf and rider. Eragon saw as men and dwarfs manned the gate, which stood open after Ajihad had proceeded before them. Two bald men stood to the side, and as Eragon approached he could sense that they were magicians.
Orik smiled at the Eragon, "I am glad you feel that way, Eragon. Come."
As they approached the two men, Eragon watched as a slow scowl swept across the dwarf's face. He felt their minds attempt to brush up against his, and he felt the sharp surprise when they were unable to detect him. Eragon smiled at the men, watching as their faces grew dark. They made to step in front of their path, but Orik gestured them aside. "They have leave, Twins, granted by Ajihad himself. Take your dark workings elsewhere."
There was something about the two men that gave Eragon pause. In his travels he had known meet many people, and it wasn't long until he could discern people's intentions from just a look. He knew, however, that even looks could be deceiving. Either way, Eragon remained wary of the twins. They made to speak, the scowl growing darker on Orik's face, but before they could get a word out Saphira growled at them, a low rumble that shook the very ground.
Their faces paled, and Eragon watched with glee as they took a step back before bowing, muttering softly under their breath. Eragon gave them no mind, and followed behind Orik as he made his way through the gate. As they came upon the city did Eragon stop, taking in the sight before him.
Stretched out, higher than a mile was Tronjheim, the city of the dwarves. The city was shaped as a mile high cone, it's marble appearance beautiful in the day light streaming in. Around the city Eragon could see various lights shining out, torches illuminating figures far from his gaze. Looking straight up Eragon could see the open sky, far above any of the dwarven architecture. In front of them laid a stone bridge, a narrow enough path leading to the city proper. Two great statues stood before the gates, carved into the shape of the mythical griffins. They followed the dwarf into the heart of the city, past the gate and down the various passages that Eragon had once long ago roamed.
Though he knew roughly where he was headed he let the dwarf lead, listening as Orik explained many of the sights before them. Some of them he remembered, others lost to the winds of time, but Eragon listened intently as the dwarf explained them all. They weaved their way through the streets of the city, passing by both dwarven-kind and humankind. Many dwarfs scowled at the sight of Saphira, muttering curses in the dwarven language under their breath. Others bowed low, some reaching out as if to touch him. Many spoke softly, muttering "Agretlam," as he passed.
They mostly ignored Saphira, a slight that both Rider and Dragon had long since gotten used to. It still irked Eragon, that they would refuse to greet the majestic dragon in their midst. Before long, they came upon an open square and Orik turned to face Saphira. "Forgive me, Saphira, but you will be unable to fit down the passage leading to the Isidar Mithrim and to the dragonhold. If you know the way, I ask that you fly to the entrance carved out for the dragons."
Saphira nodded her great head, turning to face Eragon for a moment. Emotions pulsed between the pair, and Saphira's gaze bored deeply into him. "I'll be fine, Saphira. Go."
She breathed out, a loud grumble echoing forth. Hmm.
Chuckling, Eragon watched as she took to the sky, flying out the opening and turning towards the top of the city. He quickly lost sight of her, but he could still feel their connection. Eragon gestured to Orik, and the dwarf turned down another one of the passages. "I have never seen such a sight, Rider. Though I have no wish to ever leave the ground as you have. I don't know how you do it."
Eragon laughed, enjoying the dwarf's company greatly. He was different than the rest of kin, and for that Eragon was grateful. The pair made their way passed the entrance to the Great Hall, Orik leading them up a staircase that Eragon knew led to the dragonhold. It wasn't long before they were at the entrance to the hold, the door guarded by two dwarven men in armor, spears held aloft.
Orik spoke to the dwarfs gesturing at Eragon. They quickly nodded to Orik, and made their way down the staircase that Eragon had just came up. Orik opened the door, motioning for Eragon to enter.
He entered the dragonhold, and was glad to see that Saphira was already inside. The space was large, but Eragon was unsure of how it could hold more than one fully grown dragon. Walking towards Saphira, Eragon started to undue the various straps of her saddle. Orik closed the door gently behind him, walking slightly forward into the room.
"We will have food sent up for the both of you," Orik said, "though I must ask, Eragon, do you follow the ways of the elves?"
Eragon grunted, turning to face the dwarf. "Sometimes. I eat flesh if I have need to, but I would prefer if I did not."
Orik's face flashed, as though discomforted by the thought, "Very well. I'll have something suitable sent up." The dwarf glanced around the sparce area, "as well as a bed and some furniture. It would be an offense to keep from you the furnishings that your position affords."
Eragon shook his head, "I thank you, Orik, but I only ask for some bedding, as well as a basin to wash in. Saphira and I are most accustomed to living outdoors, and these are the only comforts I would ask."
Orik sighed under his breath, "As you say, Eragon. I will have what you ask for sent up immediately." The dwarf made his way towards the door before stopping briefly, "I must return to my kings' side. I have no doubt that he will call upon you soon, Rider."
He bid the dwarf goodbye, watching as Orik quickly left through the door. Sighing, Eragon finished removing Saphira's saddle, eliciting a quick lick on the cheek from the dragon. Placing the saddle down, Eragon inspected the dragonhold critically, before he began to cast various spells about the place. Somewhere wards of protection, stopping those who intended to harm him or Saphira. Others were wards of detection, letting him know who was inside the hold, as well as if any attempted to enter. Satisfied that his spells were complete, Eragon unstrapped the various bags from the saddle, watching as Saphira curled up, no doubt to take a nap.
Eragon removed the missive for Arya, setting it aside for now. It was but a few minutes, as Orik had said, before two loud knocks came at the door. Bidding them entrance, Eragon watched as dwarfs piled into the room, two of them carrying a large basin, two of them carrying various furs and other cloths. A few more trickled in, and in their hands Eragon spotted clothing, as well as a small trunk for storage. Eragon thanked each of the dwarves in their native language, watching as they cast wary eyes at the sleeping dragon.
They left as quickly as they came, and Eragon filed the basin with water using magic, heating it to his desired temperature. The magic drew water from the surrounding air, and Eragon had to make sure that it stretched far enough out so that the air in the hold wouldn't become too dry. Satisfied, Eragon undress, and quickly bathed himself in the warm water.
It was as he was getting dressed did another knock come at the door. The wards told him that it was elf, and Eragon tilted his head. Taking his tunic in his hands, Eragon called out, "enter."
Only after the door opened and Eragon saw that it was Arya did he finally slip on his tunic. He saw her eyes briefly roam his body, no doubt taking in the various scars that she had glimpsed. She said nothing after it, only bowing her head after entering the dragonhold.
"Greetings, Shur'tugal," Arya said, her voice the sweetest melody that Eragon had ever heard. He quickly shook the thoughts from his head, bowing to the ambassador. She had spoken in the ancient language, so Eragon returned it in kind.
"Arya Dröttningu," Eragon murmured. Her eyes flashed at him, and Eragon had trouble making out her emotions before her face once more became impassive.
"I ask that you not refer to me as such here, Shur'tugal. It would not do well for others to know who I truly am," Arya said, her sharp tone piercing at first, before she remembered that he was the elder of the two.
"Of course, Arya-vinr, my apologies," Eragon said, he quickly turned walking over the saddle bag laid out next to Saphira. Saphira had so much as stirred, but Eragon knew she was still listening to their conversation. The elf woman followed him, her expression clearing. Eragon grabbed the missive, holding it out for Arya to take. "From the Queen to the elven Ambassador."
Her face tightened as though pained, but she took the scroll without comment. She gazed at it for a few moments before her eyes settled on Saphira's form. After a while she turned away, motioning for Eragon to follow her. "Come, the Dwarven King wishes to meet the both of you."
Smiling, Eragon nudged Saphira, who let out a grumble from being roused from her rest. "Come on you great big lug, we have places to be."
Saphira hissed at him, her tail whipping him in the back. He saw a frown mar Arya's face, but when she saw him glance at her it vanished just as quickly. Stumbling from the blow, Eragon laughed, "I promise to rub your scales later, Saphira, and clean the grout from your teeth when we are done."
The great dragon hummed at him, and Eragon watched as she made her way onto her feet, her scales reflecting sharply in the light. I'll hold you to it, little-one. Her gaze turned towards the elf, who stood unmoving, gazing at the sapphire dragon. Saphira blinked, her mind reaching out to the elf, We are well met, Arya Evandar's-daughter.
He saw another brief emotion flash across her, before she inclined her head to the dragon, "Indeed, Saphira Bjartskular. I am glad to see a free dragon roam these lands. Too long has your kind been subjugated and pursued by the mad king."
Saphira hummed low in her throat, agreement flowing out from her. She turned towards the entrance to the dragonhold, Yes, too long. I will meet you Eragon below.
Eragon nodded, and both he and Arya watched as she leapt out of the hold, disappearing from their sight. Left alone with Arya, Eragon quickly retrieved his sword, strapping it his side before he turned to the door. He opened it, and figuring that Arya would be too proud for him to allow her through first, walked out into the hallway. Though he did hold it open so that she could pass through.
As they walked down the hallway, a thought struck Eragon, "Where are your companions, Arya?"
Her eyes met his briefly before moving away, continuing their trek, "They are already with the King and Ajihad. They sent out a summons for you, but I told them I would retrieve you myself."
Curiosity rose inside of Eragon as they made their way down the staircase. "I suspect you wished to speak with me, then."
Arya nodded, her gait slowing. They continued down the steps, but Eragon sensed she wished to draw out the conversation. "Yes, Shadeslayer."
Knowing what he did of elves, Eragon remained silent. They had only traveled down a few flights of stairs before Arya spoke once more, "I have many questions for you, some more pressing than others. But before that, I must ask. Earlier, during your conversation with Ajihad, you said that you once called the late elven king friend."
A sadness swept over him as he remembered the elf, "Aye," Eragon said, his words thick, "We were friends. I met him over two hundred years ago. I had known him for about fifty years before I left Alagaësia."
The elf nodded, her gaze holding his, "I do not recall too much of him, Eragon-elda, but I did happen to read a few of the scrolls he left behind. He mentioned you quite a bit, but never in too much detail."
"Ah," Eragon reminisced, "yes Evandar-vor always played his cards close to his chest, as it were." Eragon stopped the elf, his hand coming up to rest on her shoulder, "If there is anything you wish to know of him, Arya, I will gladly tell you. There is much that must remain unsaid, but I feel that I would do my old friend a disserve if I did not tell you what I could."
Arya's eyes were downcast for a moment, before meeting his. Something passed between the two and Eragon quickly removed his hand, feeling as though he been burned. Shaking his hand slightly, Eragon turned to continue down the stairs. Arya quickly matched his pace, her face once more blank. "I thank you, Shur'tugal. Perhaps one day I shall take you up on your offer."
Eragon said no more, feeling as though he had overstepped. They reached the end of the steps before Arya led him to the Great Hall, the doors looming above him. Saphira stood near the entrance, and Eragon watched, amusement flowing through him, as the both the dwarven guard and human guard kept glancing at her. They kept their distance, and their hands remained far from their weapons, something of which Eragon was glad. At their approach, the guards opened the grand doors, revealing the Hall inside. The doors moved silently, and as always Eragon marveled at the dwarven designs.
There was a young boy waiting inside, his eyes wide as he gazed upon the three of them. Even in his awe Eragon watched as he turned, yelling out the introduction of the rider and dragon. "Eragon Shadeslayer, and Saphira Brightscales, Your Majesty!"
Saphira hummed softly, Brightscales? Hmm. Fitting.
I agree, partner-of-my-heart, Eragon said.
They passed through two rows of statues, the long-dead monarchs numbering close to more than forty. Their ancient stares glared at the rider and dragon as they passed, and Eragon noticed not for the first time the empty alcoves meant for future kings.
At the other end of the Great Hall, Eragon could see the throne of the Dwarven King, upon which sat Hrothgar himself. Beside him stood Orik, his face and posture surprisingly stiff. On the king's other side stood Ajihad, and Eragon noticed the twin magicians behind the leader. Ignoring their presence, Eragon also made out the two other elves standing to the side of Ajihad. Fäolin's face was impassive, sparing Eragon no emotion. Glenwing smiled pleasantly, his expression calm and collected. They made their way towards the throne, Saphira's steps echoing loudly in the hall.
Hrothgar sat still upon his throne, closely resembling the statues that they had passed. His white beard was tucked into his belt, with a hammer laid plainly across his lap. The golden helm he wore shone brightly in the light, a glint catching Eragon's eye for a moment as he moved. Hrothgar was old, even for a dwarf, and Eragon could see the strains of time beneath is veneer.
Reaching the foot of the small, raised platform, Eragon bowed, "Your Majesty."
Saphira inclined her head, showing her respect for the monarch, and her thoughts projecting forward, King Hrothgar.
The silence was deafening for a brief time, before the Dwarven King jumped from his seat, the war hammer Volund grasped quickly in the Hrothgar's hand. Orik stiffened beside the king, as did Ajihad, but neither made any move. Hrothgar moved with quickness that belied his stature, coming to rest in front of the Rider. Eragon heard the Dwarven King's hands tighten on his hammer, but made no move himself.
It was but a moment until the King laughed, and Eragon hid his smirk. "Of all the Riders to survive, it would be you, Eragon."
The kings voice boomed in the hall, and Eragon saw that even the elves were stiff. Arya had moved to the side, standing now amongst her kin. He felt a pang in his heart, though he did not show it, letting the feeling flow through him before forgetting it. Raising up to his full height, Eragon towed over the King, even though the king himself was raised up on the platform.
"Tell me, Your Majesty, is that throne still so uncomfortable after all this time?" Eragon asked.
He saw the others frown, but he felt amusement flow through Saphira. Hrothgar shook his head, the hand gripping Volund relaxing. "Always and forever, Rider. The weight of the Kingdom weighs heavily on my head, as it always has."
Eragon nodded, relaxing his posture. He moved his hands behind his back, one hand gripping the others wrist. "I am glad to see you, King Hrothgar. It has indeed been a long time."
The old king nodded, and Eragon saw the others in the hall relax slightly. The dwarf made is way to his throne, resuming the position he held when Eragon first entered, his hammer once again resting across his lap. Eragon remained where he was, watching the king.
Hrothgar nodded his head towards Saphira, "Dragon, it has been centuries since I saw you last. Though our races have never gotten along, it is good to see that one such as yourself lives."
Saphira inclined her head, but made no reply in kind. Hrothgar, as though expecting such, turned his gaze back to Eragon. "Tell me, Rider of old, what is your purpose here?"
Eragon remained still, his thoughts taking a moment to collect. Though he was on good terms with the king, especially considering he was a Rider, he knew it would not do well to cause offense. "I am here, King Hrothgar, to lend my aid to the Varden. Too long has Galbatorix remained in power, his injustice marring the land. Saphira and I returned to find our home different than when we left it, and we intend to take back what was stolen from us."
Hrothgar remained silent, his gaze burrowing into the Rider. "And what would you do, then? After Galbatorix is removed, if such a thing possible. Would you take up the throne yourself?"
A frown graced itself upon his face, but Eragon kept his words level, "I have no desire for a throne. I am a Dragon Rider, and as such I am forbidden to ever rule over another. No. Saphira and I will rebuild what we lost, and return the Order to its rightful state."
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ajihad nod softly, as though pleased with his words. Arya smiled briefly, as did Glenwing. Fäolin, however, merely crossed his arms in front of his chest, his expression carefully blank. Hrothgar frowned, his voice deep and ancient, "The Riders are dead, Eragon. There time has come and gone. They will never rise again."
Eragon bowed to the king, "On this, Majesty, we disagree."
Hrothgar made no move to change his mind, and Eragon kept his eyes locked upon the dwarven king. "Of all the other Riders, Eragon, you are remembered most fondly. Some, when they find out who you are, will welcome you into their home. Others will always remain wary of the Riders, for our memories are long and slow to change. If you wish to help my people, and that of the Varden, you will need to show them with action, not words."
"I will keep that in mind," Eragon said. He did not bow this time, his gaze resting upon the king.
"Go, then, Old-one," Hrothgar said, "I have much to do. My advisors wait even now for me, for there are matters that only I can attend."
Eragon nodded, turning with Saphira to exit. He heard Ajihad follow behind, the twins hovering over his shoulder. He could scarcely make out the elves soft patter of feet behind. Orik whispered a few words with the king before rushing ahead of the Rider and Dragon. Orik gestured towards the guards, who at once opened the grand doors. Once the group was situated in the hallway, the doors closing did Ajihad turn towards Eragon.
"That went better than I expected," Ajihad said, "The dwarves have never gotten along with the Riders. They think your kind too meddlesome in their affairs."
Eragon nodded, "Yes, Riders have been known to do such. I never did when I was here, and it seems that it was good that I did not. I have long since learned to leave others matters to themselves."
Orik nodded beside them, his face stroking his long beard, "Still, Eragon. I did not know that you and Hrothgar knew each other so well."
Eragon felt Saphira's head snaking next to his own, and he gently stroked her scales. The elves were watching him, waiting to see what he would say. The twins remained impassive behind Ajihad their thoughts hidden. Turning to answer Orik, Eragon said, "Know each other well? No, we meet but a few times. Though Vrael often met with the King he would sometimes send me in his stead. But that was before I left. I know not if Vrael spoke with the King after, and I doubt Hrothgar would ever tell me if they did."
Ajihad turned down a hallway, motioning for the group to follow. "Come, Rider, there is much we need to discuss. Arya, you and your kin are welcome to join, as I imagine our discussions will affect your race as well."
Arya, after a quick glance at her companions, nodded, "We will join you, Ajihad."
Saphira turned, making her way out of the hall, her words only for Eragon, I will return to the dragonhold.
Eragon nodded, even if he knew Saphira couldn't see him. The others turned towards him; the question clear on their faces. "She will listen to our talk through me. Saphira wishes to rest from her flight, and if she has anything to say I will relay it."
Ajihad gave him a short nod, turning away from the group. The twins followed close behind, but at a way from the Leader move to stand aside. They did not seem to be pleased to be dismissed, but said nothing. The elves quickly followed Ajihad down the hall, and Eragon completely ignored the twins as he passed by.
After walking for some time Ajihad stopped before a door, gesturing for the guards stationed to open it. Eragon followed inside last, taking in the large table in the center, arranged with various maps and scrolls. His eyes moved quickly over them, before watching as Ajihad crossed to the other side and took a seat, his position opposite the doorway. Arya sat to Ajihad's right, a few chairs down, and the elves stood behind her. Eragon took the seat directly across from the Varden leader.
As he sat, Eragon stretched out his legs, his posture slack in the chair. No one spoke, and Eragon was content enough to break the silence. It wasn't long before a knock came at the door, and after Ajihad bid them entrance did Eragon turn in his seat to see who it was. A man entered, dressed in what Eragon could only assume was a military garb. The man was older than most soldiers, gazing at Eragon with a stern look.
"Good, you are here Jörmundur," Ajihad said, waving his hand at the man. Jörmundur strode quickly through the chamber, nodding his head at Eragon. Eragon returned the gesture, watching as the man sat down next to Ajihad.
"There are a few questions I have for you, Eragon." Ajihad bid. "We do not know much about you, save for what others have told us. Even the elves here refuse to speak about you. From the small time that we have had, we haven't been able to gather much about your past."
Eragon turned his gaze to the elves, watching as they in turn watched him. "I'm not surprised," he said, "Elves deem it inappropriate to talk such about others."
He looked back at Ajihad, shrugging one shoulder, "I will answer what I can, if that will satisfy you."
Ajihad glanced at his right-hand man, before speaking, "We will start off easy, then. If you are to help the Varden, we need to ascertain your abilities."
Eragon made to speak but was cut off by Arya, "Eragon is a fully trained Rider, Ajihad, bonded for over two hundred years. He would be extremely proficient at magic, below only the strongest of the elven spellcasters. As a Rider, he would be sufficiently trained in matters such as politics, battle strategy, as well as literature. Riders were considered often to be sages, and his advice should be closely listened to, for there are so few as wise as those that spend their lives with dragons. He holds a Rider's sword, given to those who's abilities remained unmatched on the battlefield."
Eragon's eyebrows rose at her description, surprise flowing through him. He felt Saphira, who was listening through their bond, express her amusement, it seems the elf knows quite a lot about the Riders.
Agreeing with Saphira, Eragon spoke aloud, "What Ambassador Arya says is true enough."
Ajihad nodded, his brows deep in thought. It took a moment before he spoke again, his words weighed down, as though he wished to not cause offense, "You said you were Brom's son, yes?" When Eragon nodded, Ajihad continued, "You even told me yourself that you are human. Then tell me, please, why you appear like an elf."
Ah, Eragon thought, I knew this would come up. Sighing deeply, he felt Saphira's mind push away his dark thoughts, and he sent a wave at gratitude her way. Sifting in his seat, Eragon began his tale, "Normally I would shrug off such a question, but I know that you wish to see the true merit of who I am. I mentioned this earlier, but over two hundred years ago I slew a Shade in Belatona."
Ajihad nodded, and he could see that he had the attention of the elves as well, "Yes," Ajihad responded, "Few enough know the story. I only know that it involved two Riders and a shade."
"More than what most know," Eragon said, "save perhaps them." At this he nodded his head to the elves, but they did not respond. "I can only tell you so much, for my oath forbids me to reveal too much. The Shade- The Shade killed the other Rider. During our fight I was struck by the Shade, wounded deeply."
In the end I managed to kill the Shade, but he cursed my wound. Saphira took me straight back to the Riders on Vroengard, and the Elder Dragons healed me with there magic, telling me that my sacrifice would forever be remembered by the dragons," Eragon finished. His voice was low, soft enough that he knew Ajihad and Jörmundur could barely hear him.
"Dragonkiller," Fäolin said, venom clear in his accusation.
Eragon froze, the grief once again rising up in him. He noticed the others freeze as well, Arya's eyes wide with surprise, her mouth open. All of them made to speak, but were interrupted by a strong presence. Fäolin lurched in his seat, his mind seized, and Eragon could feel the wrath that emanated from Saphira, her mind surrounding the chamber members. All of them, Eragon excluded, were trapped by her presence, pinned in their bodies as her anger rained down.
Her ire echoed even in Eragon's mind, and it felt to him that the whole world was shaking. He could sense the elves and two men struggle under her grasp, but they were not able to escape. Fists pounded at the door outside, but the soldiers were unable to get in, and no one was capable of standing to offer assistance.
Saphira spoke then, and it felt to Eragon as if fire itself poured into his skull, her words drowning out all else, You know not of what you speak elfling! If you were before me, I would rend you open with my claws, feast upon your innards, and use your bones to pick my teeth!
He saw the others pale, and speaking softly, both to Saphira and those around him with his mind he said, Saphira, please. That's enough.
No! Saphira cried out, her mind pressing hard against his own. She did not hurt him, but he could see from the others expressions that she had tightened her grip on their minds. What you did, you did in the name of all dragons. You freed that hatchling from a life of torment, taking it upon yourself instead! I will not have them belittle you!
Eragon sent waves of emotion at her, attempting to slow the fire that was burning in her mind. Her anger remained for a few minutes, the others still caught in her grip, before Eragon softly said, let them go, Saphira. Please.
She relented, her mind slowly withdrawing. He watched as the others gasped for air, as though Saphira had squeezed their bodies as well. She removed her presence complete from the room, her connection with Eragon small at best. Saphira could still hear through him, but he knew she needed time to calm her wrath.
Arya's eyes were on the ceiling, as if she could see Saphira so far above them. Glenwing held his hand to his head, rubbing at the side as though still pained. Fäolin remained pale, but his expression had cleared, eyes taking Eragon in. He couldn't read the elf's expression, and Eragon wondered for a moment how the elf knew what he had done. Ajihad and Jörmundur seemed completely stunned, and Eragon realized that they had never experienced the true power and rage a dragon could command.
Speaking softly, Eragon let his voice carry out, each word deliberately slow, "I am sorry, Ajihad, Jörmundur, about that."
He felt Saphira growl deeply in his mind, but he ignored her. Fäolin made to speak, but was silence by Arya's hand, which had tightly gripped his shoulder before she released him.
"Fäolin is correct," Eragon said, letting for the first time his grief sink into his voice, "I did kill a dragon that day. The hatchling was- Forgive me, my oath prevents me from saying what I wish."
Eragon shook his head briefly, thoughts racing. After a moment did he finally speak, words trembling against his oath, "The hatchlings mind was twisted by the Shade."
He said no more, but he saw Ajihad nodding, regaining his bearing slowly. "I have to face a Shade before, I know of the dark magic they wield."
Eragon shook his head, knowing that they did not truly understand, but the six of them remained quiet for a moment. The pounding at the doors started again, and Ajihad called out that they were unharmed, and there was no need for panic. Sighing deeply, Eragon calmed his mind, letting his grief fall away. "To continue, the Elder dragons magic changed me, healing me of the wound inflicted by the Shade. The side effect was my appearance as well. Though I did become stronger and faster, so great was the elders magic."
Ajihad swallowed, as though still hesitant at their conversation. Eragon nodded, gesturing for the man to continue, "I see. I do have a few more questions for you if you are willing, Eragon."
"Aye," Eragon said, his gaze sliding over to the elves. Arya's own gaze was set upon him, her emerald eyes burned into his mind. Glenwing was glancing about, eyes roaming the chamber. Fäolin remained still, as though Saphira's rage had gave the elf pause.
Clearing his throat, Ajihad asked, "Brom was your father. Something I could hardly imagine to be true. Have you spoken to him since your return?"
Frowning, Eragon shook his head, "No. I haven't seen or spoken to my father since before I left."
"Ah," Ajihad said, "we too have not heard from him in years. I hope with your return, should he still be out there, that he will seek us out again."
"In the light of what has happened," Ajihad said, his voice tense, "I will ask no further questions today. Though I suspect you have your own to ask us?"
Eragon nodded. He wanted to know so much, to know all that occurred to the Varden in the years past, but now was not the time. Instead, he said, "I have heard tale that you have a lead on the remaining egg."
If Ajihad was surprised at his knowledge, it did not show in his voice, "Aye. I will not say much, as to protect those involved, but it should be carried out soon enough."
Eragon nodded, turning his gaze away. "Did you wish to join them?"
The elves perked up at the question, all three gazes turned his way. Meeting Ajihad's eyes once more, he said, "I do, but I know that I cannot. It would be a huge risk for me to be so close to Galbatorix's seat of power."
Ajihad seemed satisfied with his answer, "Good."
"I will ask," Eragon said, "that when the egg is retrieved, that I be there. And that the egg be given into my custody."
Ajihad stiffened, but to Eragon's amazement the elves remained impassive. "That egg is one few things left to give the Varden hope, Eragon."
Eragon nodded, his own face stern, "Yes I understand that. But you have to understand that my duty is to the dragon's first. I will not hide the egg away. If the egg is to hatch, it is a Rider's responsibility to oversee their protection and training. Not the Varden's."
He saw Arya nod, seemingly agreeing with him, "You intend to carry the egg yourself?"
Eragon shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe. I'm not sure. But I must be certain that the egg is unharmed, as well as protected. If the time comes that I cannot carry it myself, it is my duty to ensure it is entrusted to someone that can."
He saw Ajihad struggle with his declaration. "We have worked tirelessly to gain the necessary information, Rider. I will not have someone swoop in and take our reward."
Eyes flashing, Eragon spoke, "I think you do not understand Ajihad. That egg will come to Saphira and I. We intend to aid the Varden, and once the Rider is trained, they will too. The dragons will no doubt thank your efforts, as will the Riders. You who have done what we could not. I am not a child, and I know what must happen."
Standing from his seat, Eragon watched as the others stood as well. "The egg will remain with me, so that I can protect it. If we are to find the dragon's rider, I promise you that I will take your council seriously, and with the proper weight it deserves. Do not fight me on this, Ajihad. I come to offer my services, to aid you in reclaiming your home, and my order as well. I will not undue the work you have done."
Ajihad stared silently at the Rider, eyes dark eyes roaming across Eragon's features. He knew, that the Varden leader would find nothing but determination in him. Too long had he been away, unable to fulfill his duty. He could feel Saphira agree with his decision, her resolve bolstering his own. After a few minutes did Ajihad finally relent, leaning heavily on the table before him.
"You are right, Rider," Ajihad, ignoring Jörmundur's protests beside him. "Your duty is to the egg, and mine is to my people. I only ask that you help me complete my duty, and I shall help you with your own."
Eragon turned, his strides quick as he made is way to the door. Before he left, Eragon turned towards the gathered party, "This I promise, as my word as a Rider."