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The world of Ayan is comprised of six races that roam the world of Ayan. This includes the vampires, The werewolves, the fairies, The witches, and the humans. There are six different empires, namely Soare (the empire of the vampires), Lycaon (the empire of the werewolves), Fata (The Kingdom of Fairies), Medeis (the Kingdom of the mages and witches), Tukufu (the human kingdom) and Daimon (The kingdom of the demons) and all want control of a mineral named maximitas.

The empires have different kingdoms and other small communities that have different cultural perspectives. All nations have classes that are divided into three and all those nations have different class identities.

The monarch and nobles are at the top and the peasants, labourers and slaves are at the bottom while the farmers, craftsmen and other professionals are in the middle.

The ones at the top are educated in most empires and kingdoms across different races around the world while the least educated are at the bottom. The ones in the middle are educated through different forms of education.

Most of their daily lives are working in the morning in their respective assigned class or jobs given either through the religious organisation they're in or the government that are mostly facilitated through different tests, though if you belong to a certain family class, you're automatically part of that class or job market.


The world of Ayan has a pantheon of Gods who are seven in number. The main God is a creator God named Ayan, though powerful priests and other powerful beings that live in this universe have even duelled with the gods, including the he emperor God called Ayan but people know his true name as Blank. Blank doesn't necessarily see itself as a God. It is still unknown if the being even has an actual name or origin of its existence.

The world of Ayan is imbued with the magical energy that is everywhere called The Navitas, which is a magic power source and energy that is divided into six elements: water, earth, fire, air, dark and light, and the main six gods inhibit these six elements The god of water named Unda, The god of the earth is named Tellus, The god of fire is named Flamma, The god of air is called Caelum, the God of darkness is called Caligo, The god of light is called Lumen.

Within the elements, there are six main categories of power levels, that are combined with the class the person is born into, that is the God level (The Numen) the King Level (The Rego), the expert level (The Callidus), the master level (Domnus), the intermediate level (The Privatus) and the basic level (The Connatus). Each category has a different range of energy levels, The Numen have a range of 1-86), and The Rego have a range of (1-56) The Callidus have a range of (1-46) Domnus have a range of (1-36) Privatus of (1-26) The Connatus (1-16).

The magic powers can be harnessed through natural materials and creatures of the world. The common presentation of the magic is through the Navitas Gemstones, which are represented by the elements.

The fire is represented by the fire gemstone called Rubinus. The light element is represented by the light gemstone called Adamas, and the dark element is presented by the Dark gemstone called Opalus. The earth element is represented by the earth gemstone called Prasinus. The water element is presented by the water gemstone called Topazus, and the Air element is presented by the Translucent stone named Lucere. The maximitas is a rare mineral that comprises of all the magical elements and can help any individual to any society if they harness it properly. It can cure rare disease and sickness, can help boost your magical affinity ten fold, can help create wealth even more than you currently have and many more capabilities.

Each Kingdom has their speciality in magic in accordance to its base of magic type but any race or creature can use the magic they are in tune with, and can progress the different ranges and levels. There are also rare magic users that can use more than one magic element, the most a person has used in the history of each kingdom is three but mostly the limit is two. This special Users are called Novus.

Using all six elements with extreme force through experimentation which has been tried before leads to death. Most of the gods can use four to five and the creator can use all of them plus even some other elements that are not by the gods.



Every kingdom has a class system but each class system is presented differently, Tukufu (the human kingdom) uses Three class systems, namely the upper, middle and lower classes whereby the hierarchy is as follows:

The Upper class includes the royalty are the top (I.e., your emperors and empress, your Kings and Queens, your nobles and top governing officials etc.) and they're essentially the majority ruling class though they're cross-cultural class jobs that both the upper, middle and sometimes lower class can do.

The middle class includes the craftsmen, farmers, merchants' guilds (example being the adventure guilds), town labourers like builders etc.) and they're the majority of the citizens of different kingdoms and societies.

The lower class include the peasants, refugees, beggars etc.) and they're the group that struggles to make it in life.

Cross-cultural classes include the religious class, who worship the elemental gods, the merchants who come from mostly famous families and the adventurers who can be one, and the warrior class which is not widely accepted due to its danger, though it does have its popularity.

In human kingdoms and societies, you can climb the social ladder but you have to have a lot of magic affinity capabilities, belong to a cross-cultural class job, have mastered your magic type, and have made great progress in wars with other kingdoms that threatened humanity.

Lycaon (the empire of the werewolves) uses the three-system class but they are very binary and rigid in their systems.

The upper class is the royalty (i.e., the emperor, kings, queens etc.) and they control the kingdom with power and reverence.

The middle class contains (the craftsman, and the warrior class)

The lower class includes the peasants and the lost who are known as tribeless.

In the werewolf kingdom, there is no climbing of the social ladder unless you are a warrior or a magic user or both. If you don't have either of these, you're stuck in the same position you were born into. Royalties belong to royalty, and poor people belong to poor people, no compromise.

The tribeless are those who don't have a pack and have to struggle to get by. They have low Magic affinity and have something the werewolf like to call low wolf spirit.

Soare (the empire of the vampires) have a four-class system where they focus their culture on power both magical, economic, social and political. These four systems include:

The First class includes the elemental worshipers (i.e., priests, spiritual elders, church leaders etc.)

The Second Class includes the Royalties (i.e., emperors, Kings and queens, nobles and government officials).

The third Class includes craftsmen, farmers, merchants' guilds (example being the adventure guilds), town labourers like builders etc.)

The fourth class includes peasants, and slaves (which include zombified vampires, humans, werewolves and other creatures)

Vampires mostly focus on power, survival and progress. If you want to get to the top, you sometimes have to either kill your competition or accumulate power either through magic stones or have a high energy level and affinity.


Medeis (the Kingdom of the mages and witches), has a four-class system and is largely less rigid and more accommodating, considering it has different races but mostly witches, warlocks and mages are the main group and their classes include:

The first class includes the elemental god worshipers and the majority of them are witches and warlocks who are born with magic rather than accumulating through various external sources.

The second class is the royalties of emperors and empresses of the witches and warlocks who are the only people that rule the kingdoms, the nobles consist of magicians, mages, and sorcerers of all races.

The third class includes the magical users who are craftsmen, artificers, workers and labourers who use magic or magical equipment, farmers etc.)

The fourth class includes the peasants and beggars (who control the criminal underworld)

The kingdoms of the mages try to be progressive and have outlawed slavery, though it's done in secret. They have accomplished some aspects of diversity and togetherness of different people except for fairies who don't like the way they've polluted the power of magic use, and the demons who are an enemy to everyone.

You can also climb the social ladder but you have to be able to be the best mage out there and use magic for good and benefit the people within the community or in service of the entire nation. Military and adventuring is the easier route but you can use your magic power for mercantile purposes to even art or any other job class you're in.

It is the empire of dreams but dreams with limited reach. 


Different kingdoms trade in different currencies but the main currency is the gold, silver and bronze currency coins called Chrysos, Caneo and Fulvus respectively. The most important trade is the barter trade of Navita's gemstones, where you trade different stones that cater to your needs be they immediate or otherwise. For example, the werewolves and the fairies only trade mostly in gemstones while the demons trade in anything, from the stones to even your soul. It doesn't matter so long as there is an end goal.


The world of Ayan moves around through different means of transportation. Some creatures act like pack animals that have adapted to the land, sea and sky, but there is also machine transport, like Airships, magical wheeled vehicles, animal-drawn carriages, magical floating trains and magical water-powered ships.

There are also teleportation gates but those are mostly within the mage, fairy and human kingdoms and are used only for specific economic and political international travels, and are not for recreational or normal local business. Different Kingdoms use these different forms of transportation per their kingdom's needs.