I'll introduce at least POVS for characters in the future to at least give them some screen time/reading time won't be all the time but atleast for every harem girl
[Loyd POV]
I couldn't help but looked at my happy girls who, I took into my embrace cradling them as they giggled in joy. I was going to finally expose them with much thought put into this. Knowing that they were reincarnates. The thing was that I had a hunch it might be them who, I met before or different kinds of people. As this isn't the universe of oshi no ko in the manga since Aqua is actually a girl.
I pondered the thought that the two girls are either the doctor grace instead of gorou. A more beautiful version of the person. That could be aqua while ruby was well sarina. Thing was that between them they were actually sisters. As he actually met them only for a bit just a bump. As he saw grace wheeling her sister sabrina outside the hospital.
I had met them 2 times and had a good time. They even expressed their adoration to Ai wishing they were idols as well. But one was terminally ill while the other was growing old. Thinking that being 30 was already an impossible dream. The only give a way to know it was them was their last names.
But I wonder are these the same people because, I healed Sabrina from her illness making her jump in joy. Expressing her gratitude and crying same went with grace who couldn't help but just keep thanking me. Thanks to being the shadow monarch a power I was gifted by ROB.
I just wanted to give them a slight joy of life so they can be with each other. I wonder are they still alive?
I completely lived my life as, I forgot them just there to make the sisters happy. Which begs me the question who are my little reincarnates. As, I had put a shadow to guard them. Reporting to me what they did and if they needed anything. They spoke with matureness and intellect with each other finding that both of them reincarnated together.
Should, I see if those 2 are dead?
It's been a while so maybe, i should get sato my little hacker to help me with that. Her obsessiveness knows no bounds as, I did stumble across very questionable *cough* pictures of me on her folders on her PC. Since she has a room where she has the best high tech technology currently.
Now onto my daughters who I had peeked into their bonding time. Thing was, I wouldn't do this if they were normal girls but they were both reincarnates. So, I had used my shadow soldier to guard them while peeking at their conversations which was actually just once. After, I let it go and I be thinking of when should, I reveal their secret and mines.
Might as well, I ain't dying if anything
"Aqua ruby"
They heard their names called softly as they turned to look at him.
"You girls are reincarnators aren't you"
This made them both freeze like an instinct they averted their gaze away from me. That is something a baby shouldn't do as they would just tilt their head cutely as they were confused what he had said to them.
"You girls don't have to hide it from me....well, I guess it would be something you two wouldn't want to reveal to your parents, I get it"
I continued but they tried to act like babies forcing a smile. They looked at each other trying to communicate to what they should do.
I will show them they shouldn't hide this from me.
"Dio, vergil"
Two figures shadows came from the shadow of mine showed themselves as they kneeled in front of me when they heard me call for them.
"My liege"
"Girls this is something, i never bother mentioning but today you should know something about me your father"
Both aqua and ruby turned to see shadowy figures kneeling as they shook at how they look. They for some reason didn't feel scared maybe because they were in his embrace.
"You two meet my daughters"
They gazed at the girls with the outmost respect, loyalty and admiration.
"It's a pleasure to meet you lady ruby and aqua"
Both of them felt slightly shaken but they gazed back at the shadowy figures that came from their father. Looking at him who stared at them with a gentle gaze. Smiling tenderly as he rocked them in his arms.
"Your father is someone powerful"
I was powerful as ROB threw me in a dungeon to grow stronger where time wasn't shown as, I fought and fought till, I danced with death. Challenges where my life was at the edge. Now i'm here as, I accumulated large amounts of servants including these servants Dio and vergil yet you read that right. I had more and surprisingly ROB put them there like bosses and I won against each one.
Aqua looked at ruby who had the same nervous expression. But seeing his tender smile they melted and felt like they could actually let this weight of their hidden secret be unleashed.
Aqua spoke first as she stammered with her word.
"...Dad I-I u-uh..."
Both of them were shushed by him with a kiss on their foreheads.
"I don't need to know of your past but I will tell you this now you're my children, I will love you no matter what"
I didn't care to unravel their past now they're my own flesh and blood. I can only give them my enteral love for them.
They were surprised as both had grown up with abusive parents and Aqua having to be the oldest took care of ruby who was once sabrina. The hardships they endured together was something they both wished that if they ever died maybe in their next life they would love to have loving parents.
They cried in his embrace.
I panicked seeing them cry, I couldn't help but shake them a little in my arms. Making them stop as, I made a funny face for them to only giggle.
[Aqua POV]
I told father who was none other than loyd the man that cured sabrina my sister. I cried when he did that I don't know how but he did it. I wanted to return the favor only for him to vanish without saying anything.
I was so grateful while, I had to take care of Ai who was pregnant a shocking revelation but more so when Sabrina face became joyful. As she then was able to now think of becoming an idol. I was going to cheer her on. I still remember his handsome face the conversation we had with him.
His gentle warmth being near him.
Now I died before I could repay him because of two obsessive fans that loved Ai. They found out about her pregnancy but how was the question.
Only those close to her would've known but who could've it been. I wondered about that when me and my sister were strolling by only to be ambushed and killed. because we were related to her as me being her doctor was one.
I couldn't protect sabrina as, she died with me.
But when, I opened my eyes I saw the face of Ai hoshino in my view, I couldn't believe it. I actually reincarnated as her daughter. I was for one happy because, I was a fan of hers and I did to wish for to become an idol but I was already old. Single with not much of a love life going for me. Because of taking care of my sister was first.
Even though I had confessions I turned them down thinking of family comes first.
Then when I looked to my side it was another girl my twin. I thought maybe it was a normal baby unlike me. Then I found to myself being cradled with my twin sister in the arms of man who, I hoped to find in my previous life to repay the favor. His handsome face and gentle smile gazing at me. Made my heart skip a beat seeing loyd....now my father.
"Papa is here girls"
I was shocked that the man before me the want I seeked was my father. I cried as, I with my tiny hands and arms tried to touch his face.
His expressions became rattled as he soothe us with his affectionate voice.
"There there girls it's alright Papa is here"
I couldn't help but feel this happiness inside of me welling. I had a loving mother and father something that me and sabrina never had. An idol mother that I admired and father that gave me hope.
[Ruby POV]
I was born as the twin sister of my other sister. I gazed upon the beautiful figure as her starry eyes that I couldn't help admire and her passion for idoling.
My mother was Ai hoshino!
I couldn't believe it at least in this reincarnation I'm the daughter of the idol i was the fan of. It couldn't be much better since the day of my death which, I still feel saddened that, I died without going after my dreams and being with my sister. We both died not able to defend ourselves.
Then my eyes landed onto a manly figure who I was shocked to see. I couldn't help cry when he cradled me with my twin sister Aqua as she was named and I was ruby my new identity in this life. He was the one that cured me the one that made me not bear the pain of not being able to fulfill my dreams and goals.
Where my heart skipped a beat seeing his handsome face in full view his loving smile that showed the unwavering affection he had for us. Those gentle black eyes gazing upon me.
"There there girls it's alright Papa is here"
His soothing gentle voice made me stop. I was lucky super lucky now, I had my favorite idol as a fan now reincarnated as her daughter and the man that let me at least experience more joy of life before dying. I wish to repay him to see him again.
Maybe it ignited a flame of passion within me it was feelings brewing within.
It was to quick for me to already feel this but when you are cured from an almost uncurable sickness you can't help but be grateful and even fall for the person. If they were a man and he was as well as handsome. I was smitten by him like a prince charming he was.
I then experienced being loved by them as our parents something me and my older sister never had.
In this life maybe I can actually chase my dreams!
and maybe.....I can do what I wanted to do....I will break one morality of mines to achieve the happiness I longed for.
As, I gazed as loyd's....no...my fathers face
So I'm going to at least introduce some past interactions with the rest of the harem to at least and not be some shitty author which i'm that just adds instant girls in the harem at the start.
but you already know my imagination runs wild sometimes stupid :D