Verses 20-23….
The waters, rivers and oceans, were now in place and able to sustain life. The rivers flowed down from the heights (Psalm 104:6-8), the moon controlled the tides and the bounds were set for the seas' waves (Psalm 104:9-10). Trees were growing, flowers blooming, but it was all sterile and empty, just waiting to be populated. What a wonderful conglomeration of life god gave to this waiting globe!!
The air was filled with birds flying . bees buzzing, all darting. The trees echoed to the bird calls while the nights brought out the fluttering moths, owls and bats. What a variety!
The seas too, suddenly teemed with life, from the greatest whales and sea monsters , down to the tiny whitebait and plankton as well as all the sizes in between. Each species all dovetailed in together and the balance we see in nature today began in perfection.
Sea birds of varying sorts occupied the shores, from those flying with keen eyesight to dive and get their food, to those like the penguins unable to fly in the air, but flying under the sea to catch their food. Each species breeds with its own and never interbreeds even after six thousand years of living in close proximity. There are fresh water fish, salt water fish and some that even go from one to the other !
Oh Lord, how manifold are all your works! In wisdom You have made them all, And the earth is full of Your riches! (Psalm 104:24)
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