Chereads / Avengard Chronicles / Chapter 4 - The Priest

Chapter 4 - The Priest

The next day the group woke up early, restless after yesterday's events. They decided to loot, then burn the bodies of the dead bandits. They took coins and supplies before setting the bodies aflame. The wagon continued down the road to Stonenburg. Around the road was a vast, grassy flatland which seemed to stretch on for miles. Rinero sat on a crate inside the wagon. "Yesterday sure was something," he thought to himself. His mind was still thinking about the man he killed. The scene replayed in his head a million times. The strike, the blood, the lifeless body on the floor. The battle which Noname and Zetarnu fought also clouded his mind. The chaos of yesterday still had Rinero utterly baffled and there was a new darkness on his face. 

Soon they pulled up to the entrance of the village guarded by a single man wearing chainmail shirt and a straw hat holding a rusty halberd. "Pay the entrance fee, two coppers. I'll take your horse and wagon down to the stables," said the guard. Noname handed over the coins, then Rinero and Zetarnu jumped out of the wagon while Noname and the guard took the wagon and horse to the stables. The Stonenburg was similar to Dunstrik, just much smaller. Dirt roads and a few scattered, small wooden houses. On top of a hill at the small village edge was a stone church and a small monastery. 

"So Zetarnu, why are we here?" asked Rinero.

"We need a priest."

"A priest?"


"But why?"

"Protection from demons, spirits, and black magic. The Black Dagger Bandits are acquiring forbidden magic, and we could always encounter spirits on the road."

Zetarnu and Rinero reached the door of the church after making their way through the fairly empty streets of Stonenburg. The church was small with a wooden door. There was moss on some of the weathered grey stone bricks. Close up Rinero could see moss covered graves on the left side of the church. Zetarnu opened the door and went inside. The inside of the church was quite plain. Rows of wooden benches with a alter at the end of the room.

At the front row of the benches two men sat. One of the two men stood up to greet Zetarnu and Rinero. He was a tall, grim, gangly man with a face like stone in black priest robes. He ran a thin hand through his short brown hair and adjusted his large round glasses. "Greetings gentlemen, welcome to our humble church. My name is Simon. For what purpose have you come to the house of holy Terra," said Father Simon in a polite tone.

"Well, my name is Zetarnu, the man with me is Rinero. We are here to make a request, an urgent one," said Zetarnu. Simon's face twisted in concern.

"And what is your urgent request."

"I need you to come with me on a journey or else everybody in this region will die to the Black Dagger Bandits." 

A wave of shock and confusion swept across Father Simon's face. "Talk about getting straight to the point," thought Rinero. 

"Please elaborate."

Zetarnu began to tell Father Simon about Sharshang, the forbidden magic, the Black Dagger Bandits, and the plan to eliminate the bandit king. Additionally, he recounted the battle with the bandits yesterday.

"I see," said Simon as he readjusted his glasses. "I'm not entirely sure I can come along with you."

"What, why!"

"Because I refuse to kill other people, and anyways I have to take care of this church."

Zetarnu sighed, then got frustrated, "Dam it we will all die if you don't come with me. We have roughly two weeks to finish off Sharshang. You don't need to kill anyone; we really just need help from your faith abilities."

"I see, however I still have this church to take care of." Simon pointed at the other man sitting on the bench. "Our only other priest, Father Yulkei, is elderly and requires my assistance." The man, Father Yulkei stood up. He was an old man in black priest robes, leaning on a cane. "Father Yulkei."

"Simon, I don't constantly need your assistance to run this church. If this quest is as important as this man said, then it is your duty as a servant of Terra to go. It is your duty as a priest to preach and spread the good word and use your faith abilities to defend the innocent."

"Very well Father Yulkei. But are you sure you will be okay without me, and have I learned enough from you?"

"I'll do just fine. You have learned much about the faith and your priest abilities are quite exceptional. You are prepared for a mission like this."

"I trust your judgement Father Yulkei, thank you for everything."

Father Yulkei simply nodded back.

"Well then Zetarnu, I will indeed be assisting you on your quest," said Father Simon. 

"Well, that was quick. Very well then go pack whatever you will require for your travels and meet me at the stables," said Zetarnu. 

Zetarnu and Rinero both left the church and headed to the stables. 

"Hey Zetarnu, what were those faith abilities you were talking about back at the church?" questioned Rinero.

"Well, faith abilities are essentially blessings from a god which allows priests or shamans or any other people like that who worship them to perform miracles. The abilities provided all depend on the god they worship and how devoted to said god they are. Our priest here worships the god Terra. Their abilities seem like magic, but I can assure you faith and magic are two very separate things."

As they walked the empty streets of Stonenburg Rinero's mind was still preoccupied thinking about the man he killed. Soon they had reached the stables where Noname was waiting outside, his face hidden by the cloak's shadow. "Hello master, hello Mr. Espada," he said while waving at them. The three waited outside the stables for 15 minutes until they saw Father Simon approaching.

"Hello gentlemen, I am prepared leave," said Simon, briefcase in hand. "And who might this other person be Zetarnu?"

"That is my apprentice, Noname, he used to work in the monastery here," replied Zetarnu. Noname waved silently at Father Simon.

"You don't say, I'm pleased to meet you Noname," Simon said to Noname as he shook his hand. 

"Tell me Father Simon, would there happen to be a tavern within Stonenburg?"

A small smile crept on Simon's grim face, "Indeed there is an excellent tavern here, follow me gentlemen."

 They followed Simon to a small stone brick building. "Here it is, the Fat Swine Tavern." The four men walked into the building and were greeted by an old woman polishing a beer mug. The tavern was mostly empty with only a few shady men, mercenaries, sitting at wooden tables playing dice and eating. The entire place was dimly lit by a few amber glowing lanterns. "Hello Ulga, our town has a few visitors."

"Thats great, what will they be ordering."

The group sat down at a wooden table and ordered their food. With surprising speed, the food was prepared and served. Large, steaming chunks of beef and chopped up vegetables a thick brown soup. Alongside the soup was served were pieces of brown rye bread. Beer was poured into their large glass mugs. The whole array looked and smelled delicious and was surprisingly cheap. They began indulging in their meal and started talking to each other, yet Rinero stayed silent. 

"Hey, your name is Rinero, yes. It seems something troubles you. I know that look, the guilt of sin," whispered Simon. "If you would like you could confess at our church."

Rinero looked at Simon and nodded slowly. The group continued their meal and Rinero finally spoke.

"Hey Simon, this village is quite empty, why is that."

"Bandits Rinero, these plains have become quite dangerous of late. People fear that the wave of bandit activity will move here, so they fled. I even heard from a traveling potion merchant that there are whole armies of bandits roaming around."

"Well, I guess it good that were going to stop them. Split some bandit skulls and eliminate the bandit king," Rinero laughed nervously

"But it's a shame isn't it."


"That we must kill others, even if they are ill hearted. If only we understood each other and didn't fight meaninglessly and succumbed to our own greed and sin. Why must man be so cruel against itself," Simon said with a sigh.

Eventually the group got done with their dinner and Simon spoke, "I just remembered something. I have a quick errand to attend to, Rinero could you please help me?"

Rinero understood, "Sure."

The two men left and quickly went to the church. The two entered a confession booth. "Now Rinero, confess your sins and let Terra wash them away." 

The words quickly spewed out of Rinero's mouth, "I killed a man, he was a bandit who was about to kill me. Yet I still feel incredibly guilty about it. It was my first time killing someone,"

"I see, I remember when I first killed a man."


"I used to be a mercenary; I became a priest only two years ago, Father Yulkei taught me to be one. It was six years ago in 1456 at the siege of Ul Falrid when I killed my first man. I was only 17 when I did it, my first year as a mercenary. When the Zurians breeched the walls, I shoved my pike through one of the men's hearts. Watched him drop dead before his body was trampled upon by the rest of the breachers."

"How are you so open with such a thing?"

"Denying and hiding my sins won't make them go away. I confess and repent so that they are washed away in Terra's limitless grace."

"I see." 

"Your actions were in self-defense, have no shame in the act. It is a sad, yet true aspect of our world that we must be driven to violence in order to survive. However, it seems the journey we are about to take will be a bloody one. Harden your heart Rinero, this will not be the last time you will be killing another man."

The two men talked for a few more minutes before leaving the church. The experience left Rinero feeling much better. They met up with Noname and Zetarnu at the entrance to the village, wagon already loaded and ready. They got into the wagon and rode off, back onto the road and the open plains. 

"Simon, Rinero, we must now discuss our plans. Our next destination is Whitelake, it will be a three-day ride there. I have an acquaintance there; he can help us as he is also a mage like me. He has an item which will be crucial to our success" said Zetarnu.

The plains stretched far in front of them, tall grass flowing in the wind. Rinero looked out at the sun, it was midday. "Hardening my heart huh. There is a very small chance of me surviving this quest from the sound of things. It seems that if I want to survive this, I must become comfortable with killing. I won't let myself get killed on some dumbass wizard quest!" Rinero thought with resolve. The words of the old mercenary flashed into his mind, "No matter the circumstances you must keep moving forward. Do everything in your power to survive and win."