"Yeah" whispers a shocked Gunther who is in utter disbelief. After a few seconds standing in bewildering awe, he gathers himself quickly "I mean yes it does young master, but don't you wish to know why it costs so much more than most other mana-pistols?" he asks in exasperation. His previous confidence gone, replaced by tone of deference. "I mean, I would be happy to finally make my first sale, but… but… aren't a little curious young master?" Gunther says still in disbelief with Kai's spendthrift manner.
"Please call me Kai and sure why does it cost more?" Kai asks, maintaining the same nonchalant, while keeping the fact that he doesn't know the average price of a mana-pistol or even a mundane flintlock pistol for that matter hidden.
"Well as I'm sure already know young master that the average mana-pistol would only cost around 2,000 gold give or take" Gunther pauses in his explanation and Kai gives a nod in acknowledgement as if he knew that already even though he had no clue up until now. "that's because most of them are only engraved with a level 1, first Tier runic spell. The reason for that being because it is extremely difficult to engrave the runes on such a small surface area. But my very talented childhood friend was able to engrave a level 2, First Tier spell on Jezebel… Hence the price hike.
Kai gained a lot of information from this explanation while not showing how ignorant he really is and decides to keep it that way for now. His grandfather used to say, 'when you are weak, you must appear strong and vice-versa' and Kai believes this concept still applies to his current situation.
"Ah, well that makes much more sense now" Kai says still seemingly uncaring of the costs. "I still want it and I would also like to purchase a normal flintlock pistol with extra ammunition, a holster for it and a belt if you have them."
Leaving behind an awed Gunther while wearing a new belt and a holstered flintlock pistol, Kai, feeling much safer and more prepared for anything that comes his way briefly slips into a dark alley to discreetly store Jezebel into his inventory. The flintlock pistol he purchased for only 20 gold coins and is now displaying on his waist is just that…
A display.
The pistol on his belt is just for show, and to warn off would-be attackers. If there actually is a need to do so, he can instantly summon Jezebel from his inventory directly into his hand, ready to lay-low any threats to his person.
Deciding to drop his sea-chest off at an inn before going out to complete his daily missions, he quickly finds one nearby in the craftsmen's district and rents a room with meals for a day which costs him 50 silvers which is equal to half of a gold coin. With all the shopping he's done this day, has learned a lot about the currency of this world. Or at the very least, this kingdom.
It's 100 coppers to 1 silver, 100 silver to a 1 gold, and 1,000 gold to 1 dominion coin. The average middle-class family earns around 50 silvers a day which is around 180 or so golds in a year which might sound like a lot, but with the cost of living, Kai is certain that if he were to ask someone, they would tell him that it's nowhere near enough. Not to mention that the lower-class families have to get by with much less.
With his pistol on his belt and his other important items safely stowed in his inventory while leaving behind only the sea-chest filled with his new clothes, he sets off at a mild-paced jog back towards the waterfront while wearing the same attire he had on earlier, except that he added a hooded cloak that he previously purchased. He kept the hood down with his face exposed while in the city-proper to avoid suspicions, until he gets close to the docks.
He dons his hood to not be recognized as passes by the crewmembers of the Fortune Finder who are currently back-loading for a return trip, vowing to return later tonight to exact his revenge. Knowing how parsimonious the 'merchant' is, Kai believes with a 100% certainty that he will be sleeping on his ship, forgoing the comfort of a bed that isn't constantly swaying with the tide, or the comfort of a women who would even come and tend him on the merchant's carrack as long as the price is right. Kai can't help but to grudgingly admit that the man has a ridiculous amount of self-discipline.
It's either that or an overwhelming amount greed but in the end, it matters not… He still dies tonight. Kai thinks to himself, the remnants of his predecessor's anger and hate seeps into his mind once again, but it's not really controlling him, more like… strongly suggesting.
With the sun on the cusp of setting, Kai arrives nearby the shipyard he'd seen when he first arrived in Corinth, having easily completed his mission's required mile a few miles ago, but kept running just get further away from prying eyes.
Hardly winded and with a light sheen of sweat on himself, Kai decides to start the daily mission's other part just to be done with it. Without further delay, he dropped to the ground and began his first set of push-ups. The cool wood pressed against his palms, the smell of the ocean a constant reminder of the world beyond the city walls. His muscles protested, but not too much. They'd grown accustomed to this daily ritual over the years. He counted under his breath, pushing and lowering, pushing and lowering, until he reached fifty. He paused, panting, then pushed through to the end of the set.
He moved on to the sit-ups, feeling the burn in his abdomen. Sweat beaded on his brow as he worked through the set.
Finally, the sit-ups completed, he turned to the last exercise: pull-ups. He approached the sturdy beam that jutted out over the water, the result of some long-forgotten construction. His hands found the familiar grooves, and he hauled himself up with a grunt. Thirty times he lifted his chin above the wooden beam, each one a victory over gravity.
[Congratulations you have completed Daily Mission: Get Stronger]
[You have been rewarded 1 unassigned attribute point]
Quickly adding the reward point to strength, bringing his total to 11, he summons Reign to start his Fundamental Spear Manual practice. Holding the heavy weapon once again, he notices for the first time its perfect balance. Even though he never trained with a spear before, he has trained in the mixed martial arts of the special forces, so he does have a similar experience. Not to mention, the foundational Spear Manual being essentially downloaded directly into his mind.
Taking a stance in front of the tree that he did his pullups on, Kai performs a basic thrust to the best of his abilities which to his surprise, punches all the way through the thick trunk of the tree, sending small pieces of wood flying out the back of it.
"Holy Shit" Kai exclaims in surprise, not expecting that at all. Even with 11 points in strength which would place him at slightly above the average male, that still shouldn't be possible. The tree has 2-foot diameter!
But he suddenly remembers how Reign easily stabbed through the eye of the Emperor Perch fish which he found out while on the Golden Glider, is classified as a Tier III Monster, and suddenly he understands a little more of the power dwelling in his enchanted spear.
"Looks like I have a lot to learn," he murmured, a determined glint in his eye.
Two hours later, long after the sun had set, at a location near a by a waterfront, a young man can be seen battling non-existent foes in a deadly dance. His spear is in constant movement, twirling left and right, only briefly pausing to perform a slash, sweep, or thrust. His previous experience with martial arts aiding him with his progress in the Foundational Spear Manual.
Suddenly, Kai takes a long step forward with his left leg and pushes off with his just like it says in the manual, and with a grunt launches spear with all his might. The heavy metallic spear shines in the moonlight as it travels over 80 feet before easily piercing into a boulder in the distance. He wasn't aiming for it but is still proud of his throwing technique.
[Congratulations you have completed Daily Mission: Practice Makes Perfect]
[+1 point to Focus for a total of 8 points]
[Congratulations for completing both Daily Missions. You have received 100 exp]
Happy with the unexpected windfall he puts his hands on his knees while panting with exhaustion, and then he unsummons Reign back to his inventory and takes a short break.
15 minutes later, having recouped most of his stamina he then summons Jezebel and inserts one of the prism shaped mana crystals that is used for ammunition into the top breech. He believes that if he is to be using it tonight in a life-or-death battle, he should at the very least, test fire it a few times.
Taking aim at a tree standing 40 or so feet away, his mind flashes through memories of shooting practice at his archnemesis… Seagulls. And with a slow and steady trigger squeeze, which causes the mana crystal to be pushed forward completing the runic spell carved into the chamber, which also causes an immediate chain reaction.
A blue light traveling much faster than the human eye can follow like a tracer round, only brighter and slightly larger.
There wasn't much noise from the pistol, nor any recoil which felt very alien to Kai who was half-expecting it to dislocate his shoulder. But the hole, large enough to put his arm all the way though to the other side, on the tree, spoke volumes to how much firepower this beautiful but deadly weapon carried.
"WORTH IT" Kai exclaims loudly with joy.