The Great Hall buzzed with chatter as students ate breakfast. Nigel approached Ron with a bright smile and a small package.
Nigel: "Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley."
Ron: [grinning sheepishly] "Thanks, Nigel."
But Nigel didn't leave. He just stood there expectantly.
Ron: [waving him off] "Not now, Nigel. Later. Go on. I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph."
Harry stifled a laugh as Ron opened the package, pulling out a set of frilly dress robes in a dreadful shade of maroon.
Ron: [horrified] "Oh, look. Mum's sent me something. Mum sent me a dress!!."
Harry: [grinning wickedly] "Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?"
Ron: [scowling] "Nose down, Harry."
Ron turned to Ginny, thrusting the robes in her direction.
Ron: "Ginny, these must be for you."
Ginny: [looking aghast] "I'm not wearing that. It's ghastly!"
Fred and George, seated nearby, burst into laughter, slapping the table.
Hermione: [trying to stifle a giggle] "What are you on about? They're not for Ginny. They're for you, Ron."
Ron: [his voice rising in panic] "Dress robes? For me? Dress robes? For what?"
Before anyone could answer, Jason approached, hands in his pockets, smirking as he eyed the offending garment.
Jason: "The Yule Ball, mate. Tell me, Ron… are you actually planning to wear that?"
Harry: [snickering] "Looks like it."
Ron's face drained of color, his embarrassment growing. Jason, without a word, tapped his wand against the robes, and they went up in flames.
The room fell silent. All eyes turned to Jason as Fred and George roared with laughter.
Ron: [panicked] "Jason! What are you doing?"
Jason: [mock innocently] "Oh no, Ron. My hand slipped. Terribly sorry."
Ron: "Slipped !!! , what am I supposed to wear now?"
Jason: [grinning] "How about this—since I destroyed them, I'll buy you a new set."
Ron: [eyes wide] "You'd do that?"
Jason: [smirking] "Well, I did destroy your robes, didn't I?"
Without warning, Ron hugged Jason, his face lighting up.
Ron: "Thanks, mate! Bloody hell, looks like I'll finally be wearing some decent clothes!"
Jason: [patting Ron's back] "Hey, don't start crying now. Oh, and you should thank Fred and George—they're footing the bill."
Ron: [pulling back, confused] "They are?"
Hermione: [grinning] "Did you forget? They lost all their profit to Jason in those bets."
Fred and George, sitting nearby, looked like they'd been told they'd failed their OWLs.
Fred: [groaning] "This is why we don't gamble with Jason."
George: "We're being bled dry!. let's ban him , lossing is oen thing . he gloats also ."
Jason ignored their grumbles, turning his attention to Harry.
Harry: "What's up, Jason?"
Jason glanced briefly at Hermione before meeting her gaze directly.
Jason: "Hermione, would you come with me to the Yule Ball?"
The table fell silent, forks pausing mid-air.
Ron: [blurting out] "Her?"
Hermione: [startled] "Me?"
Jason: [smiling warmly] "Yes, you, Hermione. Now, will you come with me?"
Hermione fidgeted nervously, looking around the room.
Jason: "Don't look at them. Look at me."
Their eyes locked, and Hermione's voice barely escaped her lips.
Hermione: "Yes."
Jason grinned, letting out a dramatic sigh of relief.
Jason: "Oh, thank Merlin. You had me sweating bullets for a second there."
Ron: [spluttering] "Wait—you're taking her?"
Hermione: [scandalized] "Hey!"
Harry: [trying to defuse the tension] "No disrespect, Hermione, but we thought Jason would ask someone like Fleur."
Jason: [casually] "Well, she did ask. I said no."
Hermione and Ron: [in unison] "What?"
Jason: "Yeah, she seemed interested because, apparently, I'm the only guy resisting her charm. It's almost like she wanted a challenge."
Harry: [amused] "So that's why you rejected her?"
Jason: [grinning at Hermione] "Well, yeah. Besides, in my eyes, Hermione is cuter."
Hermione's cheeks turned as red as Ron's hair.
Hermione: [flustered] "Jason!"
Jason: [grinning] "I only speak the truth. Anyway, I've got to run. Ron, meet me later for your new robes, alright?"
As Jason walked off, Hermione watched him, her cheeks still flushed, while Ron stared after him, muttering under his breath.
Ron: "Mental. He's completely mental."
The crisp winter air in Hogsmeade was filled with the chatter of students enjoying their day out. Snow crunched beneath their feet as Jason, Hermione, and Ron made their way down the cobblestone streets, the cozy glow of shop windows illuminating their path.
Jason: [handing Ron a small slip of paper] "Alright, Ron. You'll need to floo to this address."
Ron: [squinting at the paper] "Where is this, then?"
Jason: [grinning] "Muggle side. My gran's taking you to a proper tailor. Trust me, mate, wizard fashion hasn't exactly been setting trends. Bit… stagnant, wouldn't you say?"
Ron: [frowning] "Muggle side? You mean I've got to… blend in?"
Jason: "What, scared you might like it? Relax, gran's got great taste. You'll thank me later."
Ron: "And what are you doing while I'm getting measured for Merlin knows what?"
Jason: [with a cheeky grin] "I'm on a date with Hermione."
Ron: [whipping his head toward Hermione] "So that's why you're here?"
Jason: [mock-seriously] "Careful, Weasley. Keep running your mouth like that, and I'll have to punch you ."
Ron: [muttering] "It's still weird, alright? You and Hermione."
Jason: [clapping Ron on the back, smirking] "Grow up, Ron. Here's a piece of advice for the Yule Ball—talk nicely to the girl till yule and girl you're asking. Otherwise, you'll be waltzing with your broom."
Ron: [grumbling] "Fine, fine, I'll try."
Jason: "Good lad. Now, off you go."
Ron trudged toward the nearby floo lodge, muttering something about being treated like a dress-up doll. Jason and Hermione watched him disappear into the building, a brief green flash signaling his departure.
Jason: [turning to Hermione with a smile] "Right then, what did Ron do to get on your bad side today?"
Hermione: [crossing her arms] "Kept saying rude things, as always. He's insufferable sometimes."
Jason: [shrugging] "Can't be helped. When you're the youngest boy in a big family like his, you've got to bark louder to be heard. Doesn't excuse him, though."
Hermione: [softening] "I suppose you're right."
Jason: [grinning] "But forget him for now. Today, it's just you and me."
Hermione's cheeks turned pink, though whether from the cold or Jason's words, even she couldn't quite tell.
The crisp winter air wrapped around Hogsmeade like a soft blanket, the snow crunching beneath the boots of students as they wandered from shop to shop. The holiday decorations were already in full swing—garlands of holly strung across windows, twinkling fairy lights, and a warmth emanating from The Three Broomsticks that seemed to welcome every passerby.
Jason and Hermione sat at a corner table by the window, mugs of steaming hot chocolate in front of them. Hermione looked slightly tense, her hands wrapped tightly around her mug as if it were her only anchor to reality. Jason, smiled gently.
Jason: "You know, Hermione, you don't have to grip that mug like it's about to run off."
Hermione let out a nervous laugh, loosening her hold on the cup.
Hermione: "Sorry. It's just… I've never really been on a… you know…"
Jason: [teasing] "A date? Relax, Hermione. It's just me. You've survived trolls and much worse. I think you can handle an hour with me."
Hermione cracked a smile, sipping her hot chocolate. Jason took this as a win and decided to steer the conversation toward familiar territory.
Jason: "So, what do you think of the semester so far? The workload isn't light, but knowing you, you're already a month ahead in your reading."
Hermione: [with a soft chuckle] "Actually, I'm only two weeks ahead this time. Ancient Runes has been particularly fascinating, though. Did you know that—"
She stopped abruptly, realizing she might be rambling. But Jason leaned in, feigning intense interest.
Jason: "Don't stop now. Ancient Runes? Fascinating? Tell me more. I need to know if I should fake my death to avoid next term's assignments."
Hermione laughed, finally relaxing as she launched into a detailed explanation of runes, their etymology, and their magical applications. Jason listened attentively, throwing in the occasional witty comment to keep the mood light.
The conversation flowed naturally from there, weaving between their studies, favorite books, and even a bit of gossip about their classmates. By the time they had finished their drinks, Hermione's initial hesitation had melted away completely.
As they stepped outside, the snow was falling gently, dusting the village in a soft white glow. Jason pulled out a small package from his coat and handed it to Hermione.
Jason: "Here. Early Christmas present."
Hermione looked surprised but took the package, carefully unwrapping it to reveal a sleek pair of reading glasses.
Hermione: [confused] "Jason… I don't need glasses to read."
Jason: [grinning] "I know. These aren't ordinary glasses. They let you read twice as fast. Made them myself."
Hermione clutched the glasses to her chest, her eyes shining with gratitude.
Hermione: [softly] "Thanks, Jason. This… this means a lot."
Jason froze for a moment, watching her. The snowflakes caught in her hair, her rosy cheeks glowing against the cold, and her smile—it was a scene straight out of a dream.
Jason: [muttering to himself] "Beautiful."
Hermione heard him, her cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red as she looked down.
Just then, Ron's voice cut through the moment, his arrival announced by his heavy footsteps crunching in the snow.
Ron: "Oh, there you two are! Snow's coming down nicely, isn't it? Jason, your gran's a riot. And very, uh… teasing."
Jason: [grinning] "She does enjoy making people squirm. So, how'd the tailoring go?"
Ron: [dramatically] "The tailor touched me everywhere, mate. I feel… violated."
Jason burst into laughter, doubling over.
Jason: "Oh, Ron, you'll survive. Though I wish I'd been there to see it."
Hermione couldn't hold back her laughter either, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
Hermione: "Oh, Ron, you poor thing."
As the laughter subsided, Jason gestured toward the path back to Hogwarts.
Jason: "Alright, let's head back before the snow buries us. Don't want to lose Ron to a rogue snowdrift."
Hermione: [smiling at Jason] "Yes, let's go."
The three of them made their way back toward the castle, their laughter echoing through the quiet, snow-covered village .
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