Genesis Twenty-one….(v.22-34) Abraham's Testimony.
Verses 22-34….
Abimelech, the Philistine king, now comes on the scene again. He recognised that God was with Abraham and prospering him and wanted to make a deal with him…..
This is a real example to us…do the people we work with know that God is with us? Is our work testimonial honouring to God? Abimelech wanted Abraham to deal with him honestly all the time. "Fair's fair", said Abraham, "What about those wells your servants won't let us use?" So they made an agreement to live in the land in harmony and Abraham re-dug the wells and gave him seven lambs in payment.
We may not always agree with others' philosophies or ideas, but we can agree to disagree and live in harmony with them. Arguments and debates achieve nothing but discord and that benefits no-one. The believer is to live peaceably with all around him (Romans 12:17-18).
Abraham planted a tree beside this well as a memorial….this grew and gave shade to those who went there. If we plant a tree of friendship, it will grow and benefit all.
To live in peace is a wonderful thing, To God our Father, it will glory bring,
To others around be a helpful friend, For you may win them to Christ in the end.
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