Chereads / The Wandering Witch Celeste / Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: Stone Wyrm Pt.3

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17: Stone Wyrm Pt.3

Looking over the actions and reactions of the Stone Wyrm, defeating it would be difficult but still doable. Resolved, I started immediately think of a plan of attack, and I couldn't make a better sword for Mirelle with [Creation Magic] it would leave me quite vulnerable to the Stone Wyrm as I would need to be concentrate when creating something new. 


Thinking this, instead of making a new type of sword for Mirelle with [Creation Magic], I opted to create the same. However, I made it 2 times more durable, tougher and now it was sharp. 


"<> Sword!" I shouted as two shining swords materialized and took quite a bit of my mana away from me, followed by ordering Mirelle. "Mirelle, please take these two swords and please preoccupy the Stone Wyrm again. This time, will do a pincer attack on the Stone Wyrm, you keep trying to open its mouth and attacking it, and I will support you with Magi as I attack its neck." 


"Mii~!" responded Mirelle enthusiastically, taking the swords slowly descending midair. Mirelle turned to look at me for a brief moment before swiftly running towards the opposite direction as the dust and debris settled at the same time I ran to the other side, I took out a mana regeneration potion from my pouch, followed by redirecting a bit of my mana to activate [Veil and Mirage]'s [Aura of Concealment], continuing to run carefully towards the back of the Stone Wyrm making sure that the spell doesn't deactivate due to any aggressive movement from me. 


Reaching the back of the Stone Wyrm, I looked over towards Mirelle to see how she was doing. The sword was holding up quite a bit, while the sword was now chipped it still fared better than the earlier ones, thankfully the current sword wouldn't break for a little while and Mirelle still had a spare one in the case the sword broke again. Overall, Mirelle was doing alright, and the sword was holding up well. 


I turn my attention towards the neck of the Stone Wyrm, looking for the area Mirelle had crack earlier at the same time, I used [Earth Magic] to make the terrain more advantages to Mirelle and offered more cover for Mirelle. "<> 'Pillars of Earth'!" and immediately followed by "<> 'Earthen Walls'!" at the same time as I chanted the spells stone pillars were erupting all over the area, not only providing as a brief restriction towards the stone wyrm, but also as a foothold for Mirelle to better reach the mouth of the Stone Wyrm and Walls made out of Stone were emerging here and there to provide cover for both me and Mirelle. 


The Stone Wyrm was startled by the sudden appearances and change of the area, The Stone Wyrm irritated gave a low growl as it retaliated by slowly gathering mana in its snake-like body while the ground slowly started shaking and quickly got stronger destroying some of the pillars, breaking the other pillars in half and the stone walls met with the same fate as some of the ground was splitting apart to a certain degree. 


Despite the destruction the structures I just conjured, I was wasn't all too frustrated as many still stood and the ones broken in half could still be used as a foot and the some could be used as a cover, but now the Stone Wyrm is most likely aware that someone is able to use magic, and it was definitely looking for it yet it couldn't find me as my presence was weaker thanks to "Veil" of [Veil and Mirage], and for Mirelle still keeping it preoccupied with her relentless attack. Mirelle now had both cover and foothold to reach higher up without risking getting hit while midair. I could now focus on my attack on the Stone Wyrm's neck, I now only needed to find the cracks Mirelle made on its neck. 


Looking for the damage area around the neck, I eventually found out and raised my staff to the front and began imagining what magic I could use to make the wound lethal. I could test every single element if I want but it wouldn't be the appropriate time for experiments. Attacking the Stone Wyrm with that kind of intent would not only waste the effect of [Veil and Mirage], but it would also make me the target of the Stone Wyrm. 


Not wanting to waste too much on thinking about pointless stuff, I used just use any magic. From using magic every day from a world that didn't use magic, even the most magic would become lethal if used in the right situation or in combination with other elemental magic, and from my everyday use of magic, I could vaguely make sense that there were more to it than just the elements that this world's current era, so instead of trying to test out which is effective, I just focus on what I was already good at and use it effectively. 


Looking over the fight I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes, and I cleared my mind of any thoughts aside from the necessary and focused my mind. I imagine a small fire getting bigger, getting hotter and hotter with power that'll engulf everything and ultimately explode, at the same time I keep imagining this fire turning into a spear, while imaging the fire not only be that in the shape of a spear, but for it to also be compressed. 


I kept imagining compressing the magic with deep concentration as I felt a portion of my mana was being stolen by spell, it was signaling for me that it was ready to be use, I slowly open my eyes to see a golden fiery spear with no intricate design but gave out a heat that was unimaginable to anyone unless they were standing in front of it. 


As I was being affected by the spell, I pointed the magic towards the wound on the neck of the Stone Wyrm which Mirelle had inflicted earlier. Not wanting to include Mirelle in the Explosion I immediately shouted not caring if the Stone Wyrm made me a target towards it, I didn't want Mirelle to be caught in the explosion of a magic that I had just created, it would dry her muddy body and hindering her movements. 


"Mirelle, Back off for a moment please!" 


"Miii!" replied Mirelle as she parried the thrashing body aim towards her, it was to no avail however as the Stone Wyrm was far stronger than her with an even bigger size. Mirelle was fortunately enough wasn't hit but was pushed back quite a bit, which she quickly took advantage off and immediately switch to hiding and running away. "Mirelle, hurry I can't hold on it any longer!" I shouted urgently as I try not to let the flaming spear fire off suddenly. 


"Miii~!" chime as she ran in a circle and ultimately send it towards me. With Mirelle temporarily out of the spells zone of fire, she only needed to get out of the expected range of this spell. Hearing my order, Mirelle swiftly jump back down from one of the still standing pillar in the area getting into cover near me. 


With Mirelle out of the expected range of fire, I slammed the end of my staff on the ground creating a small wave of dust and debris not from my strength but from the amount of mana I was not used to using raging from my staff causing bits of dust and debris to fly away from me in a wave, as a long brightening golden spear made of fire was floating above my head getting bigger but then reverting to its original appearance of a long golden spear, which was a result of me putting more power into the spell but compressing the power in it with the intention to make it explosive. 


I aimed at the Stone Wyrm who had already noticed me a little while ago when I slammed the butt end of my staff heavily to the ground. I kept my gaze on the Stone Wyrm and as I did, the Stone Wyrm gave out a guttural growl and roared with incredible might. In the face of such actions of aggression, I remind where I stood as I continue to gaze towards the Stone Wyrm, and just as it was started to slither its way towards me, I fired the long flaming golden spear. "<<< Kagutsuchi's Fang>>>!" I shouted as the spear shot through the air as it left a trail of roaring flames and an almost unbearable heat in its wake. 


The [Kagutsuchi's Fang] wasn't perfect and was still an unrefined skill that I had just created and as I watch the golden flaming spear shot through the air with incredible speed like the fastest thing I had ever known before coming here which was a bullet, and as [Kagutsuchi's Fang] through the air leaving a breathtaking scene of power and rough beauty, it eventually hit the Stone Wyrm and just as it hit the Stone Wyrm's neck it had pierced its neck with great force before exploding with immense might shattering and breaking off more of its scales off its neck area with the flames devouring the outer body of the Stone Wyrm. 


[Kagutsuchi's Fang] was still imbedded into its neck as flames kept on roaring with incredible might and a brightness which was slowly dying out before exploding one last time but this time the explosion took a portion of the Stone Wyrm's neck with it, making the Stone Wyrm who was approaching be pushed back and fall to the ground writhing with pain as a the flames continued to die out, leaving a sight of a scorched Stone Wyrm slowly and limply stood back up again and continued to approach us but now with its eyes filled with immense hate and will. 


"Mirelle, please finish the Stone Wyrm!" I shouted as I raised the staff midair and slammed it back down again with great force as I shout out a spell to hinder the Stone Wyrm and be used as a foothold as Mirelle advance towards it. "<> 'Earthen Walls!" at the same time as I finished chanting, a number of stone walls thicker and with various heights appeared one after another as it took most of the mana I had left. 


"Mirelle, the rest is up to you, please finish off the Stone Wyrm!" having felt that I was nearing my limit, I stopped the spell and leaned my back against it as I slid down the pillar. "Miii!" responded resolutely as her grip on the sword tighten as she leaped swiftly from where she stood using the stone walls as a foothold to quickly approach the Stone Wyrm. The Stone Wyrm tried to attack Mirelle with numerous spikes coming out of the ground targeting her. However, it all missed and as Mirelle was nearing the Stone Wyrm, it sensed its doomed as it thrashed more wildly than before and with more power as if to give a last bit of struggle but Mirelle was already in front of it. 


Mirelle raised her sword her hands tightening harder than before and slashed down with all her might on the Stone Wyrm's neck where the [Kagutsushi's Fang] had torn out, slicing off the neck of the Stone Wyrm making the head of the Stone Wyrm fall to the ground with a great thud and its snake-like body going limp on to the ground causing the whole room to shake for a moment before returning to what it was before, a quiet empty room with no living monster in sight. 


With silence and stillness filling the room, I exclaimed to Mirelle. "We did it! We defeated the Stone Wyrm, Mirelle! I couldn't have done it without you!" as I stood up and approach the approaching Mirelle and gave its mud body a tight hug, savoring its warm and liveliness. We weren't hurt, we ended the fight as quickly as we could, and we are still okay! 


I wanted to look around the area with the Stone Wyrm now gone, but I still had not recovered enough to walk around for a little while. I took out a Mana Regeneration Potion and a few Mana Crystal and said to Mirelle, "Mirelle, lets rest for now and recover our mana." I handed the Mana Crystals to Mirelle, as I drank mine and carefully walked to a pillar near us and leaned against it as I sat down and rested for a bit as I recovered my mana.