We kept moving, tensed up, our eyes scanning every shadow, every nook and cranny. The sound of approaching vehicles had been a warning, and now we were on the move, dodging into alleyways and deserted streets. The city had never felt quite this cold, quite this full of danger.
Are we really going to follow this lead?" I whispered. The adrenaline was still humming in my veins, my injured shoulder sending a throb of pain through me with every movement.
Julian didn't answer for a moment. He just started off, his jaw clenched in that hard line I'd grown familiar with. His eyes were flicking right and left, searching for threats I couldn't see. "We have to. We're getting closer.
I nodded, but the doubt within my chest refused to be dislodged. We were deep in it now. Too deep. But there was no turning back.
"The sniper?" Jasper asked from behind me. "We'll find out who sent him. Let's just make sure he's not waiting for us.