A few days later...
The scene changed as a foggy forest could be seen , this was night shade forest and was the main hunting ground of the Heavenly Cherry Blossom Sect.
A man could be seen in the forest a tall muscular man , this was sect leader Hei Jin Ren. He could be seen accompanied by two sect elders.
They quietly ran through out the forest without making a sound , they jumped , dashed until they had spotted their pray , the NightShade Wolf King.
The NightShade Wolf King is a dangerous beast , it has a grey fur that is as delicate as the wind, it had an unfazed expression it was laying in entrance of its den, compared to regular wolfs it was monstrous if it standing upright it would twice as tall as the sect leader, clearly it hadn't detected the Sect members yet.
The sect leader pulled a bow off his back delicately, the Wolf Kings ears twitched as it noticed the noise and glanced at them, The sect leader was unfazed by the wolf kings detection and a pulled an arrow from his quiver.
With his arrow ready he lined it up with his bow and began to pulled back, the tension of the bow could be heard meters away causing great suspense with the sect leaders muscles bulging he used his qi to empower the bow , the light qi slowly crept up the bow from bottom to arrow to top and as he let go the light erupted.
The sect leader activated his heavenly bow technique: Light arrow, with that the sect leader let go of the arrow its shear abruption lit up the forest like the sun.
It resembled shooing star as it flew, its speed had gone beyond the mortal eye could see. As it narrowed at its target the wolf king shrunk back in fear and died.
The explosion and collision of the light arrow could be heard from miles away, in a normal circumstance the wolf would be reduced to ashes but the Wolf king is rather durable so most of its abdomen area was destroyed only leaving its qi core and most of the use full parts.
As the light dissipate the sect leader lowered his bow , he then inspected his qi core, which was at half of its original qi reserves, this was the price of using powerful techniques it need lots of qi to activate.
The sect leader told the two elders present to dismember the wolf king and take the useful parts , with that the sect leader had finished his hunting expedition.
Hei Jin Hua's mind had been slowly repairing over theses past few days, Cheng foe had finally fused with Hei Jin Hua as they had become a new man, from the fusion of minds the two consciouses collided creating a new mind, full of both of their memories and emotions.
It was a peculiar experience, with his mind finally at ease he woke up slowly and began to recall his mind diving through Hei Jin Hua's memories, it was second nature to him.
With that he slowly held out his hand above his head, looking in-between his fingers, he began to ponder he was truly both Hei Jin Hua and Cheng Foe.
With that he clenched his fist,"I won't waste this chance iv'e been given",his grey eyes gleaming, he made a vow to himself.
"From now on I will live with no regrets and live life to the fullest, if that means working myself to death so be it, if it means putting myself in danger so be, if that means causing my death in the process so be it. " and with that Hei Jin Hua vowed to live life to the fullest no matter the cost.