Chapter 24 - Chapter 23

Oliver nervously rubs his forehead and, unable to look his friend in the eye, looks away, wondering what way he should get out of the situation. Venting his anger by speaking into the space was a bad idea, because he was accidentally overheard by Laura — the person whose explanation is the last thing Oliver wants to do. The boy doesn't like her from the beginning; the girl is overconfident and sometimes does stupid things that he downright hates. He is not interested in noisy, rude girls who love to make noise around them — he prefers to avoid them by a wide margin.

He does not intend to answer her. Although Alan is a threat, a manipulator who messes with Sarah's head — he wants to personally talk sense into the girl. He does not intend to implicate third parties. He realizes that Laura is her friend and wants good for her, but he still can't accept her. The brunette arouses distrust in him, she is scatterbrained and might do or say something stupid, and then she will make a bigger mess. This is not what he wants. He wants to calmly explain to Sara what kind of person Alan is, to speak to her so that she will finally see things through before it's too late.

Because for the moment, only he knows his true face.

The brunette walks up to Oliver and grabs his forearm, forcibly forcing him to look her in the face. However, the boy rudely jerks out of her grasp and walks a few steps away, taking a deep breath.

Laura is persistent, so he guesses that she won't let him off so easily.

- Damn it, don't ignore me! Look me in the face and tell me the truth. What was it that Alan said that you understood it as an evil intention. This is about Sarah, isn't it? You may not like me, but we both want good for her. Oliver, don't hide this from me. I promise I won't tell anyone, and I'll help you talk to Sara if it's really necessary.

- I will talk to her myself. I don't want Sara to misunderstand. She's wrapped up in Alan, so nothing gets through to her," he says seriously, and the brunette puts her hand to her forehead and closes her eyelids as she briefly feels dizzy from drinking too much alcohol. - I know you messed with her head. You told Sarah that I was doing it out of jealousy and trying to separate them. Well, there is a grain of truth in this. I am indeed jealous. - After these words, the girl opens her eyes and carefully looks at the peer, who still stands with his back to her. - But I don't do it out of jealousy. I'm not an asshole who breaks up relationships. I just want to show Sara the real face of Alan before he starts to suffer. It's a reflection of the General. She is in danger, and I just want to protect her.

These words hit Laura like a strong gust of wind. She opens her mouth and pulls back the thick hair that overlaps her face. Although it's difficult to believe, the girl feels an inner anxiety.

- Are you saying that Alan is a bad person? - she asks quietly, and the blood drains from her face. Can she trust him? A person she has no sympathy for, when Alan has made a good impression on her from the beginning? She sees how he cares for Sarah, takes care of her, protects her when she is in danger. The naked eye can see that he really loves her, so should she believe Oliver's words? - Alan would never hurt Sarah. He's in love with her," she adds more loudly, and Oliver leans against the railing with his hand.

- That's why it makes him more dangerous. He told me something. I don't want you to get involved in this. I don't want anyone else to know the truth. I will solve this problem myself, because I care about Sarah.

- Why can't I believe your words? I get the impression that you are deliberately muddling through. Probably you did the same with Matthew, because until now, I can't understand by what means he became so cold towards me. You can dislike someone, but you should keep to yourself. Nosy people are the worst scumbags on earth.

With these words, he finally angers Oliver. The boy is swollen with anger, so he can no longer stand it. He turns to face her and explodes. He can't stand the rage that tears him from the inside, not allowing him to keep his nerves in check.

- Shut up, Laura! I can't stand your whining any longer. Think what you want! I don't give a shit about you. You may hate me and not believe in the words I say, so don't press me to tell you more. Since you are also stubbornly blinded by this manipulator, go ahead! Do what you want, but stop chattering in my ear like a magpie about trying to break up someone's relationships. Girl, I don't know if you are that stupid, but it seems to me that you don't see the surrounding reality. Agree with it at last that from the very beginning, Matthew didn't like you and took advantage of you because he saw that you were a horny idiot. Don't blame it on me, because I've had it up to my nose. And stop messing with Sarah's head, because eventually, I'll knock you on your empty head and maybe then you'll start thinking! - His harsh words make Laura feel tears in her eyes. This is the first time Oliver managed to humiliate her.

Does everyone think so? Does Matthew as well?

The boy breathes a sigh of relief, as if all the weight has come off him causing him to feel visibly relieved. He looks at Laura and sees sadness in her eyes. He feels no remorse. He hopes that he has reached her heart with these words. He wants her to finally see the bigger picture and stop acting like an idiot, because he is fed up with her reckless behavior.


Leaning her back against the wall, she sits in the corridor with her head hidden between her knees. A quiet sob escapes from her throat, caused by Oliver's harsh words. This is the first time she has been so concerned. She has always ignored Oliver, considering him a boorish bastard who feeds off the hurt of others.

She was mistaken.

She understands that he is right. From the very beginning, when she became wrapped up in herself, she didn't pay attention to how other people perceived her — he continually tried to call her to order. Fascinated by her thinking, she paid no heed to how she was perceived by her peers. She thought that hiding under a brave attitude contributed to her being liked and that every boy wanted her. She was mistaken. She finally begins to understand that she sometimes acted like a slut, and that obsessively chasing Matthew made her an idiot. She was a laughingstock; however, people were afraid of her sharp character, so no one was able to make her realize it.

Only Oliver — the only brave man who from the beginning is not afraid to admit that the girl is acting like an idiot, only he could say it out loud.

- You finally made it, the bastard. You hit the nail on the head," she whispers, pulling her nose. With the top of her hand, she rubs her cheeks wet with tears. Careful makeup turns into the makeup of a ghoul, with which she can scare the biggest tough guys.

She clumsily picks herself up from the floor and stops in place when she realizes that she cannot go back to the room where the people most important to her are staying.

No one can see what condition it is in.

She goes downstairs and heads to the public bathroom. She needs to wash her face before anyone sees her. Parading around in this state is not the best idea.

- With this kind of makeup, I could scare the General. The old man would have a heart attack and no one would have him on his conscience," she mutters under her breath.

She faces the mirror and leans against the sink with her hands. With a grimace on her face, she looks at her reflection, feeling that her head is still spinning.

Laura is getting sick.

Alcoholic pregnancy, she thinks. She leans over the sink and washes her face with cold water. She looks in the mirror and laughs quietly when she notices that her makeup has smudged even worse, making her look like a panda.

- I'm a drenched corpse, since I'm not afraid to walk around the building alone. I'm the best," she claims, pointing her finger at her reflection in the mirror.

- As usual, you have too high an opinion of yourself, slut. - She hears a hateful voice, so she curiously looks over her shoulder, spotting Julia standing on the threshold. - Because of your ideas, Matthew left me alone in the room because alcohol was more important. He left me alone when I was in danger. He didn't even take an interest in looking in on me.

- I would bet that through alcohol, but I prefer another version. You probably got bored with him, and he's tired of protecting your ass," Laura replies, looking carefully at her hated friend. - Although I get the impression that you are not afraid of these people, since you roam the corridors at night.

- Sitting alone in a room is more dangerous than roaming around a building.

- Or were you hoping to join us? - You can hear derision in Laura's voice. She is clearly laughing at her friend. - In your dreams.

- If I were you, I would stay in the group, because you are in danger. They are hunting you now," Julia announces, smiling wickedly under her breath. She crosses her arms over her chest and scratches her chin with her fingernail. - I told them that you must be related to someone since you know where the General's precious item is hidden. I lied to them, and for that reason, I am safe.

- What did you do? - she asks when these words reach her. She experiences such a shock that she instantly sobered up instantly.

- I framed the person I dislike the most. Welcome to hell, slut.

Laura feels like punching her, but she's in such shock that her legs press against the floor. She can't move.

- I thought you had changed at least a little after these events, but you're a worse bitch than you were," she stammers through clenched teeth.

- Because I found out that you slept with my boyfriend for some time. Matthew is important to me, so I'll do anything to destroy you," she replies ominously, piercing the brunette with her eyes.

- After all, you guys have not been a couple for many months, so what are you talking about! - Laura raises her voice, which does not please Julia.

She approaches her and pushes her, causing the girl to lose her balance and hit her back against the sink.

Laura tightens her lips as a sharp pain, even piercing, passes through her back.

- In this situation, we should stick together, not fight.

- Funny, because a few days ago you wanted me to die. Why didn't you express a desire to help me then?

Laura lifts her face. She looks into Julia's eyes, which are more sinister than before.

- You were always a worse bitch than me, but Matthew thought I was the one bullying you.

- Because you faked it from the beginning, and I was born with it," she announces with pride in her voice, tossing back her thick hair.

Both girls fall silent when a disturbing noise, coming from the cabin, reaches their ears. They look at each other with frightened eyes, completely forgetting the earlier conversation.

Laura moves restlessly as the cabin door begins to creak. She steps aside, slowly moving closer to Julia. She doesn't know what's in there, and that's what scares her the most.

Confused, she looks at Julia as the latter grabs her hand. She lifts her gaze to the brown-haired woman's face and snorts under her breath when she notices that her earlier courage has evaporated in a brief moment.

With wide-open eyes, she looks toward the cabin, swallowing her saliva harder.

- Hey, you. Aren't you forgetting yourself, by any chance? A threat, but let me go," she announces with exasperation in her voice, throwing Julia a contemptuous glance.

- He is here," she whispers with panic.

- Who? The general?

- Someone much worse," she utters with difficulty, slowly retreating backward.

It's still holding on to Laura's hand, she drags the girl behind her. The brunette is appalled by her behavior and wants her to explain more precisely what she means. For a brief moment, she feels like smacking her in the head and calling her to order, but when the cabin door opens with a bang, she understands what Julia meant. A shrill shriek escapes from the girl's throat, echoed by her peer.


- Don't you think Laura has been gone too long? - asks Simon as Matthew rubs his eyes, as his image begins to blur. He shakes his head as it occurs to him that he is losing consciousness. He drank far too much alcohol.

- I don't know how much time has passed, but I feel like I'm about to drop out of the movie," the boy claims, laying down on his stomach. He arranges himself on Laura's bed, cuddling his face into her pillow. He hugs her tighter as he smells the girl's scent. A smile appears on his face, which does not please the blonde. He wrinkles his forehead and rudely takes the pillow from under his head; however, this does not prevent the boy from taking a nap, so he settles more comfortably on the mattress.

Simon can no longer stand her absence, so he starts to get anxious. He leaves the room and, nervously scratching his head, looks around the corridor.

There is no trace of the girl.

Where did she go, he thinks, heading up the stairs to the first floor. He walks through the main hall, contemplating worst-case scenarios. He's afraid someone has hurt her. Simon wouldn't put up with it. He would die if he lost Laura.

He stops when he reaches the director's office. The entire building is perfectly silent, which makes him feel more anxious. Frightening silence always heralds something bad. The boy has experienced this many times, which is why he feels anxiety.

- Laura, where are you? - he whispers nervously, heading down the next corridor. He stops in place and looks over his shoulder when a loud scream reaches his ears. Without thinking, he runs in that direction and slows down when he sees the girls running toward him. Julia is holding Laura's hand, and they are followed by a human. Although he doesn't quite look human, as he is bald and Simon gets the impression that there is something wrong with his face. He looks bestial. Not like a man, but a monster....

- Simon! - shouts the brunette when she spots her friend. - Run away! It seems to want to kill us!

Julia pushes Laura's hand away and accelerates significantly, leaving her friend behind. The brunette stumbles over her foot and falls to the floor.

Simon freezes. With fear in his eyes, he runs over to his friend and helps her up. He grabs Laura's hand and anxiously glances over her head, noticing that the mysterious man is right behind his friend.

- What the hell is that? - he whispers with panic in his voice.

They flee through the corridors wondering where they could hide without endangering the lives of their peers. Their attention is drawn to a narrow corridor opposite the psychologist's office.

Both are breathing heavily. Laura intends to lean out to see if the mysterious man has run after them, but Simon does not allow her to do so. He puts his hand around her head and presses it against his chest.

- Don't move, Laura," he whispers as quietly as he can, and his embrace intensifies even more. He holds the girl so tightly, as if he is afraid that if he lets her out of his embrace, something bad will happen.

The brunette lifts her face and looks Simon in the eyes. This is the moment when she enjoys his presence the most. She would have been an idiot if she had lost him earlier. Only now she understands this — the moment her heart starts to beat harder.

He is the one. It is Simon who has been by her side from the beginning, caring for her and showering her with deep affection while she is blindly staring at Matthew.

The boy wants to look out if it is safe for them to escape to the room, but Laura embraces him around the waist, not allowing him to move from his seat.

- I'm sorry, Simon," she whispers, shedding tears. - I'm sorry that you suffered so much because of me. I acted like a bitch towards you. I don't deserve your help, I don't deserve you.

The blond man captures her chin and forcibly forces her to look into his eyes again.

- Regardless of your behavior, you will always be most important to me," he counters, and she feels a pleasant warmth around her heart. She puts her head against his chest, and Simon strokes her hair. - I will always protect you, Laura.


Holding her hand over her heart, Julia leans against the wall and, panting loudly, leans over, trying to even out her breathing. She knows perfectly well who this man is. He has been modified by them. She was a participant in their game, when they tortured him in a bestial way, thus showing how important to them was the object her grandmother had hidden. In this way, they wanted to extract information from her, since they realized that she could not have seen through the torture that the man was subjected to.

He is the subject of their experiments. He is related to a deceased math teacher who collaborated with them on the pretext that they would take care of his crippled brother.

They need an item that has been hidden. Without it, they cannot move on. Julia realized that her grandmother hid it, probably because she couldn't see through the torture they subjected innocent people to.

Without this item, they can't complete the project because the only man who could construct it is a man who died many years ago.

Julia suspects that the machine didn't exactly work for good. There's a catch, because people like them don't do good, but evil.

The brown-haired woman looks around with frightened eyes when a disturbing noise comes to her. She runs up the stairs to the second floor, where the girls' rooms are located. She enters the room where Matthew is located. When she swings the door open, she is rejected by the unpleasant smell of alcohol. Croaking, she sits down on the edge of the bed where her beloved is sleeping.

Looking at the boy, she puts her hand to his face and, in order not to wake him up, gently strokes Matthew's cheek.

- I don't regret having met you. Even though we both hurt each other, you are the only person I sincerely liked," she whispers to the sleeping boy. She leans over and places a kiss on his lips. - I love you.


Disturbing noises cause Laura and Simon to hide in the cafeteria. However, they doubted that the mysterious man would follow them. They hide under the table, taking a knife with them beforehand. Simon prefers to be prepared, Laura clearly does not like it.

After all, they are incapable of hurting anyone!

The brunette snuggles into the boy's sleeve, getting the impression that she will cry out of fear. This monster scares her more than the General himself. She doesn't know what it is or what it intends to do to them.

- Now, Laura! - speaks up unexpectedly, Simon, coming out from under the table. They run towards the exit, but he spots them. He follows them, heading towards the hall. Disregarding Laura's objections, Simon pushes her into the cantina that Sara talked about earlier.

He knows that the door only opens from the outside, so the girl can't get out. The brunette screams in despair after him, but the boy thinks this is the only solution.

He must protect Laura.

The mysterious man jumps at the door, as if he only wants Laura. Simon takes advantage of the moment and overlaps him from behind. He is about to get rid of him, but before he can do anything, he feels someone grab his shoulders and violently push him away. The blond man collapses to the floor, and a moan full of pain comes out of his mouth.

- Don't you dare touch him! - roars the psychologist as three men dressed in overalls grab the bald man and handcuff him like an animal. - And you will be punished for running away. You will regret it," he turns to the man.

They walk away, and then Simon rises from the floor. Writhing his face in pain, with trembling hands he touches the wound on his abdomen from which blood is oozing. With frightened eyes, he looks at the knife, which is quite deeply lodged in his body.

- Only an unlucky man can fool himself with the knife he is holding," he whispers, and a crooked smile appears on his face. Laura keeps banging on the door, calling his name. Simon opens it for her, and she wordlessly throws herself into his arms. The boy hisses in pain, which clearly disturbs the girl.

She measures him carefully and opens her eyes wider when she sees the object in his stomach.

- Simon! - she shouts with concern in her voice, grabbing him by the shoulders. She helps him sit down against the wall and looks around hysterically, as if searching for help. - Someone, please help me. Hello! - she yells out as loud as she can, but Simon grabs her arm and forces her to sit by his side.

With fear in her eyes, she looks at his pale face. She wants to go for help, but is afraid to leave him alone.

- Stop shouting, Laura," he whispers with a forced smile on his face. - You've been noisy enough for many months.

- God, Simon. You are bleeding harder and harder. I can't leave it like this. I have to call someone. Where is the doctor? - She asks in a panic, grabbing her head. She is shaken. She doesn't know what to do.

- Come on, Laura. No one can help me here. Everyone is on the General's side," he says quietly, and she looks at him with tears in her eyes. - Let's not waste time. Hug me, then I'll feel better.

She is unable to refuse him. She embraces him, cuddling her face into the boy's shoulder. She sheds tears, sobbing quietly.

- Still, if you kissed me.... - Simon wants to joke, but the brunette is serious about it and embraces his face with her hands, tenderly kissing him.

- What should I do to help you? Simon, I beg," she says, looking into his eyes.

- Just be with me," he replies, laying his head on her shoulder.

Laura sobs quietly, praying that someone will help her friend. As if out of spite, no one passes this way, no one hears her...

- Simon, you can't give up, do you hear? Surely, someone will help us shortly," she whispers, frantically looking around the lobby.

- Laura, promise me you'll get away from here safe and sound. Promise you'll be happy," he says quietly as tears run down her cheeks.

- Don't say that. We'll run away from here together, and we'll both be happy," she claims in a brittle voice. - I won't go anywhere without you.

- Laura... - whispers, and she captures his chin with her hand and lays her head on his. - I love you.

At that moment, something inside her breaks. She gets the impression that her heart will explode into a million pieces.

- I love you too," she replies, and he falls asleep on her shoulder with the most beautiful smile she could see since she met him.

He falls asleep forever.

Laura closes her eyelids, stroking Simon's hair. The building is awakened by the girl's tearful cry. A cry that turns into a scream full of pain, bitterness that tears her heart.