Chereads / Thick Of It / Chapter 64 - Jason exposed

Chapter 64 - Jason exposed

The tension at Hogwarts was as thick as ever, and the students were doing their best to survive the chaos brought on by exams and Umbridge's oppressive rule. However, the day was made stranger by Jason's peculiar behavior—or rather, his complete absence.

Jason had stunned everyone during the OWL and NEWT exams. Barely fifteen minutes into each session, he had handed in his papers and walked out, leaving his classmates slack-jawed. Even Hermione, who prided herself on being the most prepared, was flabbergasted.

Hermione: [whispering to Ron during their exam] "Did he even write anything? How could he be done so quickly?"

Ron: [muttering back] "Maybe he just wrote his name and left. Wouldn't put it past him."

But when the exam ended, Hermione and Ron found themselves searching for Jason, only to discover he was nowhere to be found.

Harry: [scratching his head as they wandered the castle corridors] "He has to be in the library, right? Where else would he be?"

Hermione: "He's not in the library. I've already checked twice."

Ron: [sighing dramatically] "Maybe he's hiding from us. He does that sometimes when he's got one of his weird projects."

Hermione: [determined] "We'll check the Room of Requirement. If he's not there, then… I don't know where else he could be."

But the Room of Requirement revealed nothing. It was as if Jason had vanished into thin air, leaving the trio more curious than ever.

That afternoon, just as the last exams were wrapping up, Fred and George Weasley staged their grand rebellion. The Great Hall and corridors were alight with dazzling fireworks as the twins zoomed around on broomsticks, setting off explosions of color and sound. Students cheered, laughed, and ducked as fireworks transformed into screeching dragons and cackling witches, chasing after an enraged Umbridge.

Fred: [laughing as he zoomed past a cluster of students] "Don't worry, Professor! We're leaving Hogwarts better than we found it!"

George: [yelling back over the noise] "Consider this our resignation letter!"

The students erupted in applause, cheering as the twins made their grand exit.

The jubilant atmosphere didn't last long for Harry, though. the recurring dreams that had been plaguing him grew worse. This time, the vision was more vivid, more terrifying—he saw Sirius being tortured in the Department of Mysteries.

Harry jolted , sweat beading on his forehead. He quickly speak to Ron and Hermione, explaining what he had seen.

Harry: [frantic] "He's in danger. We need to get to the Ministry now."

Hermione: [worriedly] "Harry, are you sure? It could be trick…"

Ron: "If You-Know-Who's got him, we can't just sit around!"

The trio resolved to sneak into Umbridge's office to use the Floo Network, but just as they thought they had the upper hand, Umbridge caught them red-handed with ginny , Neville and luna .

Umbridge: [her voice dripping with false sweetness] "Caught in the act, Mr. Potter. How very… disappointing."

As Umbridge loomed over them, Hermione glanced around desperately.

Hermione: [muttering] "Where's Jason when we need him?"

But Jason, deep in the bowels of the castle working on his experiments, was oblivious to the drama unfolding above. His absence felt like a glaring hole , leaving them to face the danger alone.

The Forbidden Forest was eerily quiet, save for the snapping of twigs underfoot and the relentless chatter of Dolores Umbridge. She marched Harry and Hermione forward, her wand pointed at their backs with a smug expression plastered across her face.

Umbridge: "Now, take me to Dumbledore's secret weapon, and don't even think about any funny business."

Hermione: [playing along nervously] "It's… it's just straight ahead. Not far now."

Umbridge smirked, relishing her perceived victory.

Umbridge: "You should behave more like that boy, Jason. Always so cooperative."

Hermione's head whipped around, her expression a mix of confusion and anger.

Hermione: "What do you mean by that?"

Umbridge: [gleefully] "Oh, you poor, clueless girl. Of course you wouldn't know. Jason was the one who suggested I interrogate that Marietta Edgecombe. He practically handed her to me on a silver platter."

Harry: [stunned] "Why would he do that?"

Hermione's hands balled into fists, her mind racing.

Hermione: "I'm going to kill him."

Umbridge: [ignoring the outburst] "He asked for a favor, you see. Wanted permission to take his NEWTs and OWLs in the same year. Ambitious, really. I even offered to waive his punishments, but no, no—he insisted on sticking to the rules. Such a good little boy."

Harry: [shaking his head] "Why would he go through all that trouble just for exams?"

Hermione's mind was piecing together Jason's actions like a jigsaw puzzle.

Hermione: [muttering to herself] "I think I know why…"

Umbridge: [mocking] "Do enlighten us, Granger, but not before we find that weapon!"

Hermione led Umbridge into the clearing where Grawp's massive figure loomed. The centaurs arrived moments later, their arrows drawn and aimed at Umbridge.

Umbridge: [panicking] "You can't do this! I am a Ministry official!"

The centaurs didn't care, dragging her away while she screamed threats. Hermione and Harry exchanged a quick, relieved look before dashing back toward the castle.

As they caught their breath back at the edge of the forest, Harry turned to Hermione, his face twisted with frustration.

Harry: "So, why did Jason betray us, Hermione?"

Hermione: [with a bitter edge] "Because he's a selfish prick who always thinks he knows best."

Harry: [confused] "What do you mean?"

Hermione: [fuming] " He wants to fight in the war. Jason wants to be on the frontlines, doing things his way. ."

Harry fell silent, letting her words sink in as they made their way back to the others.

Outside , Ron, Luna, Neville, Ginny, and Jason's friends were gathered, nervously awaiting news.

Hermione: [bursting in] "How'd you all get away?"

Ginny: [grinning] "Puking Pastilles. It was disgusting, but effective."

Ron: "Told them I was starving, wanted sweets. They ate the lot themselves."

Hermione: [surprised] "That was… clever, Ron."

Ron: [smirking] "It happens now and then."

Simon: "Brilliant plan, honestly."

Neville: [looking to Harry] "So, how are we getting to London?"

Harry: [hesitant] "Look, I appreciate everything you've done, but I can't drag you all into more trouble."

Neville: [firmly] "Dumbledore's Army was about standing up for what's right. This is our fight too."

Ron: "He's right, mate. You don't have to do this alone."

Harry looked at them all, realizing they weren't backing down.

Harry: "Alright. So, how do we get there?"

Luna: [cheerfully] "We fly, of course."

They made their way to the Thestrals, their eerie but majestic forms waiting silently in the clearing.

Hermione: [counting the mounts] "There are just enough for Luna, Ron, Harry, Neville, Ginny, and me."

Simon: [stepping back] "Don't worry. I'll stay here and notify the professors… and Jason."

Harry froze mid-step.

Harry: "Jason's the one who betrayed us."

Ron: [shocked] "What?! When?!"

Harry: "He gave Umbridge the name of the person who spilled everything."

Talia: [angrily] "You can't just drop a bomb like that and leave, Harry!"

Harry: "Ask him yourself. He's probably in the library or blowing something up in a corridor."

Josh: [defensively] "If Jason did it, he had a reason."

Talia: [snapping] "Don't defend him, Josh. Not this time."

Hermione: [cutting in, sharply] "Focus, everyone. Sirius is in danger. That's what matters now."

They mounted the Thestrals, their wings unfurling as they prepared for the journey to London. As the creatures lifted into the air, Jason's absence hung heavily in the group's minds, his actions a riddle yet to be solved.