Chereads / HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 59 - Chapter 26 The Imperial Era Begins (Part 2)

Chapter 59 - Chapter 26 The Imperial Era Begins (Part 2)

Imperial Research Station 23308, Neshig Secor, Inner Rim…

The Research Station on Planetoid 230090 was a highly secretive facility, largely because it contained highly advanced technological prototypes and other important devices.

The planetoid had no atmosphere which was partly for defence along with its strong defence shield but other than that security depended on few people knowing it existed.

Anakin however had learned it existed and knew where it was. It had the equipment the Noghri needed to save their world here and so he was planning to steal it.

The Marauder stealthily followed in a supply ship, staying hidden in its thruster wake. Inside the ship Anakin stood next to Tech who was at the controls while Rex and Hunter were behind him.

"Supply Ship 8792, proceed to the landing zone." They overheard as they monitored the comms traffic between the ship they were following and the base.

"Our signature will be disguised by their energy wake until we reach a kilometre from surface but if we proceed down this vector their scanning equipment will not detect us." Tech told them and Hunter nodded.

"Do your best, we need to be exactly on time for this to work." Hunter said as they turned to the back of the modified shuttle where Wrecker, Echo, Fives, Allara, R2 and Ghazhak stood with a single other Noghri. All were already wearing masks with air supplies as was Anakin himself so they could breathe while on the surface except for R2 as obviously he didn't need it.

"Ha ha! You look stupid in that!" Wrecker said with his usual booming laughter as he looked at Fives and Allara. Allara was not one to backdown and told him with youthful indignation.

"What about you huh? What's with that paintwork?" She said rashly and Anakin felt Wrecker's annoyance and stepped forward to calm things down before they had a fight in the back of the ship.

"Hey! We're all about to head into action. So, no fighting! Stay respectful." Anakin said in a firm voice and immediately Allara fell into line and nodded.

"Yes master." She said respectfully. At least that was a start Anakin thought, given how stubborn she was. Wrecker too went quiet which was the most he could expect as he wasn't Hunter or a part of the unit.

"Almost at the landing spot Master Skywalker." Tech called him from the cockpit donning his own helmet as the ship came down in a crater. Depressurising the ship, they all exited the shuttle and out onto the dust covered surface. The gravity was much lower than they were used too but they made their way as quickly as possible towards the base. The Noghri, not used to the lower gravity struggled onward but did their best to keep up.

The complex was fairly large but an airlock nearby was an easy point of access. Anakin directed them towards it and he turned to R2 who thankfully didn't need telling what to do and plugged himself into the data port to open the door.

The door opened quickly and let them all inside, which was a blessed relief to have normal gravity again.

"Echo." Hunter said, turning to his comrade who knew his part of the mission and he plugged himself into the station's computers with the data spike that had replaced one of his hands. Fives looked at this and honestly while impressed at what his oldest friend could do now was disturbed by what had been done to him.

"I'm it, communications and alarms are…disabled." Echo told them and his slicing in allowed Tech to follow and find the information they needed.

"Shield control is up there on the right side of the complex. The science labs are on the left side. Security consists of forty security droids. Staff numbers fifty-eight." Tech told them.

"Right, Echo, make sure they can't get a distress call out. Allara stay with Echo and protect him. Wrecker, Hunter, Ghazhak and Riillaz with me to take out those security droids. Tech, can you keep the staff confined till we're finished?" Anakin asked.

"Yes sir, I can sound a fire alarm and lock them in the safety point, the living area." Tech answered and Anakin nodded.

"Right, do it. Remember, we don't want this coming back on us so keep your masks on." Anakin told them, certainly not wanting to give the Empire a lead to hunt them with.

"Finally! I get to smash something." Wrecker said with excitement while he and the others went with Anakin to deal with the security droids. Leaving Allara frustratedly standing with Echo who was keeping the facility locked down.

Anakin ignited his current lightsaber, still Mace Windu's he thought guiltily. He knew he should replace his own but there simply hadn't been time. He also couldn't risk a trip to Ilum right now as it was a fairly sure bet that the Empire would be watching it. It was almost wrong he felt to keep using the late master's lightsaber but what other choice did he have? He asked himself as he saw the security droids had despite Tech and Echo's best efforts activated, the clones behind him started shooting while he ran forward with his lightsaber humming in the air, cutting into droids with experienced ease. It was strangely nostalgic he thought, fighting droids alongside the clones again.

The Noghri however despite not having blasters ran at a terrific speed for those without the force and cut through the admittedly flimsy droids with their bladed weapons easily. It surprised both Anakin and the clones just how skilled a warrior that a Noghri was. Easily on par with most of the best in the galaxy.

The droids really were not worth the credits Anakin thought as he and the clones advanced. They broke so easily that he guessed whoever had chosen them had done so for cheapness than effectiveness. No clones stationed here at all. Ridiculous given how defenceless this place was without them Anakin joked to himself.

That was when he felt a tremor in the force, Allara was in danger! He realised and turned around without saying a word which confused his allies no end.

- x -

Allara was annoyed at her master leaving her behind again! He had never done this with Ahsoka she thought with resentment. But she was always being kept away from the action and she was starting to get sick of it.

Then she felt a warning in the force followed by a snap hiss and barely moved in time to stop being stabbed by a lightsaber through her chest. She drew her lightsaber and its yellow blade came to life, letting her block the next attack. A red blade she realised, seeing it was a rather large, heavy-set man with black hair down to his shoulders and grey eyes. He was not talking as she had thought he would though, instead he just bashed his lightsaber against hers as rapidly as she could move it. Her arms started aching from the weight of the blows raining down on her and then he blasted her with the force, sending her flying back against the wall and ripped her lightsaber from her hand, leaving her defenceless.

He extended his hand and she felt a cold pressure at her throat, her body seemingly of its own volition started floating upwards till she was suspended above the floor. Her feet moving helplessly in the air while her hands grasped at her throat. She looked the dark side user in the eye and saw his completely hatred of her. Echo seeing what was happening drew his pistol and started shooting but the dark sider used his lightsaber to deflect the blasts away from himself.

Her vision was now becoming clouded with her lack of breath. Allara was honestly more terrified than she had ever been in her entire life. Even when facing General Grievous had she felt this close to death. She was struggling but couldn't summon the will to break his hold and she was suddenly faced with the reality that she simply didn't know how to get herself out of this situation. She was completely helpless as her life was dimming.

Apprentice to the Chosen One, promising padawan she had been called and this was how it was going to end. She thought with disgust at herself for being so unprepared. Was that why Master Skywalker had let Ahsoka go off on her own? Because she was simply better than Allara would ever be?

What a failure she was Allara thought to herself as she felt death coming to claim her. But then a moment later she saw in her dimming vision a flash of purple and then the pressure on her throat was released!

She fell to the floor, gasping for breath and thankfully she could finally get some into her lungs. Her vision started clearing and she saw Anakin was there, his lightsaber battering away at the dark sider who was completely unprepared for her master's harsh and unforgiving assault. The look of fury on his face was terrible to look at but it was followed by a snarling statement from Anakin when he cleaving the man in half.

"No one harms my padawan!" He said to the man's corpse while going over to Allara who looked up with complete astonishment that he had come. "Are you right?" He asked her with some desperation.

Allara was surprised as she could feel how concerned he was for her, how much he cared. She was still new and yet he cared so much for her already. Combined with her own still very active fear, Allara just had to say what was on her mind.

"Master. I was so scared. Helpless." Allara admitted, feeling very humble for the moment. "Is this why you didn't want me with you? Because I'm so weak?" Allara asked him with her voice almost trembling with her emotions.

Anakin was shocked that Allara would think that of herself but realised a lot of her confidence was probably covering deep seated insecurities much like he had once done himself. He had never realised that he and Allara had more in common than he had thought and told her calmly and with reassurance.

"Allara, never think that. You are not weak! I kept you back because I was simply worried you would get hurt." He admitted to her. Allara was surprised at this.

"But Ahsoka?!" She asked confused and Anakin smiled a little before telling her.

"Ahsoka nearly got herself killed plenty of times when we were first paired together. Including a time when she tried to take General Grievous on by herself." Anakin told her with bitterness as he remembered those early days and his own inexperience at handling a padawan. "That is why I keep you as protected or as far from danger as I can. At least until you have the skill to deal with it, something we will need to work on after all this." He said knowing he would need to continue her training more rigorously after this mission. It had been spartan since Order 66 but now he knew she would need to have more training.

Allara was comforted at that and managed a smile even if Anakin couldn't see it due to the mask she was wearing. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder and turned to Echo was thankfully unharmed.

"Right, if you can lock down the system Echo, come on! Work to do." Anakin said with a smile as he relit his lightsaber. Allara started smiling as she called her own lightsaber back to her hand and was ready to leap into action with her master. Echo smirked a little under his helmet as he remembered the unexpected and Anakin Skywalker often went hand in hand.

- x -

A short while later the facility was completely in their hands and just in time as the planetoid was bombarded by meteors.

"The Marauder!" Hunter cried out in dismay as his unit's transport was destroyed by one of the falling rocks. Wrecker and Echo too looked devastated at the loss of their ship. But while Anakin bit his lip Tech interrupted.

"If I may be so bold. I think this facility may furnish us with a more than suitable replacement." Tech said as he called up a small ship. "This is docked in the landing bay. Rendili Stardrive have recreated one of their most unique designs in hopes of acquiring a contract with the Imperial Military. The BT-7 Thunderclap." Tech said with detachment as they looked at the sturdy but unusual design.

"It is a design from over three thousand years ago but acquitted itself as one of the most effective vessels of its time. A cross between a dropship and a gunboat, it is heavily armed with three heavy laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher which can be adjusted to fire proton torpedoes if needed. In this version a small laser cannon has been rear mounted for defence. High strength hull armour, powerful deflector shields, quite manoeuvrable for its size with three s-foils to cool the laser cannons and increase flight speed in combat. This version has a brand-new electronic warfare suite, able to serve as a mission operation centre for us not to mention military grade long range holonet transmitters. A hyperdrive at Class 0.7 with military grade hard wearing parts and very high fuel efficiency means it can operate for long periods without refuelling. Capable of rapid atmosphere entries and exits as needed it is also much larger on the inside. Enough for all of us to have a bunk and even a sick bay should we need it." Tech told them without much emotion.

The Bad Batch were impressed at the ship Tech had found for them and already had christened it the 'Marauder 2' in their minds. It was a far more suitable home for them however much the old ship had meant to them. It would serve their needs well.

"We also discovered that they were experimenting with a prototype hyperspace motivator. It increases the thrust of the vessel it is equipped too. Cid can sell that for a lot of credits. Should make her happy." Echo said telling them what he had discovered. Hunter nodded knowing Cid would love this.

"Nice, it was good to be on a mission again." Fives said with a smile, having really enjoyed working with the Bad Batch and Rex again not to mention General Skywalker, still thinking him that despite the war being over and him not being a general anymore.

"Was that how missions used to go?" Allara asked with genuine interest, unfortunately not having gone on many since she had only been Anakin's apprentice for a year or so. Rex smirked before telling her.

"No, usually they get a lot more interesting." He said with a teasing look in his eyes which Anakin returned, remembering all the things they had gotten themselves into during the war. While they were recalling better days Ghazhak came up to him and bowed which surprised them all.

"Freighters are arriving Jedi Skywalker. They will take the equipment back to our home world, and start to heal it. You have saved us all!" The Noghri said with awe and reverence. Anakin was a bit surprised by that, the sudden hero worship. He told them with a bow of his own.

"It is quite alright; it is my honour to help your people. I will accompany you back to your world if you wish to help your people learn how to maintain the equipment." Anakin offered and this only made the awe increase.

"You have done so much and now you offer more? Jedi Skywalker, the elders of my people have declared our people owe you a blood debt. With your consent, myself and my clan-brother Kohvrekhar will join you to protect your and your blood." Ghazhak said with pride and Anakin not to mention Allara and the clones were shocked at this turn of events.

"If I may Master Skywalker." Tech said having already familiarised himself with the Noghri prior to going on a mission them. "This a most sacred vow that extends to not only you but to your children as well. It is a truly rare honour."

Great Anakin thought with resignation, not wanting to offend them but hardly wanting to have two Noghri pulled away from their people due to an obligation that he honestly felt they didn't need to take.

"I will be traveling the galaxy Ghazhak. It will take you and your clan brother far from home. You realise this don't you?" Anakin asked while Allara looked at him with confusion as did Rex who knew him well enough to know he wasn't keen on this however skilled they were. The Noghri however did not look phased at all and said with a deep rumbling voice.

"Then we will have the chance to see the galaxy at your side. This is a blessing, not a curse." Ghazhak said with pride and Anakin had to stop himself from sighing in resignation, knowing this was going to happen whatever he felt he nodded and told them.

"Then I am honoured to accept your vow for however you want to travel with me." Anakin said and then turned to Rex who was surprised at his general's actions but like a good soldier didn't question them openly. "It was good to fight alongside you again Rex. Let's not let it be too long before we do this again."

"We can only hope sir." Rex said with a smile before accepting a handshake.

- x -

Freighter Open Sky, Unknown Space…

"So, this is Luke and this is Leia." Omega said with a bright smile as she looked at the two small humans in their cots, not liking being left behind by the others but she was actually enjoying spending time with Padme Amidala. The former senator had so many interesting stories to tell and to be honest it was nice to spend time with another female, one that could give her some advice and tips about being a female. She loved her brothers; she really did but it was difficult sometimes being the only girl in the group. She had even been allowed to hold babies Luke and Leia who were still young. The funny protocol droid they had C-3PO was arguing with Gonky which made her laugh.

The proximity alarm sounded and they looked to see an unfamiliar ship approaching, Padme and Omega were worried and Padme sat down quickly in the pilot seat, her hands gripping the controls tightly as she prepared to escape with her children and Omega, run as far away as she could but then she heard a familiar voice over the communication system that made her sigh in relief.

"Padme, we're back." Anakin said with tired relief, his voice being a welcome sound.

"Is everyone alright?" Omega jumped in to ask and Hunter answered this time.

"We are kid. But we lost the Marauder." He said with regret. "But…we got a new one, a bigger one." He told her and she frowned, not liking the idea that their home was gone.

"This one let's all have a bunk each!" She heard Wrecker say in the background. Tech then took over.

"Either way we must return Master Skywalker and his friends to their ship. We will dock in a moment."

Padme nodded and held the ship still till they docked before leaving to go to the docking port. When it opened, she smiled at the sight of her husband and Allara standing there with Rex and Hunter. Anakin walked forward and embraced her while Omega went over to Hunter and asked him.

"Is this our new ship?" Hunter smiled and told her.

"Sure is kid. Believe me, we're going to make the most of it."

Anakin after embracing his wife had to inform her of their new passengers. The two Noghri in the background lingered. As he explained the oath that they had made to Padme who didn't look thrilled about this either Omega jumped in with an excited statement.

"It's like the life debt Wookiees swear." She said brightly and the pair of Noghri came on and bowed slightly to Padme who accepted it as best she could before she let them pass. R2 trundled past with them, no doubt to find 3PO and regale him with the tale of their adventure. Allara levitated a box that Anakin had discovered on the base in one of the labs and felt compelled to take.

"Rex, it was good to fight alongside you again. Let's not let this be the last time." Anakin told his old clone captain. Rex too looked mournful at them separating again but just said.

"It won't be sir. That is something I think we can all be sure of." Rex said with a smirk, knowing full well he was going to keep fighting just like his general was. They shook hands and finally the Jedi and former senator watched sadly as the clones went their own way. It would have been nice to keep travelling together but they all had to find their own place in the galaxy.

Anakin set the ship off to its next destination and while in the small living area where Padme was feeding Luke and Leia, he picked up the mask he had worn and held it up, an idea forming in his head.

"People will need hope, they need something to inspire them." Anakin said to Padme as she fed the twins. She looked up, confused at what he was saying before seeing the mask he had in hands.

"I know, but what can we create that the Empire can't crush?" She said, worried about what Anakin intended to do now.

"An idea." Anakin said with a smile on his face. "A figure that could be anyone, someone who fights then blends back into the crowd. A 'Masked Jedi', always hiding their identity with a mask. Like Revan did with his." Anakin said, few had ever seen Revan's actual face but his mask was incredibly well known. The legendary Revan was always in his mask and distinctive robes.

"Maybe that is what the people need right now. A figure that strikes at random, always hiding his identity and then disappears. Someone the Empire can't track down; someone they can't identify. Someone that can inspire people." Anakin said with strange look in his eyes. Padme was deeply worried that her husband was about to do something extremely foolish and warned him.

"That's dangerous Anakin. So many things could go wrong and I need you. The Twins need you!" She implored him and Anakin realising how much this worried her went over to embrace her in his arms which she gratefully accepted.

Anakin hugged her, trying to reassure her the best he could but he was serious about this. A single Jedi who fights the Empire yet they have no idea just who he is and appearing randomly so they can't track him down. A figure that could be anyone.

That was something he could do, keeping his identity hidden so to protect those he cared about from reprisals Anakin thought, at least as much as they could be.

He would need to craft himself a new mask and outfit unrecognisable from anything that had been seen before at least in associated with him. He'd need a new lightsaber too he thought with worry, one that looked nothing like his old one either and he'd need a kyber crystal which was incredibly rare and he certainly didn't want to risk going to Ilum for it.

Then he remembered that Master Tuwan had told him that he and his then apprentice, Ood Bnar had made a pilgrimage to the ancient planet of Jedha and Ood had harvested a crystal for his lightsaber there.

Jedha so far, he thought had been ignored by the Empire and was a planet with a lot of travellers coming and going. That would allow them to slip in and out and retrieve a crystal or two for him to build some new lightsabers. One for his disguise and one for his own personal use.

Anakin with that in mind decided once they had reached their next port of call, he would take them straight to Jedha to acquire the crystals he needed.

At the same time, he had another mystery to solve. Looking over to the crate he had taken from the facility he opened it and revealed parts from an ancient droid, looking far more awkward in its build than a modern droid and painted a rust red colour. It was in pieces but the memory core was intact and so was its head, picking it up and saw the head was almost skull shaped with two square slots for eyes.

He had no idea just what droid this was but he intended to find out Anakin thought with curiosity, feeling this was important somehow and while it might take him awhile, he was determined to fix this droid up and find out just what secrets it contained.

Imperial Prison Transport, Ryloth…Three Months Later…

Seven clone troopers including their former commanding officer Captain Howzer sat fixed in place as they were being taken to the spaceport for transport to a penal facility elsewhere. Howzer regretted deeply that he had gotten his men into this but knew there had been no choice. He had been bred and sworn to defend the Republic and to protect Ryloth…not oppress it.

That was where all of this was going, he realised with despair, everything they had fought, bled and died for was corrupt beyond any hope of saving it. He had been extremely disappointed in the sniper Crosshair for going along with this. The unease with the oppression of the Empire was growing throughout the clone units of the galaxy. Many others were starting to question a lot of things including executing the Jedi. While Howzer and his men had not had a part in Order 66 he had spoken to several who had and many of them had been deeply disturbed by their own actions. They questioned why they had to wipe out the Jedi without any trial or even real evidence of them trying to take over the Republic.

And then there was the stripping of all liberty in the Empire like he had already mentioned, it honestly was more than some could bare and some had started to desert. Or like Howzer had tried to take a moral stand but they were being imprisoned and some even 'disappeared'.

Was that what waited for him and his men? Howzer worried.

But then the transport was rocked by an explosion, sending it high into the air and had he and his men not been fixed into their seats they would have been bashed around the inside of the transport like their unfortunate guards.

When it finally came to rest it was with an enormous thump and the rocking knocked Howzer and his men out cold, blaster fire could be heard from outside which quickly stopped. The hatch on the transport was pulled open and a group of cloaked fighters with blasters in their hands entered. They checked Howzer and his men before freeing them from their restraints and carrying them out of the wrecked transport before they threw a large improvised explosive inside the wreck.

As they clambered onto their waiting blurrgs and arranged the unconscious clones on them before riding off as fast as they dared into the hills beyond.

- x -

Sometime later Howzer regained consciousness, looking up he saw the ceiling of orange rock above him and his head he realised hurt a lot. He slowly put his hand to his head and felt a bacta patch over his temple. He looked up and saw Cham was sitting there and around him were his squad, still unconscious.

"Good my friend, you have been asleep for a good while now. We were starting to get worried." Cham said with a smile. Howzer with his head still throbbing got up slowly and walked unsteadily towards Cham.

"Cham, where are we? I remember the transport and then nothing." Howzer asked him, wondering just where he was although he could guess Cham was responsible for his rescue.

"The caves, some of the ones my people used to hide in during the Separatist Occupation. But I couldn't allow you my friend to languish in a prison or worse after saving me and my people." Cham said with a smile. "Although we did have some help with your rescue." Cham said, pointing towards a nearby tunnel. Howzer turned and saw another clone was standing there, wearing a clone commander's markings with yellow pauldrons and paint on his armour. He pulled off his helmet and Howzer immediately jumped to attention.

"Commander Bly! Sir!" Howzer said quickly but Bly just smirked and told him.

"Neither of us is a part of the Republic military again more Howzer. Just men who have to make decisions of our own now." Bly told him with a smile. "You and your men took a brave step to save the Twi'leks. Now that is what a real soldier does, stands by his own honour and fights for what he believes in. That's why I'm here, sorry about the head though, we needed to make sure the chips weren't going to pose a danger." Bly told them.

"Chips?" Howzer said with confusion, his hand going to the bacta patch on his head as Bly explained.

"They were implanted in all clones from the moment we're born. They take away our free will and make us do exactly what the Emperor as Palpatine has named himself wanted us to do. Namely kill the Jedi, the only real threat to him. Interesting enough though the chips seem to be losing their potency quite quickly and more and more of our brothers are overcoming their control. Since given who is going to helping the resistance here, we needed to make sure you and your squad were safe." Bly told him.

"Who is helping us?" Howzer asked, not realising he was identifying himself as a member of the Ryloth Resistance. But a female figure appeared behind Bly and walked out into the open. Howzer could hardly believe it.

"I am." Aayla Secura said as she appeared but kept her hand close to her lightsaber he noticed and he could hardly blame her. "I came to this world originally to hide and keep myself and my apprentice safe." She said as a younger twi'lek female appeared behind her; her hand also ready to go for her lightsaber. "But when I saw what was happening, I knew I can't stand by and so it seems neither could you. Clam's Resistance fighters are brave people, willing to fight whatever the odds but they lack the training of true soldiers like yourselves have received. To know how to think and act on the battle field. I know you may feel trapped by this captain, but if you want it…the people of Ryloth can be your people now. They need your help and that of your men. Will you help us?" Aayla asked him with a rather piercing look in her stunning eyes.

Howzer was torn for a moment, as much as he wanted to get away from this planet it was true. He had been stationed here for years now and knew the people of this planet well. He was far more comfortable here than he had ever been on Kamino and to be honest…he liked the people here, the Twi'leks were a good and passionate people that deserved help especially if they were thinking of fighting against the Empire.

He couldn't speak for his men; he would let them decide just what they wanted to do but he knew what he was going to do. He stood up straight and saluted Aayla Secura and Bly who both smiled at him joining them and hopefully the beginning of a bigger and better resistance for Ryloth.

Sundari, Mandalore…

"Today is a grand day for the Mandalorian people, we come together to witness the joining of this man and this woman in the sacred act of marriage. Coming together to forge a new future and create a family of their own." The Official said as he performed the ceremony.

Haron and Ara sat with Deera and Zara watching from the seats back from the altar where Korkie Kryze stood with his soon to be bride Lagos. Amis and Soniee stood next to them as best man and maid of honour or at least their Mandalorian equivalents and Bo-Katan stood alongside her nephew, smiling proudly as he married and forged his own family.

All the dukes and duchesses of Mandalore were here today, one of their own was getting married after all and they were expected to attend to pay their respects. Not getting married in their armour might upset some but Haron didn't mind, they didn't have to all be warriors. They could be anyone that they wanted as long as they remembered they were Mandalorian and all that came with it.

That they stood together, they put all that they were into whatever they did and held true to their own honour.

Simplistic? Perhaps but as long as they stood together as a people, they could be whatever they wanted. A merchant, an artist, an engineer, a poet? The options were endless as long as they committed to it.

They continued to watch the ceremony play out and everyone applauded as it concluded with Korkie kissing Lagos, sealing them as married and her as the new Duchess Kryze.

They had all given the couple gifts of course, ranging from weapons and armour pieces, credits to rare materials. House Ordo had given them some custom-made jewellery for them both. Made from gold, silver and platinum with intricate patterns worked into the metal, they were each one of a kind and they even had a signet ring made for Korkie in gold with the symbol of House Kryze engraved in it that he could pass down to his eventual successor.

From the ceremony they all attended the reception afterwards, listened to the speeches and ate the food. It was a big show really but the fact that it brought them all together for an event that wasn't war related was nice Haron thought, seeing that Korkie and Lagos were indeed in love with each other thanks to the besotted looks in their eyes when they looked at each other. He knew love was something to be cherished, while he and Ara would never have such looks in their eyes, he thought with a slightly morose feeling due to how they had been forced together even if they had managed to make it work…they loved each other deeply he thought. It might have taken time but they had worked at their marriage and made it into something they could be proud of.

For today at least he thought with a smile, let it be about joy feeling that they were going to be faced with many harsh days ahead.

- x -

The Next Day…

While Korkie and Lagos were enjoying their week of newly wedded bliss, the next day the House Leaders all sat in the throne room along a table set up for the meeting. Bo-Katan was representing House Kryze since they all were willing to give Korkie some privacy for his wedding night and first few days of married life.

"So" Haron said as he called the meeting to order. "We have all I take it been monitoring events in the wider galaxy. Specifically, what happened to the Kalderans and with the Sy Myrthian Insurrection?" Haron asked which they all nodded with uneasy looks on their faces.

The former Separatist leader Toonbuck Toora had led her people, a fairly strong Separatist holdout in resisting an Imperial Invasion after they had refused to submit to the Empire and they had even reactivated the deactivated CIS military units to fight on their side. It had been a bloody campaign and the Empire had eventually whittled down Toora's support with a harsh war of attrition directed at her people and broken them.

Haron was aware of several other Separatist holdouts that had refused to side with the Empire and somewhere now fearing the same kind of treatment.

"With the Sy Mythians it was to be expected if not that brutal." Ijaa said with a worried voice as he like them recognised the danger. "But the Kalderans?" He asked with surprise.

"Yeah, why pick on them? And as brutally as that?" Harlan asked with confusion.

"Maybe they were stocking up on weapons?" The young Duchess Morli Kast suggested but Duke Alain Ma'Gard scoffed.

"They're bloody pacifists! Have been for centuries, no way they would build up weapons and not as fast that." He told her with dismissal of her suggestion which made the young woman wilt a little. Made worse when Eliza Kane correctly guessed the right motive.

"They were targeted solely because they are pacifists. People who can't defend themselves as an example of what the Empire can and will do those it considers its enemies." She said with a bitter anger in her voice.

"And what Tarkin will do, since he masterminded the whole invasion." Ceta Farr said from the side.

"I know Tarkin, worked with him and I can tell you from first-hand experience the man is a complete psychopath." Haron told them after knowing him for years in the Republic. "He cares nothing for the rights of any living thing, no guilt about anything he does, engorged sense of self-worth, manipulative and with no long-term concerns. He has no real strategic skill, he's a political animal more than a military one and only wins with a massive numerical advantage."

"Something the Empire holds over us." Yal Takan said with worry.

"And if they are intent on conquering the entire galaxy, they will eventually turn their attention to us." Deera said with a frown, sitting here still to represent their little sister Lelia who was too young to take House Qarl's seat.

That made all of them nervous, they weren't afraid of a fight but a fight against such a vicious and massive thing as the Empire made all of them worry.

"Preparations are at least complete with our fleet and army." Duke Sarek Ralmiz said as he looked at the current disposition of their fighting forces. They had numerous capital ships and smaller vessels, large numbers of combat droids and vehicles stockpiled and weapons ready.

"Not to mention thanks to my wife's foresight and my sister's fast work, we have gained roughly two hundred and fifty Separatist starships of various types when they were shut down at the end of the Clone Wars, not to mention a large army of battle droids to supplement our fighting forces and work force." Haron said with pride as he thought about both Ara and Deera, his sister he noticed looking rather proud of herself. That made a lot of them smile.

"Speaking of which." Duke Sel'ban said with a smirk as he himself had something to say. "Our economy is strong and the upgrades to the infrastructure of our worlds is vastly improved."

"And the new shipyard's framework is finally complete." Bo-Katan reported with pride. "It still lacks many of its construction facilities and modules but within two years at present speed it should be finally ready to begin production." She told them.

They all nodded, this new shipyard would even be improved with Iokath technology that would allow them to produce ships at a faster rate than normal and of good quality too. It was a major step forward.

"We have a good intelligence network; Fenn Rau is now opening his flight school to train the next generation of Mandalorian pilots and the new Special Operations Unit is being established. These warriors will undergo far more rigorous training than our regular ones, the elite." Haron said with a smirk. "Armed with better equipment and training they will bring many of our enemies to their knees." Haron said with pride.

He had chosen some of the hardest taskmasters from among their warriors for this task. Vhonte Tervho, B'arin Apma and Llats Ward might be former Cuy'val Dar but they had sworn themselves to themselves to the Mandalorians once again and all had been ruthlessly scrutinised by Luna who had assured him that they would stay loyal. As would Hudu Shiv, a highly skilled Death Watch sniper and stealth operative. Karen Dochek, Hondo Karr and his wife Tes Vevec meanwhile were three of their finest warriors and they too had been thoroughly checked out before being brought in to help train these new elite warriors.

"Duke Ge'hark has kindly provided a training base for their education." Haron said gesturing the duke in question who was smirking widely as he had himself come up with some of the ideas for their training. "But even with all of this, we cannot win this war alone." Haron said regretful. That did anger a lot of them he noticed but he was not alone in this statement.

"I must agree." Mors Lok said with anger which shocked some of them. "If we try to fight them alone, they will just use their enormous numbers and massive industrial capacity to overwhelm us as they have done in the past."

"So, what do you propose we do?" Amili Ti'harn asked him. Duke N'Val however like him had already realised the answer.

"We need to find allies, others in the galaxy that oppose the Empire and that can help us defend ourselves while we help them in turn." N'Val suggested and Haron nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, I had much the same thought. But one thing we must do if we want to see the downfall of this Empire within our lifetimes is to fan the flames of rebellion across the galaxy. Encourage and support it where we can, give the Empire so many headaches that they don't know where to turn. And certainly, so they cannot turn their full attention to us. We have to be fast and precise in the moves we make. I have seen their plans for the future and if we can weave around their large and bloated military, we will defeat them." Haron said with a confident look in his eyes.

"So, who first?" Ijaa asked with concern about just who they might have to get into bed with. Haron reassured them.

"We will only choose those that can be trusted. Those that honestly bring things to the table, we will not be chained down by those that are not worth the trouble." Haron said, wondering just who he might approach first but thankfully, he had some contacts in the senate that might be interested in making their own alliances with his people.

The Great Jedi Library, Ossus…

Yoda and other Jedi Masters gathered around the newly repaired Holocron terminal, eagerly waiting for the moment when they would activate it for the first time. The Noetikons hung suspended at the terminal, the gentle hum starting as it powered up. Bright blue lights lit up as power ran through it, hologram projectors came to life and nine holographic Jedi Masters came to life.

"Strange, it feels like much time has passed since we were last spoken too." One of the holograms said.

"Indeed, the force feels out of balance somehow. And yet unless I am much mistaken, we are here, on Ossus. Clearly the Jedi have returned to our home." Master Arca Jeth said with a calm voice.

"Indeed." Master Yoda said as he came forward to address them. "A dark time has come for the Jedi Order. In great danger the Order is and gone into hiding we have."

"It feels…not as bleak as the Dark Wars felt but not much better either." Master Bastila Shan said with a grimace on her holographic face.

"Many Jedi have fallen, and prepare we must for the future. Guide and aid the Order, you can we hope." Yoda said with a smile. These were some of the most powerful, wisest, knowledgeable and skilled Jedi the Order had ever produced. The amount of experience they had was far more than many of them could ever dream of.

"Then we must help. The Dark Side only triumphs if those in the light stop trying." Master Nomi Da-Boda said with a smile, she having lived through Exar Kun's brief but destructive war with the Jedi knew the importance of this.

"Indeed. Where shall we begin?" Master Vandar Tokare said with a small smile, Yoda copied that smile, it looked strange given they were the same species but thankfully it had worked and all the knowledge of the Noetikons was with them again. All the knowledge of the Jedi Archives of Coruscant and Ossus and all the books, scrolls, data cards and holocrons too.

They had a great deal to study Yoda thought with a smile, but when the Jedi Order was finally ready it would emerge evolved and ready to bring balance back to the Force and peace and justice to the galaxy, it would be a far more wise and capable entity than it had been before.