Chapter 19 - 25

The next day Percy woke up with a panic attack. Not the expected response for a guy who just spent last night making out with a beautiful woman, true, but he was no ordinary man now was he?

As he got ready for the day Percy didn't know what he was supposed to do or think. He never had a relationship, never had even the semblance of a relationship, or at least a stable one.

And what were they? They didn't have much time to discuss the points of their relationship between all the kissing. Was she serious about him? Was he serious about her? Would he have to tell her about the Gods?

But above all the questions he had one fear, that Hecate was going to kill him with embarrassment when she finds he was with another veela.

Kelly yawned as she woke up, Percy smiled, "morning girl, had a nice night?"

"Sleepy," she grumbled as she once again fell asleep. Chuckling at her antics Percy took the mini veela and put her inside his hood, keep her safe and close by.

He walked down to the Great Hall as soon as he was ready and found it packed it people all dressed in casual clothing. It was a rare sight in Hogwarts, but since it was Christmas vacation and almost everyone opted to stay behind for the ball there were a lot of people there.

Percy yawned as he walked down the tables, he noticed that his Hufflepuff friends weren't here yet, probably all still in bed or just too lazy to get up. But luckily it seems Harry was an early riser.

"Harry!" Percy cheered as he sat down next to the fourth champion, "how have you been?"

Harry smiled, "good Percy, and you?"

"Can't complain," Percy smiled, he looked Harry over and noticed the boy looked ragged, he still wore his cousin's shitty clothes, but more than that he look tired, like he didn't get much sleep last night.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked, "didn't get much sleep last night?"

Harry sighed, "yes,'s that dream again."

"The one Voldemort keeps sending you?" Percy lowered hi voice to a whisper.

Harry nodded, "yes...are you sure it's him thought?"

"Trust me mate, it's always the psychotic mass murderer, they can't help it, it's their thing. Anyway, have you managed to remember anything at all about the dream? Anything at all?"

Harry sighed, "no, sorry, nothing that makes sense that is."

Percy shrugged, "yeah, didn't think so...maybe you try some mind arts, should help you focus your attention during these visions."

"Mind arts?" Harry asked confused.

"Oh, right, well as you may or may not know wizards can read minds."


Percy chuckled, "yeah, that was my reaction as well. Anyway, yeah, not all of them can do this though, it take a lot of mental focus and power to read another person's mind, so only first rank wizards can do it...or someone who's stupidly good at it."

"So there are people here that can read my mind?" Harry asked fearfully.

Percy nodded, "yeah, but don't worry, like I said, it's very rare. Maybe Dumbledore could do it, but that's just my guess. But worry not, there is a way to block it."


"Well you see in mind arts there are two branches..." and Percy proceed to explain what the different branches were and just how they were different. He answered any questions Harry asked to the best of his abilities, though he was frank in stating there were things he simply didn't know.

"This is just one big headache after another," Harry sighed, "Percy, could you….could you teach me?"

Percy sighed, "sorry bro, but I can't. Remember what I said? Only first rank wizards can pull it off, or someone who's stupidly good at it. I'm a natural, so I never really trained at it. It just sort of happens. But hey, if you want ask Hecate, she knows all about it. I'm sure she would be willing to help."

Harry looked sad not nodded, "right. I'll do that then."

"Good, now that that's settled tell me, how was last night?" Percy asked with a small smirk.

Harry smiled, "it was...amazing."

"Did you and Susan have fun?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded, "we danced a little, then I took her to the garden. Don't think I didn't notice you and Fleur there as well, we just didn't want to intrude. But we found out own spot and we just enjoyed the silence."

"Huh….did you kiss her goodnight?"

"Percy!" Harry blushed red.

"What? It's a perfectly normal question to ask. Did you kiss her or not?"

"Not so loud!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "well?"

Harry's face was red, "y-yeah...I did."


"...It was the single most amazing night of my life."

Percy grinned, "you're welcome."

"Don't pretend this was all you're doing Jackson!"

"Yes it is! If I didn't dare you to ask her out in the first place this never would have happened!" Percy grinned as he dug into his breakfast, "face it Potter, I'm your pimp."

Harry spat out his drink in shock as Percy laughed. They spent some time talking and eating, until she walked in.

People turned and stared at her. Percy noticed she wasn't wearing the ring he gave her, good, he didn't want her to feel ashamed of her own heritage.

She looked around the Hufflepuff table for him and frowned when she didn't find him. But just then she locked eyes with him in the Gryffindor table and smiled.

She walked over to him, her hair bouncing with each step. Boys still turned their heads to get a look at her, though her allure no longer worked on them.

Percy smiled, "morning pretty bird. How did you sleep?"

"Well enoug'," she smiled as she sat down besides Percy, leaving no gap between them. She pulled up a plate and filled it with food, noticing Harry she nodded, "morning 'Arry, 'ow waz your nig't?"

Harry blinked, he shrugged, "can't complain."

The veela smiled, "good, I zaw you and Zuzan 'aving a fun time, iz it zeriouz?"

Harry shrugged, "I would like that. I mean I never really brought it up, but I think she likes me that way know maybe I can call it serious."

Fleur nodded, "good, open dialogue iz very important in any relationzhip," she finished looking directly at Percy.

The demigod rolled his eyes, "really subtle there Fleur," he lowered his voice, "do you want to talk about last night?"

Fleur looked at his eyes and raised an eyebrow, "really? You t'ink we z'ould? You do realise I 'ad to explain away theze thiz morning," she asked pulling down her uniform relieving her neckline which was covered in hickeys.

Percy blushed, " my defence you tasted really good."

"And that's my cue to leave," Harry got up and walked to the Hufflepuff table where Susan waved him over. They sat close together, looking at Percy and Fleur, wondering what the older couple were taking about.

Fleur glared at Percy, "do you know 'ow embarrazzed I was? Camille 'ad t'e gall to azk me if I 'ad bed bugz in my room!"

Percy gulped, "sorry. But I mean come on, you knew this would happen right?"

"No!" Fleur hissed, "one or two maybe, but not t'eze many! I tried my bezt to vaniz' them away but couldn't!"

Percy chuckled, "maybe you should try make up?"

Fleur growled, she grabbed his collar and pulled it down revealing his smooth unblemished skin, "'ow don't you have a zingle one?!"

Percy grinned, "I have thick skin," she growled, Percy couldn't help it, he lowered his voice and whispered, "if you want we can spend the rest of the day seeing if you can give me one."

Fleur's face blushed red, she spluttered trying to respond as Percy laughed at her embarrassment. They ate breakfast together, chatting about everything that happened last night. They were sitting at the Gryffindor table, a house neither of them belonged too. But no lion wanted to disturb them by asking them to leave, they were in a bubble of their own, plus the couple was very easy on the eyes.

They finished breakfast and walked outside hand in hand. The grounds was covered with snow, there were in Northern Scotland after all. Percy casted several warming charms on their clothes fo which Fleur was grateful for. The french veela was not used to the cold at all.

They walked on the crunchy snow to the lake and sat down under their favorite tree. Fleur snuggled close to him as they looked onto the lake, admiring it's beauty. She spoke first, "would you want to be with zomeone like me?"

Percy laughed, "don't beat around the bush do you?"

Fleur smiled but didn't laugh, "no...but would you?"

"Of course I would," Percy smiled, "you're amazing."


"-But nothing," he flicked her ear, "listen Tweety bird, I think you're great, and I know it's going to be hard work but...well I'm more than willing to give it a shot. I mean, if you want too that is," Percy ended with a nervous gulp.

Fleur looked at him and slowly smiled, she leaned forward and kissed him on the lips, gently, like to seal a promise, she moved back and whispered, "of courze I do."

And Percy swore his mind stopped working once more.

Before it exploded into happiness, fear, worry, nervousness and an overall feeling of suspense. He had no idea what he was doing, his heart beating faster and faster until Fleur laughter brought him out of his shock.

She laughed, "you don't 'ave to look zo horrified Perzy."

The demigod sighed, "sorry, just nervous I think."

"Nervouz? About w'at?" she asked with an innocent smile.

"Well," he squeaked out. The veela threw her head back and laughed, Percy scowled, "stop it!"

"Can't! Too funny!"

Percy grumbled as slowly she settled down and they enjoyed the peace and quiet the cold December evening brought. That is until a snowball came flying at Percy's head splatting on the side of his face.

Fleur looked up, Percy's face was one of quiet rage and disbelief. He blinked once, twice, controlling his anger. She couldn't help it, she roared with laughter.

"Who threw this," Percy growled as he turned slowly, immediately he spotted Juan, Cedric and a few other Hufflepuff's staring at him with snowballs in hand. They looked at his anger covered face and felt fear pass through them.

Percy got up, Fleur still holding her stomach in laughter, he turned towards them, "you want to play? Let's play."

He raised his hands and felt the snow around him. Snow was condensed water, and Percy had no trouble controlling it.

The Hogwarts students gasped as large snowmen sized balls of snow rose from the ground and formed in front of Percy. He threw his arms forward launching them, "attack!"

The giant snowballs flew like lightning. The students turned and began to run, but they didn't stand a chance.

Some time later:

Hermione whispered as she walked down the stairs, her now smooth hair bouncing behind her. The girl had to admit it was a strange feeling with her hair so light, but it was a good change.

As she neared the Great Hall though she saw several figures walk into the castle and for a moment she stopped.

The snow covered Hufflepuff student growled as they waddled their way into warmth. They were covered from head to toe with snow, looking like snowmen that were sentient.

And for one Hermione Granger who had seen quite a few horror movies with killer snowmen it was the last straw. She turned around, running away as fast as she could, screaming at the top of her lungs, "evil snowmen! Run for your lives!"

Percy and Fleur, who were leading the rear of the group, and completely dry of any form of snow, walked in front and watched Hermione run away.

"What iz wrong wit' 'er?" Fleur asked surprised.

"I don't know, but I think she doesn't like snowmen," Percy hummed.

"We hate you Jackson," Cedric, growled, though you wouldn't know it was the pretty boy talking since his face was covered with snow.

Percy shrugged, "don't look at me, you're the idiots who challenged the guy who is freakishly good at water magic to a snowball fight."

"There's no such thing as water magic!" Juan yelled out.

Percy shrugged, "then why are you covered in snow and I'm not?"

That day went on as normal. Percy and Fleur got to talking privately for a while before they were ambushed by their friends who forced them to hang out with them. It was a good day, but nothing special in the end. The next day however was a day to remember.

It was the day Percy Jackson made his first true enemy in the wizarding world.

The newly formed couple walked hand in hand into the Great Hall, a sight many were still getting used too. They sat down at the Hufflepuff table and wished their friends a good morning.

Many laughs were shared and jokes made at their expense. But Percy and Fleur took them all in good fun. And then the paper had arrived.

Percy didn't notice it at the time, but slowly the majority of the people's eyes turned to him and Fleur, whispering about them.

"P-Percy," Juan gulped as he pushed the paper into his hands, "y-you might want to see this."

The Daily Prophet's headline read, 'Hogwarts champion ensnared by veela?!' And below was an article that described in detail the events that happened after they left the Great Hall and entered the gardens. What they talked about, their deepest private moments.

And guess who wrote it?

Rita Skeeter.

The moment Percy read the cover he was shocked, he said nothing as Fleur cried in embarrassment. People were smirking and gossiping like nobody's business.

"Hey Jackson!" Draco stood up with a wide grin, "can you sing for us as well?! Come one Champion! Sing for us!"

Percy felt something in him being stretched out, like a rubber band.

"Hey are you listening to me?!" Draco cried out as his cronies laughed, "what's the matter, does the 'God' not want to talk to us mere mortals?!"

And it snapped.

Percy got up, Fleur looked up and saw the rage in his eyes. She grabbed his hand, "no Perzy don't!"

Percy stopped, he looked down at her, her eyes were filled with tears, she was hurt, but she cared more about his actions then his feelings. Percy felt horrible, she was hurt, yet she still didn't want him to do something wrong.

But he couldn't help it, the anger, the taunts, he felt his power call out, call out for something to protect him and FLeur, to protect them from the people gawking at them. And suddenly a great shadow loomed over the Hogwarts windows.

"Look!" someone cried out.

They turned, and right outside the window was a large wave of water, raising up from the Black Lake 60 feet below, covering the windows with it's mass. And suddenly it came crashing down through the windows, absorbing the glass pieces into itself to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

"AH!" the student all yelled in a panic, assumed they were going to be swallowed by the indoor tsunami, some quick thinkers even managed to draw their wands and curse the water away, but the water was being controlled by a demigod, not something a mere wizard could overpower.

The water broke apart into several tendrils, crashing down onto tables before bouncing upward and back down again. The water was meticulous, the attacks were coordinated, Percy wanted the papers destroyed, and so they would be.

Like snakes striking their targets the jets of waters swooped around the hall, swallowing up every copy of the Daily Prophet inside the hall. It didn't touch the student's food or any books laid out on the table. Percy was only after one thing.

The water then merged together as one and went through the window into the Lake below, the editions of the day's newspapers all gone, leaving behind only a few wet spots on the tables and several confused and amazed students.

Just then an owl came in, it's screech drew everyone's attention. In its legs was today's edition of the paper, guess this one was late. But before it could even land, the water in the jugs present on the table leaped up, grabbed the newspaper and jumped out of the window to join the other copies, leaving a very confused and pissed off bird.

The Hall was silent. The teachers had a look of utter confusion. There were teachers from three countries in that hall, the best in their field and arguably the most experienced wands in the entire continent of Europe. And they had never seen anything like that in their life.

Everyone turned to Percy, the American 'wizard' was silent as he meet their gazes. He opened his mouth and spoke in a low tone of voice, "if anyone here says a word about today's paper I will personally throw them into the lake and have Nick keep you there for a week."

The students were all silent. They didn't say a word. Percy turned to Fleur and offered his hand. The veela took it, looking in shock as to what just happened, but followed him still as he lead her out of the hall.

They went up to the fifth floor and Percy stopped. Fleur was about to ask what they were doing here when he picked her up bridal style and using his cloak they floated up to the entrance to Percy's secret room, 'The Forest.'

Fleur blinked in surprise, she hadn't even enoticed this was there! The door opened and Percy walked in, putting Fleur down. They climbed up the trap door and entered the hidden room. Fleur gasping at the sight of it.

The room had undergone several changes since Percy first found it. There was a desk covered with notes in front of them with a very comfortable looking lounge behind it.

There was a chalk board set up on the wall with a list of ideas and doodles drawn over it, some were of Percy's inventions, others were of his flying around with the cape. There was a cauldron in one corner currently steaming with several boxes of ingredients arranged next to it.

Fleur looked at it all in awe, she had never seen this before, "w'at iz thiz place?" she asked.

"It's my fortress of solitude I guess," Percy sighed as he sat down in a corner leaning against the stone wall, "I come here when I want to be alone. Work on something cool...stuff like that."

"You never told me about t'iz place," she said as she sat down next to him.

"It wouldn't be much of a hide out if I advertised it," he shrugged.

She leaned on his shoulder, they both said nothing. Percy looked down, he could see the stains of tears on her skin, he sighed, "I'm sorry this happened. I didn't know we were being listened too."

"It'z not your fault," she kissed his cheek, "I am zorry I cried, I overreacted. It'z really not t'at bad."

"No, it is," Percy growled, "where does she get off writing about people's lives like that? What type of piece of shit," Percy stopped himself and sighed letting out the pent up rage, "I'm going to have a talk to her about this the next time we meet."

"Don't 'urt her."

"No," Percy smiled, "maybe I'll just prank her or something. Should be fun," Percy's humor though slowly faded away. He leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, the glass skylight was so beautiful, the sky was grey and heavy, it looked it it was going to snow.

"Perzy…'ow…'ow did you do that?" she finally asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

Percy smiled, "would you believe me if I said it was magic?"

"I 'ave never know of any wizard w'o could do w'at you did," Fleur argued, "no one."

Percy chuckled, "yeah okay….I suppose," he closed his eyes and thought, 'should I tell her? Should I tell her about everything?, it wouldn't be fair. She just started to be with me, telling her everything now would put too much pressure on her and this relationship. So maybe just...maybe just a version of the truth.'

Making up his mind Percy sighed, "my dad isn't a wizard."

Fleur blinked, "you are muggleborn t'en?"

"No, I'm...I'm something else," Percy grumbled, "okay basically I'm...I'm...well I suppose in a way I'm like you."

The veela blinked, "like me? What do you mean? I don't underztand."

"Have you heard of a sea nymph?" Percy asked.

"Yes, I 'ave, t'ey are greek water zpiritz yez?" Fleur guessed.

Percy nodded, "right in one. They are basically the physical embodiment of any form of water, lake, stream, ocean. And dad's one," he half-lied.

Fleur's eyes went wide, "w'at?"

Percy sighed, "he's a water nymph. He can control water, talk to sea creatures, the whole deal. He's the spirit of the Atlantic Ocean and he's greek. My mom meet him in Mountank," which was actually true, "they were together for some time and then they had me."

"Y-you're a 'alf-bred?" Fleur asked, a sense of awe in her tone.

Percy shrugged, "yeah, but I'm a lot more than just that. You see the children of nymphs….well for a lack of better word, we're tasty. Like really tasty. Monsters like to eat us and chew on our bones, so my mom and dad had to keep me hidden. My dad had to leave, after all he was the Atlantic ocean, if he wasn't paying attention all life in his ocean would die. My mom had to raise me all by herself, and for a time it was fine.

"Then some shit happened and I was forced to move here to avoid getting into any trouble. My aunt taught me everything there is to know about my magic and I am."

Fleur's eyes looked like they were spinning, her mind processing all she had just learnt. She blinked, "zo...a'...w'at doez t'at make you?"

Percy chuckled, "well I suppose I would be called a child of the sea."

"And...t'ere are otherz?"

"Yeah, I mean, no brothers or sisters, my dad only had me...well he also had another son, a cyclops by the name of Tyson, great kid, loves smithing weapons. But yeah, there are other children like me," Percy stopped there, not wanting to reveal everything about the Gods, Fleur was smart, of this he had no doubt, she would put together the clues if he allowed her too.

"Perzy...thiz iz all zo confuzing," the veela blinked in confusion, "w'at are you? 'Ow can you do magic if you are a 'alf-bred? Iz it anything like a veela?"

Percy chuckled, "well let's see...hmm, tell me Fleur where does magic come from?"

The french veela blinked, "I'm zorry?"

"How does a person gain the ability to wield magic?"

"I don't know."

Percy smiled, "well you see it's like this. We creatures of magic, people like you and me, are magic. We are created my magic, and our world interacting with the mortal world is...well for a lack of a better word, it created wizards."

So Percy went into a hour long lecture on just what magic was. He avoided all talk of the divine world, replacing it instead with phrases like 'magical world' and 'beings of magic'. And needless to say Fleur was pissed.

"Merde!" she cried out, "all this time their magic came from us and they treat us like second class scum?!"

Percy sighed, "yup."

"Fucking cock suckers! They killed so many in the name of blood purity and for what?! Because they cared whose line was the oldest?! Fucking idiotic fools!" Fleur cursed in her mother tongue, her fury getting the best of her.

Percy just smiled as she continued to yell her heart out, righteous fury and all that. Soon she calmed down, laying her head on his shoulder, a feeling which quickly became familiar for him.

"Thank you for telling me," Fleur whispered.

Percy nodded, "thank you for understanding."

"Of courze I would," Fleur chuckled, "did you t'ink I would reject you after finding out you were a zeaweed boy?"

Percy groaned, "not this again. I swear can't you think of any other name?"

"No, why? Did zomeone elze call you that?"

Percy chuckled, "almost everyone I know. There was a girl, Annabeth, she called my seaweed brain, really got on my nerves."

"Hm, t'en t'at'z what I'll call you, my little zeaweed brain."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "don't call me that."

"And w'y not?"

"Because every time you do I remember Annabeth, who I remind you was my first crush," Percy finished smirking.

Fleur shrugged, "t'en from now on you'll just remember me instead."

'Oh so that's how you want to play it huh?' Percy grinned, "fine by me. Just don't get angry when I call you by her name when we make out."

The veela stiffened, Percy feared he had gone too far. She turned to him and narrowed her eyes. The demigod gulped, "oh really? We'll zee about t'at."

His eyebrows went up in surprise, "what do you-"

Fleur threw herself on him, catching his lips in hers in a fierce lip lock. Percy was pushed to the ground as she climbed on top of him. Her legs straddling his chest while her hand ran through his hair.

Percy's hands rested on her hips, she broke the kiss and looked down at him. "I promize you Perzy Jackzon, you won't ever confuze my touch for anyone elze'z." Percy grinned, he could completely believe that.

That evening:

Percy and Fleur spent the day together in that room. They were too busy with each other to care about the rest of the world. So when did finally notice it was getting late, it was already dark outside.

They however did have some time to spare, dinner wouldn't be served for another hour. Fleur was dreading going back down there tonight, she didn't wish to face her Headmistress' gaze, even the french had limitations on how much time you could spend with your boyfriend, unsupervised.

But more than that she also didn't want to face the Hogwarts students again, at least not without informing them that testing their patients would be a big mistake. Percy suggested a prank, but it was Fleur who actually came up with an idea. And Percy swore she was evil incarnate when he heard what it was.

Percy carried Fleur as they flew down to grounds. They landed outside Hagrid's hut and snuck into the forbidden forest. It didn't' take long for Percy to find the Hippogriffs, Fleur conjured a bag and summoned a scoop of feces into it.

Levitating the bag at arm's length the couple then flew back to the castle, under one of Fleur's excellent invisibility charms, and snuck into the kitchen. It took some convincing, but Percy managed to bribe a Hogwarts house elf into baking the hyppogrif fences into a pie with chocolate and other spices to hide the flavour.

The elf was reluctant at first, but after Percy explained what they were planning he was all the more happy to help. Apparently he had something of a grudge against Draco Malfoy, one mention of the blonde prats name and the elf did a total 180. Percy remembered to get the elf something nice as a reward, maybe a sock, the elf was wearing a lot of them.

With everything set the two entered the Great Hall. As they arrived everyone turned and looked at them. Percy glared at anyone who he didn't think meant them well, Fleur held her nose high up, her high and mighty attitude served as her protection.

"Fleur," came a voice from the High table as Madam Maxim got up and walked to greet her student.

Fleur sighed as she bowed her head, "I'm sorry madam Maxim, I couldn't stand to face them after what had happened. I am willing to face any punishment you have for me." Percy raised an eyebrow and was about to speak up, but one look from Fleur told him she didn't need his help on this.

The gigantic woman's face softened, "oh Fleur you are so brave, acting so strong. Usually it would be none of my buisness who a student of mine spends her time with, but since it is you and your…..nature, I only wish that-"

"My veela allure doesn't effect Percy madam," Fleur spoke clearly, "he is immune, something I didn't realise was possible."

The headmistress looked surprised as she turned from Fleur to Percy, "what?"

"Yeah it's kind of complicated," Percy replied with a shrug, "my dad was pretty good with mind magic and it kind of just transferred over."

"That is amazing," the woman exclaimed "very well, we'll talk more about this later Fleur, for now enjoy your dinner, oh, and you may want to cover these up," she smirked as she buttoned Fleur's collar button, "the hikes are quite fresh."

Fleur blushed, "t-thank you madam," she turned around to a sniggering Percy and slapped his in the shoulder, blushing red. Her neck was covered in hickeys once more, and once more her concealment charms failed to be fully effective.

They walked to the Hufflepuff table where their friends all welcomed them. They were cordial and didn't pry too much into what they did, anyone with half a brain could have figured that out. They also didn't mention the day's paper, it was definitely not a good idea.

As the night went on Percy and Fleur kept glancing at the Slytherin table, specifically at Malfoy. Most thought it was because they were still pissed at the blonde fourth year, but only they knew the real answer.

During dessert they moved. Percy took out the special pie they had made and Fleur switched it with the one in front Draco. A younger Slytherin reached out to take a piece, shocking Percy and Fleur, they were about to switch the pie back when Draco interfered, pushed the little kids hand away and took the pie for himself.

He had his henchmen cut out three big pieces of the pie for themselves, leaving the rest. Seeing their chance, Fleur and Percy switched the pies once more, an action that drew the attention of a few people, though not enough to alarm them to the plan.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle ate the pies with gusto, their mouth smiling as they relished the strange treaty flavour. When they were done they went for another slice, only to be disappointed to find it was of a different make.

Percy nodded to Fleur as they got up and walked over to the Slytherin table. The hall followed them, conversations came to a halt. The two stopped before Draco and his cronies and looked down at them.

Draco snorted, "what do you want oh great champions?" spitting out the name.

"I just wanted to know one thing Draco," Percy spoke up, "why do you torment us? Like why do you care what our heritage is?"

"Because we are the true practicers of magic," Draco spat out, "it's an embarrassment they let a half-bred and a half-blood like you two compete. You two don't deserve the title of champion."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "and you do?"

Draco snorted, "of course!"

Fleur smiled, "tell me zomething, you engliz' 'ave an inzult for muggleborn yez? What iz it?"

"Why do you care you french tart?" Draco nodded her. He saw Snape walking towards them, he wanted Percy angry so that if he does something Snape would be there to stop them and get the two in trouble.

But to his surprise Percy did nothing. He just smiled, "the lady asked you something Malfoy."

"She isn't a lady, she's a beast in human skin," Draco smiled creepily, "and for your information, we call them by what they are," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "a mudblood."

Percy nodded, "I see, I see, well I suppose you might think they deserve such a harsh title, but we don't. In fact we think you deserve to be called something, isn't that right honey?"

Fleur nodded, "yez, in your language you would be called an inbred, uzing t'e zame blood over and over again, like a dog eating it'z own fecez becauze of a perverze interezt to eat w'at waz once inzide it."

"So, we decided we would call you a 'shit blood'," Percy took out a note, "and in order to make that statement all the more true."

He paced the note in front of Draco and the two of them walked away. The blonde Slytherin looked confused, he picked up the note and read it, Crabbe and Goyle looking over his shoulder:

We put Hippogriff shit in your pie. The slices you, Crabbe and Goyle enjoyed was filled with it. Enjoy. Eat shit.

Draco's face turned a green to match his robes. The three of them feel to the ground, vomiting their dinner out as hard as they could.

Everyone gasped as they began to puke their stomach contents out. Their friends backed away as Snape came to help them. He detected no magic involved, no potions or spell. He went to grab the note Percy left behind, but just then Percy snapped his fingers causing the runes he drew on the back of the note to activate, burning the note into ashes before Snape could read it.

The two sat down and smiled at the sight at the Slytherin table. They were going to get in trouble sure, but they had their alibi straight. The hall turned and looked at the two, their matching devilish smiles sent a shiver down their backs. And thus everyone in that hall learned not to mess with the veela and the American.

Later in the Headmaster's office:

"Like I told you a hundred times, we didn't do anything of the sort," Percy shrugged, "we just told him 'you're a horrible person Draco' and we left."

"Oh? And why is Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle all claiming you feed them a pie made out of," Dumbledore coughed, "Hippogryph feces?"

"T'ey are obviouzly lying," Fleur shrugged, "we did no zuch t'ing."

"Are you saying my students are liars?" Snape glared.

"Do you 'ave proof we did anything?" Fleur glared back, "if not it iz juzt our wordz against t'eirz. We, two c'ampionz, and t'em, t'ree fourt' year ztudentz who 'aven't been taug't common courtezy."

"We at Hogwarts don't raise lairs Ms. Delacour," McGonagall shoot back.

"No, you just allow the existence of a house that collects blood purists and acts as a breeding ground," Percy rolled his eyes, "totally different things."

"Mr. Jackson you will not talk to a professor like that," Sprout glared at Percy, and immediately the son of Poseidon felt bad.

He sighed, "I'm sorry professor, I let my anger get the better of me. It's just I want to know how Rita Skeeter got into the castle in the first place to eavesdrop on our conversation. Does Hogwarts have an open door policy or something?"

Dumbledore smiled, Percy realised the man had noticed Percy's attempt to change the conversation but did nothing to alert the others. Instead he replied, "I am personally looking into it Mr. Jackson, rest assured something will be done."

"I will see to it as well," Madam Maxim, who stood protectively behind Fleur, replied. "Now if this is all my champion must really be getting back to her room. It is late."

"Yes, by all means Madam Maxim, have a good night," Dumbledore nodded.

"You are letting them get away with this?" Snape hissed, "after what they did?!"

"Severus have you found any indication of wrongdoing on their part?" Dumbledore inquired.

"No, but-"

"-then it is like Ms. Delacour said, it is their words against three students. Sadly it would seem the perpetrator will not be brought in today," his eyes twinkled at Percy, "now, that will be all. You are all dismissed," Percy moved to get up, "except you Mr. Jackson."

Percy gulped, 'oh great,' he turned to Fleur who waved to him. Slowly the other professors left the room leaving Percy alone with the headmaster.

Percy looked around, this was his first time in here and he had to admit he liked the organized chaos theme the old man was going for. There were instruments laying about everywhere, silver shinning devices and other trinkets, but he never doubted Dumbledore knew exactly what each of them did.

"So ah...what's up doc?" Percy asked with a nervous smile.

"You need not be nervous Mr. Jackson, as I said, you are off the proverbial hook," Dumbledore smiled as he got up, "come, I believe you asked to see my pheonix some time ago yes?"

Percy's eyes widened in excitement, "oh, yeah!" He got up and followed the older man towards a golden perch. Under it was a heap of ashes, the man gestured to the ashes and Percy looked closely.

He gasped as just then a small red chick peered out of the ashes, carolling at them both. Dumbledore smiled fondly and Percy couldn't help matching him.

"Ah such wonderful creatures they are," Dumbledore hummed, "able to be reborn in the ashes of their own dead body. Truly a sight to cherish."

"It's beautiful," Percy whispered, and he didn't use that word lightly. After seeing five veela naked the bar was set pretty high on that one.

"Hmm, I believe your wand has a phoenix feather core yes?" Dumbledore asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah. Is it from yours?"

"Oh no, no, Faux only ever gave two of his tail feathers to be made into a wand. One lies in the hands of young Harry and the other….well the other belongs to a man less deserving."

Percy knew that tone of voice, "Voldemort."

"Ah, I see you have picked up Harry's bravery for that name Mr. Jackson, very good, very good indeed. The fear of the name as you know only make the person that much more fearful."

"Believe me professor, I know how powerful a name can be," Percy narrowed his eyes in remembering Kronos, the Titans whoes very name could chill a room. Faux chirped, drawing Percy out of his darker thoughts, the demigod smiled, scratching the bird's head.

"I asked Ollivander about your wands core, it is rare to see a wielder of a phoenix core, and rarer still to see him winning it's allegiance in a matter of months," Dumbledore spoke, "it is a rare event due to the nature of the creature the feather is obtained from, such freedom is rarely given up. I believe your feather was obtained from a pheonix seen in the Greek islands. It is claimed to be the guardian of the islands, Ollivander searched for it for many years, finding only three tail feathers for his efforts."

Percy chuckled, 'a greek phoenix, of course it was greek,' "so what happened to the other feathers?"

"They lay waiting in his shop till this day for their proper owner, who knows, maybe one day your children may come for them," the man chuckled. The idea of kids made Percy blush, 'not to self, find a contraceptive spell, or failing that, make one.'

"So...what's this about?" Percy asked.


"I have been in this exact situation many times to know you want something else headmaster. What is it?"

"You are very direct Mr. Jackson, an admirable quality. I find in my old I often talk to telling stories to pass the time, I apologize for that."

Percy shrugged, "it's fine. I'm used to it sir."

"Well then, let me start with a question, just what are you Mr. Jackson?"

Percy shrugged, "you're going to have to be more specific."

"No wizard could do what you could do today," Dumbledore stroked his beard, his twinkling eyes grew less so, a sense of power took over his stance, "a few could boast such a feet. And I know of only one man who could do such a thing."


"Tom Riddle," Dumbledore narrowed his eyes.

Percy looked confused, "who?"

"Tom Riddle, I suppose you would know him by his other name, Lord Voldemort."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, his Tom?" Percy blinked, "seriously? Tom? Tommy? Thomas the tank engine?"

Dumbledore blinked, "ah...yes."

" wonder he changed it," Percy shivered, 'so weird, it's like finding out Kronos' real name was Greg or something. Totally takes away from the super villain vibe.'

"So wait, let me get this straight, you think I'm Tommy?" Percy asked.

"No, I don't. You wouldn't be able to be as close to Harry as you are if you were. What I wish to know is who you are Mr. Jackson," serious Dumbledore was back, "I have seen you records. Nothing until before you came here. Even in America there is only a few mentions of you and all barely there for a real person to exist."

" were spying on me?" Percy blinked.

"I was doing my research," he argued, "and after what I saw today I believe it was warranted. Just who are you Mr. Jackson? Why are you here?"

"I am Percy Jackson, and I'm here to learn," Percy narrowed his eyes, "do you really think I am a threat?"

"No, I believe you are a powerful player, one that needs to be watched over."

"You're sounding less and less like a school teacher and more like a general, headmaster."

"I was both at one point in time," Dumbledore nodded, "not a title I enjoy, but given to me nonetheless."

"So tell me then, what war are you expecting?"

"The war against Voldemort."

Percy nodded, "so you believe Harry?"

"Yes, do you?"

"Yeah, bad guys have a way of coming back from the dead."

"How would you know this?"

"Personal experience," Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, "come on, you don't think Tommy is the only bad guy around do you? I did have a life before I came here you know."

"A life showered in mystery."

"I have my right to privacy."

"Indeed you do Mr. Jackson," Dumbledore sighed as the feeling of battle was lessened, "I apologize, I merely wished to know the answers to my questions."

Percy nodded, " Going to kick me out professor?"

"No, I believe you can stay for now," the man chuckled, "although I must warn you, keep on Professor Snape's good side, the man respects your talents, it wouldn't do to eire him."

Percy nodded, "no promises, but I'll try."

"Good, then please Mr. Jackson, it is getting late," Percy didn't waste a second, he walked out of the office and let out a gasp of air.

He began to sweat as the stress of that confrontation got to him. He had never felt anything like that before in his life. The man was a force of nature, it was like facing Iapetus all over again.

Percy had never had to move like that avoiding questions that would make him reveal more information, protecting himself while not sounding desperate. It was like getting into a metal brawl with Athena!

Percy knew he had to be more careful, he couldn't let another mistake like that happen. He needed to be in control of his powers, never again should he ben given a reason to be in the room with that man.

Percy didn't know it yet, but he was walking on the path to becoming a key player in the wizarding world, and for the first time he had just meet the real Albus Dumbledore.