After a bit of walking, Shimmer stopped in the middle of the fully fournished training room, "So what am I supposed to do exactly?" She asked, unsure of how to start, "Just draw power from your Vision and give it shape." Childe instructed simply.
"Shape, okay, so light..." Shimmer muttered, thinking of how to shape light before going for a simple beam, shooting it from the tip of her finger to a dummy, damaging it slightly, "That's a start." Childe commented, checking out the damage.
Pantalone giggled a bit, "I must say this Shine Element seems pretty versatile, light has a lot of applications." He pointed out, "So it's like the Shade Element in that regard." Arlecchino realized, bringing a hand to her chin in a thinking position.
This information made Shimmer create a simple sphere of Shine in her hand to check it out, "Really? They're similar?" She asked in surprise before turning to Gloom, "...What?" She questioned, unperturbed by the look, despite knowing what it means.
"...Fine I'll help you." Gloom conceeded, approaching to show some tricks, meanwhile Cirno motion the Harbringers to move aside for a bit of private talking, "I really wouldn't mind having someone with a new Element as part of the Fatui." She told them, shocking them.
The nine exchanged glances, unsure of this idea, "Is it really wise to let someone who just arrived today to join just like this?" Signora said, questioning the decision, "To be fair this could be a real asset if you really think about it." Pulcinella pointed out, "Not just for the Vision, but also to fill in the Harbringer positions." He added.
Cirno nodded at that, "Yes, after letting Gloom join as number 1 of the Fatui-" She was saying, but got interrupted, "Despite clear insistance of absolutely not doing that." Arlecchino said sternly, "Moving on! We're missing someone that can 'make horrible things happen to horrible people' and as far as I know the Balladeer is the one that used to make the horrible things happen." Cirno brought up.
"There have been a few questionable people coming in and out of Teyvat lately." Pantalone noted, agreeing with the idea, "Can she handle them though?" Columbina pointed out before a sudden shockwave crashed against them.
Turning to the source they saw that Shimmer perfectly used one of Glooms techniques, "You learn quickly! It took me weeks to do that perfectly." The black colored girl complimented, "She might be able to get as strong as Gloom..." Sandrone informed, having done some quick calculations.
"Hey Shimmer!" Cirno called out, effectly ending the brainstorming session, "How about you, against the five that can fight?" She suggested with a smirk, pointing to the group she just left, "I'm sorry what?" "Are you sure?" "This might end badly..." And similar things came from them, "I wasn't expecting this kind of offer..." Shimmer said.
After a moment of silence, Cirno just motioned for all the Harbringers except for Gloom, Pantalone and Pulcinella to get ready to fight, "Wait hold on all at once!?" She exclaimed in a panic, clearly not thinking she could win, "Yes!" Cirno confirmed, "Begin!" She ordered, causing everyone to begin attacking.
Not knowing what to do, Shimmer just gathered the power from her Vision into her thumb and middle fingers, making it burst in a flash with a snap, blinding her adversaries and moving to another spot to strategize, "Of course she'd be able to do that." Sandrone commented, using her Vision to create a Geo Constrcuct she could see through.
Looking around she spotted Shimmer hiding behind a pillar, "There she is!" Sandrone exclaimed, creating a Geo Golem and sending it to attack the girl, "Woah!" Shimmer yelped having been taken off guard, but was still able to move out of the way due to the power she drew from her Vision allowing her to move faster.
As Shimmer dealt with the construct, the Harbringers slowly regained their Sight, but thanks to her regenerative abilities, Signora got it quicker, allowing her to join the construct, also charging it with Pyro, "This is not going how I expected." Cirno commented, "You had her attacked out of the blue, what did you expect to happen?" Gloom questioned.
"Alright! Got an idea!" Shimmer exclaimed, using her enhanced speed to gain distance and created a Shine spear over her head, "What!?" Signora exclaimed as the Shimmer sent the spear flying at her, which she dodged, but it let the Construct get impaled, causing it to fall apart.
With that going on, the rest of the Harbringers fully regained their sight, at which point Childe smirked and used his Vision to make water blades and joined Signora to overwhelm Shimmer, "This should help!" Signora told the 11th as she froze his swords to let them deal more damage.
The ice swords put Shimmer on the backfoot, making her take steps back to avoid getting slashed or burned, "Is this cheating!?" She questioned, but instead of an answer she got a blade close to her face, only dodged thanks to her subconsiously using Shine to teleport between spots of light and behind them.
"Huh?" The three of them let out in confusion, before Shimmer regained her senses and spin turned, punching Childe in the back of the head, "OW!!" He let out in pain, "You're really good actually!" He complimented, but took a step back as Arlecchino got between them, "Using my Delusion might be too much." She stated.
Knowing she limited herself to the Vision, Shimmer felt more at easy,at least before she found Arlecchino's scythe inches from her neck, "You know I'm faster than you right?" The Harbringer asked sarcastically.
"...Teleport, teleport, TELEPORT!!" Shimmer repeated to her Vision before somehow triggering it, but ended up on the Knave's head, "How does this work!?" She lamented, but still took advantage of the situation to jump and kicking down on Arlecchino's head, bringing her flat on the floor and stunned her.
Seeing one of the strongest fall, Childe, Signora and Sandrone got ready to team up for this, but stopped when they heard Columbina laughing, "This is fun~!" She said in a manic kind of way before dashing at blinding speeds towards Shimmer, terrifying the girl.
"Alright enough!" Cirno yelled, making everyone stop, "Oh thank you Fairy God..." Shimmer let out in a breath, "You're definetly a good fit for the fifth." Cirno told Shimmer, confusing both her and Gloom, "Welcome to the Fatui Harbringers!" Cirno cheered, hanind Shimmer a temporary mask.
Cut to two days later in Angel's Share.
"And with that they got me a house here in Mondstadt and apparently a job." Shimmer finished recalling, "That's certainly a story..." Diluc commented, feeling a sweatdrop drip down his forehead.