Chereads / Primordial Wolf TVD / Chapter 19 - 19.) Discoveries and Talk

Chapter 19 - 19.) Discoveries and Talk

Authors note: time to sit the kids down and tell em we're moving haha.

Then we're onto the next two turned wolves.

After we get them introduced to being a wolf it's time to go meet the big bad hybrid, learn he's immortal, and onto Nola.



After dressing I follow the scent of Zach to the backyard where a bonfire is ignited and burning high into the early morning sky.

"How do you feel?" Zach asks without looking at me.

"Incredible." I answer without hesitation. It's the truth. "I guess I understand what you were talking about now."

He nods as he turns around. Before I know what's happening his red eyes bore into mine. "Turn it on."

I try to back away but he stops me. "What are you talking about?"

When he responds his voice is much deeper, "turn it on."

Before I know what's happening on feel claws begin to form on my hand and my teeth begin to lengthen. "Ah!" I scream in pain before it fades.

Opening my eyes again I see my eyesight be as good as it was as a wolf. "What's going-" I stop midway through my sentence hearing my own deep voice.

I look at Zach and see he's more animal than I've seen him look as a human. Sideburns going down his face and a very pronounced brow.

I feel my own face contort to match. "Good." He says stepping back.

"Let's go." He says disappearing again. Still not knowing what's going on I follow instinctively.



We run back to the house after I see another incredible thing. Derek can control the wolf as well. This makes rituals and rings obsolete. 'The vampire blood.' I think back to the food i and now Derek have consumed.

That with the blue eyes gives me some idea that the two are connected. While I don't know how or why, nothing when it comes to me has been cut and dry so far.

I begin to slow down as the house nears. Focusing on my hearing I know Derek is still a bit away. 'He's slow.' I think to myself. Wondering if he's just trying to get used to blurring on two feet or what.

I'm broken from my musing as I see the back door open and both Kyle and Katie step outside. "No questions." I cut them off still waiting for Derek to arrive.

Barely 20 seconds later said wolf comes through the brush stumbling on the slow down. 'So still getting used to blurring on two feet.' I note in the back of my mind.

"Derek! What happened to you?" Kyle asks seeing the glowing blue eyes, claws, mouth full of fangs, and overall new appearance of his older brother figure.

I see Derek begin to panic at the fear in Kyles face. I need to stop that. I may not be an expert, but I know not controlling your emotions is a fast way to kill somebody.

'Derek!' I call to him in his mind. His eyes shoot to me. 'Take a deep breath and think about your appearance. What you see in the mirror when you wake up everyday. Count to three and when you get to three know you'll look normal again.'

I see him following my directions. Slowly his appearance changes back to normal and he opens his now human eyes. "Sorry Kyle." He says rubbing the back of his head.

"So…" Katie begins.

"What?" I ask.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Come inside. Time we had a chat." I say to the three.

I don't wait for a response. I blur into the fridge in the garage to grab some vampire blood. It's the last of a 300 ish year old dude who thought he got the drop on me. I remember his face going from confidence to pure horror.

That's my favorite part about killing vampires. They have no idea it's coming usually.

I speed back up to the front room to see the three awaiting my arrival. "We have to go."



Zach just left us to deal with the fallout of the latest conversation. As soon as he leaves Kyle speaks up. "We can't leave."

Katie responds trying to play peacekeeper, "Kyle, what Zach said is true.."

"No! He doesn't just get to come into our lives and upend them on a whim." Kyle replies passionately.

It's a good thing he kept himself in check while Zach was here. I truly fear what would happen if he were.

Amidst their bickering my supernatural ears can't take anymore and i snap. "Enough!"

They both turn to look at me. I notice the tell tale sign my eyes are glowing. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself before I continue speaking, "Kyle, I don't like the idea of leaving this house behind either okay?" I say trying to show my sympathy for his situation.

He nods and I continue, "But Zach is right. We need to leave. If the cops aren't already on our trail they will be soon."

"But why do why have to go with him?!" Kyle asks. Ah that's it. He doesn't like being bossed around.

"Because!" I snap. "He saved my life. Think or say whatever you want about him but never forget that. No matter his initial motives, he's the only person that can help me learn to control my new reality."

Katie speaks up, "Kyle, I know it's not ideal. But we haven't lived in an ideal world for a long time now." She implied without explicitly saying his family died recently, throwing our entire world out of orbit.

Kyle sighs. "Fine."

I breath a sigh of relief myself. I listen for Zach in the house but I can't hear him. I check my phone and see a message.

Went to grab a drink. We leave at dawn tomorrow morning.

I don't respond. He seems set on leaving. I just need to focus on controling the beast

I look from my phone back up to Kyle and Katie, "get your things ready. We'll leave and inform the realtor while we drive tomorrow about selling the house." I say getting up and trying to block out the brewing argument between the two of them. My new life is about to begin. One I have a feeling is full of blood and war.

Now I just have to find out how to protect the two people I love most from becoming casualties in that war.



I'm in the bar again sipping on bourbon. I've finally calmed down after the talk about leaving with Derek, Kyle, and Katie.

In truth I'm worried about the police sniffing around. Which is part of the reason I want to leave so badly. I may not be a 'good guy' per say, but I definitely don't want to kill people just trying to do their job.

But I will. There will be no going to jail when I can punch through concrete like it's drywall.

That's why I'm so anxious to get going. Plus, vampires have connections. Especially older ones. I've killed quite a few in a 200 mile radius of here. Eventually those friends will come around looking for their immortal friend.

I want myself and my pack far far away from here when that happens. 2 of them are still human, making them exceedingly vulnerable. I've been thinking about how to broach the topic with both Kyle and Katie, but figured getting out of our immediate area took precedence.

I'm broken from my thoughts when I notice a familiar scent enter the bar. I don't have to turn to look around, "care to share?" Derek asks sitting beside me in the corner I picked out.

I shoot the bottle over to him without a word. Still trying to find the words to ask him if I can try to turn the other two.

I take a deep gulp and finish my glass. Enjoying the slight sting provided by the alcohol before being neutralized by my supernatural healing. "You know we're going to have to turn Kyle and Katie right?" I ask Derek still without looking.

I feel him tense up for a moment before releasing it with a breath. "I was thinking the same thing." He began, rubbing his forehead.

"How confident are you in it working?" He asks me.

I shake my head, "50/50 to tell you the truth. The only reason I did it for you was because you were going to die regardless based on your injuries."

He sighs. "Let me be the one to approach the subject. You're not exactly a people person." He says bluntly.

I Scoff, "I just refuse to cater to people who have no idea what's coming." I say feeling my eyes glow in annoyance before I took a breath and continued speaking, "Listen. I know you've all had tragedy strike recently. Believe me when I say I'm sympathetic to that. But that's the exact reason you should all leave this place behind. All that's here is memories of something that no longer exists. Come with me, let's live. Really live. Let's fight vampires and plot against witches." I say finally telling him some of my plan. If anyone deserves to know it's the previous leader of the group I invaded.

"Why?" Derek asks.

For the first time in the conversation I look at him. My eyes glowing completely red, "because what else do we have to do with this?" I ask gesturing to my eyes. "I woke up alone and confused Derek. Once I found out the scope of the world I found myself entangled in, I swore to live it to the fullest. To experience all it had to offer because I don't have anything else. I don't remember my life up until becoming a giant wolf. You represent a way for me to truly understand my abilities in order to do that. So please, get your family to agree to the bite." I say before leaving money on the counter and going outside.

As I step outside though, things feel weird. Even though this is a rural area, the bar has quite a bit of traffic. It's also not late. Not even midnight. Most people don't even go out until 10 or 11.

All these factors coupled with my senses going beserk alert me to the danger at the perfect second. Another sound alerts me to another being just in time to dodge the next strike aimed at my heart.

Blurring away I see two men. My nose estimates them to be about 300 to 400 years old. 'Friends of the other one I killed huh?' I think wondering how they found me. That becomes mute however when I see one of them disappear.

Unluckily for him I catch his friend by the throat. I cockily smirk at the vampire in my grasp and bite him, not seeing the other vampire speed up and grab my neck in the distraction.

A roar breaks through the night sky, as that happens my neck snaps, After that it's nothing but darkness.



I come out of the bar when I feel like somethings wrong. My eyes won't stop glowing. I rush outside just in time to see a guy snap Zach's neck.

I don't know why but rage takes over my entire body. Seeing Zach fall to the ground with the other guy still in his grip wailing from the bite, I explode into motion and before I or my target knows what's happening my fangs pierced his neck.

A similar cry rings out from my bite victim. I snap the man's neck and blur to zach.

I see his lifeless body. But I remember what Zach said, "vampires die to werewolf bites." So I didn't worry about the fuckers anymore. They were dead men walking.

I pick Zach up and blur away from the scene.


An hour later

As I'm explaining to Kyle and Katie again what happened I hear a gasp echo around the house. Knowing there's only one person that could be dispite the impossibility, I blur up the stairs shocking my family to Zach's room.

I see him sitting up eyes ablaze as I walk in the open door. "Zach-" I don't get to finish when he has me pinned to the door, a wild look in his eye.

"Where are they?" He asked so calmly contrasting with his wild look it shocked me for a second. Only when his growl broke out did I answer.

"They're dead. They're dead. It's okay." I say trying to regain my ability to breathe without trouble when he drops me and sits on the bed.

I see his disbelief ripple through his face as he looks at his hands that are still claws with a complicated look. However, after only a few seconds of weakness he looks back up at me like he always does, arrogant and calm.

"Let's go. We're leaving now." He says moving to the closet in the guest room, grabbing his hoodie and backpack before walking downstairs.

I sigh. Knowing we're going to have to address the whole, 'hey I died and haven't said a word about it,' thing. But I know Zach will do it when he wants. Pushing him is dangerous to one's health.

I go to my own room and begin to pack. Now that I was the one who left dead bodies in public, I understand Zach's paranoia about staying in the general vicinity of it.

Time to start my new life. I just hope it's all Zach is telling me it'll be.


Authors note: hey guys. Decided to get a little more meat in this one. Only one or two more of this time skip arc and then we're in season 4 of TVD and about to be season 1 of TO.

I'm buzzing with anticipation and haven't rewatched any of the episodes yet. It's been some years since I finished it and I'm ready to see the little stuff I don't remember happen.

Do hope you all enjoy the chapter. I don't know how regular I'm going to be as it's really just a time thing. But hey, I enjoy the topic and the interaction so far. Have a nice day!