Chereads / reborn as a shadow monarch in an Anime verse / Chapter 10 - Past interactions [part 1 yuri and sato]

Chapter 10 - Past interactions [part 1 yuri and sato]

[3 years ago]

Loyd had finally moved to their new apartment in texas but as he was going to walk up the stairs he was greeted by a figure that made him stop and stare. 

(Why does it feel like I know her?)

Then that figure belonging to a woman with striking eyes but behind them were something that would consume you. As if devoided without emotions then he saw her completely as if she felt me staring at her. 

She was covered in bandages and I was perplex to what or how she became injured. He sensed that she was dangerous in a way. Something was wrong with that women and Loyd felt like he shouldn't really interact or linger any longer. As he took his eyes of hers the woman instantly never left her eyes off of him. Lingering longer as she felt like this man was different.

She smiled feeling like she just found her new target of her love. Her expression became terrifying as she looked creepy with her smile. 

"A new neighbor....hmmm~ I should go introduce my self"

She followed him her eyes never left him and Loyd knew she was behind him.

"my liege this woman is dangerous...probably mentally unstable something is wrong with her should, I eliminate her?"

Loyd's shadow soldier manifested but half his body appeared being from stomach to head. As he gazed at the woman following her with intent to kill.

"Leave her I'll handle it"

"As you wish my liege"

Disappearing right back in the shadow world a place that was huge containing Loyds army. Dangerous beings lurked within his shadow that would not hesitate to kill anybody crossing his path. 

"Well what can I help you with?"

Turning around Loyd confronted her staring straight into her abyssal blue eyes. As she then showed a grin a creepy one at that. Loyd raised an eyebrow until he looked at her top to bottom.

(Well fuck me sideways it is the woman from that cursed anime)

Loyd now knew of this woman's identity she wasn't introduced by her name or last name. Just known as a girls aunt being Sato Matsuzaka. 

"Hmmm~....I just wanted to get to know my new neighbor you moved in not to long ago"

She had seen him but he had not seen her as she kept to herself in her apartment and only left whenever she felt like it. 

"Whats your name?"

Her eyes unblinking which was creepy. As she stared deep into his eyes and Loyd felt himself being analyzed by her as he was some sort of new specimen for her. A curiosity sparked within her when she first laid eyes on him.

Something about him was making her gravitate towards him. 

(Hmm~.Hmmm~ I can't seem to figure this man out~....Fuuu~)

"Loyd Casanova and yours?"

"Yuri wakasi!"

She instantly came forward as she grabbed his hands while boring into his eyes with her gaze. 

(This woman truly is trying to figure me out....if I remember she is someone that can figure out someone's desire just by looking at their eyes and face)

Loyd chuckled as someone would be startled at the sudden action of yuri grabbing the hands of someone being super close as she gave off her most "friendly" smile. 

She could already figure out that persons personality and desires. Good at reading people she was. 

"Well it's a pleasure to have a beauty greet me"

Hearing those words yuri smiled furthered as she had a small blush on her cheeks. 

"Well if you excuse me"

Loyd retracted his hands from hers and was about to enter his home. 

"Wait want to come to my home?"

Loyd replied with a raised eyebrow.



She pulled him to her home then letting go at the front door. Unlocking it both of them stepped inside. Even loyd had an eerie feeling but this must be where this woman has her victims sometimes.

But he shrugged it off not like she could do anything to him. For some reason he felt like trying to see what would she do if he didn't fall for her taunts and provocations.

A slight amuse smile appeared on loyd's face. 


Yuri hummed as she looked at why he was smiling.

"Sato~! Come out and meet someone!"

She raised her voice calling for someone.


"My niece! She is a cute girl that I'm taking care of"


(Then this might be her younger version since...)

Loyd looked at yuri who seemed young differently portrayed in looks from the anime. She tilted her head cutely seeing him stare at her.

Then a petite girl came out from a room as she looked at Yuri with empty eyes. She came close and Yuri hugged her introducing her to him. As she stiffened from her aunts embrace.

"This is my lovely sato! Say hello to our new neighbor Loyd"


Her voice was low but he heard her without a problem. She looked uncomfortable in her embrace but when he stared at her she slightly flinched.

"Don't be so nervous sato...sorry she isn't to social"

Yuri smiled as she looked back and forth at the two. 

"It's fine"

Waving her off yuri took them to the kitchen.

"Oh dear...I don't have the ingredients I need to make a nice meal"

Yuri saw her fridge and let out a sad sigh. Loyd looked around as their apartment looked normal maybe she is hiding something. Curious enough to investigate if she is.


[Yes my liege]

A shadowy soldier appeared one of many.

"See if anything is up"

[As you command my liege]

Vanishing he wasn't able to be seen by the two. As it went to investigate.

"May I see?"

Coming from behind yuri who was slightly startled but clasped her hands cheerfully. 

"If you could!"

"No problem with these ingredients I can make something"

Loyd grab them and started cooking.

"I'm sorry that you have to do this for me and sato"

"no worries"

Staring at her calculative eyes and when he turned away she frowned. Yuri wasn't able to decern Loyd's true self. She couldn't read him at all during the whole time.

Sato saw her frown and she herself let out a surprised expression. 

(I-I...Aunty is frowning?...)

Never has she seen her frown as if something about the man was different. She was always happy well more so when she had a new victim. Sato wished that she was raised by someone else but the twistedness of her aunt was affecting her mentally. 

Then yuri smiled right back as she turned to sit with sato.

"Sato~ I think he would be good to have over"

Her words had a hidden meaning and sato caught on as she looked down with a weak smile. It was going to be sad to see again a man being broken by her. As she is growing numb from her attics. 

"Here eat up"

Loyd finished cooking and put the plates of food in front of them as the aroma hit their nostrils. Making their eyes widened at the delicious aroma and food presentations. 

"Thank you Loyd so much!"

Yuri begun to eat as she exclaimed happily cupping her cheek while chewing with her left hand.

"Delicious! You're such a great cook!"

"Thank you"

Loyd smiled and stared at sato who looked at the food with hunger but looked up to Loyd who stared at her. He smiled gently and his hand went to her head patting her.

"Enjoy it would make me think that you don't like it"

Sato flinched at his touch and was about to smack his hand away but for some reason his hand felt warm. She begun to eat as her eyes sparkled at how good it was.

Loyd chuckled as he was prideful when it comes to his cooking. Sato raised her eyes at him hearing him chuckle while he stared at her with a gentle gaze. Something that was unfamiliar to her but her heart skipped a beat. His whole demeaner radiated warmth it made her feel...different.

As she shyly went back to eating her food. 

[My liege I'm done investigating]

'alright tell me all the details'