Shimmer walked along Mondstadts road to get a good feeling of the place, especially since she only ever saw it in game, "The fountain is a lot bigger..." She muttered to herself after a look at the small structure.
"Balladeer." Someone greeted causing Shimmer to turn and see Signora, "You can call me Shimmer, Rosalyne." Shimmer told the older woman, "The information leak in your world must be insane if you know that name." Signora commented, clearly gritting her teeth.
That made Shimmer sigh slightly before she sat on the edge of the fountain, "Right, right, ~bad memories~ or something." She brushed off, more taken by her own thoughts, "Gloom has it better than you honestly, you died at an age where the thought of death could sink in." Signora said sympathetically, considering that immortality is as much of a burned.
At Signora's sympathy Shimmer just laughed in amusement, "You misunderstand me! Dying is better than staying in my actual world!" Shimmer corrected, sounding more amused than when she laughed, "...I must be missing a lot of context." Signora said in realization.
"For starters: In my world there's an ongoing problem like Celestia was here, and it's called the government." Shimmer said confusing Signora, "That... Doesn't sound right..." She pointed out deep in thought, "Yeah, that's because- Wait why are you here?" Shimmer questioned.
Instead of responding, Signora handed Shimmer a paper, "Your first job, the specifics are on that." She explained before turning to go, "I already killed a lot of criminals, how is this my first-" Shimmer was arguing, but Signora interrupted, "I mean the first proper job, over the Tsaritsa had you do till now." She elaborated before actually leaving.
Shimmer sighed at that and read the document, but when she saw what it said her eyes widened, "Who the fuck would be posing as Zonghli?" She muttered to herself, looking around to make sure no one was looking, "So fake Geo Archon, great." She said sarcastically, charging her Vision and teleporting to Liyue
Liyue Harbor.
"Okay lets see..." Shimmer said absent mindedly, reading the document for more specific informations, "The current Geo Archon is Ningguang in case you were wondering." Someone told her from really close behind, making Shimmer jump, "What the fuck!?" She cursed at the sudden adressing and saw that it was Gloom.
There was a few seconds of silence before it was broken, "Why are you here?" Shimmer questioned, still a bit jumpy, "Supervision." Gloom simply replied, tentacles coming out from under her shirt and supporting her like a chair, "...Is that part of your Vision?" Shimmer asked in surprise, "Is that really the most important thing for you think about?" Gloom pointed out with a slight glare.
The glare made Shimmer stop her questions and focus back on her mission, "Quick thing, why is Snezhnaya dealing with this?" She brought up, "To keep up good relationship." Gloom replied as she looked at the document herself, "Just like I told the Tsaritsa though, this is a little far fetched, how can someone fake being one of the richest persons in Teyvat." Gloom pointed out.
"There isn't really a reason to fake being rich, just the appearence would be enough." Shimmer explained, "I'm not sure I follow." Gloom responded in confusion, "If you're slandering someone, you don't need to stick around, so no one would be checking for goods." Shimmer explained, now making sense to Gloom.
Now with a common thought process, the two stood there for a good minute, unsure of how to proceed, "So... Investigations are a little new for me..." Gloom commented, feeling awkward at the unusual mission, "I never had to deal with anything like this in my old world either, and I don't think anyone really looks like Ningguang." Shimmer realized, looking at the document confused.
"Shit, you're right." Gloom said, also realizing that, "So what am I supposed to do now?" Shimmer questioned, but got no response from Gloom, "Great!" Shimmer cheered sarcastically, "We could stick around until something happens." Gloom suggested, "It's the only plan we have." Shimmer responsed.
Later at Wanmin.
Shimmer looked blissful with each bite of the food and it weirded out Gloom a whole lot, "Are you okay?" She asked the white colored girl, "Yeah... It's just that nothing compares to this in my world..." Shimmer excused herself before stating to eat more normally, "Hey Gloom!" Xianling greeted as she came out of the kitchen.
"Oh I thought you were out testing recipes." Gloom said as a greeting, "I was just going actually." Xianling said in correction and then glanced to Shimmer, "And I'm guessing she must be your... Girlfriend?" She asked while Gloom was taking a bite so she couldn't respond, but Shimmer had an idea.
Clearing her throat, Shimmer began "Yeah, I'm Shimmer! Me and Gloom started dating a week ago." She presented herself, much to Gloom's horror and confusion, "And you came to Wanmin for a date? That's so sweet of you two!" Xianling gushed, "Anyhow I should head on! I heard rumors of an animal from another world and I have got to try it!" She excused herself before heading off.
With that, Gloom finally swallowed her food and leaned over to Shimmer, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" She whisper-yelled in frustration, "Okay, listen, if whoever is posing finds there's two Fatui Harbringers, they'll never come out, if it's two people dating though." Shimmer left unfinished, "I hate that it's actually a good idea." Gloom lamented as she went back to eating.
After a while, they finished, paid and got up to continue their 'date' somewhere else, "I hope no rumors spread..." Gloom begged a bit quietly, "Wha- why? Are you saying dating me would be awful!?" Shimmer exclaimed, feeling insulted, "No, because Father would start asking questions, and put you on her hitlist." Gloom corrected, making a shiver run down Shimmer's spine.
A bit of walking later, they heard a commotion coming from another level of the Harbor, so they hurried to the location where they saw an orange haired guy with a mace harrassing some Kätzlein kids, "This guy? Oh God..." Shimmer lamented in recognition.