Chereads / Thick Of It / Chapter 45 - Salvation

Chapter 45 - Salvation

Harry stirred awake in the hospital wing, his body aching and his mind foggy with the weight of everything that had happened. The dim light of the night crept through the window, casting long shadows across the room. Hermione's voice broke the stillness.

Hermione: "Harry?"

Harry: "I saw my dad."

Hermione looked at him, startled, trying to process what he just said.

Hermione: "What?"

Harry: "He sent the Dementors away. I saw him across the lake."

The conversation was interrupted by a sudden urgency in Hermione's tone.

Hermione: "Listen, Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute now, the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss."

Harry: [scrambling out of bed] "You mean they're going to kill him?"

Hermione: "No. It's worse, much worse. They're going to suck out his soul."

Before Harry could respond, the door opened, and Dumbledore entered with his signature calm but enigmatic demeanor.

Hermione: "Headmaster, you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!"

Harry: "It's true, sir. Sirius is innocent."

Ron: [from his bed, his leg still broken] "It's Scabbers who did it."

Dumbledore: "Scabbers?"

Ron: "He's my rat, sir. Well, he was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat, but then they gave him an owl and—"

Hermione: "The point is, we know the truth! Please, you have to believe us."

Dumbledore looked at them with a measured expression, his sharp gaze giving nothing away.

Dumbledore: "I do, Miss Granger, but I'm afraid the word of three thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others."

Harry watched as Dumbledore approached Ron's bed and tapped his broken leg absentmindedly, causing Ron to yelp in pain. It was as if Dumbledore's mind was elsewhere, orchestrating something unseen.

The clock tower chimed, and Dumbledore's demeanor shifted to something more cryptic.

Dumbledore: "Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And when meddled with, dangerous."

He explained Sirius's location and the importance of not being seen before giving Hermione a clear but enigmatic directive.

Dumbledore: "Three turns should do it, I think. When in doubt, retrace your steps."

With that, he left, leaving Harry baffled.

Ron: "What the bloody hell was that all about?"

Hermione didn't wait. She pulled out a peculiar necklace and looped it around her and Harry's necks. Before Harry could protest, Hermione spun the hourglass three times.

A whirlwind of sounds and sights engulfed them, and when it stopped, Harry found himself standing in the hospital wing, but it was daytime, and the room was empty.

Harry: "What just happened? Where's Ron?"

Hermione: [checking a clock] "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?"

Harry: "I don't know. Going to Hagrid's?"

Hermione: "Come on, and we can't be seen!"

They hurried out, and soon, Harry was watching events from earlier in the day unfold before his eyes.

Harry: "This is not normal."

Hermione: [holding up the hourglass] "This is a Time Turner. McGonagall gave it to me. This is how I've been getting to all my lessons."

Harry couldn't decide what was more absurd: time travel, Hermione's secret, or the fact that Draco was about to get punched by earlier Hermione.

Harry: "Good punch."

Hermione: "Thanks."

They followed their earlier selves, navigating the timeline with care, and eventually made their way to Buckbeak. Harry bowed, coaxed the creature to follow, and with Hermione's help (and some dead ferrets), they whisked Buckbeak away just in time.

Later, after they saved Sirius and harry from dementor and later free him from his prison .as they approached the Clock Tower courtyard with Buckbeak, Sirius greeted them with gratitude.

Sirius: "I'll be forever grateful for this, to both of you."

Harry: "I want to go with you."

Sirius gently refused, placing a hand over Harry's heart.

Sirius: "The ones that love us never really leave us, Harry. You can always find them here."

Harry's heart ached at the sentiment but felt comforted by Sirius's presence and words.

As Buckbeak carried Sirius into the night sky, Hermione tugged Harry back toward the castle. They returned to the hospital wing just as the clock tower struck its final chime.

Dumbledore was waiting for them.

Dumbledore: "Well?"

Harry: [smiling] "He's free. We did it."

The headmaster's eyes twinkled with approval.

Dumbledore: "Excellent. Now, I recommend some rest, Mr. Potter. The future tends to come faster than we think."

The hallway of the hospital wing was filled with an unusual quiet, save for the faint creak of hinges as Harry and Hermione began to open the door to slip back in. Dumbledore was already making his serene exit, his robes flowing like a river of twilight, when a voice echoed down the corridor.

Jason: "Professor Dumbledore!"

Harry and Hermione froze mid-step, their hearts racing. For a brief moment, they exchanged panicked glances, silently asking the same question: Were we seen?

Dumbledore stopped in his tracks, turning gracefully to face the source of the voice. Floating down the corridor, surrounded by an air of casual urgency, was Jason Bourne. What caught everyone's attention, however, was the oversized sack trailing behind him, hovering mid-air like an unwrapped Christmas present.

Dumbledore: "Yes, Mr. Bourne?"

Jason came to a halt, the sack bobbing slightly as if eager to spill its secrets.

Jason: "Professor, I need your help with something urgent."

Dumbledore's gaze, narrowed slightly. Harry and Hermione clutched at each other, their breath held.

Dumbledore: "Urgent, you say? Might I ask why you're wandering the Forbidden Forest at such an hour? You are aware that students should be in bed, are you not?"

Jason looked momentarily sheepish, though it was clear he had calculated this explanation well before arriving.

Jason: "I know, sir, and I'm sorry. But, as I was taking my nightly… uh… stroll, I spotted someone suspicious. A man I didn't recognise. So, naturally, I stunned him."

Dumbledore: [raising an eyebrow] "Naturally."

Jason: "And, well, I thought it best to bring him straight to you."

Without further preamble, Jason waved his wand, and the sack dropped lightly to the floor. With a deft flick, the opening unfurled, and its contents spilled into view: a pale, rat-like man with thinning hair and watery eyes, curled up like a frightened dormouse.

Harry and Hermione: [simultaneously] "Pettigrew!"

Harry's reaction was instant. He sprinted across the corridor and threw his arms around Jason in a hug so enthusiastic it nearly knocked the floating sack aside.

Harry: "Jason! Thank you. Thank you so much!"

Jason, caught off guard, raised both hands in mock surrender.

Jason: "Alright, alright! What did I do? You're crushing me."

Hermione, still in the doorway, was staring between Pettigrew's unconscious form and Jason, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

Hermione: "Jason, you… you caught Peter Pettigrew. Do you even know what this means?"

Jason scratched the back of his head, clearly downplaying his actions.

Jason: "Honestly, I just thought he looked dodgy. Figured he wasn't out there for a late-night picnic."

Dumbledore, who had been observing the exchange with a growing twinkle in his eye, stepped forward.

Dumbledore: "Mr. Bourne, you may have just brought an opportunity for more than one person. A salvation, as it were."

Jason tilted his head, clearly trying to piece together the gravity of the situation.

Jason: "So… good call, then?"

Harry: "Good call? Jason, you've just handed us the proof that Sirius Black is innocent!"

Jason's eyes widened briefly before he gave a modest shrug.

Jason: "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I've done alright."

Hermione crossed her arms, half impressed and half exasperated.

Hermione: "Alright? You've done more than alright, Jason. This would change everything."

Dumbledore bent slightly to inspect Pettigrew, his calm demeanor masking the weight of the moment.

Dumbledore: "I shall ensure that Peter is secured and presented to the proper authorities. You've done something remarkable tonight, Mr. Bourne, even if you may not fully realise it yet."

Jason gave a small grin, brushing imaginary dust off his robes.

Jason: "Just another day of strolling in the forest, Professor."

As Dumbledore conjured a levitation charm to carry Pettigrew, Harry turned back to Jason, his gratitude evident in his shining eyes.

Harry: "I owe you one, Jason. Truly."

Jason, ever the cheeky Ravenclaw, smirked.

Jason: "You owe me more than one, Potter. But don't worry, I'll collect eventually."

Jason : " Now i better get in my bed , you too granger ."

With that, Jason turned on his heel and began to stroll casually down the corridor, his hands tucked in his pockets .