The night passed by pretty quickly, all he did was put his very limited luggage away and slept through the torment of his roommate Maxi.
He actually learnt alot listening to him, not that Maxi new he was listening.
Unsurprisingly, Maxi was a child born of high status, a dukes child to be exact. Probably a progidy waiting for his talents to bloom. However what really was useful was the information about the classification system that was starting this year.
This year they were trying a new way to rank students. This year they would be doing an academic ranking and a combat one. At the end of each term they would combine they 2 ranks to gain an average. The highest 100 would gain access to outside opportunities for that term. The training inside the castle facilities would remain equal to each person though.
The professors couldn't get an average so early on so for the first term it would be based of previous grades and scoring of there old school. They would find out the ranking later today.
Fortunately for the the first few days, he would be able to explore and find his way around the castle because school would not start until next week. It worked heavily in Zylans favour, in everyone's favour for a matter of fact. People needed rest and time to find there way around so they don't get lost.
Zylan and Maxi and a few other people would be assigned a tour guide. The groups assignee would be the groups that he would have to be with during the rest of his awakaned school journey.
That was another thing he learnt. There would be a group ranking along with combat and academic. It would be used for other reasons unknown to even Maxi a child of a extremely high ranking status and official person. The groups would be mixed genders and sizes of 5-6. He would be finding out his group today aswell. He was rather nervous, he was already scared of being stuck with Maxi.
Luckily Zylan was pleasantly surprised when he found Maxi he still in a deep sleep. As it turned out , he and Maxi were on the same page about sleep which pleased him heavily.
Turning around, Zylan found out his clothes from his draw which stood 4 shelves tall, made from stained oak wood. His chest of draws was located at the end of his long single bed which he had neetly made. Their was also a wall cabinet above his pillow which he had bashed his head on mutiple times already. The cabinet held his personal belongs.
Zylan changed out of his pajamas into a black and blue set of clothes that fit rather tightly. Zylan needed new clothes to fix his current discomfort. Zylan walked over to the mirror next to the door. His hair was a midnight black which was his actual natural hair unlike his ashen hair from nefore. His once onyx eyes where now an extremely dark shade of blue, barely visible unless you looked hard.
Shaking his head solemnly, he turned around greeted by his roomate.
"Holy fuck, don't scare me like that."
Maxi tilted his head slightly on confusement. Zylan felt like he was talking to a stupid dog when he talked to Maxi.
"Are you excited to see our ranking before things get real. ALSO we get to find out our groups. Today is gonna be great. You and me roomie are gonna be the best of friends."
Better pray we aren't. And "Roomie" god please drop that.
Zylan just wanted to get out of this room as fast as his feet would allow.
A sigh escaped his lips.
"Hurry I want to find out our grousp and get it over and done with."
After a while, they finally left they're room. It took much than Zylan would of liked, Maxi tool his sweet time getting ready. Zylan couldn't even name half the face cleaning products Maxi had used.
It took another few minutes to climb down the winding stairs, practically a work out.
Once they were finally down, they made their way back to reception. Zylan once again found himself admiring the beauty of Kainbard. With the beauty of the building alone, anybody would want to go their. The view and the castle of Kainbard was probably one of the only advantages of going to a deadly Awakened school. Even then most schools lacked the aesthetic.
Turning his head Zylan found a taller women who probably just turned 20. He couldn't guess what year she was in because one year group could have people of both 15 to 17. However he did find a badge that had 3 in roman numerals. He took an absurdly wild guess and predicted that she was in the third year.
The women was already waiting with 4 other people, it looked like they were the last ones to arrive. It didn't suprise Zylan much with how long it took for Maxi to get ready.
Zylan watched as Maxi rushed over towards the small group, with the exact same energy he exerted yesterday. He too walked over at an increased speed, still nervous but Maxi also made him a little bit excited.
Before he could scan the group the, taller women spoke – catching his attention.
" Hello guys I'm Leah, Im a third year here at Kainbard and I'll be your tour guide. I'd like to go around and learn your names, starting with the blonde guy who looks like he has to much energy."
It was pretty obvious that she was talking about Maxi.
"Hi guys, Im Maxi. Im so happy to meet my new teamates. we should be called Teamies? Yeh Teamies is good."
All he wanted to do was he friendly yet he had managed to make Zylan feel the need to face plant down to the floor – he prayed he would get a concussion so that he forgot this whole meeting. But it was only the beginning.
"Hi Im Zylan."
Ignoring Maxi's response, they contuined round the small circle they had formed.
" Hi guys im, Ashlee you can call me Ash if it makes life any easier."
Ashlee was taller with dyed red hair and she had brown eyes. She was ugly infact she was very pretty. All the people at Kainbard were pretty.
"Hey I'm Conner and I'm actually 18 I Awakened a little late."
Conner was the tallest, probably due to his age. Conner had mousey brown hair and baby blue eyes. He was handsome but not nearly as much as Maxi.
"Im Jessica but please call me Jessy. Im also 18, Conner is my twin. We awakened at the same time."
This peaked Zylan's interest, he had never heard of sucha case. Not that it matter all that much. Jessica also had baby blue eyes, but instead of brown hair, she had light pink hair that ombred to light purple. Zylan guessed that it happened when she awakened.
However the moment Zylan was waiting for happened. He knew since the beginning that she was there. Maybe it was an illusion was what he thought. This was just confirmation.
" Hi guys I'm Tilly."
Her answer was short and sweet, just how she had been before she got to know Zylan better. She opened up the closer you became with her. By the end of the year she'd probably be chatty with everybody here if they talked enough with her.
Now that he knew his group, he just needed to know his school ranking.