Days passed, six months had passed, and Lucas' body really didn't look fat anymore, especially his stomach. The eight abdominal muscles had not returned, but at least they were no longer fat. Haisley smiled at Lucas' current state.
"Look, Mr. Lucas is no less handsome than Mr. Xaver," Haisley said with a smile and her hand holding the cloth she was using to wipe the objects she was supposed to wipe.
"Ehem," the sound of someone clearing their throat made Haisley immediately pause, and then she turned to the person who cleared their throat.
Haisley smiled when she found the head maid, who had just cleared her throat. "Get back to work," the head maid said, glaring angrily at Haisley and the other two maids.
Haisley left immediately, before leaving. Haisley glanced at Lucas, who was staring at her. "Mr. Lucas is getting handsome," Haisley whispered in the head maid's ear before she actually ran away.