Chereads / Song of the Celestials / Chapter 8 - Kainbard

Chapter 8 - Kainbard

The walls of Kainbard flew many meters into the air. The building was located in the centre of a valley on the off skirts of Valtherdria kingdom. The building was representative of a castle built hundreds of years ago. Large dark green vines climbed up all sides of building seeping onto every nut and cranny of the building.

As Zylan walked closer towards the building, he could see through the windows of the buildings, be it only slightly. The sight of young people practicing fighting in one room and maths in another was werid. Still he contuined to walk forward towards the old building which was reminiscent of a dark, gloomy castle.

Zylan soon stood in the front of the school, hundreds of other kids right next to him, feeling the same emotions as him. Thinking the same question as him.

The door of the building was smaller than the one of the Clock tower yet it was still daunting in size. The entrance of the building was made from a void like black metal unknown to the periodic table.

Soon a tall figure walked out from within the building, the figure looked like he was only in his made twenties, but knowing that the being before him was atleast mid blessed ranked, he was probably in his late 50's.

The figures' voice was sharp and blunt as he spoke.

"Welcome young awakened. This is Kainbard and am pleased to welcome you. The numbers are staggering as normal, 752 people in this years year group. Im proud to say that very single being in this cohort is at least asceneded talents. I expect alot from you all. Please make your way to the reception room and you'll be given your key. You'll be dorming with another student on the top floors of the building. Once again I welcome you to Kainbard and to Axetorn Castle."

' Axetorn castle, I didn't know it was named that.'

Zylan followed everybody else into the castle taking in the awe inspiring sight of the thousand year old castle. It was indeed a mesmerising sight to behold.

The interior of the castle was just as magnificent. Tall pillars guided the group down a long corridor. The noise of slashing and cutting echoed throughout the hall way. Some rooms had an open entrance so small lecture and combat classes could be peaked on. Zylan didn't hesitate to stare just like everybody else. Soon they'd be there doing the same thing.

Eventually they reached a large room with near a hundred seats all spread out around tables. A large black marbled counter sat near the back with scan keys sitting just behind. It felt more like a hotel then a school.

One by one each person name was called out to grab the key, girls going first then boys. The girls shared rooms and the boys shared, just as Zylan had expected. Once all the students in the year reached 18 they could choose there rooms.

After a while it was nearly half way through the names and was looking like it was going to be a more girl dominated year group. It was no suprise to anyone, for some reason girls were more likely to be give the Awakened blessing.

However what did suprise him, like a brick thrown at one head, was when a girl with luscious black silky looking hair walked past him. As she walked by they made a split seconds of eye contact. Radiant ruby eyes stared at him, her eyes where deep and eternal.

He stared at her back as she walked away, listening to the name Tilly Winters being called out. The memories of the past seeped i to his head, once again the nauseating feeling kicked in, causing a headache that felt more like a heart attack. Maybe it was?

All he could do was sit there an think, waiting patiently. Time travelled slow yet it was also fulfilling to finally realise the extend to his actions. Once his name was called out he collected his room key which was numbered room 249.

Zylan walked up the winding stair case for a while,which was located east to the reception room. He admired the architecture and structure of the building as he drew closer to his room. After a while he finally reached the top floor, there were lots of other people running about from room to room. Some were finding there rooms some where visiting friends with the excitement of sharing a room still running through there veins. They were all so energetic.

Zylan couldn't help but feel a little bot deflated knowing what all these people where going to go through. They were just kids, yet the world kept spinning.

With Zylan's suitcase trailing behind him, he walked forward, round some turns and eventually reached the entrance to his room. The door was a nice shade of dark wood with a silver handle. He quickly entered his room excited about the idea of rest.

However life rarely went his way so when he found an extremely handsome young man with blonde hair and green eyes, he could feel a sense of unwanted dread. Every alarm was ringing telling him that he was going to cause him trouble in a annoyingly playful way.


Zylan's eyes widened slightly. His emotions were not in a good place. He could feel too much energy from this guy. He was 100% going to be an overly energetic person with too much optimism and was going tp totally wake him up at 4.30 every day to do daily runs. Zylan had met his opponent. It was the worst match up ever.

" Oh dear god."


" Im Marcuslious, but please call me Max. I hate my name its so long and weird like come on dad, im your son but you name me so horrendously. Oh yehh whats your name. Im sure we are going to be the best of friend's. Mhm Mhm I see it now the world..."

The boy named Maxi talked extremely fast and deciphering what he had just said was hard. Zylan really didn't want to deal with it. The boy Infront of him was extremely good looking, captivating. Infact the boy made him question if he was really into girls or not. But despite that, the way he spoke really did not match his looks. In result of this, Zylan quickly cut the poor boy off.

" Im sorry, Maxi was it. Look im not very. Well social, I tell you my mame thats it but lets keep it at that alright? alright."

The poor boy instantly became deflated like a golden retriever. He quietly nodded with a sqd sparkle in his eye.

"My names Zylan Harp, call my Zylan, not that I want you to talk to me. Also one rule. No 4.30 gym time alarms. Sleep is a necessity, okay?"

The boys face grew more confused, Zylan didn't want to bring up anything about gym or alarms but he wanted to be extra safe. He had to find a way to put up with his fast talking, yet extremely hot, roommate for a whole year. Possibly longer. He was not dealing with alarms. This year was going to be hard enough of him anyway.

Zylan trodded over to his side of the before placing his bags next to the bed and sitting down.

A loud sigh escaped his lips.

This is going to be on hell of a long year.