Chereads / HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 55 - Chapter 24 Revenge of the Sith Part 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 55 - Chapter 24 Revenge of the Sith Part 1 (Part 2)

The Jedi Archive, the Following Day…

Anakin was troubled, the conversation he had with the Chancellor the night before was running around and around his mind. Was it possible? Anakin thought with actual wonder. To manipulate the force like that? To actually save people from death and create life?

It sounded like a miracle but he honestly had doubts about this so he had gone to the Jedi Master who knew the most about the force.

Tuwan sat there with a frown on his face, pondering the question.

"The force possesses many mysteries Anakin and yes it could be possible." Tuwan said after some time to think about it which made Anakin very hopeful. "Some ancient force cultures experimented with such things with mixed success as had the ancient Jedi. But I cannot feel given the nature of the Sith that a lord would pass on such a powerful secret. It is not in their nature to share power especially something as great as this." Tuwan said with concern.

Anakin nodded, wondering just what the Chancellor was hoping to gain from this? That he might become so desperate to save Padme that he would do anything to get such power? Was that it? Anakin thought with growing unease. Did it even exist?

Master Sinube looked up from his data terminal having used all his skill and experience, not to mention his high level clearance. Tuwan and Anakin looked at him expectantly and he told them.

"Sorry but I looked into every record we have. There is no mention of a 'Darth Plagueis' anywhere in the Jedi Archives. Nothing like what you described. If he existed at all then he must be a Sith during the centuries they were in hiding. In which case how would the Chancellor know about him?" Master Sinube said with some trepidation given the dangerous waters they were now treading.

"He would need extensive knowledge of the Sith, the sort they don't share easily…except with each other." Tuwan said with a frown as he now saw the likely explanation for all these events.

Anakin meanwhile was now really torn. He honestly was so confused; this power could be the way to save Padme but did it even exist? Did the Sith Lord in question even exist or was this another deception? Anakin thought with anger, wondering if any of the help Palpatine had given him over the years was genuine or not. Had he always been manipulating him?

Turning him against the Jedi.

Anakin honestly was now surer than ever not to trust Palpatine under any circumstances, that nothing he said was true. Was he the puppet master though or just another puppet? Anakin thought wishing he could know for sure.

Then and there he decided it would be best to get Padme off Coruscant as soon as possible. Get her somewhere safe, Naboo was the first place that sprung to mind but that was Palpatine's home world too and he likely would be easily able to reach her there. Same would be true of a lot of worlds but he then remembered Haron's offer and knew the Republic had no presence or influence there.

Anakin gave his thanks to both of the masters and left the temple immediately, heading straight for Padme's apartment. He piloted his speeder like a madman till he got there and almost leapt from it.

Padme was there, glowing in her dress with her stomach now extended with their child inside her, she smiled that radiant smile of hers when she saw him. It brought a smile to his face but it was dimmed as he remembered the reason he had come.

"Anakin." Padme said with a smile and he walked across the room to embrace her which she gladly accepted.

"Padme. We need to get you off Coruscant." Anakin said with a desperate look. "The Jedi, we think we might have a lead on who the Dark Lord of the Sith is…the one that had Naboo invaded and masterminded the Clone Wars. Dooku's Master." Anakin said with a scared look in his eyes. Padme was confused as although she knew what the Sith were she didn't understand why she needed to leave.

"Anakin, this is good news. We can finally stop him, bring peace back to the galaxy." Padme said with a smile but Anakin just shook his head.

"Padme, if we're right…then there is nothing we can do. We think its Chancellor Palpatine." Anakin told her.

Padme didn't react at first, seeming to struggle to process what he was telling her. She actually laughed a little in disbelief when she finally managed to realise just what he was telling her.

"Anakin, that's ridiculous." She said with a smile on her face but Anakin, now able to see things much more clearly explained the reasoning to her.

"Invasion of Naboo, he convinces you to call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum's leadership so he can become Chancellor, the Clone Wars he creates an enemy for the Republic so the Senate gives him emergency powers and an army to do his will. Then he uses the chaos and fear created by the war to increase his power and now Senate has virtually no influence at all anymore." Anakin told her. "And now he has put me on the Jedi Council to spy on them just in case they move to remove him from office. And he knows about Sith Lords that even the Jedi don't know about. It's him Padme, or even if it isn't then he's a puppet. And that's just as bad."

There was a silence as Padme began to assimilate what he was saying and realise how likely those events were. She lost her smile as she began to see what he saw and realise he was right, a look of fear coming onto her face as she realised how she and the rest of the Republic had been played by Palpatine and how hard it was going to be to get him out of power.

"What are you going?" Padme asked now looking afraid. Anakin took her in his arms again to comfort her.

"The Jedi Council is waiting till Grievous is dead before we try to make a move. If he refuses to give up his emergency powers and return power to the Senate then the Jedi have just cause to remove him from office." Anakin told her but Padme just shook her head.

"He's created a dozen loopholes that he could use to stay in power. If the Jedi try to forcibly remove him and they fail we could be looking at civil war." Padme said with a scared look on her face as she realised the damage this could do. Anakin nodded; he was no politician but even he knew that Palpatine's position was all but unassailable.

"Then we need to get you somewhere safe, at least till we can think of a plan. Duke Ordo, has offered to let you stay on Reijar, his home till the baby's born. You'll be safe there; I'll even send Rex and Ahsoka with you to help." Anakin assured her, Padme looked very unhappy at that idea. She didn't want to be so far from the senate and more importantly be present in case there was anything she could do to help but at the same time she felt her baby move inside her, as if reacting to her stress and realised she had to think of the baby now. It had to be safe, so she had to be safe too she realised with regret, she had to step back for now.

"Okay, I'll go but only till the baby's born." Padme said with a tired smile and then asked him with fear. "But what about you?"

"I have to be here to try and help when he reveals himself. But if it looks too bad…I'll come as soon as possible." Anakin told her with regret but if him being here helped then this was where he needed to be. He wanted so much to be there with her and hoped to be there when the baby was born but he needed to stay here for now.

Padme sadly accepted that, knowing him too well to argue and hoping that he would actually come to her at the first sign of trouble.

- x -

While Anakin and Padme were having their meeting, Obi-Wan was meditating privately in his room. Trying to gain some private time for contemplation and to plan out future lessons for his new apprentice. The fact he would soon have to journey to Utapau did little to ease his mind especially as he would be confronting General Grievous again. It would not be the first time he had fought the cyborg coward but those last times had been among the hardest fights he'd ever experienced.

To say nothing of the fact this would be the first time Kalifa would be anywhere close to Grievous and he was concerned for her wellbeing. He would tell her to stay with Cody who he was sure would keep a close eye on her while he dealt with Grievous. He knew that the coward would try and use her against him if given half a chance.

He was sure the war would soon be ending but the pressure of this secret assignment the Jedi Council had forced on Anakin made him worry a great deal for his former apprentice's welfare and state of mind.

A sudden knock at the door woke him from his meditations and he looked up in surprise, hearing someone moving quickly away from the door. He got up and opened the door quickly, hoping to see some sign of the person who knocked but whoever it had been was too fast and had gotten well away before he could catch a glimpse of them. Instead, a small ornate box lay in front of his door.

Obi-Wan could feel the force inside the box but it wasn't light or dark side, he carefully picked up the box and opened it, he blinked in surprise at the contents.

It was a holocron, he thought with admiration and no ordinary one either. Not a cube or a pyramid but a very rare sphere. He carefully picked it up and was amazed at the shifting colours inside, never having seen that in a holocron before. He was however suspicious at the fact that a holocron had just been delivered right to his door and knew better than to just open it.

So, taking it in hand he went straight to the Jedi Archives, sending a message for Master Yoda and Master Windu to meet him in the Jedi Archives. After he had a talk with their resident holocron expert.

- x -

"It's only a year old if that." Master Sabla-Mandibu said as she held the delicate holocron in her hands. "Freshly constructed and not by a Jedi. That is all I can tell without opening it." The Miraluka Jedi who had been rather reclusive around the Temple since her arrival except when she was giving lessons in holocron construction or copying them secretly at Master Yoda's request.

"And someone just delivered it to your door?" Windu said with suspicion while Master Yoda looked on with contemplation.

"Perhaps open it you should?" Yoda said with a careful look.

"Do you think that wise?" Obi-Wan asked, curious but knowing the danger of such devices. Master Sabla-Mandibu frowned for a moment before adding her own advice.

"It should be safe enough, it isn't a Sith Holocron and hasn't the dark side aura even if its presence isn't a particularly light one either. It should be safe." She told him and handed it back to him.

Obi-Wan looked uncertain as she gave it to him but with the expectant eyes of the other masters on him, he felt he had no choice so he knelt down and meditated.

It was harder than he had thought to open the holocron, not being totally in tune with the light side of the force it took some effort to get it open but slowly the sphere opened into the separate interlocking rings that made it up and an image appeared, one none of the masters present had expected.

"Greetings Obi-Wan." A projection of Count Dooku said, looking perfectly calm, they all listened as he spoke, wondering just what Dooku intended by sending his own holocron to Obi-Wan. "If you have received this holocron then I can only presume I am dead. I had hoped to have this conversation properly with you in person but circumstances have conspired to make that impossible. I have recently become aware that my Sith Master intends to kill me and replace me with another younger man. I hope to find a way to destroy him but in case I fail this holocron will be entrusted to you to finish what I started." Dooku told him.

The Jedi were now very suspicious of this, Dooku was a master manipulator and expert on strategy. He seemed to be trying to influence them from beyond the grave.

"I know my master intends to transform the Republic into an Empire; he is planning on tricking the Jed into trying to arrest him while manipulating Skywalker into thinking he has the power to save Padme Amidala when he has no real idea how to do the feats of his own master Darth Plagueis." Dooku said, rather matter of factly.

"So, I leave you his real identity and what I know of his plans, inside this holocron Obi-Wan I have put everything I have learned of the Force, of lightsaber combat, of politics & negotiation, of philosophy, of public speaking, of strategy & tactics, even how to charm others…all my knowledge. I have left hidden caches around the galaxy. Hidden credit accounts, small hidden factories and other things you might need to help fight my master. I am leaving this to you Obi-Wan as I feel you are the only Jedi that I can trust to use it wisely. To stop Darth Sidious, known to you and the rest of the galaxy as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine."

That was just what Yoda, Mace and Obi-Wan had feared, while they all knew better than to just trust Dooku it was merely confirming what they had all suspected already. The holocron shut down as Obi-Wan had to discuss first what they had just confirmed with the other masters.

Master Sabla-Mandibu looked deeply unsettled and left when Master Windu gestured for her to do so. The three Jedi Masters all stood in silence before Master Yoda took charge.

"Act on this, we will but for now go through the motions, to not reveal we know. Go to Utapau you must Master Kenobi, to slay Grievous. As I must go to Kashyyyk to help the Wookiees. Master Windu stay on Coruscant he will to protect the Temple and watch Palpatine. Take no action we will take till a plan is decided." Yoda said with a grim look on his face. "An excuse we cannot give him, play into his hands we must not."

Windu and Kenobi nodded, knowing it was the only real choice at the moment. By not giving him an excuse, the Jedi could create a longer-term plan to remove him. He wouldn't have the opportunity to remove them so openly and allow them to undermine him slowly to erode his position and slowly take power away from him or so they hoped.

"Still be ready we must. Master Windu, entrust I to you I do the locations of hidden Jedi Sanctuaries we have prepared." Yoda said which surprised Obi-Wan as this was the first time that he had heard of this. "If needed, know where to send the Jedi in the temple you will. Already many of the holocrons and texts, including a copy of the Archive transported to Ossus they have been." Yoda told them so they knew just where they stood. "Made a holocron have you? While I share my recent discoveries?" Yoda asked Windu who nodded, having learned some of what he had of preserving his consciousness after death. "Send it to Ossus you should. Be of use there it will."

"May the force be with us." Yoda said, hoping it was so the worst outcome of this situation did not come to pass. Looking over to the bust of the Lost Twenty-One, he just hoped it would not be too late, his gaze going from Dooku to the most recent addition to that infamous club Master Keln Gamil who had left eleven years ago and wondering if they had done enough.

- x -

That night as he slept, Haron was uneasy. The force surged as he had one of the most intense dreams he had ever experienced.

He saw Vysa, she was missing her helmet and running through the jungles of Felucia at a great pace. She was sweating profusely with not only the effort but the great humidity of the planet. She looked behind her and someone was clearly pursuing her was closing. She struggled to go faster before suddenly she was shot from behind.

The armour she was wearing protected her but the impact was great enough that it threw her to the ground. She hit hard and the breath was knocked out of her, she tried to get back to her feet but something grabbed her and a snap hiss of a lightsaber sounded, a red glow illuminating Vysa's fearful face. The figure who Haron couldn't quite make out raised the blade and slashed straight into Vysa's helpless body.

Haron woke up in a cold sweat, breathing rapidly. He could still feel all the fear that Vysa had been feeling and wondered if what he had just seen was just a nightmare or something more.

Private Landing Pad, Coruscant…

Haron and Anakin waited with Padme, Ahsoka, Rex and Allara, not to mention C-3PO and R2-D2 for the Star Chaser to arrive. The less people who knew where Padme was going the better and since Obi-Wan had now left for Utapau, it was crucial that the others were as far from the Sith as possible.

The Corvette descended fast through the atmosphere before coming in to land, the sight of a Corellian Corvette surprised the others but the landing ramp descended and allowed Ara and Luna to walk down to meet them.

"I really wish you wouldn't keep inviting people to our home without asking me first." Ara said with annoyance. They had one hanger on already they didn't need another. Haron however didn't respond to that question, instead he just walked up to her and gently pulled her into an embrace, she didn't resist that nor the kiss that followed, Haron used their closeness to whisper in her ear.

"Can you sense it? What she has inside her?"

Ara had to suppress the shiver that ran through her when he was so close but she blinked when she too felt the strength of the two babies inside Padme Amidala. They were as strong as Anakin in the force! Together they would be all but unstoppable. She then kissed his neck which made him shiver and made her smile over the effect she had on him.

"I see, don't worry. She'll be safe." Ara told him in a whisper that almost excited him so much he wanted to drag her away to spend the day together. Something they had been limited in since he had come to Coruscant.

Meanwhile Anakin was bidding farewell to Padme and the others.

"Don't worry, the Senator will be safe with us." Rex said reassured Anakin who did his best to be confident but he was still very nervous about Padme being away from him right now.

"We promise Master." Ahsoka said with a smile, still referring to him as her master which he did appreciate. Given the danger here though, Anakin was unfortunately going to have to break the bad news to his second apprentice.

"Allara, till things are safe here you will be going with them."

Now Allara didn't stamp her feet or even show anger on her face at his announcement which was somewhat surprising. Instead, she just became really stubborn and told him.

"I will not. My place is at your side…Master." She said with all the conviction she could muster and looked very much like an unmovable object. Anakin frowned, really wishing she was more willing to compromise and could only be firm with her.

"Allara, I need you to protect Senator Amidala. I can breathe a lot more easily if I know she and you are in a safe place and do the things I need to do." Anakin told her sternly. "This is your duty and that is what being a Jedi is, a duty to others and this right now is your duty to make sure Senator Amidala is safe." He told her, much sterner than he had ever been before. His other reason was that if something did happen to him then Ahsoka would finish her training in his place.

They all looked on with surprise as Anakin managed to reason with the exceptionally stubborn Allara to back down and she nodded.

"Yes master." She said quietly. Ahsoka and Rex couldn't believe it at first but she had done it and with a last hug and look they got on the ship with Padme. Anakin stared after them with worry but also some comfort as he knew they would be safe whatever happened.

Haron meanwhile was still apprehensive after his vision he had gotten while he slept the previous night. It had been more vivid than any that he had ever experienced before and he was honestly very unsettled about it. His mind drifted back to it as it had depicted the death of his sister, he might not have seen Vysa recently but she was still his flesh and blood and he wasn't going to let her die, he would have gone straight there himself but…he wasn't sure of his own judgement in these matters.

The last time he had a vision it had been a false one, sent by Voldemort. Could this be another trick? He asked himself, unsure what to think and Vysa wasn't answering her comms which didn't help his anxiety.

He saw Luna tilt her head as if reading him and he sighed before admitting it to her.

"I think I had a vision last night." He said and she merely stared, not judging before asking.

"What about?"

So, he explained it all, seeing Vysa running through the jungles of Felucia and then being cornered and killed. Luna listened and thought for a moment telling him.

"You should go."

"What? Now?! Of all moments!" Haron said given how crucial events were unfolding right before their eyes. Luna however was unaffected.

"We've done all we can here now. It's time to cut ties and make sure all we have is locked down tight. Vysa is the one chink in your armour, everyone else is protected but her and Palpatine knows that somehow." Luna told him and Haron was confused at her advice but saving Vysa was important to him and like she had said there was virtually nothing that he could really do to help here now.

It was time to leave Coruscant, and despite the threat he was relieved at that.

Anakin and he watched at the others got back in the ship and it took off, heading out as fast as possible. He turned to Anakin who was as worried as he was but there was nothing to do here now but make sure all their loose ends were tied up before they left.

"Anakin, she'll be safe." Haron reassured him and Anakin nodded.

"I hope so." Anakin said before he told him. "It'd be best if you got off Coruscant too. In case the worst happens."

Haron nodded, glad that Anakin had actually bothered to warn him even if it was unnecessary.

"I know and arrangements are already being made. I would suggest that you be ready too." Haron said before turning to the other man and they shook each other's hand, aware this might well be the last time they ever saw each other.

They didn't say goodbye as hopefully this wouldn't be the last time that they saw each other but said nothing else as Anakin left for the Temple while Haron went to the Canderous as he had some things do before he left.

He sent his resignation as Chief Military Advisor and Acting Head of the Republic Military, downloaded any files he needed and purged the rest. He could operate his shares and information network from anywhere Haron thought as he and his guards with great care to made sure to leave nothing behind before they went to his ship.

Fenn Rau was waiting for them there and Haron asked him as they boarded the ship.

"All our assets secure?"

"All have returned to our territory and all affairs here are closed." Fenn said with a grim expression on his face. Some of this was likely to cause a great deal of trouble in the war but it was time for their people to look out for themselves.

"Good, now set a course of Felucia. My sister is in trouble." Haron said simply as they all got onboard and in short order took off. Haron looked out of the window as he left Coruscant, having spent a good amount time there but didn't feel sad about leaving it at all. The planet was rotten and soon its corruption would be revealed, anyone who stood in the way of that would be lucky to survive. Haron crossed his arms and turned towards the cabin window, watching as they made the jump to lightspeed.

Utapau, the Outer Rim…

Commander Cody was riding down in his gunship, ready to come to the General's aid when things went bad as they frequently did. At his side was the youngling that the General was apparently now responsible for, Kalifa who was currently his responsibility till he could hand her back to the general.

She was a polite girl he admitted reluctantly and did as she was told but despite this, he was really not happy about her being on the battlefield!

This was no place for younglings! Cody thought with distaste. Especially as the battle begun.

Cody's gunship landed so he and Kalifa could disembark, her blue lightsaber already out and deflecting blaster bolts while he and his men shot back at the droids.

She was calm in action, Cody thought with some admiration for Jedi training. Most would be terrified but she wasn't. It was a start he admitted reluctantly.

Still the sight of General Kenobi's lightsaber falling right beside them was a bit of a surprise and as they looked around, they swore they could have seen General Kenobi himself riding some large lizard in pursuit of General Grievous.

"Master." Kalifa called out but they were already far away and Cody wondered just how his general was going to defeat Grievous without his lightsaber but with no idea just where they were racing off too there was nothing he could do. So, he clipped it to his waist and told the youngling as he noticed she was staring after the general.

"Not much you can do to help him. Focus on the here and now." Cody told her as the droids began to intensify their fire. Kalifa reluctantly nodded and turned her attention back to the fight. Deflecting bolts away from the troops as they advanced.

Felucia, the Outer Rim…

The jungle world of Felucia was a miserable place to be, hot and humid at the same time but worst yet was large number of insects and creatures that plagued anyone who dared set foot on their world. Worst of all were the large and vicious Acklays, who stalked their prey unrelentingly and could pursue them anywhere.

The thick jungle also made landing the ship hard as finding a safe location was exceptionally difficult, at least one close to where you wanted to go and not already occupied. The natives were a reclusive people and rarely let themselves be seen but if you ventured into their territory, they would kill you in a heartbeat. The settlers who had tried to tame this planet often found themselves angering the natives and frequently ended up dead with no-one ever seeing who had done it.

Using the force to guide him Haron managed to find a landing zone and put the Canderous down in a clearing. It was remote, the Republic camp was a decent distance away as was the Separatist Camp but Haron could now sense Vysa's unique presence in the force quite clearly but what worried him was that another presence was converging on her. A cold and angry one, Haron with his vision running through his mind didn't waste anytime and issued his orders as he quickly made his way to the hatch.

"Fenn, Morr. Stay with the ship, we may need a fast extraction. The rest of you follow me and activate your packs. We need to hurry." Haron said and took off at a run till he was able to activate his pack while his confused guards ran after him and then flew with him.

- x -

Vysa was honestly more terrified as she ran through the jungle, her jetpack now out of fuel and too far from anywhere that she might be able to get help. Her entire team was dead, wiped out by this one individual that honestly terrified her. She had only seen the sort of things this man could do once before, when she had joined her family in the liberation of Mandalore. Three Jedi had been part of the assault and yet this man that was chasing her was able to do the same thing only to completely wipe out her team in a matter of moments.

She kept on running, trying to get as far away as she could. His red lightsaber cutting through her team with ease or seeing them grasping at their throat while an invisible hand strangled them, the images would be imprinted on her mind forever. She really wished she had taken Luna's offer of training right now because she just couldn't match his expanded skill set.

She thought about her family, would they even know what had happened to her? She thought with distress. She had only just gotten used to thinking of them as family and now she was about to die without talking with them ever again.

That depressed her but before she could think any more on that or come up with a plan to get away from the man chasing her, she felt a massive blast hit her back. It sent her crashing forward into the dirt and before she could recover and get up to start running again, she felt her body being grabbed by the force and she pushed back as best she could but whoever was holding her had far more experience than her.

She looked up and saw the man standing over her while his red bladed lightsaber humming with a sinister intensity.

"I was supposed to bring you in intact, but I think you are too dangerous to be kept alive." He said and made to swing his lightsaber, she snarled at him with her last at of defiance, shouting as loud as she could.

"FUCK YOU!" She screamed at him with her eyes blazing.

He seemed taken aback by her reaction but it delayed him only for a moment, but that moment was enough.

Suddenly the dark Jedi was blown clear off his feet by a blast of the force. Vysa felt his hold on her slacken and she managed to break free, looking around she could hardly believe her eyes as her older brother Haron appeared with a number of his guards. She honestly was thinking this was her mind playing tricks on her just before she died but the ache in her back from the earlier blast was proof enough this was real.

She saw Haron land in front of her and pull out the Darksaber and ignite it. The dark blade coming to life with fierce white lightning arcing all around it. The Dark Jedi looked up in shock as he recovered but Haron with a harsh fury battered away at him, he barely managed to defend himself against the furious barrage of cleaves and swipes from Haron who with managed as the Dark Jedi ran out of energy and then found himself with the Darksaber buried in his chest.

The Dark Jedi fell as Haron pulled it out and let him fall, taking his lightsaber as a trophy. He turned to face Vysa who ignored the offer of help and got to her feet on her own. She looked at him surprised.

"What are doing Haron? I mean, don't get me wrong I'm thankful for the save but this is a long way from your neck of the woods." She said looking confused but Haron told her.

"I had a vision of this guy coming after you, wasn't about to let my little sister lose her head." Haron said with a slight mocking drawl, now feeling a lot better since the fate he had foreseen had been averted.

"Well, thanks I guess." Vysa said, surprised as although she did dream strange things sometimes, she had never seen the future before although she could never be exactly sure of that. That her brother had actually seen the future and saved her life with it was awesome she thought and decided that it was probably time to see about learning just what she could do with the force.

Reijar, the Ordo System…

The Star Chaser emerged from hyperspace and descended down towards Reijar. From the viewing port Ahsoka, Rex, Padme and Allara all looked at the moon and found it largely unremarkable except for the large space station in orbit not to mention a large number of ships both commercial and military around it. Some of the designs they were able to recognise but a few were completely unknown to them. They frowned but were soon entering the atmosphere and coming in on the landing strip.

As the ship landed, they disembarked and saw the size of the Ordo Compound. Ara and Luna exited before them and Ahsoka asked with astonishment as they saw the sheer size of the place.

"The Ordo Family lives here?!"

Ara didn't look happy about her asking questions as she didn't trust Ahsoka or any of them really especially with the children around. Luna however was more open to answer the young woman's question.

"Indeed, have done for generations and will continue to for generations to come. Its not just a compound but a fortress with all the amenities for people to live in for years if necessary." Luna said cheerfully. Ara shot her a dark look at being so open but thankfully they were distracted by Rex seeing someone he had never thought he would ever see again.

"Fives?!" Rex said as he noticed a dock worker moving around, a clone shockingly.

"Rex!" Fives said with happiness as he ran over and stood in front of his former commanding officer and friend. Rex and Ahsoka too were shocked to see him as they had thought him either dead or vanished into the galaxy.

"How in oceans of Kamino did you end up here?" Rex asked Fives who smiled sadly before he explained.

"Duke Ordo was investigating the conspiracy that I discovered and intervened on my behalf. He is the one that helped me get that transmission out and then gave me safe haven here." Fives told them and the idea that Duke Ordo had been trying to fight Palpatine far earlier than they themselves had surprised all of them.

"Allara, this is Fives. A former Captain in the 501st." Ahsoka said to Allara who had yet to learn the name of many of the clones that served Anakin and had never met this one at all. "Fives, this is Allara. Anakin's new apprentice." Ahsoka said to introduce them.

Allara merely nodded politely and didn't say anything, it was frustrating Ahsoka thought to see her hold the clones at a distance but it wasn't out of any sense of superiority but merely just a subconscious unease. As if she was afraid of them for some reason that she herself couldn't understand.

That was strange as while she herself never had, Ahsoka could understand the fear. Now knowing about the chip and what it had been designed to do…well that was scary Ahsoka thought with a shiver. Allara maybe on some level sensed the threat but not consciously. Master Rahm Kota hadn't liked the clones either although it had been more about them not being fit for battle.

But she was at least comforted somewhat by the moon she was standing on. It had a calming presence in the force and she wasn't sure just why but she felt safe here. Allara it seemed did relax a little, standing closer to Rex and Fives with less tension.

"Well." Padme said, still surprised from these revelations and still confused at just how much the Mandalorians seemed to know. "How about we all go inside and get something to eat. I don't know about anyone else but I am starving." Padme wasn't even making that up, her baby must be huge she thought from the amount of food it demanded she eat.

Ara led them inside to get them settled, wondering if having them here wasn't a huge mistake.

Jedi Temple, Coruscant…A Few Hours Later…

Anakin's head was spinning as his worst fears had been confirmed and by none other than the man himself, Palpatine was the Sith Lord and now was offering him the power to save his wife. He was very tempted by that power but at the same time did Palpatine even know how to do what he claimed? Was it even possible? Anakin thought to himself with uncertainty.

What did he feel through the force he thought to himself? It was hard to feel anything with things in such flux but what he could see was her, alive.

Had he done enough? He thought desperately before meeting Master Windu in the landing bay.

"Skywalker. We have just heard that General Grievous has been destroyed. I was about to report that to the Senate so the Chancellor will turn over his emergency powers." Windu told him but Anakin shook his head.

"He won't give up his power. I've just learned the Chancellor is a Sith Lord." Anakin told Master Windu who to his shock nodded.

"Just before Obi-Wan left Coruscant he was sent a private message by Count Dooku. It revealed Palpatine was the Sith Lord and we were just looking to see if we could confirm that. I suppose he told you?" Windu asked. Anakin was rocked by the knowledge that the Jedi had already known or suspected that the Chancellor was a Sith Lord. He was intent on asking questions but Master Windu instead told him.

"I will go with you to see when he intends to give up his powers. We won't take anymore action than that." Windu told him which was something of a relief to Anakin as it meant he had more time to see if Palpatine could actually do as he says and see if his assertions that the Jedi were going to try and take over the Republic had any weight to them even if he already suspected that was just another deception.

"Yes Master." Anakin said as he and Master Windu got into a waiting speeder and they raced towards the Senate Building, Anakin really not sure just what was going to happen when they got there.

- x -

Chancellor's Office, The Senate Building…

The Chancellor was sitting at his desk and seemed surprised to see Anakin standing there with Mace Windu.

"Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been eliminated. I must say you're here sooner than expected." Palpatine said but it was clearly framed like a statement rather than a question. Anakin was tense at Windu's side as he had no idea just what was going to happen.

"Chancellor, we just received confirmation of General Grievous' death on Utapau. While there is no sign of the other Separatist leaders, we are confident that without him or Grievous the war will soon end." Mace Windu said calmly without expression. "Do have to ask though when will you return power to the Senate?"

Palpatine while keeping on his mask of politeness was actually incredibly annoyed as Windu was supposed to try and arrest him, he was going to coach the answers he needed to set up the Jedi Order as if it were treason against the Republic and therefore give him all the right in the world to wipe out the Order.

"I cannot do that till I feel the Republic is safe Master Windu." Palpatine said hoping to get things back on track, but Windu remained calm and instead replied.

"Then I must see to tracking down the Separatist leaders. Good evening, Chancellor." Windu said and then turned around and headed for the door. Palpatine was now enraged at this but a sudden warning in the force had them all diving for cover.

Green streams of lightning ripped along the corridor and torn into the expensive decorations, followed by a force wave that shattered the window and sending both Anakin and Windu sideways into the wall. Sliding down they got to their feet and drew their lightsabers in anticipation of the threat and Palpatine was openly snarling as he faced the threat head on.

Looking up they saw a green aura enter the room, inside it though was a female figure in red robes which seemed to float around her and her presence in the force which had been invisible until now was no longer being hidden and now was so powerful and rotten with the dark side the two Jedi were almost debilitated at the sheer strength of it.

"Pitiful Jedi." Mother Talzin said with mocking scorn, her voice having a strange echo to it, looking at them with disdain. "No real stomach for true power." She said with the Scepter of Ragnos in her hand. Sidious was however very much invigorated by the sheer amount of dark side energy in the room and stood looking at the Scepter with almost glee.

"Mother Talzin, it has been rather a long time. I must admit I am impressed at how you managed to hide yourself from me given all the power you seem to have acquired. With that scepter I assume, ancient Sith in origin I should think." Palpatine said eying the scepter with obvious interest and planning to acquire it for himself.

"Far too long Darth Sidious. Far too long since you took my son from me, sending both my boys to die…you and your pawn Dooku. He may have escaped my vengeance but you will not!" She shrieked before blasting more green lightning at Sidious who to their surprise was able to absorb the power into his hands and discharge it back at her. He snarled at her and spoke as he prepared himself.

"Your sons. Such limited creatures they were, never better for anything than being cannon fodder. Useful only for a brief moment till it was time to cut off that particularly stem." He said and Talzin screamed in anger and let loose again with her powers. Surges of green force energy swarming around the room which Sidious started using the force to deflect or destroy while Anakin and Windu, still struggling with the intensity of the dark side were regaining their strength and Windu turned to Anakin.

"Anakin…the…window." Windu said as it was shattered by one of Talzin's blasts and probably their only real exit. Anakin nodded and found it strange that he and Master Windu had to get into a situation like this before Windu would use his first name. They managed with effort to get to the window while Sidious and Talzin were fighting.

However, Talzin was getting frustrated that Sidious had ability to manipulate the dark side better than she could, she pulled more power from the scepter and started blasting him with her green lightning again but Sidious countered with his own blue lightning.

They met in the middle and with visible effort both were trying to force through the other's lightning to destroy them. The scepter meanwhile was beginning to act very strangely as it absorbed the dark side energy in the room, pulsing with a sickly orange light and just as Anakin and Mace Windu manged to jump from the window, the scepter as Talzin lost control of it will all her attention on the fight discharged all the dark side energy it had acquired.

The explosion of dark side energy was enormous, ripping through the office and some of the floors below. Shredding them and everyone in them to pieces, the only blessing being that it was so late in the evening that few people were still here beyond security and Palpatine's own staff. Some of whom did perish in the blast.

The Scepter itself was thrown clear into the sky and flew a good distance before it started plunging down into the depths of Coruscant.

Anakin and Mace were left sliding their way down the Senate building's roof and after a long and awkward slide they had only just managed to recover their strength to use the force cushion their landing on the pad below.

Both breathed heavily as they tried to get their bearings and realise what had just happened. The sheer amount of dark side energy in such an intense concentration was almost debilitating if you didn't fully embrace the dark side but used it yourself. Both he and Master Windu had used it but they were staggered by what Talzin had done.

But Anakin meanwhile was feeling something shift in the force, something very important had changed and he was able to have a vision of the future…it was…changing. Anakin realised with joy.

Instead of seeing Padme laying in some medical centre bed, dying while trying to give birth to their baby…he saw her, sitting up in bed with two small bundles in her arms. Ahsoka was there instead of Obi-Wan and helping Padme by being there with her and smiling a big broad smile.

Joining Palpatine? He thought, wondering if that was the thing that would have caused the other future to happen? But one thing for sure it was like a great weight was lifted off his shoulder and he could breathe again. She was alright he thought with relief and turned to Windu who looked up at the wrecked building above and told him with some tension on his face.

"We need to return to the Temple, if he was dead the shroud of the dark side should be dissipating but its not. He survived." Windu said with a worried look on his face. "If so, we need to prepare to evacuate the Temple. But Anakin…you made the right choice. From now on, you have my trust." Windu said with a small smile which Anakin was surprised by but at the same time it was very touching.

Master Windu was notorious for not trusting anyone really, except for Master Yoda and now here he was admitting to actually trusting him?

That was a major step up, Anakin thought but then he realised Master Windu was right. He was sure if Palpatine was dead they would have sensed it but they hadn't and if so, they needed to prepare. He nodded and they rushed for the speeder they had come in and gunned it all the way back to the Jedi Temple, wondering if the fate of the Jedi and the Republic was going to be decided in the next few hours.

- x -

Back in the ruined office, now exposed to the outside and with the entire room shattered beyond recognition, a single form emerged from under some rubble.

His dark red clothes which had been so fine a moment ago were singed and torn and as Commander Fox burst into look for survivors, he was moment taken aback as he saw the figure that emerged from the rubble.

"Chancellor? Commander Fox asked, recognising the robes if not the person who emerged.

"Commander, rally your men. The Jedi will pay dearly for this betrayal." Palpatine said as his voice was warped slightly although still understandable. The Clone Commander hesitated for a moment before saying.

"Yes, your excellency."

Palpatine had no real idea of just what he looked like now, he could hardly feel his own face and had to look around for a piece of glass that was large enough to let him see.

He eventually found one and stared at his reflection in the glass, he would have been shocked had his mind not already been warped by the dark side. His skin, already pale was now an unhealthy greyish white with warped lines all across it that made him almost completely unrecognisable from before. His eyes too had completely changed, they had had a burning orange-yellow colour with dark red around the edge.

He was so caught up in this that he failed to recognise for a moment that Anakin hadn't been 'shown the Jedi's conspiracy' and now was more loyal to the Jedi than ever but he contented himself when he realised that Anakin once caught would be brought over to his side. It wouldn't be as neat as he would have liked but it would be enough.

At least the overly ambitious Talzin was finally dead, he thought with some contentment. Her pathetic grasp of how to handle the dark side was almost comical but unknown to her, she had actually been useful to him.

Talzin might have foiled that plan to get the Jedi to attack him but thanks to her mismanagement of the scepter which he was already making plans to recover, he had the means to frame the Jedi for the 'bombing' and started laughing in a manner that would have left people thinking he was insane, a high-pitched cackling laugh that just burst out of him.

- x -

Arriving back at the Jedi Temple in what must have been some kind of record time, Anakin and Mace Windu jumped out of their speeder and ran up the landing bay towards the elevator. Mace activated his comm link and commanded.

"All Jedi Masters and Knights are to assemble in the main atrium immediately. This is a priority one emergency." He said feeling more tense the longer this took, instituting the highest level of alertness that existed. Anakin beside him was tense too, eager to gather the order so they could make a plan.

Once they reached the atrium level, they broke into a run the moment the doors opened and jumped with the force to the upper floor. They stood there as Jedi Masters and Knights present in the temple moved quickly into the atrium, a number of padawans accompanied their masters but that wasn't an issue given many of them were going to be challenged heavily in the next couple of hours. Anakin nodded to Master Tuwan who smiled reassuringly and his presence calmed Anakin considerably.

Once they were assembled, Mace began talking.

"Now, many of you will not be aware of this but the Sith Lord has indeed been identified as Chancellor Palpatine." Mace Windu said and the crowd all started sharing startled looks but Mace didn't have time to answer any questions so he cut straight to the point. "We tried to stop him but we failed and soon we are going to have Clone troopers forcing down our door. So, we are evacuating the Temple."

That announcement caused chaos as the Jedi below couldn't believe that they were going to flee the Temple that had been their order's home for thousands of years and many were fully prepared to fight for the Temple. But Anakin and Mace who knew full well how bad this was likely to get and Master Windu shouted.


The authority in his voice shut down all the argument immediately and he told them.

"Master Skywalker and Myself will be co-ordinating a defence but that is only till we have all the Jedi away. The younglings in particular. I will be giving a location for groups to go too but only the master who will be leading each group will know that till they arrive for security. The Order has prepared for this, and we will not let the Sith win." Mace said and told them now that they seemed to be in line. "Have the archives stripped of all holocrons and artifacts while it is purged. We cannot afford for that knowledge to fall into the wrong hands." Mace said which immediately upset Master Nu who looked fit to burst at the idea of destroying the archive that she was responsible for maintaining.

"I am however asking for volunteers to stay and defend this temple, but do not volunteer out of sentiment. This is likely to be a last stand!" Mace Windu said with a finality in his words that scared some masters but some did look resolute in their desire to stay.

"Now start organising the younglings into groups. Masters Bao-Dur and Master Paratus stay." Anakin said, following Mace's lead on this which the elder master appreciated and the Jedi went about doing their jobs while the two masters in question came forward.

"Masters, I know you have been upgrading the Temple's defences. Are they ready?" Windu asked and Kazdan Paratus answered with some considerable anxiety as he was about to lose his home.

"They are finished but we haven't tested them yet Master." Kazdan said and Anakin with a grim look in his eyes said.

"No time like the present. Bring them on line because soon we are going to have thousands of clone troopers barging down our door." Anakin said with worry but Bao-Dur, always calm in a crisis reassured him.

"They will work. We've spent two years on this Kazdan…they'll perform." He said with complete confidence that his colleagues wished they could emulate.

Felucia, the Outer Rim…

"So, the war is over?" Vysa asked, wondering just what she had missed while on this miserable planet. They were forced to walk back having used most of their fuel getting there and this was hardly the most pleasant of walks. They'd already dodged a pack of Acklays and three Separatist patrols and they were only half way back to the ship.

"Not entirely but now Palpatine will make his move and the CIS will become a liability. I doubt the Separatist Council will last long now that he has no further use for them. He'll turn on his true enemy now…the Jedi." Haron told her grimly as they made their way back to the ship.

Vysa was silent as were the rest of his warriors, not sure they wanted to think about what would happen if Palpatine was to succeed. However, they were rudely interrupted from speaking further by the sight of a large group of clones approaching. And unfortunately, they had already seen them.

"Halt!" The lead clone called out and those behind him readied their blasters, Haron sighed as he really should be more aware on this planet, should have sensed them a mile off but it was too late now.

"Wait." A familiar voice called out and he saw Aayla Secura herself walking up to the front of the patrol with her apprentice Lali Oyun and her Clone Commander Bly. "Duke Ordo. What are you doing here?" Aayla asked, confused.

"I am here on private business as my sister found herself in some trouble and needed some help." Haron informed the Twi'lek Jedi who too her credit didn't ask too many questions but did ask one that they were happy to answer.

"Good, but I do have to ask you why you didn't just ask us to do it? We are here after all?" Aayla asked them and Haron decided to be honest.

"A Mandalorian will risk everything for their family and I have just resigned my position so asking the Republic for help would be very difficult." Haron said, not wanting to get into a long conversation especially as there were so many clones here.

- x -

The Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

The Jedi Temple, usually a beacon of peace and order in an otherwise chaotic galaxy was now in a state of upheaval. The regular staff who helped support the temple had been sent home as had all the clones inside.

The Jedi themselves meanwhile ran around the temple at a frantic pace, gathering up artifacts and objects to carry them to ships in the hanger bays while younglings, some little more than babies were moved to the hanger bay as well. Herded often by clan into different ships with knights and senior padawans.

But while this was happening Mace Windu was giving a senior master each charge of one ship with a small number of knights or other masters to help them. None of them knew any of the other locations to maintain security and so if one temple was compromised the others would remain safe.

Since they were the two biggest locations the largest two groups would be sent to Ossus and Auratera while smaller groups would be sent to the other smaller temples.

However, as the Jedi scrambled to get their defences ready and for all the ships to be loaded and prepared a large number of clone troopers came marching up the road towards the Jedi Temple.

- x-

The Military Command Centre, Coruscant…

Now draped in a long black cloak, Palpatine stood in front of the communications array and sent out a message to all Clone Units across the galaxy.

"The time has come." Palpatine said with a great sense of anticipation and enjoyment. "Execute Order 66."