The Hogwarts Express steamed along the tracks, carrying students back to the castle after summer. In one of the compartments, Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together, their conversation subdued but familiar.
Suddenly, the door slid open, and Jason stood there with his usual easygoing demeanor.
Jason: [grinning] "So, how did your summer vacation go, guys?"
Hermione's face lit up.
Hermione: "Jason!"
Harry and Ron: "Hey, Jason."
Jason, however, turned his sharp gaze to Hermione, raising an eyebrow in mock offense.
Jason: "No letter the whole summer, Hermione. None. Consider me officially not talking to you since, clearly, you didn't want to talk to me."
Harry and Ron exchanged uneasy glances, sensing incoming turbulence.
Hermione, looking slightly panicked, grabbed Jason's hand and pulled him into the compartment, sitting him down beside her.
Hermione: [hurriedly] "Jason, it's not that I didn't want to write, but I couldn't! I wasn't even with my parents—I was with Harry."
Jason leaned back, crossing his arms.
Jason: "And there were no owls with Harry? Harry, please tell me you offered her Hedwig."
Harry, now caught in the crossfire, raised his hands defensively.
Harry: "I never said she couldn't use Hedwig!"
Hermione: [spinning toward Harry, scandalized] "Harry!"
Jason smirked, enjoying the chaos.
Jason: "So, you had the means but still didn't reply. Tsk, tsk, Hermione. I'm deeply hurt."
Ron, sensing Hermione's growing distress, jumped in to defuse the situation.
Ron: "Oi, forgive her, Jason. We were in hiding, you know. You-Know-Who's out in the open, remember?"
Jason : " hey!! , i don't get the memo "
Jason leaned forward, his smirk softening.
Jason: "I see. Hiding's a decent excuse, I'll admit. But, Hermione, just so you know, I'm still not talking to you. Anyway, boys, how did your summer go?"
Harry and Ron exchanged a glance, silently relieved at the change in topic.
Harry: [shrugging] "Nothing spectacular. We spent most of it in hiding. The adults treated us like glass—ignored us half the time."
Ron: [grumbling] "It's true. They avoided us like the plague. Like we'd catch Voldemort if we sneezed wrong."
Jason chuckled, shaking his head.
Jason: "Sounds riveting. Bet it beats spending the summer testing potions recipes and blowing up my Gran's kitchen."
The group burst into chatter, the tension easing into easy conversation. Hermione kept glancing at Jason, her lips twitching as if she wanted to jump in, but Jason pointedly ignored her with a dramatic pout.
Hermione: [finally blurting out] "Alright, Jason! I'm sorry, okay? You were right—I should've written to you. Happy now?"
Jason paused, giving her a thoughtful look before grinning.
Jason: "Apology accepted, Granger. But only because I'm a very forgiving person."
Hermione rolled her eyes, but her smile betrayed her relief. Harry and Ron exchanged knowing looks, silently agreeing that some things never changed. The Hogwarts Express rolled on, its passengers settling back into the comfort of familiarity as the castle drew closer.
The golden light of evening bathed the Hogwarts grounds as Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Jason made their way outside. The air was crisp, the promise of a new year ahead tempered by the shadow of uncertainty that hung over the wizarding world.
As they strolled toward the carriages, a familiar sneering voice interrupted their peace.
Malfoy: "I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free, Potter. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it."
Harry took an angry step forward, his fist clenched and ready to swing. But before he could, Ron held him back.
Malfoy: [smirking] "What'd I tell you? Complete nutter."
Before Harry could retort, Jason stepped forward, his voice dripping with mock concern.
Jason: "Malfoy, it looks like inbreeding has finally affected your brain. Last time I checked, your father was the one lying his way out of an Azkaban cell."
Malfoy's smirk faltered.
Malfoy: [flustered] "Jason, keep your filthy mouth shut!"
With that, Malfoy turned on his heel and fled .
Jason: [shrugging] "What do you expect? It's Malfoy."
Ron: [grinning] "That was brilliant, mate."
Just then, Neville appeared, his usual awkward but kind demeanor shining through.
Neville: "Hi, guys."
Jason: "Hey, Neville."
Hermione: "Hello, Neville."
Harry: [nodding] "What's up?"
As Neville joined them, Harry's gaze fixed on the carriages. He frowned, stepping closer to one.
Harry: "What is that?"
Hermione: [confused] "What's what?"
Harry: [pointing] "That thing pulling the carriage."
Ron: [bewildered] "Nothing's pulling the carriage, Harry. They move themselves, don't they?"
Before anyone could explain further, a dreamy voice floated from one of the carriages.
Luna: "You're not going mad, Harry. I can see them too."
Luna Lovegood stepped on the carriage, her large, silver eyes gleaming with calm curiosity.
Luna: "You're just as sane as I am."
Jason beamed, gesturing toward her.
Jason: "Everyone, meet Luna Lovegood."
Luna: [tilting her head] "Jason, are the Nargles troubling you again?"
Jason: [nodding gravely] "They did. A nuisance as always."
Luna: [sighing] "I did warn you to be careful."
Hermione exchanged glances with Ron and Harry, all of them looking at Jason like he'd lost his marbles.
Hermione: "What… an interesting necklace."
Luna: [brightly] "It's a charm. Keeps away the Nargles."
She reached into her bag and pulled out another necklace, handing it to Jason.
Luna: "Here. You'll need it."
Jason: [putting it on without hesitation] "Thanks, Luna. You're a lifesaver."
Ron: [whispering to Hermione] "What's a Nargle?"
Hermione: [hissing back] "No idea."
Jason: [overhearing, grinning] "Can't see them, but they're real. Luna says so."
The group made their way to the Great Hall, where Dumbledore stood at the head of the room, preparing to address the school.
Dumbledore: "Good evening, children. We have two changes in staffing this year. Please welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave."
The students murmured politely, but all eyes were on the next introduction.
Dumbledore: "And now, please welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge."
A woman dressed in an alarming shade of pink rose from her seat. Her saccharine smile did little to hide the sharpness of her eyes.
Umbridge: [with syrupy sweetness] "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."
Jason: [muttering to Tobi] "That's likely."
Tobi : "More likely I'll sprout wings and fly out of here."
Umbridge continued, her voice grating as she spoke about preserving traditions and discouraging change for the sake of progress. Jason's irritation grew with every word.
Unable to resist, Jason discreetly cast a charm that play a modified voice , making it echo throughout the Hall.
Voice: "Are you not changing things for the sake of it, you dumb bitch?"
The Hall froze. Vik, Simon, Tobi, and Josh turned to Jason, their eyes wide in shock and admiration.
Umbridge: [furious, scanning the room] "Who said that?!"
The students looked around, as clueless as Umbridge.
Dumbledore: [calmly, with a twinkle in his eye] "Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating."
Jason grinned as Simon leaned over.
Simon: [whispering] "Illuminating? What a load of rubbish."
Tobi: [grinning] "What's it mean?"
Jason: "It means the Ministry's sticking its nose where it doesn't belong."