As Hagrid's voice boomed from outside, all heads turned toward the enormous doors.
Hagrid: "Clear the runway!"
Through the sky, a magnificent carriage descended from the skies, pulled by a team of regal, winged Pegasi. The sight was so majestic that even the most seasoned witches and wizards looked on in awe.
Ron: [gaping] "Well, there's something you don't see every day."
The crowd erupted into applause, the grandeur setting the stage for what was to come.
Back in the Great Hall, the atmosphere was buzzing. Dumbledore stood at the head of the room, a twinkle in his eye as he gestured for calm.
Dumbledore: "Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement."
The students leaned in closer.
Dumbledore: "This castle will not only be your home this year but also home to some very special guests. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen…" [pausing for effect] " host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament."
Gasps rippled through the hall.
Fred and George Weasley: [in unison, whispering] "Brilliant."
Dumbledore: "For those unfamiliar, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now, let me be clear: If chosen, you stand alone. These contests are not for the faint-hearted."
The hall was silent, save for the faint crackle of the enchanted candles overhead.
Dumbledore: "But more on that later. For now, please join me in welcoming… the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."
The entrance doors opened , and the Beauxbatons procession began. Graceful young witches floated into the hall, their steps perfectly synchronized, glitter trailing behind them. Butterflies danced through the air as they entered, casting a surreal beauty over the room.
Ron: [goggling at the procession] "Bloody hell."
Tobi: [eyes wide, whispering] "Blimey. That's one big woman."
Madame Maxime's towering figure strode in behind her students, her presence commanding yet elegant.
Dumbledore: "And now, our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."
The hall turned as a new group entered, their demeanor starkly contrasting Beauxbatons. The Durmstrang students marched in with a fierce determination, executing a fiery performance with their wands. Sparks lit the room as they displayed their strength, drawing cheers and gasps from the crowd.
Ron: [excitedly] "Blimey, it's him! Viktor Krum!"
The Quidditch star walked among the Durmstrang students, earning more than a few swooning sighs from admirers across the hall.
Igor Karkaroff: [nodding to Dumbledore] "Albus."
Dumbledore: [smiling warmly] "Igor."
As the introductions concluded, Madame Maxime approached Dumbledore.
Madame Maxime: "Professor Dumbledore, my horses have traveled a long way. They will need attending to."
Dumbledore: "Not to worry, Madame Maxime. Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them."
Madame Maxime: [with a raised brow] "But you know, Monsieur Hagrid… they drink only single-malt whiskey."
Hagrid, distracted, stabbed a fork into Flitwick's hand accidentally.
Flitwick: [yelling] "You idiot!"
The hall burst into laughter, cutting through the tension of the moment.
Dumbledore raised his hands for silence, his voice commanding yet calm.
Dumbledore: "Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three… extremely dangerous tasks."
The Weasley twins exchanged excited glances.
Fred: [whispering] "Wicked."
George: "Absolutely wicked."
Dumbledore: "For this reason, the Ministry has imposed a new rule. To explain, we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch."
As Crouch stepped forward, Ron's eyes widened as another figure entered.
vik :" look at Bartemius crouch , man has been sideline for ritual stuff ."
Jason, observing from the Ravenclaw table, muttered under his breath.
Jason: [to himself] "Which one are you—real Alastor or fake?"
Mad-Eye Moody, oblivious to the scrutiny, fixed the misbehaving ceiling with a spell.
Mad-Eye Moody: [gruffly] "Stupid ceiling."
Finally, Bartemius Crouch addressed the hall, announcing the age restriction for the tournament, much to the dismay of all.
Fred: "That's rubbish!"
George: "Utter rubbish!"
The hall erupted into cheers and whispers as Dumbledore concluded his speech.
Dumbledore: "As of this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."
The mood in the hall was electric, the anticipation palpable as students from all three schools exchanged excited whispers, eager for what lay ahead.
The Dark Arts classroom was tense, the air heavy with an unspoken challenge. Moody's introduction was anything but conventional, his grizzled demeanor and abrupt manner setting the tone. Jason sat in his usual spot, calm and composed, observing Moody with keen eyes as the ex-Auror laid down his philosophy.
Jason's Thoughts:
"This guy doesn't mince words. A practical approach to the Dark Arts, he says. Translation: 'Buckle up, it's going to be a rough ride.' ."
Moody's glass eye swiveled unnervingly, catching Seamus red-handed with chewing gum under the desk.
Moody: "You need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnigan!"
Seamus: [muttering] "No way. The old codger can see out the back of his head."
Moody: [without missing a beat] "And hear across classrooms!"
The lesson escalated quickly as Moody began demonstrating the Unforgivable Curses. The class watched with a mix of morbid curiosity and unease. Hermione's hand shot up like clockwork when Moody asked about the curses.
Hermione: "Three, sir."
Moody: "And they are so named?"
Hermione: "Because they are unforgivable. The use of any one of them will—"
Moody: "Will earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct."
Jason leaned back slightly in his chair, studying Moody's movements. The man wasn't just teaching—he was assessing, measuring the reactions of his students as much as their knowledge.
When Moody moved to demonstrate the Imperius Curse, Jason couldn't help but notice the flicker of discomfort in some of his classmates. Ron's attempt to contribute was met with a heavy-handed jab about his father's dealings with the curse.
Then came Crucio. Moody's wand flicked, and the spider writhed in agony. Jason felt a pang of sympathy but didn't react outwardly. Moody noticed this and sauntered toward him, his magical eye fixed on Jason like a hawk.
The spider writhed again, but Jason held his gaze steady on Moody, refusing to give the reaction Moody seemed to want. Moody's lip twitched in frustration before he turned his attention to Neville, who was clearly distressed.
Moody: "Longbottom got it right. Particularly nasty, eh? Crucio!"
Hermione: [snapping] "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him? Stop it!"
Moody moved on to demonstrate Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse, with a final flourish. The spider's sudden collapse left the room eerily silent. The lesson concluded, but the tension lingered like a storm cloud.
As the class filed out, Hermione caught up to Jason, her expression a mixture of concern and disbelief.
Hermione: "Jason, didn't that affect you at all? How can you be so… so calm about it?"
Jason: "Hermione, it was out of my control. How could I react to something that I couldn't stop?"
Hermione: [exasperated] "Sympathy? Did you even feel bad for the spider?"
Jason: "I did. But to stop it, I'd have to stop Moody. And last I checked, we were in class to learn—not stage a rebellion."
Hermione frowned, clearly unsatisfied with his detached reasoning.
Jason: "Tell me, Hermione, why didn't you stop him?"
Hermione: [stammering] "I… I tried!"
Jason: [arching an eyebrow] "And did it work? Did it stop him? Or did you realize, like I did, that sometimes things are beyond our control? This was one of those times."
Hermione fell silent, her expression thoughtful. Jason offered her a faint smile before heading toward the library.
Jason's Thoughts:
"Hermione has her heart in the right place, but she's still learning that the world isn't always black and white. Lessons like today are brutal, but they stick. Moody's methods are questionable, but he's not wrong about one thing—you have to know what you're up against."
From a corner of the corridor, Moody watched Jason leave, his magical eye swiveling to follow him.
Moody: [to himself] "Interesting lad. Steady under pressure. Let's see what you're hiding, Bourne."
The dueling chamber echoed with the crackle of magic and the sharp sounds of spells colliding mid-air. Jason squared off against Professor Flitwick, his wand gripped tightly, his mind sharp and focused.
They exchanged spells in rapid succession. Flashes of light danced in the room as Jason's Protego deflected a jet of shimmering blue magic. Flitwick countered immediately, summoning a conjured serpent to slither toward Jason. Jason's wand moved in a quick arc.
Jason: "Evanesco!"
The serpent vanished in a puff of smoke, but Flitwick was already moving. With a flick of his wand, he sent a burst of transfigured fireballs Jason's way, each morphing into a flock of eagles ravens mid-flight.
Flitwick: "Quick thinking, Jason. But don't get comfortable!"
Jason stepped to the side, twisting his wand in an intricate motion.
Jason: "Glacius!"
A wave of frost erupted, freezing the fiery eagles in mid-air before they shattered into harmless shards. Jason followed up with a precise Expulso, forcing Flitwick to dodge.
Flitwick: [chuckling] "Aggressive, aren't we? You've changed, Jason. Your movements used to be cautious, deliberate—a mix of strategy and improvisation. Now, you're trying to dictating the pace, to seize control of the duel."
Jason held his ground, his wand poised for the next exchange.
Jason: "It's a change in mentality, Professor. I've realized there's no point in doing anything halfway. Controlling the flow means controlling the outcome."
Flitwick raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting to one of a seasoned mentor ready to impart a lesson.
Flitwick: "Ah, but remember, Jason—overwhelming force can disrupt even the best-laid plans. Watch this!"
Flitwick's wand moved faster than Jason could follow, and a surge of energy crackled toward him. Jason barely had time to raise a shield.
Jason: "Protego Maxima!"
The shield absorbed the spell but buckled under the sheer force. A resounding CRACK filled the room as Jason was flung across the chamber, landing with a thud against the cushioned wall.
Flitwick: [walking toward Jason, beaming] "You're improving rapidly, Jason. But remember, strength isn't just about control—it's about adaptability. A good duelist isn't just a tactician or a powerhouse. They're a combination of both."
Jason sat up, rubbing his shoulder but wearing a determined smile.
Jason: [grinning] "Guess I'll have to combine the two quicker, then. Can't have you wiping the floor with me every session, sir."
Flitwick: [laughing, his voice warm] "Good. Now, let's go again. You're not leaving this chamber until you make me break a sweat!"
Around the chamber, the enchanted walls shimmered faintly with residual magic, evidence of their intense session. Despite the challenge, Jason felt exhilarated.