"Alright," Kai nodded. "Let's start now."
"Okay, but..." Lira said, glancing around the forest, "Why we are here?"
They were standing in the southern part of Howlfen Forest, a few minutes away from Zer's cave.
"It's perfect place for your training!" Kai said, his tone lacing with confidence, clenching both his fists over his chest.
"But, we could have—"
"Quiet! That's not important. We don't have time for chit-chat."
Lira narrowed her eyes, her lips twitched as she did her best to held back the urge to smack Kai's head.
"Now listen carefully," Kai said, holding up a brown pouch, before tucking it back into his pocket.
"This is your target, try and take it from me."
"Hmph," Lira scoffed, flipping her hair, "Piece of cake."
"Ah, then com'on, show me."
She began walking towards him, gradually picking up her pace.
Just as her hand reached Kai's pocket, he grabbed it.
"Just what are you trying to do, you little thief?" Kai said with a sly grin, waving her hand in the air.
"I'm not a thief, idiot." Lira retorted, pulling her hand away.
"Then what were you trying to do, right now?"
"That's just survival."
"Oh, just survival?"
"Alright fine. Let's start over."
"First step: Always look innocent. That you don't mean any harm to them." Kai said, raising his finger.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Lira muttered, her brows were furrowed and lips were twitched.
Kai pointed at her and explained, "With that look of yours, you are gonna scare your prey."
"Fine, does this look good now?" She asked, forcing a wide, toothy grin that looked more menacing than innocent.
Kai blinked and took a step back. "No, now you look like you're planning to eat someone alive."
Lira pouted, crossing her arms. "Why do I even need to look innocent? Can't I just directly grab it?"
Kai shook his head, wagging a finger at her. "Nope! The art of pickpocketing—uh, I mean, survival—is all about subtlety. The moment they suspect you, it's game over."
"Alright, fine," Lira muttered. She relaxed her face and tilted her head slightly.
Her innocent eyes shimmering with curiosity. She brought one finger to her cheek, while her other hand rested behind her back.
One leg bent inward, brushing against the other, giving her an air of charming.
"Just forget it. No rule number 1." Kai yelled, his face twisted with annoyance.
Before Lira could comment, he opened his mouth again, "Next Rule: When you approach your target..."
He began teaching her the art of pickpoc—ahem—survival. Lira, at first was listening with curiosity, but soon her lips curled into a 'meh' expression. Eventually, Kai's lecture came to the end.
"Rule 101: Don't get caught, if you do then..." He paused, clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, "It was nice knowing you, I will remember you forever."
"Nmh" Lira rubbed her eyes and yawned.
"You done?"
"Yup," Kai nodded and took few steps back.
"Let's try again."
Lira took a deep breath, relaxed herself. She slowly made her way towards him.
When she reached about 3 meters away, she picked up her pace and reluctantly bumped into him. As she was about to reach his pocket—
"Ah-ha!" Kai grabbed her wrist.
"Again!" He said.
Lira rushed back to her starting position and then moved like she practiced. But—
She failed.
She repeated the process, but Kai's reactions were always quicker.
"Not good!"
"Just give up!"
Lira failed, even after her umpteenth attempt. But still didn't gave up. She again took her starting position and moved towards Kai.
As she bumped into Kai, her tigh brushed against his, causing the pouch to shift slightly out of his pocket. She steadily moved her fingers and quickly snatched the pouch.
"Sorry. My bad!" She bowed with practiced apology.
But Kai smirked and cracked his knuckle, "I think I should teach you some manners, for not bumping into others, kid."
Hearing this, Lira aimed a kick at his crotch.
"Argh!" Kai grunted, he rolled on the ground in pain, clutching his family jewels.
Few moments later, he stood up and said, "A-Alright, time to go."
After walking for few minutes they reached the market square.
The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue over bustling market square. But still, streets were crowded with merchants and people wandering around, selling and buying, some gossiping.
"That one," Kai pointed at a middle-aged man with blonde hair, moving from stall to stall, inspecting their goods but not buying anything.
Following where Kai had pointed, Lira nodded and made her way towards the middle-aged man.
She blended with the crowd, but was still amature, compared to Kai. Slowly, but surely. She closed the distance between herself and her target.
As she reached near him, she bumped into him purposefully.
Just before she could reach his pouch, she froze mid way.
The man had grabbed her hand, that was just above his pocket.
Lira's eyes widened, her breath hitched, she closed her eyes as she braced herself for the worst.
"Watch were you are going kid," The middle aged man said, his tone indifferent as he glanced down at her.
She dared to peek at him only to see his blank face, without any expression, his eyes didn't moved.
He was blind.
Kai, who was standing at his place, watched the scene unfolding. Just as he saw Lira got caught, he dashed towards her.
Before he could reach them, the man released Lira's hand from his grip and walked away.
Kai quickly reached near her and grabbed her, hand bolting towards the narrow alley.
They both began panting, clutching their chests, gasping for breath.
"That was a close call," Kai said as he stood straight and calmed himself.
Lira nodded in response as she too straightened herself and stood beside him.
"Let's try again," Kai said, pointing to a chubby man who just purchased some snacks from bakery and was wandering around, eating the snacks. His pouch was carelessly hanging out of his pocket, making him an easy target for someone like Lira.
Lira hesitated for a moment but didn't retorted, she sighed, preparing herself for another try for—survival.
Yes, that was just for survival, not any bad stuff.
Eventually she reached near her target.
Her hand steadily reached his pouch that was hanging out from pocket. She swiftly grabbed the pouch and hid it under her tunic.
"I'm really sorry! Please forgive me for my rudeness, good sir." She apologized, bowing politely.
Chubby man didn't said anything and walked away.
"What the!" Kai was speechless, he was expecting to see how the chubby man will scold her, like he got everytime he bumped into them.
But little did he know, that Lira's style, the way she apologies is different then his.
It was just. Perfect. Like she had been doing this for years, it wasn't brute and forced apology bow like Kai's, which instead of pleading, antagonize others.
Lira quickly moved from her place and dashed towards Kai.
She waved the red colored pouch at him, grinning.
Kai smiled, tapping her shoulder.
"Good work junior, now let this pro show you how it's really done." He said and moved towards the crowd, blending in seamlessly.
Before she could respond, Kai slipped into the crowd, vanishing from her sight.
Lira blinked in disbelief. Even when she tried to follow him with her eyes, he seemed to disappear and reappear in different spots.
Meanwhile, Kai was already scanning the crowd for his prey.
"Heh!" He smirked and moved towards an old man.
After few minutes, pickpocketing multiple times he jogged towards Lira.
"Let's go," he said, grabbing her hand as both of them ran away, making their way out of the busy market square.
After running for few minutes they reached near Zer's cave. Upon entering, they were greeted by Luna's cheerful cries, "Kwaa!"
Seeing Luna, Kai face lit up as he dashed towards her opening his arms, leaving Lira behind.
But to his surprise, just like before, Luna darted past him and leaped into Lira's arm.
"I missed you too!" Lira cooed, nuzzling her cheeks against the little creature.
Kai stood there, blanked, his arms still extended sideways.
{I pity you boy. Don't worry you can hug my claws.} Zer teased, watching the scene unfold.
"Go, hug yourself you jerk!" Kai bellowed at him, clenching his fist around his chest in frustration.
Seeing them like that, Lira giggled. She turned her head towards Luna, pulling out the pouch from her tunic, she said, "You know what? Mama made some money today."
"Huh! Why are you bragging about it, it's only one small earning." Kai scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Hey, don't say that." Lira pouted, hugging Luna from behind.
{Little Lira, about the money you said, you didn't steal it, did you?} Zer asked.
"Ofcourse not!" Lira responded immediately, not missing a beat.
{Then it's good.} Zer nodded, satisfied.
"It's Art of Survival!"
"How are you going to survive with that?" Kai teased, pointing at the pouch she was holding.
Hearing this Lira pouted, "I'll soon master The Art of Survival and make more money than you."
"Not gonna happen, I'm already a pro and will always make more then you." Kai commented.
"So what, I'll surpass you and will become world's greatest Survival Master."
"I'll be the one, not you."
"No, I will."
"Kwaa!" Luna let out happy cries, wanting to join the argument, even though not knowing what they are even arguing about.
{These brats...} Zer sighed, shaking his head.