The four woke up early the next morning. Noname and Zetarnu were well rested while Rinero and Simon were tired, and their bodies ached all over. They had forgotten their blankets in the wagon so the two also woke up cold.
The four men made their way through the bustling streets to a tavern to have breakfast. The tavern was filled with colorfully dressed merchants with their large, feathered hats and mercenaries in shining armor with their spears and swords right next to them. There were many mercenaries indeed. In fact, mercenaries made up a great deal of Pinerock's economy.
With barbarians and the Southern League at the frontier, Steelhawk is often lacking men to defend their borders and attack neighboring nations. Therefore, mercenaries make fortunes off the constant wars, weather they serve the Southern League or Steelhawk's endless conquests.
Through the busy tavern the four men sat down at a table and a waitress came to take their order.
after a solid ten minutes the order was delivered. Eggs with bacon and spiced sausages served with slices of bread with honey. Their drink was sweetened milk. It was an excellent and delicious breakfast which they quickly devoured.
"Anyways we should discuss our plans for today," said Zetarnu.
"Let's hear it," said Rinero.
"There are a lot of mercenaries here, I'm thinking of hiring some of them to come on our quest."
"Sounds like a good idea."
"I believe I see a nice group there."
Zetarnu pointed a shady group of mercenaries in the corner of the tavern.
"I'll go try to hire them."
Zetarnu walked over to the men to talk to them.
"You gentlemen are mercenaries, yes?"
"Yep," said one of them, A large, bearded man in chainmail and wrapped in a dark green cloak.
"I'd like to hire you men."
"Then let's discuss prices back at the guild house."
Zetarnu called over the three others and followed the four mercenaries. They made their way through the crowded streets to a stone building which was the headquarters of the Pinerock Mercenary Guild. The building was filled with mercenaries talking with their clients, mostly merchants seeking protection on their travels. The four mercenaries approached a man sitting at a counter and the large, bearded mercenary was handed a key and a scroll.
"Follow us."
Zetarnu and the group along with the mercenaries walked into a small room with a table with two chairs. The large, bearded mercenary sat down in one of the chairs and so did Zetarnu.
"Here we shall discuss business. Now I believe we have not introduced ourselves. My name is Beowulf, and yours?"
"Great to meet you Zetarnu. So, what do you need to hire us for."
"I need you to help us on a quest."
"And what kind of quest would that be."
Zetarnu proceeded to explain their circumstances to the mercenaries in great detail. The four mercenaries looked at each other after hearing the story, then they all smiled.
"We will be happy to take up you offer if you pay us 40 gold marks and promise us a 25% cut of Sharshang's treasure after his defeat."
"Sounds great."
Beowulf unrolled the scroll he was given and handed it over to Zetarnu. It was a contract. Zetarnu then snapped his and a signature suddenly appeared on the paper with a flash. The mercenaries were quite startled by the act.
"I see you're a mage."
Zetarnu handed over a bag of coins to the mercenaries and then Zetarnu and Beowulf's group both left the building.
"Rinero, Noname, I need you two to run an errand before we leave. Buy some gear and a few health and mana potions. Meet us at the gates when we are done. Oh, and Rinero, get yourself some armor."
Rinero and Noname left towards the market of Pinerock. The two entered a building with a hanging sign labeled Johan's Adventuring Supplies. Within the store were shelves packed with boxes of potions, trinkets, and scrolls. There were racks stocked with shining spears and blades and mannequins equipped with armor.
"Howdy partners, what are you here to buy," said an old, grey-haired man with a scarred face behind a counter.
"We need potions of health and mana," said Noname with his face hidden.
The man, Johan, got up from the counter and hobbled over to the potions. Johan was missing his entire left leg and had to use a crutch to walk. He brought over two small wooden cases to the counter. One of them had the word health written on it and the other had mana written on it.
"Here they are, four potions in each of these cases. They're going to be 8 silver marks each."
Rinero eyed a long knife on one of the weapon racks.
"Hey, I'd like to buy that knife over there."
"Go ahead, that one's gonna be one gold mark."
Rinero placed the knife onto the counter.
"Get some armor to," said Noname.
Rinero looked at the mannequins and began examining them.
"I don't think I should get chainmail or plate armor as they are heavy, and my fighting style emphasizes speed. Therefore, I should get something light but still offers decent defense. That brigandine will do the job," thought Rinero.
"Hey old man, how much is this green brigandine."
"Thats gonna cost you 5 gold young man."
"Alright I'll take it."
Rinero placed the brigandine on the counter and Noname withdrew a pouch from his cloak.
"All of this is gonna cost you 6 silver and 7 gold."
Noname paid the man and took the supplies they bought.
"Are you gentlemen out on an adventure," said Johan.
"Yep," said Rinero.
"Stay safe out there, always keep yer guard up," Johan looked at the short stump that used to be his left leg. "You don't want to end up like me now, eh? lost my leg to an infection from a snake small as a twig out on the frontier."
The man laughed as Rinero and Noname left the building. Noname and Rinero got back to the village gates where the wagon was ready and waiting and Beowulf's mercenaries on their horses. Rinero equipped his green brigandine under his coat and sheathed his long knife into his belt.
"Ready to go master," said Noname.
Rinero and Zetarnu jumped into the wagon with Simon and Noname got into the driver's seat.
"You know the path Noname, lets go. Follow us Beowulf," said Zetarnu.
The wagon followed by the mercenaries on their horses left the town and went back onto the road following the rushing river. The land was rocky with small patchy grass. There were tall pine trees scattered around the path.
5 hours later...
The sun began to set upon the land. By now the travelers were passing through the middle of a valley next to the river.
"We are approaching the frontier and the wild lands. We shall make camp here and continue tomorrow," said Zetarnu.
Despite the power of the Empire of Steelhawk even they can't tame the entirely of the land. In the lands between nations and regions of civilization are the areas known as the wild lands. The vast gaps in the civilized world are untamed and filled with beasts and magic. Beyond the frontier the laws of civilization don't apply. The only law in the wild lands, is the law of survival of the fittest.
The group set up camp and sat down to begin cooking. The mercenaries began whispering amongst each other. The group was halfway done cooking a warm beef stew when the mercenaries all looked at Zetarnu.
"You know Zetarnu," chuckled Beowulf, "Even being near the frontier is quite dangerous."
Simon looked at the mercenaries and began getting up.
"Sometimes people randomly end up dead, bandits and such you know."
Beowulf shot a glance at Simon who had stood up and was sweating.
"Now he's got the right idea."
All at once all the mercenaries stood up and drew their weapons.
"Its a trap!" shouted Simon.
"What the hells the meaning of this!" said Zetarnu.
"Its a ambush scheme, I saw them a lot back in my mercenary days. Mercenaries will kill their own employers to steal from them in an isolated or dangerous area. They don't get arrested because they always make up a fake story on how their employers were killed."
The group drew their weapons and Simon readied his fists. The two groups stood opposed from each other. Simon stood opposed from a read cloaked mercenary. Noname stood opposed to a heavy, crude, plate armored mercenary. Zetarnu stood opposed from a bald mercenary. Rinero stood opposed to Beowulf himself holding a giant, two-handed claymore.
All at once both parties charged at each other and began fighting. The pairs then spread out across the valley. Fighting rang across the night shrouded valley.
Noname's daggers flashed through the air towards the armored mercenary who was effectively parrying the strikes with the hilt of his giant hammer. Suddenly the hammer swung violently at Noname and just barely missed the swift half orc. Noname's daggers jabbed at the armored mercenary but bounced off ineffectively from the hard steel armor of the mercenary.
Thus, a vicious cycle began between the two. The mercenary swings his heavy hammer at Noname which Noname barely dodges and Nonames daggers miss the gaps of the mercenary's armor or are dodged all together. This went on for several minuets, wearing down the two and depleting their stamina greatly.
The two charged at each other with desperation to end the grueling battle. The mercenary's hammer swung through the air carried by its own momentum to be swift as the wind. Noname rushed and weaved past the deadly hammer's swing and he slashed with his daggers.
The two were locked into the battle but then the solution struck Noname's mind. The two were too close for Noname to use magic so he would use blunt force, the most effective force against plate armor.
The half-orc's leg surged with orcish strength and smashed into the mercenary's chest. The mercenary tumbled down, encumbered by his heavy full plate armor. Noname quickly took advantage of the situation and pounced on top of the mercenary. His dagger slipped into the gap between the helmet and the chest plate and stabbed into the mercenary's neck.
The mercenary struggled and gurgled, thrashing violently and grasping at his neck. Then the mercenary's body went limp.