Chapter 26 - Chapter 25

- Forgive me, Oliver. We'll talk later. - Sara runs down the main corridor and disappears behind a wall, following Simon's footsteps. The ghost leads her to an empty classroom to leave her a message on the blackboard. Only two phantoms can verbally communicate with her because they are special. Her grandmother — a medium — and an orphan who died there. The girl must also have had extraordinary abilities, because other ghosts are unable to engage in conversation. They can only leave her a written message.

She carefully follows every word that Simon writes with the chalk without holding it in his hand. The white object floats in the air, leaving words written in careful script on the blackboard. With each successive mark, her heart begins to beat dangerously fast. Fear rules her body, causing a feeling of panic. Simon has learned a shocking secret that hides in the underground. He is the only ghost to reveal the truth to her. Why didn't her grandmother warn her about something so terrible? Why are the ghosts hiding it if they care about revenge?

- So the object the General is looking for so persistently is the part leading to the tragedy," she whispers in a trembling voice. Simon nods, and the girl pushes back the chair and sits down on it, as she gets weak. She didn't think it would be something so cruel. But what should she expect from a man with no heart? The general is a monster who has hated the people of Poland since he was young. He is preparing something vile towards them. During the war he not only tortured them, deriving sick satisfaction from it, but he was already planning revenge.

Sara closes her eyelids as she feels tears coming to her eyes. Instantly, she loses all hope, fearing the worst. The self-confidence she gained in this place — that brave attitude, is gone, causing her to feel her old fear. She shakes from the cold, even though the room is hovering at a room temperature.

A lone tear flows from under her closed eyelid, and Simon looks at the teenager with sadness in his eyes. He sees a frightened girl who is afraid of the near future. She fears what is coming. She worries if she will ever see her father again. Will the moment come when she can be happy by Alan's side?

- What should I do, Simon? - she asks in a brittle voice, lowering her head and entangling her hands in her hair.

The boy leaves her another message, so she lifts her face and, wiping her cheeks from tears, looks with interest at the board.

"Don't give up. You must fight and leave this place. Don't let this madman die."

These words put a mute smile on her face. Even after death, she still worries about Laura.

- I will do my best. I will protect her. We all will," she replies, to which the boy nods. - After all, you did not die in vain. You probably defended her," she says, with a hunch that what she says actually coincides with the truth.

"I once told her that I would do anything for her. I will protect her even if I have to lose my life."

- This is true love. You can see how much you loved her. Lucky her," she announces through tears.

The boy dissolves into thin air instantly, causing her slight anxiety. The girl looks around the classroom and opens her eyes wider when she spots her grandmother. She understands why Simon disappeared.

- You have learned the truth about the thing I hid," she says, and Sara wipes her eyes, still wet with tears, with her hand.

- Why didn't you tell me? Do you realize that this is endangering the lives of many people? - she asks in a nervous voice. - You want to protect me, so why did you conceal the truth from me?

The ghost moves closer to Sarah and looks the girl in the face with pain in her eyes. She decides to reveal the truth to her.

- Because I didn't want you to ever know the location of this thing. It's dangerous, and it will be better if you don't find out. That way, the General won't get the truth out of you. He won't kill you until he finds it.

- Comforting! - She raises her voice, looking at her grandmother with furious eyes. - So she is to torture me until I lose my sanity?

- Aren't you going to sacrifice yourself to protect your loved ones? Are you sure about that? - With these words, she makes the teenager immediately remember how her grandmother acted. She gave her life to save others.

- More and more I think that it would be better if we just kill the General.... - She whispers, which ultimately troubles the spirit.

- Don't even think about it, Sara! - she shouts. - You are not murderers. Neither of you could stand it. A person cannot live a normal life after something so tragic. It's a grave sin, and the remorse is so strong that a person is unable to cope spiritually," she explains, letting her know that this is the worst way. - Only a monster, a person without a heart, can ignore it.

This sentence reminds her again of the situation with Alan. She keeps telling herself that he suffers internally and just hides it, but she never noticed even a shadow of pain on his face after what happened. Or maybe she would rather not see it so as not to suffer along with him?

- How can I prevent it? I know I won't destroy it, but he won't rest until he finds the uranium. - She says the last word with real difficulty in her voice.

She is horrified by the thought of how much significance this element has to cause tragic damage.

- It's true. You won't destroy it because you would harm yourself with it, because the radiation is strong, so I repeat to you that it would be better if you don't find out about the location of the uranium.

Sara takes a deep breath and sighs. Simon has told her a secret that has caused her unnecessary anxiety. So strong that she can't stop thinking about it.

- So the place I saw in the underground. The one where people worked in overalls, that place....

- Yes. Here they are working on an atomic bomb," she answers for her granddaughter, watching her frightened face. - They had already started work during the war, but the uranium was taken away from the General, so he was unable to bring the plan to completion. This is the most important part, which was brought in for the General by a man from Russia. He was an outstanding scientist who perfected this uranium on the scale of a giant explosion. He fled shortly afterward, intending to have nothing to do with it, and without him the General is like a headless man," she explains to the teenager.

- That's why he's trying to find it at all costs to see the plan through. He wants to destroy Poland...

- There is something behind his hatred of the people of our country, but no one knows the secret. He plans revenge, that's why he became a General at such a young age. That was his goal from the beginning," she announces, arousing Sarah's curiosity.

- Why do you think that is?

- I don't know, but I think your friend will be happy to help you discover the truth," she informs the girl, pointing to the open door. Sara walks out of the classroom and spots a surprised Oliver. The brunet opens his eyes wider, clearly shocked that he was covered. - He has been standing there from the very beginning. He must have followed.

- Oliver.

- I was worried about you, so I followed you. I'm sorry," he says, looking at the brown-haired woman with remorse in his eyes.

Sara shakes her head and grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt, leading him inside. She seats him in a chair and faces him, her back leaning against the wall. She is not angry with her friend. She realizes that he also wants to know the truth about the center. They are on the same team, so why should she hide anything from him?

- You've heard it all...

- Yes," he replies briefly. - Although I was only able to hear your words, I put them together. I understand what danger we face.

- Let's not tell the others about it for now," she declares, and then she notices a slight grimace on Oliver's face.

- Alan too?

- Don't get me started on Oliver. - She freezes him with her eyes, wanting him not to brood over the subject.

- Then maybe, since we are alone, I'll tell you our conversation? Unless, again, you want to run away from it because you are afraid to hear what your lover has behind his ears," he announces despicably, which does not please the girl.

She notices that her grandmother looks at him with interest. She doesn't give her boyfriend any sympathy either, claiming he's a walking menace. Sara notices that she wants to hear what Oliver has to say regarding Alan.

- We are in danger, and you want to talk about Alan?

- We were threatened all along, we just didn't know what. Currently, we're not going to do anything anyway, so what are we supposed to think about? And I can assure you that your beloved has a lot to do with this matter. - Squinting her eyes, she looks carefully at the brunet. What does he have in mind? What did he talk to Alan about, since it further intensified his hatred? - I see you've finally taken an interest. Are you ready to know the real face of the man you love so much? - She senses derision in these words, but allows him to continue speaking. - So prepare to be disappointed, because your prince is not really a prince, but a villain.


Laura looks at the photos in which she poses with Simon with a smile on her face. In many they were fooling around and smiling sincerely at the camera, having a great time in each other's company. He was the one person she could always count on when she needed something. He was irreplaceable. The only friend and at the same time the man she sincerely loved. All the time her heart was soapy with Matthew, when she had the perfect man at her side. She overlooked him, treating him like a best friend, and now she suffers because he is gone. She can't hug him, talk to him or complain because Simon is gone. She feels an emptiness in her heart that grows bigger and bigger every day. She can't control it, even though she repeats to others that all is well. While among her colleagues, she pretends to come to terms with his death, but the moment they leave, that's when she suffers in loneliness. She cries regretting that she did not change the course of events. She is the one who would like to protect Simon, because she has repeatedly made him uncomfortable, and show true affection for once. She is the one who would like to die because she deserved it. Simon has suffered too much because of her...

She hides her head between her knees and pulls her nose, shedding more tears. This feeling comes on its own, and she can't stop crying. Whenever she remembers Simon, she suffers the same way every time.

The blond man looks at it with pain in his eyes, unable to do anything. He wants to help her, do something to make her finally forget about him and stop crying, but he is unable to. As a ghost, he can't communicate with her. Only through Sarah, but he knows that would cause Laura even more pain. She is better off when she doesn't know of his presence.

He spots Matthew in the doorway. The boy walks uncertainly inside, not knowing how to act. Laura is crying, but doesn't want to back down once again. He has already made this mistake twice because he didn't know how to calm her down.

- Laura? - He asks hesitantly, fearing that she will throw him out. The brunette girl wipes away her tears and looks at him, forcing a smile.

- Oh, Matthew. What brings you here?

- I wanted to check on you. Are you all right? - he asks shyly, looking at her weeping face.

He sees that she is suffering, so he wants to be attentive in everything he says around her.

- I cried some sorrows in solitude, so it feels better. It's good to shed some tears occasionally," she claims.

The boy nods and sits down on the bed, right in front of her.

- Can I make something for you? Are you hungry, or do you want something to drink? - he asks, noticing that her body is suffering along with her soul. He is sure she hasn't eaten anything, and in front of them she pretends everything is fine.

- I am not hungry. Thank you for your concern," she announces, lowering her gaze. He glances down at his feet, which he moves nervously.

He sees that she is lying. She is hungry, but has no desire to eat.

- You know that in this state you will not improve anything. You have to eat to continue living.

Simon looks at Matthew and sees that the boy is indeed worried about her. He looks at her with concern and is not going to let go until the girl pulls herself together.

He leaves her in good hands. At least now Matthew can rehabilitate himself for the past.

- Don't force food into me. If I'd like to, I'll go downstairs and have a snack myself," she claims tersely.

She doesn't intend to do that. She's irritable, so that means no meal is planned. She wants him to leave her alone.

- Well in that case I will stay with you. If you get hungry, then we'll go to the canteen together. What do you think?

The girl throws him an annoyed look, but does not say a word. She has no choice. Matthew does not intend to leave the room.


Sara takes a quick step along the corridor, wiping tears from her cheeks. She never thought Oliver's confession would be so shocking. She can't get the words out of her head, especially one sentence that has deeply lodged in her heart.

Should she believe them? She has a vague feeling because she can't accept that Alan would be able to say this. She tells herself that Oliver made it up. Perhaps most of their conversation is true, but that sentence couldn't have come out of the mouth of the man she loves. After all, he promised to protect her. He said he would do everything to keep her safe, so how could he say something so shocking?

She needs to find Alan as soon as possible to confirm whether these words are true. Although. if he had something on his conscience, would he let her listen to Oliver with such conviction? He should feel concern, and he didn't look worried.

Oliver often makes up and does everything to separate her from Alan. Is it the same this time?

He is her friend and she should believe him, but lately, he is starting to mess around too much.

The fact that they quarreled and Alan told him to stay away from her is understandable. She believes he actually said it, but to threaten him with death is an exaggeration. He can't believe it, especially the moment when he said that if something upset him he would join the General and turn the place into an even worse hell.

This can't be true, she thinks biting her lip. She tries to stop crying, but whenever these words echo in her head, it comes back. She doesn't know who she should believe.

She stops when someone grabs her forearm.

Oliver pulls her by the hand and positions her against the wall so she won't escape him. He wants to finally talk some sense into her.

- Wake up, girl. I'm sick of watching him manipulate you, you hear! - he shouts in her face, while grabbing her chin with his other hand to keep her from looking away.

- Let me go, Oliver," she says in a raised tone, trying to push his hand away, yet the boy is adamant. He is not going to let go so easily.

- I'm worried about you, Sara. If I could see that he was actually good, then I wouldn't interfere in your relationship, but I'm observant, and I figured him out from the beginning. Evil is written in his eyes. I've told you so many times that he's an asshole, but you're so wrapped up in him that you don't see it. Sara, it's just a matter of time when he will show his horns towards you as well. Listen to me for once, please.

She looks into his eyes and sees genuine concern in them. Oliver is rather telling the truth, but why isn't she able to accept this into her consciousness? Is she so afraid of losing the man she loves? She can't imagine that she could turn away from him.

- I just want you to start being more careful towards him. I'm not talking about you turning your back on him right away, but that you finally start to see his true nature," he says more calmly, seeing the way she looks at him. She gets the impression that she is slowly beginning to believe him. There is not the hostility in her eyes as before when he spoke ill of Alan.

- I feel more and more that you are telling the truth, but that is what scares me so much. I don't want to lose him," she whispers quietly.

At this point, she is so lost that she looks innocent, and this makes Oliver's heart beat harder. As he stares into her eyes more and more intensely, he gets the impression that he is losing control.

Finally, he can't stand it and instinctively attaches his lips to hers, only then realizing what he is really doing.

He slowly moves away from her and looks uncertainly at her face. The girl looks shocked. This is the wrong moment. He chose the wrong moment.

- I'm sorry," he says quietly, completely unsure how to act. He lets go of her hand and moves away from her to a safe distance, should she suddenly want to punch him in the face. However, nothing of the sort comes, and she makes no move. With wide-open eyes, she looks at him, not knowing how she should react.

He kissed her. Oliver did it without her permission, and she feels no anger. What is wrong with her? She feels like she betrayed Alan. She allowed Oliver to kiss her. She made no move to avoid it. She is not even angry with him.

Something is wrong... something unexpected is happening to her feelings. Does she have hidden feelings for him?

Alan, standing behind the wall, clenches his fists as he witnesses the wounding incident. Anger bubbles up in him so strongly that he feels like going up there and killing him without a second thought.

He leans against the wall with his hand and, breathing loudly, tries to control his anger.

Would that give him enough relief?

He doesn't think so.

Sara hurt him so badly, and he believed it would never happen. She is a girl he trusts implicitly. He always said that she was the only person he could be at peace about, that she would never stab him in the back. And yet, she did. She hurt him more than anyone else in the past.

- You will both regret it," he hisses through clenched teeth.


The exasperated boy enters the director's office, finding the General inside sitting in his younger brother's chair. A shrill melody echoes through the room, and the man enjoys it, with his eyes closed while moving his hands. He is so engrossed in the piece that he does not hear the footsteps of his grandson, who is standing in front of the desk, crossing his arms over his chest. Alan exudes strong anger, so the General's dismissive behavior drives the blond man to worse irritation. Without thinking about the consequences, he walks over to the old tape recorder that is operating the cassette and, with an open palm, slaps the equipment, thus interrupting the General's soothing therapy. He is the only man in the building who is not afraid of the psychopathic old man.

The general lifts his eyelids, noticing his grandson. He breathes a sigh, and a half-smile appears on his face, with which he expresses his satisfaction that the boy has finally come to his senses.

- What happened, grandson? Did your fiancée dump you? - He looks into his eyes, noticing real agitation in them. Something has angered him, since he looks as if he is about to have a fit of rage.

- Don't mock me - With a raised tone, he suggests to the General to keep unnecessary comments to himself. With a fierce face, he looks at the old man, and when the latter raises his hands, letting him know that he is letting go, then he sits down in his chair. He rests his elbows on the desk top and, linking his hands into a fist, nervously moves his leg.

- So you've thought it through...

Alan lifts his face and crinkles his eyebrows, recalling the proposal he received from the General. The man wanted the boy to join him at all costs, but Alan was against it. He couldn't side with a man who intended to hurt Sarah. Now that she has betrayed him, stabbed him in the back, he feels great resentment towards her. He can't accept that the girl he trusted so much and was ready to do anything for — this girl broke his heart. He believed that she loved him, that she would never believe Oliver's words, but apparently he broke her. He managed to convince Sarah, but Alan is not going to give up. This is just the beginning.

- You were right. Poles of flesh and blood.... they are all the same," he declares unexpectedly, looking at the General with pain in his eyes. - I thought there were exceptions, but it's true.... they are the ones who have no heart," he adds in a hysterical voice. - They are the ones who can destroy a person! - he shouts, blinking his eyelids to chase away the incoming tears. He can't show weakness in front of the General.

- You have finally come to your senses. You know my story very well. They are the ones who started this war. They were the ones who unjustifiably killed my parents because they had such a whim. It was they who deprived me of my real family and humanity. They are the ones who created the monster in me! - he shouts, angrily pounding his fist on the desk top. - Now, do you understand why from a young age, I dreamed of destroying them?

- She is the same way. She made me suffer. I never thought I would feel such pain. She destroyed me," he whispers, blankly looking at one point and nervously playing with his hands.

- I have told you many times that the women of Poland are cruel. All of them. Every one of them deserves to die. - Alan bites his lip and looks the General in the face.

- I'll join you, but leave Sarah alone. I won't let anyone take her away from me. I will take care of her myself.

The general nods his head in agreement. He gets up from his chair and walks around the desk. He puts his hand on his grandson's shoulder and smiles winningly.

- I believe that you will complete my work...