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Survival log of the Sage

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Hi! I am just going to use a.... different name for myself? Inferno? that works This is my survival log, I was brought to this world alongside my classmates, it's kind of scary I am the 'sage', a fact i have hid from everyone because i am scared of these people, these..... otherworlders, they have no remorse of pulling us here..... I am making this log as a plea of help, so.... Thank you for reading, I am wishing and praying I make it back home....

Chapter 1 - Day 1: the Summoning

Greetings, I am.... Emiya (Inferno wasn't a good name)

I am afraid if I let go of my real name, I will be in far too much danger, whether it be from the people here..... or the people back home....

It may seem weird that I am not sharing my name and begging for help, but sharing my name..... it's been told to me by.... 'it' that I cannot do so.

what 'it' is something I can only leave to your imagination

You all came here seeing this is my survival log I believe

 I used to write fanfiction on wattpad before I got into this mess and my 'sage's grimoire' is allowing me some restricted access to my world, 

weirdly enough, the only thing that i can publish anything on is wattpad

Edit- now on webnovel to

It didn't even give me instagram, youtube or let me make a website, no just wattpad.

My complaining aside..... I'll start explaining what happened

so me and about 21 other kids were in our class, our actual class has a size of 42 but most people aren't coming to school as it is our last year and we have finished the syllabus..... lucky bastards honestly

 to make up for my lack of attendance due to my many sick leaves, I came to school and you all can guess where I ended up.

The process of being transported was weird, it was like when you are on a rollercoaster, my stomach just..... dropped and face went red, I think it was the same for everyone in my class....

Notice how i don't call them friends? yeah they are assholes. I have 2 friends and both of them didn't come to class that day.... lucky them and honestly I am happy they didn't come here

but yeah, we were sent to this new world place, it was weird. It was like I landed in hogwarts, big banners everywhere, statues alongside halls. Marble here and there but the place was mostly stone.

Still very grand though, there was gold and ornaments everywhere.

we were in the middle of a literal summoning circle, a pentagram i think, there was no circle so it wasn't a pentacle for sure....

When we were taken away by the knights in heavy infantry armor, we just walked and walked for a few minutes until we reached this throne room

all my classmates were worried, one of the girls even started crying, we have around 8 boys and 14 girls here, I was studying for medical so there were more girls in my class I guess.....

we arrived at the throne room and we met the queen. I didn't see a prince or a king, but the queen was the one who talked to us

You know? the usual her highness tone, a grand one with a lot of weight? imagine the queen from shield hero, that's a good example i think...

she has blond hair and blue eyes, she was human from what I could tell and was.... freakishly tall in all honesty, the guards were tall but she was like 7 foot tall.

but yeah, she explained to us the good ol fantasy formula.

Evil forces invade her lands, prophecy foretold arrival of 5 great heroes and only one of the 5 heroes has a chance

okay makes sense, 5 heroes. 'WHY BRING 22 OF US HERE' some of the folks back home are asking

because it's all RNG. Yeah, us being one of the 'heroes' is complete RNG

however, this queen was apparently a speed runner and she knew how to put to use 'RNG manipulation'. According to her foresight and magic usage, our group of teenagers had the highest number and chance of possible heroes that she could summon at once

as the summoning ritual itself is heavily taxing on her and the kingdoms 'magic storage'

so magic is like energy here? I think? it's a good thing to know honestly

Remember shield hero? Yeah my classmates did the thing the 4 cardinal heroes did and started demanding to be sent home or compensated

when one of the guys said he just won't fight for her or her kingdom, she responded pretty kindly by warning him that if he doesn't fight for her kingdom, she will throw him outside and let him fend for himself

and i know many badasses want to say that they would take that option, yeah sign your death warrant buddy.

 this dude, I'll call him 'Colin', he is a big dude, kinda..... no pretty fat and he has one hell of a fragile ego.

He is a nice guy though I think, he takes things to heart but genuinely means well most of the time, he does have a selfish streak though....

where was I? yeah we get told of the situation somewhat, not many details which I will DEFINITELY have to fish for later

don't worry you guys, I'll get you your world building soon enough

Edit- as I am editing this log so more people PLEASE read this, I have some world building for you, there are 3 continents that are mostly prevalent and all of them have 1 singular government. 3 countries, this world seems to be either more equal opportunistic or a matriarchy as all 3 countries are ruled by queens and many of the 'nobles' I saw are also women, it seems to be about a 7:3 ratio. I am making this edit in the morning of day 2 so my information is still quite limited.

so she brings out THE MAGIC ORB OF... something? basically the thing from konosuba, this is like a big isekai crossover in all honesty

Thankfully for me, the only people who can see their stats are ourselves and we can choose to imprint them onto paper for others to see, a neat thing honestly.

But yeah, we all went in order and wouldn't you know it? the queen was fucking successful in RNG manipulation, she got all 5 heroes.

She thinks she only got 4 because you know...because I did a big brain move

edit- I am happy I did that, the people here are very suspicious, on the night of day 1, we were watched by guards all night. I barely slept and I only did so because another one of the boys woke up and decided to stay awake.

So when I got to the orb..... I got really lucky? as the Sage I got 3 unique skills.

1. The sage's grimoire, which I am using to write this on wattpad, the grimoire allows me to store a lot of spells as well, info and knowledge that I haven't directly consumed but come in contact with get's stored and it basically get's downloaded in my head.

It's like a download pretty much, i need to touch a book or writing for it to work, I tried to use it with a magic book but besides the basic principles, I will still need to practice and learn.

2. The sage's gaze, I can see descriptions and mannerisms well, I don't get to see 'levels' or skills sadly, but I can tell the feelings of someone, for example I saw the feeling of the queen the first thing and all I saw was anxiousness and a hint of feeling sorry

the other people around? OH NAH, THEY WERE MALICIOUS AS HELL

I am sorry but the things I saw and felt from those people..... it was horrible. I felt like I met P-Diddy.

but besides that..... my favorite ability

3. The sage's craft, a ability that let's me make skills and spells... with a cooldown after usage, the first thing I did was remember cautious hero and use the 'disguise status' thing, it was so helpful, i disguised myself as a mage and gave myself the ability info storage to use my grimoire, basically making myself a walking dictionary

edit- Also helpful for letting me make use of my 'log', I can just make the excuse of reading my book for information while im typing. It seems only I can see what is on my grimoire and no one else.

besides the hero, everyone else just got 1 unique skill. The heroes got 3 each, let me tell you all about the heroes now.

we have 'Ana' the 'warrior'

I don't like her, she was a snobby and rude person. Once she blocked the entrance and I asked her to please make some way and she looked at me like i was crazy and said no and just wait, like wtf bish

edit- I take it back, she has been pretty responsible and is genuinely trying her best to keep it together, I will mention her more on the day 2 log.... I am planning to write 2 logs today I guess, a morning log and a night log.

we have 'Reva' the 'saintess'

she is like, aloof? I think she is cool, she liked anime to and is good as basketball, overall, cool person

we have 'Ben' the 'shadow' (a literal assassin, what kind of hero-)

he is the 'cool guy' or as the other boys have put it, the mf'ing fuck boy. But yeah no, he is a chill guy and is genuinely nice.... i think, he get's the job done always

and we also have Christie the 'Ironed' (the tank, the focking tank.)

Hot damn, the class queen herself. She is a nice person to everyone but... she is, idk the words. She's the popular girl and she has..... all the drama with her and around her.

so all in all, a pretty..... okay dynamic? they need a magic user but otherwise they are fine I think, I am not gonna go in there and reveal my status as the sage, it's far too risky here. I need to gather information first, get some resources and then tell them.

My current goal is to make sure no one dies. Make sure no one dies and after that try to get home.

edit- This one may be harder than i thought. 

also goddamn feminism has came a long way, 3 out of the 5 heroes are women, good on them!

what kind of named is the 'ironed' by the way pfft

either way, as much as I would love to write more, I have about 6 minutes left before the cooldown for my sage's craft goes up, after making disguise status, I had to wait 3 hours, it's almost midnight here so..... as soon as I get my new skill, I'll sleep and hopefully get a new one in the morning

The skill I am gonna make is magic missile, it's the spell both the mage's in here have and I will need it to blend in..... give me your suggestions please, I need all the help I can get. Thank you for reading this..... I hope I'll see you all tomorrow to.

i cannot trust anyone here, everyone has a hidden agenda and I have mine...

edit- I need to rely on people, I just need to make sure I won't be harmed in the process.

Help isn't close by and..... I am scared

but I will survive, I want to get back home, i want to not be a dissapointment.... I miss my mom already, i feel like crying

we'll survive right? I know we can.....

for now....

Emiya out