There is a grand and opulent palace in the heart of the Graegorian Empire, and in which resides the imperial family. Surnamed Anui, which overthrew and usurped the last imperial family 300 years prior, now holds the throne and the title of Empress of the largest and most powerful country in the known world. Its vast lands stretch from the Adonite Sea in the south to the Campico Sea in the north. Even the Graegorian currency is the most commonly used currency for trade and when it's massive slave army is on the march, very few are willing to stand in the way. Over 100,000 troops, who will move at the behest of one woman. Silvana Anui.
The current reigning empress is, at the moment seated on her Golden Throne in the Grand Hall of the Imperial Palace while a great number of other nobles and officials are in attendance seated in a cone shaped theatre styled arrangement.
The exaggeratedly decorated Grand Hall, with its gold trimmed walls and pillars and plush cushioned benches that are occupied by over 500 people, is deathly silent right now. So silent, that if anyone in attendance were to take too deep of breath, it would break the peace and tranquility of the room. Over a thousand eyes are all focused on Empress Silvana with none daring speak out of turn and can only wait with baited breaths.
The lady in question, with her silver hair and eyes, a trademark of her bloodline, and her breathtaking mature beauty, is seated on her gilded throne straight-backed with her eyes closed.
But She isn't sleeping.
Behind the darkness of her eyelids, red lettering appeared reading;
[New Mission: Seek and Destroy]
[Description: Rohana's chosen is at large. You must find and eliminate him before he grows into something that cannot be stopped.]
[Reward: 1,000,000 exp, Divine Scepter]
[Failure: Death and the end of your Empire]
[Hint: He sails upon an Emperor]
In the silence of the grand hall, her voice suddenly spoke out. It was soft sounding. Delicate event. But carried the weight of an entire empire.
"Find the captain of every ship with the word emperor in its name" she says. Not loudly, because even in this spacious grand hall it wasn't needed.
Everyone present still heard her. It was a very odd sight to see a lady so beautiful and with such an enchanting voice utter her next vulgar sentence.
"And then bring me his head" She finished.
"Hey Gorgeous" an extravagantly dressed young man catcalls to a stunningly beautiful pale skinned lady with black hair and emerald-green eyes and an hourglass figure dressed in a sky blue mage's robe who looks to be in her late teens or early 20's. "I know how you wind mages like to blow, how about you give me a chance" He continues while pointing at his groin area as his three surrounding companions all guffawed at his antics
Without saying anything, she turns and gives all four of them a look that says 'how about I about I use my wind magic and blow all of your dumbasses overboard' without actually saying it. But just as she is about to put voice to the thought, she gets nudged by what appears to be another lady mage, who is a little older but still pretty enough, who then whispers to her "Avi, we're supposed to be friendly remember" to which Avi replies "And as you can see Regina, they are still on board" without even trying to lower her voice or hide her disgust.
Regina then plasters a fake smile upon her face before giving the brash young nobles a lame excuse and pulling Avi by the arm to an isolated part of the ship.
"As the Head mage onboard the Golden Glider, I am issuing you your last warning Avi. You are employed on a luxury cruise vessel which means our only guest will be either wealthy or noble or both and when I hired you on board back in Tianka a few months ago, you told me you had great customer service skills. Was that a lie?" Regina questions Avi sternly.
I might have stretched the truth… but I can't tell her that Avi admits to herself before replying to her supervisor "What part of customer service means that I have be subjected to sexual harassment by a bunch of morons?"
"Didn't you hear what I just said about them being rich?" Regina shoots back with a nonchalant look on her face as if that should answer any more questions about preserving one's own dignity.
"I don't give a f-" Avi starts to reply but is quickly interrupted by one of the deckhands who also works onboard the Golden Glider.
"Sorry to interrupt Lady Regina but the captain wishes to see you. He says it's urgent. He is currently out on the main deck."
"I'm on my way" she replies while quickly standing up and leaving. Halfway through the door though she stops and turns to Avi saying "this conversation isn't over. We'll talk more after I sort out whatever the captain needs." And with that, she was gone.
Avi waits a couple of seconds before following her out curious as to what's going on.
Maybe the captain has already heard about the incident and wants to fire me… oh well I don't regret it.
Making her way back out onto the main deck she sees about 50 people, some are crew members while some are passengers, looking out over the golden handrails on the starboard side out into the water. Some people are talking loudly and animatedly while others are more reserved, but regardless of who, all were intently focused on whatever was going on outside.
Seeing that whatever is going on is not about her, Avi decides to go and look too. Before she can even see down into the water where everyone else is looking at, she starts hearing talk of a sea monster and boy. Now even more curious, she pushes her way past a couple of people who immediately made way as soon as they saw the robe.
Finally getting to the rail and peering over the side of it, she is astonished to see what everyone is talking about. There is a very young man sailing atop of a giant dead fish of some sorts, with lightly tanned skinned, long dreaded locks, and piercing blue eyes.
And Abs Avi thinks to herself before hiding her blush by putting on her usual stern mask.
"Hello" the young man shouts up to the onlookers "mind if catch a ride?" he asks in a nonchalant manner as if this is an everyday thing to him.
As Kyle was drifting along with the wind and nodding in and out of consciousness, a blip came up on his radar, and from what he could tell it wasn't small. Becoming fully awake he stands up and looks in the direction the radar is showing him that the blip is coming from, which is to the southeast of him and headed in the same direction, but still a ways off. Deciding that it would be best to wait for them he sat back down and contemplated what name he should give them in case they asked and an excuse of why he is out in the middle of the ocean.
And I should also pray that they are not evil pirates or something… Maaan, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
Half an hour later the boat that he seen on his radar is much closer now. Made entirely of wood just like the carrack he was thrown from. But unlike the carrack, this boat is aesthetically painted white with golden accents which really made this boat stand out. Its most notable feature by far is its tall golden full-rigged four masts along the ships centerline. While in motion, it resembled floating cloud that descended from the heavens to get a closer look at the waves just out of curiosity.
Beautiful… a little presumptuous but very beautiful Kyle thinks to himself in awe.
Also, from what he has witnessed from his predecessor's memories, a very large ship. It wouldn't be considered a large ship by modern earth's standards, being only around 300 feet long, but in this world, it's akin to the titanic.
I Really hope they have some spare food onboard or I am going to start eating parts of my boat… err fish… oh and that they are not evil pirates would be great too.