Genesis Twenty-two….(v.9-11) God Provides.
Verses 9-11….
Abraham and Isaac arrived at the appointed place on Mount Moriah….the very spot where centuries later, the Great Lamb of God (1John 1:29) would be crucified for the sins of the world!
Abraham had truly uttered prophetically when he said that God would provide a lamb for the sacrifice! Isaac was a true picture of that passive lamb….he offered no resistance although he could have overpowered his father or run away. We would love to have a record of the conversation between Abraham and Isaac as Abraham told him what God had said to do! So too, our Lord Jesus was prepared to obey His Father to the full, even though He shrank from the thought….holiness having to bear the sins of the world ! (Hebrews 10:3-11)
Abraham was prepared to go the whole way….Isaac was bound and put on the very wood that he had carried…in the same way our Lord was beaten and flogged and nailed to the wood He had created…. Abraham took the knife and there the similarity ended. God intervened, Abraham had passed the test in full.
Isaac obeyed what his father had said, As to the spot he was bound and led,
A true picture of the heavenly Lamb, But he was saved by God sending a ram.
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