Chapter 17 - 23

It was early in the morning and it was cold. Very very cold. Percy was glad he had the curse of Achilles to help him out with the temperature or else he wouldn't survive the winter.

Percy flew through the foggy early morning with his cloak of levitation put over his pyjamas. He flew along the jagged shore line and landed in the small enclave he created into the side of the cliff.

He landed gently taking off his cloak and shirt tossing it into the small cave. He took out his wand strapped to his wrist and casted a power concealment charm over the area. Don't want anyone snooping around where they shouldn't. He put his wand into his forearm holster and leapt into the water in one go.

The cold crashed into him with a rush of water rubbing across his ears. All his sleep went away as Percy swam deeper into the lake looking for Nick, his friend….who was also the giant squid that lived in the lake.

It took a while, Percy had to swim deep, but he eventually found Nick swimming around. Percy smiled as he called out, "hey Nick!"

The squid looked up, "lord Percy! How nice to see you! Isn't it cold?"

Percy shrugged, "I can barely feel it, I get used to it after some time."

"Indeed? Truly amazing Lord Percy, not a small feet, a few people have actually died doing the very same thing you are you know?"

"Well I'm not most people. And hey, what did I tell you about calling me lord?" Percy raised an eyebrow in scolding.

"Ah...not too?"

"Right, remember, it's just Percy, nothing else."

"Understood, how has your school days been my lord? Have you been doing well?"

Percy sighed at Nick's respectful tone, Percy has been trying to make the squid more relaxed around him but it never worked. Percy honestly didn't know why he even bothered.

"School's fine Nick, it's better than fine really. Anyway that's not why I'm here though, I came because I need to ask you a few questions."

Nick bowed, "please ask away my lord."

"Right, well Nick have you heard about the Triwizard tournament?"

"Yes, I heard it from the Merpeople across the ridge, they spoke of the tournament coming underwater later in the year, warning me to stay away from their side of the lake during that time."

Percy blinked, "I'm sorry, but what? Merpeople?"

"Yes, do you not know about them?"

Percy shrugged, "no, I always thought you were the only one who lived here."

Nick shook its's body?... Who knows, "not at all lord Percy, I occupy only half of the lake, the area closest to the castle. The half closer to the forest is taken over by the merpeople, they have a village just over the reach there and they are quite….ah, protective."

Percy nodded, "I see...and you said they were going to be involved with the tournament in someway?"

Nick nodded, "yes my lord. Why do you ask?"

"I am participating in the tournament, I figured out the next clue which pointed me to the lake, guess my hunch was right."

Nick nodded, "ah, of course you would participate in the tournament, let the wizards witness the power of the son of Poseidon! Ha! I'm sure you'll win the whole thing!"

Percy smiled, "here's hoping. Anyway Nick I was wondering could you show me to the merpeoples' village? If they know about the tournament and they are going to be holding it there then it's best I speak to them now."

Nick stopped moving for a moment speaking up slowly, "I...I do not think that would be the best idea my lord."

"What? Why not?"

"Well you see merpeople aren't the most...ah, they aren't very welcoming to outsiders my lord. Particularly land walkers."

"I see...well then it's a good thing I'm not just a land walker huh? Do they also worship my dad?"

Nick nodded, "they praise lord Poseidon to the deepest waters, he is their god, their everything. They are very...ah, what is the word here….zealotous. If they don't believe you are indeed a son of Poseidon then things… might get ugly."

Percy chuckled, "then it's a good thing I am a son of Poseidon huh. Lead the way Nick."

Nick nodded as he pointed to a ridge swimming over. Percy followed the giant squid crossing over to discover a deep valley going deep into the lake. And in the bottom was a giant plain where a village of stone stood surrounding by seaweed and other small schools of fishes.

The city looked to be inspired by Greek architecture with tall marble pillars outside the house and worn down statues outside on the streets. There wasn't much light down here, if Percy was a normal human he wouldn't be able to see shit, luckily he was no such thing.

Suddenly the 'streets' of the village started to fill up with green figures popping out of their homes. They reminded Percy of mermaids, though not the kind he remembered. They had greenish skin with gills instead of ears and fish tails instead of legs.

The merpeople began to talk to each other pointing at Nick, they began to move. The smaller merpeople were huddled together near the back as the larger ones started to swim towards them with weapons drawn.

"I think they see us," Nick said as he pointed approaching mermen, each carrying spears tipped with a sharp coral like tip.

Percy chuckled, "yeah I think they do."

The mermen approached, the one leading the charge had several coral shells strung into necklaces around his neck and a heavily designed headgear on his brow. He clicked teeth, showing off his sharp shark like teeth, and hissed, "Nicholas! Why do you cross the boundary? Why are you here? Who is this child? You dare reveal our sacred ground to a wizard?!"

Nick stepped up, "hold you tongue great chief! You know not who you speak too. I did indeed cross the line, but I do so at our lord's request."

"Dumbledore is no lord of ours!" the chief hissed.

"I do not speak of him, I mean out true lord," Nick moved aside displaying Percy, "may I have the honour to present Lord Perseus Jackson, son of Lord Poseidon."

The mermen were stunned to say the least as they began to chat amongst themselves pointing at Percy in awe. The chief however did not look impressed, if nothing else he looked angry beyond belief.

"YOU DARE?! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO US NICHOLAS! HOW DARE YOU SULLY THE NAME OF OUR LORD!" the chief hissed as he leveled his spear at Nick causing its tip to light up with a familiar green shine, "I should destroy you where you stand you heretic! This is your first and only warning! Leave our village or I will destroy you where you stand!"

Nick's eyes went wide, "you dare point that at him?! If lord Poseidon finds out he will skin you alive for this!"

"I think not squid! He will reward me greatly for destroying a pretender like-" chief turned the spear towards Percy, and everyone there realised that Percy was smiling like an idiot.

The mermen were confused, Nick even more so. The chief however looked pissed off, "YOU THERE CHILD! How dare you swim there while facing such accusations?! I should kill you for this!"

Percy shrugged, "honestly I would like to see you try."

The mermen, including Nick, dropped their jaw at the demigod's dismissal. The Chief on the other hand, "WHAT?! YOU DARE DOUBT MY POWER?!"

Percy scoffed, "oh please, you don't have any power," he swam up to the chief, the merman lowered his spear under Percy's chin and the demigod smiled. He looked down at the glowing tip and smiled, "I would recognize this mana anywhere. It's my father's isn't it?"

The merman's all gasped at the sudden revela. The chief scowled, "lord Poseidon is not your father!"

"Yeah he kind of is," Percy grabbed the spear it and snapped it causing everyone to gasp in surprise.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" the chief yelled in horror looking at his broken spear.

"Lord Percy watch out that can kill almost any magical creature!" Nick yelled in warning.

Percy waved him away, "relax Nick, I'm fine. This thing is covered with my father's mana, it's harmful to everything that is not of the sea, and since I'm his son it's basically a paperweight," Percy chuckled tossing the spear from hand to hand, "though I have to say I am surprised, who knew such a thing like this existed in this corner of the globe? How did you even get this thing in the first place?"

The mermen were too shocked for words, the chief was stuck somewhere between awe, hate and pure rage.

Percy turned to Nick, "not much for talking are they?"

"H-how are you doing that?!" the chief finally managed to yell as he snatched the coral spear tip away from Percy's hands, "who are you?!"

Percy shrugged, "weren't you listening? I'm Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon. At your service."

The mermen began to whisper amongst themselves, wondering if this boy in front of them could truly be their lord's son. It was only the chief who outright dismissed this notion.

"No! That is impossible! You cannot be the son of Poseidon! I call you a liar!"

"Hey man I'm many things but I ain't a liar."

"Fine, then prove it boy!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "dude, I'm currently talking to you underwater. Not to mention the fact I'm breathing underwater. Oh and let's not forget I can touch the glowly rock thing of yours with my bare hands."

The mermen looked more and more convinced by the second while the chief was unconvinced.

"Anyone can do that!" the chief yelled out, "you wizards and your magic! Who knows what perverted magic you fools possess?!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "are you calling me such a great wizard that I was able to overpower the mana of a God?"

The chief opened his mouth to argue but paused realising the implications of what he was saying. He growled, "this still does not prove anything!"

Percy groaned, "gods you are such a pain. What do I have to do to prove myself to you? Split the lake like the Red sea?"

The chief smiled, "yes! Exactly! Do that and you will prove your divine nature!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "are you serious?"

"What's wrong? Finally willing to admit you are a liar?"

"You do realise if I do this there is a chance on several living fishes dieing yes?"

"That is only if you do it."

"And when I do there are going to be major repercussions," Percy warned.

The chief snorted, "do it wizard, I will deal with your 'repercussion'."

Percy turned to Nick who shrugged. The demigod sighed, "fine, Nick, stand back please, don't want you to get hurt."

The giant squid nodded moving away, "understood my lord."

Percy then turned to the gathered mermen, "I advise you the same, I don't want to harm you."

The mermen looked worried but the chief snapped at them, "don't move an inch! When this insolent boy fails we will need to be ready to bring him to justice!" This forced mermen to remain where they were, though most would have preferred staying behind Nick.

Percy sighed, "fine, don't' say I didn't warn you," he then turned away from the mermen village, less chance of anyone getting hurt this way. Percy closed his eyes and drew upon his demigod power.

He felt the lake connect with him as Percy slowly gained control. He brought his arms together palms open facing each other and then clenched his fists. He began pulling his arms away, struggling to tear into the water before him, and suddenly the entire lake moved.

The sound of water shaking was horrifying for men men's ears. It was to them what a tsunami was to humans. The lake started to move apart mirroring Percy's hands as he slowly tore them away.

The water started to rush as it moved tearing into the water creating a giant fissure in the middle of the Black Lake.

The mermen all looked in awe as their world split before their eyes, even the chief had no snappy comeback for the sight. Percy pulled the water apart fully creating a narrowed straight of water between two giant halves of the lake.

He kept them apart for quite a while before bringing brought his hands forward, clapping. The separation closed up instantly shaking the lake for a few seconds before everything went back to the way it was.

The demigod opened his eyes and turned to the chief, "now do you believe me?"

The merman looked at him and nodded dumbly. The other mermen looked horrified, some fearful, while a few amazed. And one very smug looking squid.

"My lord!" a merman exclaimed as he bowed. He looked behind him and motioned for the rest to do the same.

They all immediately did so giving out calls of, 'my lord' and 'my lord'. Percy sighed, he really hated this part.

"Great, now that that's settled let's get down to buisness," Percy cleared his throat, "I need to talk to the one in charge, who would that be?"

"M-Me my lord," the merman chief spoke up in a shaky voice, "I wish to apologize for my earlier comments my lord I didn't-"

"-yeah yeah don't worry about it, all's forgiven and all that. I don't really care man. But what I do want is a couple of questions answered. Think you can do that?"

The chief nodded frantically, "yes my lord! Anything!"

"Nick told me you guys were involved with the tri-wizard tournament. In what way?"

The chief began to explain their role in the tournament giving specific details as to what was expected of him and what he would need to worry about. By the end of the chief's explanation Percy had a much clearer picture about the task than anyone else in the tournament, except probably the organisers.

"I see, this is all very interesting thank you," Percy nodded, "well then I guess I'll be off. See you in February!"

"Wait!" the chief called out, "that is it? You are just leaving?"

Percy nodded, "ah yeah."

"B-but you mustn't! Not yet! We have to celebrate! The son of our lord has come to visit us! We must throw a grand feast for you!"

Percy shrugged, "yeah sorry I'm not really the worshiping type. And please call me Percy, none of this Lord crap. Only my dad can be called lord, and even he doesn't like it."

"What? Lord Poseidon doesn't like being called lord?"

"No, we both think it's kind of boring, like yeah, we get it, we're gods and all that but so what? Anyway that's just us, Triton you definitely still have to call lord, that guy cannot take a break. Always walking about with a stick up his butt," Percy snorted.

The mermen looked at each other in shock as they listen to their God's son talk about his family in a dismissive manner. They didn't know what to say when Percy spoke again.

"Anyway I'll try and visit you guys some other time, my classes are going to begin soon and I haven't had breakfast yet! See you! Bye Nick!" Percy waved at the giant squid.

"Bye my lord!" Nick waved happily back watching Percy swim away like a torpedo out of a submarine. The squid then turned to the chief and smirked, "told you so."

Percy reached the surface and swam to his little enclave. He dried himself off and lifted the charms revealing his clothing exactly where he left them. He slipped his shirt and cloak on and took off into the morning air. The fog was slowly lifting now, signalling the beginning of a proper morning.

Percy slipped into his dorm and quickly changed into his Hogwarts robes. He then turned to his cloak of levitation and sighed, 'what the hell,' he put the cloak on and turned to look at himself in the mirror.

Percy grinned, "damn I look good," the cloak really went well with the black robes, giving off a very rogue magician look. Percy knew he would probably get some slack for this, but he didn't care. The cloak was his invention and he had a right to be proud of it.

Percy had checked with Heather last night about wearing the cloak, apparently any form additional wizarding clothing was allowed, within reason. The red and gold cloak might have been pushing it a bit, but none of the teachers seemed to comment.

Percy quickly made his way to the Great Hall. The moment he stepped into the Great Hall and everyone turned and stared at his new addition to his uniform.

Percy took his usual seat in Hufflepuff, "hey guys, lovely morning!"

"Hey Percy," the rest called out in greeting.

"Why are you still wearing your cloak?" Heather asked curiously.

Percy shrugged, "no reason, it's a pretty amazing piece of magic so you know it would be a shame to just not show it off…." the others narrowed their eyes at Percy, the demigod rolled his and sighed, "plus it looks cool."

"There it is," Juan chuckled as they all returned to their meals.

"What do we have today?" Gordan asked as he munched on a piece of toast.

"Potions, Transfiguration and Care for magical creatures," Heather called out.

Percy shrugged, "not a bad day I suppose." Just then Kelly popped her head out of Percy's pocket yawning loudly.

She looked around and smiled, "morning!"

Everyone stopped and stared.

"Percy...did Kelly just talk?" Kristien asked with her jaw on the floor.

Percy chuckled, "yeah. My aunt managed to upgrade the charms on her from before. Now she can say a few words and stuff."

Kelly jumped out of Percy's pocket and landed on the desk. She turned to Percy, "Kitty!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "yeah, yeah, just don't scare him this time," the demigod took out the small dragon figurine from before and unstunned it. He let it go and the dragon looked around frantically. It's eyes landed on Kelly and it squeaked in fear.

"Kitty!" Kelly yelled as she began to chase the dragon which ran across the table in a hurry.

Percy chuckled, "guess it can't fly huh? Anyway," he looked around noticing everyone staring at him. The demigod rolled his eyes, "guys if you all haven't figured out just to go with my crazy ideas by now then there's no point. Just observe and move on okay?"

The others just shrugged and did just that.

Soon though the morning owls started to come down delivering mail to everyone. Percy didn't get any, but the rest sure did. Mostly from their parents or siblings. A few though did get that day's issue of the Daily Prophet and the moment they did chatter started to drew about.

"Percy look! Rita wrote about you again!" Heather called out as she pushed her copy into Percy's arms.

Percy cautiously picked up the paper. Rita wasn't his biggest fan and he wasn't her's. He had didn't like the way she spoke about him and though he did have blackmail material on her he didn't like using it. So he cautiously looked at the headline and was surprised at what he saw;


Report by

Rita Skeeter

Yesterday was the first task of the Tri-wizard tournament, and it was exceptional. The first participant was none other than Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived. The fourth champion outflew a Swedish snap snout, flying threw its fiery breath, coming out unscathed on the other side. He was awarded 40 points for his bravery and skill with a broom.

Fleur Delacour, the french champion, managed to charm her dragon to sleep while Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian champion, pricked his dragon's eyes out.

But the real highlight of this day was none other than England's champion, one Percy Jackson. Mr. Jackson is a sixth year Hufflepuff that exceeded everyone's expectations when he stepped onto the field. He had nothing but the clothes on his back and his wand strapped to his side. He then quickly summoned a box hidden in the bleachers, something other champions before him did, and proceeded to shock the world with his amazing inventions.

The first was a suit of armour etched with runes, while speaking with the runes teacher of Hogwarts this reporter discovered that young Mr. Jackson is somewhat of a prodigy in them, creating new runes clusters at will. Those of you who have taken this class in Hogwarts knows just how amazing such a skill can be.

Jackson then donned a cape that allowed him to fly, yes you read that correctly, the young man was able to fly without the help of a broom. He fought the dragon head on, and though he was knocked aside and light on fire, he emerged like a phoenix, rejuvenated.

Percy Jackson fought his dragon head on, like a knight straight out from a child's story book. He managed to put the dragon under by making it drink a potion which I later learned he himself brewed. After the match I spoke to the dragon handlers and they informed me that if Jackson hadn't given them the cure they would have never been able to wake the dragon up again.

At this point this reporter grew curious, how could such a talented student be home schooled all his life. As such I dedicated my time to research into Mr. Jackson's life and was shocked at what I found.

Mr. Jackson has the highest ever recorded score in the OWLS anyone who didn't study in a magical school every achieved. His 9 OWLS put him at a cut above the rest and his teachers have nothing but compliments for the young man despite his short tenure at Hogwarts.

I Rita Skeeter am excited at this prospect as it seems Hogwarts has finally a champion worthy of it's name, despite the people's opinion regarding his heritage (for more information please see PG 5 explaining Jackson's short family history while in the colonies).

Though there are some issues regarding this young man that needs to be addressed now. The cloak he made seems to be a variation on the magical carpets, this raises the question does this mean Mr. Jackson will be in trouble due to the fact that magical carpets have been outlawed in Britain for some time now?

Also how much damage did Jackson cause to the dragon by feeding it a homemade potion? Will it suffer from unforeseen consequences?

To find out more about the other champions turn to PG 4

To find out more about Mr. Jackson's education turn to PG 5

Percy looked up, "I know she like complimented me and all, but for some reason I hate her even more."

"Yeah she tends to rub people the wrong way," Juan nodded, "but hey at least this time she didn't call you out for being American."

"Yeah, but she did mention that people know, and forgot to mention she's the one who told everyone," Percy grumbled, "I don't know man, I don't like her."

"Well I know someone you do like, and she's walking into the hall right now," Heather pointed to the entrance where Fleur just arrived looking down at what looked to be a french version of a wizarding newspaper.

"Hey Fleur! Over here!" Percy cried out calling the veela over.

"Hey Fleur, over here," Juan repeated in a seductive tone making everyone else giggle.

"Shut it," Percy hissed. Fleur sat down besides Percy, her eyes intently fixed on the words in the paper as she groaned. "What's wrong Fleur? You look down," Percy asked.

"It's tziz paper," Fleur hissed, "it portrayed me as a 'elplezz little girl who only managed to zucceed in my c'arm becauze I uzed my allure to 'elp me! T'ey don't even call me t'e frenc' c'ampion! It'z alwayz, 't'e veela c'ampion'!"

Percy chuckled, "relax Fleur I'm sure it'll be fine. You can show them off next time, besides the next task is pretty simple."

Fleur looked up surprised, "wait, you know about t'e next tazk? Already?!"

Percy shrugged, "yes, don't you? I mean it's pretty easy to figure out."

Fleur looked at him with narrowed eyes, "are you pulling my leg?"

"No, I'm serious," Percy smiled as he leaned close, "do you want me to tell you?"

Fleur hissed, "no t'ank you! I will not be pitied!"

Percy drew back and nodded, "good. And for the record if you had said yes I would have just lied to you."

The french veela huffed as she continued to read her paper while eating a spoonful of eggs. Just then Kelly came rushing through riding on the back of her toy dragon screaming in joy. Fleur turned to Kelly and watched in surprise.

"T'ingz never get boring with you," Fleur sighed while Percy just chuckled. As she ate they began to talk, "w'at did you about your new nickname?"

Percy shrugged, "no, what is it?"

"Rita Zkeeter, zhe ztarted puzhing for everyone to call you t'e 'knig't of 'ogwartz'," Fleur scoffed, "even t'e frenc' newspaperz are doing it now."

Percy snickered, "nice, kind of like that name," he turned to the others, "what do you think guys? Am I worthy enough to be the knight of Hogwarts?"

Juan snorted, "yeah right, at best you're the peasant of Hogwarts."

"Yeah Percy, the last thing we need is to stroke your ego," Gordan agreed.

"God can you imagine? If you actually go around making people call you that," Heather and the other's shivered in disgust while Percy growled.

"You all are mean," they laughed at his expenses, Fleur the loudest.

Percy finished his breakfast quickly and began looking around for someone to talk to. Just the he spotted Harry sitting with Ron and Hermione at the Gryffindor table. Percy jumped to his feet and walked up to them "hey all! How's it hanging!" he asked sitting next to Ron.

"Hey Percy!" Harry smiled, "everything's great!"

"Yeah? Why's that? Because the freckled monkey finally pulled his head out of his ass?" Percy asked pointing at Ron.

"Percy that's rude!" Hermione glared.

"Maybe, but it's the truth," Percy shrugged, "I'm a Hufflepuff, loyalty is kinda my thing."

"But still-"

"No it's fine Hermione," Ron spoke up, "Percy's right. I acted like an arse."

Percy nodded, "glad to see you admitting it. Now then, what's new with you guys?"

"Nothing much," Harry shrugged, just then Susan walk into the Great Hall causing Harry to smile like an idiot, "Susan! Over here!"

Susan looked around and smiled soting her boyfriend. She began walking over when Percy tapped Ron's shoulder, "move over man, his girlfriend is coming."

Ron blinked, "wait what? Girlfriend?!"

"Yeah, didn't you tell him Harry?" Percy asked as he and Ron moved aside letting Susan sit beside Harry.

"I didn't really have the time," Harry admitted chuckling nervously.

"Oh, right," Ron said looking down at his food.

Percy rolled his eyes, "kids, when will they learn. Anyway Harry have you figured out the clue yet?"

Harry and the others perked up. The young dark haired wizard shook his head, "no I didn't. When we opened it the egg just started screaming really loudly! I haven't even begun to figure it out!"

"Wait Percy, have you figured out the clue yet?" Hermione asked amazed.

Percy nodded, "yup, last night me and the others opened it up, I kind of figured it out after a couple of minutes. Heck I even went a step further and got some juicy background info about the task itself."

"What?! How?!" Ron asked.

"That my friend is my secret," Percy winked.

"Wait when did this happen?" Susan asked, "I don't remember you opening the egg."

"Oh, this was after we sent you guys to your rooms," Percy explained.

"Oh, right," Susan grumbled, "stupid house rules."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked.

"It's house rules," Percy explained, "if we throw a party and we expect things might get out of hand we have to send the younger years to their rooms. Only fifth years and above are allowed into parties with actual alcohol in it."

"Wait so your parties has alcohol?" Ron asked with stars in his eyes.

Percy chuckled, "yup. Don't go getting any ideas though you hear? It's strictly adult stuff, heck I never touched the stuff until I was 17, so you best follow my lead."

"And why exactly should we do that?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

Percy smirked, "because Harry my boy, I am," he stood up throwing his hands open striking a heroic pose, "THE KNIGHT OF HOGWARTS!"

"Oh shut up you wanker!" Cedric called out.

"No one calls you that!"

"Suck dragon balls!"

Percy sat down with a shit eating smile on his face, "I feel so happy."

Ron, Hermione, Harry and Susan shared looks with each other, not quite sure how to deal with this situation. They decided maybe it was best to just let it go and pretend it never happened.

Percy however was on a roll. For the rest of the day he kept yelling out his title for everyone to hear as loud and as often as he could. Every time someone asked him a question Percy would grin and state, 'The Knight of Hogwarts would love to answer your question!'

It had gotten so bad Sprout herself had told Percy to stop it by the time lunch rolled around, which he did, under protest.

For Potions Snape looked curiously at Percy's clock, no doubt curious about it's properties, but he remained silent on the matter. Percy did however ask the man if he had a spell on hand which made his cloak billow like Snape's. Every time the potions master entered a room his cape would flutter behind him like a pair of wings, Percy really wanted to apply the same charm into his own cloak.

It would have been so cool! Every time he entered a room his cloak will act like it was about to take off! Talk about giving off a good impression! Sadly though Snape refused to answer Percy's question, he instead leveled a glare cold enough to freeze over Hades itself.

During Transfiguration McGonagall had finally decided to stop being a stick in the mud and start teaching something interesting, proper animal transfiguration, the method of changing any object to an animal proportional to it's size. It was covered before in earlier classes, but never to this degree.

Percy found himself for once enjoying the classes, even going so far as to exceeding in them when it came for practical work. Everyone was asked to transform a block of wood into a mini form of their favorite animal.

Percy managed to transform his block into a horse, he could have done a pegasus as well, considering he was one, but maybe that was going a bit too far.

The days went by quickly for Percy.

Percy glided along the Hogwarts grounds using his cloak to float instead of walk.

"Please stop doing that," Juan grumbled.

Percy grinned, "doing what?"

"That," Juan pointed at Percy's feet currently not touching the floor.

"What? You mean stop moving from place to place?"

"No you jackass! Stop flying everywhere!" Gordan growled, "I swear to Magic ever since you got that freaking cloak you have been flying every which way! Stop it right now before I burn that thing!"

Percy pouted, "spoil sport," he touched the ground as they made their way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I still wish Snape taught me that billowing spell," Percy groaned, "I mean just imagine I get to flap my cloak around like a pair of wings! I would so cool!"

Heather sighed and whispered, "thank God for small miracles," the others nodded in agreement.

As they settled down for breakfast Percy looked over to the Gryffindor table and smiled. He turned to Juan and whispered, "hey Juan, do you know anyone who has a camera on hand?"

The Hufflepuff looked surprised but nodded, "yeah, Collin from Gryffindor, but you kind of broke his old one. I think he got a new one but I don't know."

Percy nodded, "good enough for me," he turned around and floated towards the Gryffindor table landing behind Collin.

The third year Gryffindor's all went silent as Collin's friend's poked him and told him to turn around. The boy did so and the moment he met Percy's eyes he gulped, "please don't hurt me."

Percy raised an eyebrow "why would I hurt you?"

"B-because I took that picture-" Collin stopped as Percy's glare turned deadly.

"So it was you who spread around that picture of me was it?" Percy growled, "bad boy. But you know, if you'll help me out now I might just forgive you for that. So what do you say?"

The boy nodded furiously, agreeing to help Percy with anything. After all he had just seen the same boy take on a dragon, no way he was doing anything to cross him!

Percy told Colin to take out his camera and wait for something amazing to happen, and to be sure to capture every moment of what is to come. When Colin asked what he should expect, Percy just smiled and replied, 'you'll know.'

As breakfast came to an end something happened that startled everyone there. One of the Weasley twins, George, stood up and took out his wand yelling, "brother! You have gone too far!"

Fred looked confused, "George what are you-," and suddenly a wave of light washed over his head as he too stood up, "-I have only taken what is rightfully mine! You have no claim to his heart!"

"For shame oh noble sir! I challenge you to a duel of hearts!" The twins jumped out of their seats and drew their wands, startling everyone there to move away out of fear.

The twins circled each other, "I saw him first!" climbed Fred.

"I smelt him first!" Claimed the other.

"I fell in love with him first!"

"I told him so first!"

"Shall we instead ask our love in question?!"

"Yes lets!"

As one they ran down the Gryffindor table, and everyone's eyes were already on Harry who was now standing on it.

"Harry what are you doing?!" Hermione hissed.

"Get down mate!" Ron called out as he saw his brothers approaching him.

"No Ron I cannot! For I my heart is being torn apart!" Harry started to sing, his vocals surprising the entire school.

Fred and George kneeled before Harry, they sang together, "we come to you now to ask your hand in love!"

"Be it a nobel as mine," Fred smiled.

"Or as true as mine," George grinned.

"I ask you to be minee!" they sang together.

"Sadly no I cannot do so for I am already in love!" Harry jumped off the table, walking away as the twins followed him, "I have fallen for her smile and her pretty blue eyes and I'm already hers! For all can see that she belongs to me and I belong to her!"

"Who is this woman who has bewitched your soul?"

"Your mind."

"She broke!"

"You belong with me!"

"No me!"

"A Weasley then! Those with red hair like your mother, see!"

"She does have have red hair like fire!" Harry swoon as they walked towards the Hufflepuff table, "her stares remind me of a love I've always desired!"

"But is she smart like us?"

"Brave like us?"

"Can she be all that you need?"

"Can she satisfy you like we could?"

"Does she have a sister who would be willing to share you?"

"Every other day in every way they could?" the twins wiggled their eyebrows making a huge portion of the school blush in understanding.

"I care not if she couldn't'!" Harry claimed, "I care not she's none of what you say! All I know is she's one I would spend the rest of my days!"

Harry stopped in front of Susan Bones who was petrified in shock, blushing a red that matched her hair, "Susan, I have fallen in love with you. Marry me please!"

Susan went red, "H-Harry I-"

"Stop!" Fred cried out.

"You cannot do this Harry!" George agreed.

"And why not?!" Harry asked in horror.

"You don't have a ring!" the twins protested in false hope!

"That is not true!" Percy called out suddenly, everyone turned to him as he transfigured a fork into a silver ring tossing it to Harry, "here you go!"

"Thanks Percy! You can be my best man!" Harry cried out as he turned to Susan, "and with this will you be mine?"

"No brother say it ain't so!" Fred cried out as the two held themselves in tears.

"How can we lose our Potter to this conniving witch?!"

"I cannot go on without his smile! What can we do now?!"

"We have no one else, except..." the twins looked into each other's eyes, and said as one, "each other."

They leaned closer to each other, many Hogwarts girls fainted at the mere tught as to what was about to happen, but seconds before they kissed there was a flash of light over their heads and Harry's snapping them out of their trance.

Harry blinked as he realised he was on his knees before Susan. The twins gasped as they saw they were inches from each other.

"What the shit?!" they exclaimed as they jumped away.

"What am I doing?" Harry gasped as he got up, staring at the ring he held in his hands and then to Susan who looked saddened by the reaction, "I-I, did I just, what-"

"Well I'm not sure Harry, but I believe this is what is known as payback," Percy said as he put a hand on Harry's shoulder, Percy looked down at the ring and smiled, "by the way, were you serious about the best man thing?"

"Bugger me," Cedric gasped, "remind me not piss him off." The others all nodded in affirmative.

"Jackson!" the twins yelled out, "what the hell mate?!"

Percy turned around, smiling, "what? Don't look at me. I didn't do anything at all. Guess deep down inside you two just wanted to jump each other's bones. Oh and speaking of bones, Susan, are you going to say yes?"

Susan and Harry turned similar shades of red as they stared open mouthed at Percy. The demigod grinned as he took off into the air, chuckling as he left the Great Hall, "I'm the Knight of Hogwarts bitches!"

At the teacher's table many of the professors were laughing at the gag. Sprout the loudest of them all. McGonagall saw this and cleared her throat, motioning towards Percy flying away.

Sprout sighed, "oh all right. That's a week's detention Mr. Jackson!"

"Totally worth it!" Percy cried out in joy as he flew away. Sprout didn't seem to mind though as she just chuckled it off along with the other.

McGonagall however sighed and turned to Albus, "I'm having the strangest feeling Albus," she admitted.

"Oh? What off Minerva?"

"I have the strangest feeling that for some reason I'm going to be very busy serving detentions for the next two years."

"Yes, I do suppose it feels like the Marauders have indeed returned to Hogwarts," Albus chuckled.

"Oh my Magic no!" the transfiguration professor yelled out in horror as the headmaster chuckled in mirth.