Verses 24-26….
The air was now full of life and the waters were teeming with movement, the dry land was covered with trees, grass and flowers waiting for its inhabitants. The sixth day of creation dawned, and God said….
"Bring forth living creatures….from animals to creeping things, large and small" and it was so!! Every creature was perfectly fitted for its natural environment….if man takes them from their natural environment they either die or else overpopulate and make a pest of themselves as possums do in neighbouring countries.
In spite of this abundance of life on earth, there was still nothing that God could communicate with….all creation was joyful before Him and God saw that everything that He had made was good, but it was not enough..
So God said, "Let US make man in our own image" (Psalm 8:4-8). Just as God is a three part Being (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), so man has three facets…body, soul and spirit. The body is the case, the soul has the feeling, emotions, and thinking capacity, while man's spirit is the part of man that is God conscious and feels the need of worshipping a Greater Being. Man's spirit is the part of man that intertwines with God's Holy Spirit when searching sincerely for God (John 4:23-24; Romans 8:16, 26-27).
God's plan was complete, but for one thing, Someone was needed His praises to sing,
Someone to whom He'd communicate, Someone who'd willingly on Him now wait.
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