Chereads / That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Primordial Demon / Chapter 31 - Another Chaotic Day.

Chapter 31 - Another Chaotic Day.

Looking at their lifeless bodies, I contemplated burying them in my subspace.

But his sisters are yet to come.

Speaking of which, isn't a true hero and a dragon living in this nation?

How could they be so careless.

I'm no better, I know, but it's understandable as I rarely visit this town, which is why I would always spend a lot of time whenever visiting him.

But they literally live here. Why leave the place so unsecure when you know that you have relatives living here?

I decided to throw that off my mind and turned to pay my respects to them for the last time.

Sariel: 「I hope you enjoy yourselves wherever you're at. "Reap the life of it all," 『Soul Lord』.」

I outstretched my hands to face them, and a violet sphere appeared above them.

With this, their bodies were converted into magicules and absorbed into the soul subspace.

Not wanting to deal with anything else, I intended to leave immediately, but it seemed like life was against it.

Velgrynd: 「Sariel? Why are you here? Where's Velda-nii? Why can't I sense him?」

Sariel: 「He's dead.」

Velgrynd: 「Huh? What do you me-」

Sariel: 「He's dead means he's dead. If you don't get it, forget it. It would even be better that way.」

Rudra: 「Silver primordial, huh? I dont know the type of game you're playing, but tell us where he is now.」

Sariel: 「I'm not in the best of condition, so don't make things worse for me. As I said, he died along with Lucia.

A group of people attacked and killed them. As they were subsequently in poor conditions, they couldn't defend themselves and died. Lucia managed to save her child, but that was it.

If you're gonna ask for their bodies next, then forget it. They would've been turned into magicules, so I buried them.」

I did not give them time to digest my words as I didn't want to be remembered of this event.

Sariel: 「Also, here she is. With her as your niece, it is only understandable that she stays with you. Veldanava loves her a lot, so take care of her well.」

These were the last words I spoke before teleporting back to the Jura Forest.

I didn't want to be on the receiving end of their wrath.

I don't like to take out my anger on others and viceversa. Especially that red dragon.

She may begin to complain that I didn't even let her see her brother for the last time.

That's not something my mind can deal with at the moment.

As I looked at the sky, I noticed that it was quite dark.

Perhaps a testament to the loss this world has faced?

As I stared into the sky, two figures approached me.

I would normally be on guard, but the magicule signature of these two made me relax.

Sariel: 「Long time no see. It's good to see you again. Lunax, Norana.」

Norana: 「*Sigh* Yeah. It's been a long time since we last met.」

Lunax: 「Sariel...」

Heh. I guess the dull emotion extended to everyone.

Sariel: 「*Sigh* Listen. It's all behind us now. I know for a fact that Velda wouldn't like to see us so dull because of him. For now, let's cheer up. Aye?」

As I said this, Norana looked at me and smiled warmly.

She then spoke up.

Norana: 「Yeah. Thanks. That helped a lot.」

Sariel: 「Happy to help. Lunax?」

I turned to look at her as she wore a depressed expression.

I could relate with her. He was also someone very close to me.

I know how important I am to my subordinates.

They are willing to exchange their lives for my sake, so I don't know how they'll react if I were to ever die eternally.

I'm also kinda curious. How would Raziel-san or Kalisha react?


Kalisha: 「....」

As I continued to think, I was suddenly tackled to the ground by Lunax.

Sariel: 「Hey, what's...wrong?」

She was... crying. I had never seen her this devastated before.

It ached my heart so much. I couldn't stand to see her in this condition. So I lied.

Sariel: 「Come on. He's not dead forever, right? He will return, so cheer up.」

This would be one of the rare moments where I had to lie.

Even till now, I haven't learned my lesson.

I was never a good liar. Most of the times I lied, I was always caught.

But it seems like I needed experience to truly learn anything.

Lunax: 「Lies.」

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen. I have been caught again.

Why is life so against me?

It's so embarrassing, but hold on a moment. How did she know?

Sariel: 「Huh?」

Lunax: 「He told us already.」

Wait, he did!? But why? I'm confused as to why he would tell them.

Norana: 「We don't know either, but perhaps he wanted us, who were the closest subordinates to him to share the weight of his burden.

Maybe he felt guilty for the time to come where he would let us grow on our own and develop our own wills and ego.」

Ah. I get it now. I never knew before, but these two were the closest to him.

So maybe he felt like he could at least tell them this much.

If that's the case, what of me?

Oh, he trusted me to understand him more than anyone else, right?

Heh. Some weird perfectionist he is.


I tried my best to cheer Lunax up, which seemed to work a little as she stopped crying, although her expression still contained signs of sorrow.

Sariel: 「I get it now. Well, what's next.」

Norana: 「Weeeell, we also asked him if we could work under you.」

Sariel: 「Alright, give me a minute.」

I walked over to a nearby lake and scooped some of the water into my mouth.

After doing that, I went back to my initial position and spat all the water out.

Sariel: 「YOU SAID WHAT!!」

Norana: 「Uuuh, okay, that was weird.」

Sariel: 「I know. But that is the least of my concern.」

I couldn't care less. What did these bunch just let out?

They wanted to work under me?

If I interpret that correctly, wouldn't that mean that they wanted to become my subordinates?

What the hell!?

Sariel: 「Oi! Why would you do that. Wouldn't that be called blasphemy?」

I know for one what that implies.

Surely, he would never agree to–

Lunax: 「You don't need to worry. He agreed.」

Well, shit goes on my escape plan. DAMN YOU ASSHOLE!!

The dude was already planning three steps ahead for the future!

He conducted a plan to cause me troubles in the far future.

The nerve of that jackass! Bro was well prepared all along.

Who does that!? He still causes me trouble after death.

But the most disturbing thing is–

Sariel: 「Aren't you guys like... way stronger than me.」

Lunax: 「What do you-」

Sariel: 「Don't play dumb! You were never using your ultimate skill to the fullest, yet the speed of your attacks was already at the sub-light level!」

As I said that, she looked slightly surprised before turning her head away, blushing lightly.

Now that's the type of scene I want to see, not some old timer blushing like a high school girl.

Norana: 「Well, I-」

Sariel: 「Don't even think about it. You're the worst! You have a skill that could potentially seal a dragon for eternity! The hell do you want with me!!?」

Norana: 「Hahahaha. You got us good... I guess. Damn, this is embarrassing.」

Lunax: 「It's your warmth.」

Sariel: 「Eh?」

The hell does that even mean?

Norana: 「*Sigh* She's right. There's this something about you that draws a lot of people to your side.

It's your presence, strange yet welcoming. The wavelength of your soul draws others to you.」

Wavelength? This is another thing the geezer never spoke about.

Honestly. That guy is so troublesome.

Sariel: 「Well, whatever. Don't blame me if things become boring for you.」

They nodded slightly and looked at each other before smiling.


Norana: 「W-Wait! It was just a joke, alright!? A joke!」

Sariel: 「Oh? So my life is a joke to you?」

Norana: 「How did you even jump to this conclusion!!?」

And so was how our bickering went on. I'm honestly glad to have them as company.

I get along with them quite well, and I can always rely on them.

It was a nice experience.

Without me realizing it, several years passed on.

Well, at least thirteen years passed by as I continued my journey with Lunax and Norana.

Before that, I had to pacify Veldora as he was driven by rage upon finding out about the death of his beloved brother.

Trust me, it wasn't easy. I had to fight him a bit to restore his sanity.

Although it wasn't as catastrophic as most fights I had experienced, it was still something to be mesmerized by.

He eventually calmed down after a while.

Though the intense emotions that were incomprehensible to him still lingered.

About the festival, it continued without a hitch.

Even with the sudden assault, it was still a festive season for Silverion, so nothing would tarnish that spir.

My plans worked flawlessly as Nagisa and her family (friends) became quite the popular group.

Since they were active during that time, they had singlehandedly incapacitated the assailers in front of the public.

Their deeds were spread wide, and they had become famous heroes.

Their capabilities were displayed to the public, solidifying their status as local heroes as they were quite the strong bunch.

At some point in time, we encountered Dino and his group.

Apparently, Dino initially had the role of observing the world, reporting about any details concerning the central world.

But with Velda's death, he now had no reason to do so anymore.

But I'm kinda lost. Isn't Velda always like... stalking residents of the cardinal world?

Why does he still need someone to watch the world.

Or was this role given to Dino in order to have an extra hand protect the cardinal world in his absence?

I don't know the answer to this, so I can only keep it to myself.

I swear, the number of questions I've kept to myself could kill by now.

We later met up with Rose, who was quite shocked to see me associated with angels.

Primordial angels at that. Seeing them for the very first time, she challenged them to a fight just like any demon would do.

Well, she easily won against Pico and Garcia.

Against Dino, it was not so easy, but she still won.

As for Lunax and Norana, it was a tie. I'm quite impressed that she managed to draw against them.

It was more surprising as they went all out if you eliminated the use of ultimate skills.

Perhaps she should get one of her own–

「Confirmed. The process to bestow an ultimate skill to the individual Rose shall now commence.」

——— Oi! I never said anything like that!! The heck do you think you're doing!!? ———

「Report! Unfortunately, the process has already begun. It is impossible to hault now–」

——— Unfortunately–my ass!! You knew exactly what you were doing bastard! Don't fuck with me!! ———



You're so impossible. Just how tyrannical could you be?

I ignored her antics and proceeded to ask her a question that bugged my mind.

——— Ney, Raziel-san. What was with that dragon factor? I mean, why did the energy hurt my soul so much? ———

「Answer. Your soul was not compatible with a dragon factor, making the two repel each other.

Analysis of the dragon factor has long commenced. More answers shall be provided after the completion of the analysis.」

Well, that's reassuring. I guess that temporarily answers my question.

Well, with Raziel-san, nothing's impossible.

She managed to produce a pseudo dragon factor, a project she's been working for some time now.

This is also how I was able to use dragon magic.

Dragon magic is just something akin to Aspectual Magic, possessing powers fueled directly by each dragon's intrinsic abilities.

This magic can also be supported by their dragon factors.

This category of magic is governed by their own unique set of laws that can't be manipulated even with the help of a powerful skill like『Law Manipulation』.

It was only with the help of the unique skill 『Ultimate Authority』 that she was able to replicate its effects.

After grasping the unique workings of the magic, she created a new substance called "magicore," one of her greatest masterpieces.

A core that can be used to store the essence of anything.

It's really cool, right?

Using the 『Essence Creation』 of 『Ultimate Authority』, she filled these cores with the various essences she created.

These magicores are now implanted the special laws, making any wielder of this magicore capable of wielding the intrinsic abilities of the dragons.

This is easily a world shattering invention that can quickly cause chaos if words of it were to escape somehow.

The power this magicore contained is something that I will never reveal to anyone.

I may use these for my closest subordinates with affinities for the effects imbued in this core.

Well, let me say that the difference between dragon magic and this magicore is that dragon magic possesses these effects naturally.

On the other hand, the magicore was artificially implanted the intrinsic ability of the dragons in its essence.

This process works by imbuing the effects (laws) supporting dragon magic in the essence of this core which enables the user to use this essence in either Aspectual Magic or Spirit Magic, making it at the level of the dragon magic.

The essence can now be called the "laws that govern dragon magic."

This brings us down to a question most will ask.

"Why not just create a skill that allows the user to use this magic category?"

First of all, doing such a thing isn't as easy as you think.

What the hell am I even saying? Doing such a thing is like... impossible.

To be able to do that, you must either be under their divine protection or possess data about the laws behind their magic.

Now, the second option seems more reasonable. But here's the catch.

The amount of magicules needed to activate the skill will be quite much compared to the number of magicules used for the core.

Look at it this way. When we compare aspectual magic or spirit magic to a skill, the magicule cost varies.

If the skill is a high tier skill, it can be said that the skill consumes a lot of energy compared to magic.

Considering the fact that this is a skill that will enable the user to use dragon magic, the magicule consumption rate compared to most magic will be quite high.

Looking at it, since using the dragon magic with the magicore only requires you to add these unique laws into magic, the magicule cost only stems from the type of magic the user is utilizing.

That's a good enough reason, right?

「Notice. Even so, I will still find a way to create skills that allow one to wield this magic category.」

Yeah, classic Raziel-san.

Pushing that aside, I've already decided on the people to give such a thing.

With me right now are my otherworlder subordinates.

I realized something crucial, which is what I am currently dealing with.

According to the information given by Raziel-san, the otherworlders were all going to die soon.

This was as a result of their evolutionary stage.

As enlightened individuals, they still find it difficult to deal with lifespans.

Although their lifespans are stretched beyond the norm, they weren't immortal.

They could survive for a few centuries, but that was it.

All in all, I had to do something about it.

——— Ney Akane. You there? ———

——— Ah! Sariel-sama! ———

——— So uum, I kinda need all of you to meet me right now. I hope that won't cause a problem. ———

——— Huh? What are you even talking about? We belong to you right? To us, it's not even a request. ———

——— Yeah, yeah, whatever. But are you truly okay with that? I get that you might be busy and all. ———

——— Hehehe. You're such a worry-wart. As I said, there is no problem. I will bring them along with me. ———

——— *Sigh* Fine. I'm currently in the Jura Forest. Near the hell gate. ———

——— I'll be there in a minute! ———

Just as she said, after a minute, the four otherworlders were right in front of me.

Akihiko: 「It's really good to see you again, Sariel-sama.」

Sariel: 「Ah, nice to see you too, Akihiko.」

Aika: 「Hey, Sariel-sama, why did you call for us?」

Oh? Straight to the point, I guess.

Sariel: 「Well, to put it bluntly, you guys have just little time left till you kick the bucket.」

As I said that, they looked at me with a shocked expression.

It seems they had lived so long that they totally forgot about their lifespan. How careless.

Nagisa: 「Wait, is that true!? I totally ignored that.

Since I always had it in mind that this world was far from ordinary, I kinda let that slip out of thought. If that's correct, then...」

With this piece of information passed, they all had depressed expressions written all over their faces.

Akane: 「Tch. To think I would die before being of use to you.」

Seriously? What does she always think of me as?

Aika: 「W-Wow. That's kinda funny. I never thought I would die before repaying my debts.」

Akihiko: 「....」

Sariel: 「I understand how you all feel, which is why I resorted to seeking your opinion before doing what I'm about to do.」

As I said that, they all turned to look at me, their gazes laced with curiosity, hinting for my continuation.

Sariel: 「In case you're wondering what this dude is saying, it's simple.

You all are going to become saints today.」

With these words escaping my lips, their expressions contorted to that of pure stupefaction.

Aika: 「W-Wah! Is that even possible!? To do that at will?」

Akane: 「Sariel-sama. Can you please explain further what you mean?」

Sariel: 「Yeah. So, I wanted to have your consent on the matter. In actuality, saints are, as termed by humans, individuals among them who have evolved into spiritual life-forms.」

They listened intently as I further explained what the term "saints" are according to my empress of wisdom.



Sariel: 「The exact criteria for being one seem kinda arbitrarily decided, but it isn't necessarily wrong to call any human, high human, or demi-human who has become a spiritual life-form a saint.

A saint's material body matches their mental awakening and becomes spiritual in composition. With their body being complete, they have transcended the material body entirely, making them effectively immortal.

They are capable of thinking and existing with just their souls and astral bodies. Keep this in mind that as a mental lifeform, the beliefs that they hold about themselves are very important.」

With this whole information being thrown on them, they needed time to process my words.

That, I gave them.

Soon enough, Nagisa, ever the knowledge-thirsty one spoke up.

Nagisa: 「Um Sariel-sama. If I may ask, is Ken-san a saint?」

Sariel: 「Yes.」

She nodded meekly. I was kinda surprised that she found out so easily.

Well, she is perceptive. I guess I'm gonna need to up my game.

Sariel: 「So, what's your opinion on the matter? Are you guys willing to become saints?」

To be completely honest, which I definitely mean, I really want them to become saints.

Even the tone in my voice changed as I spoke, making it clear that this wasn't an order but a plea.

With everything that I've lost, I can't risk losing them, too.

I can't bear to be so lonely again.

With this, I can only hope to live with them longer than possible.

Akane: 「If that means I can stay longer with Sariel-sama, then sure. Besides, who wouldn't like a power boost?」

Ouch, why does that hurt so much.

「Guilty conscience.」

Aika: 「If she's gonna get stronger, there's no way I'm gonna sit behind and die. I'm in.」

Akihiko: 「I have yet to truly master the way of the sword. Until I'm done with that, there's no excuse for dying, right?」

Hearing his words, I nodded my head happily.

Sariel: 「Spoken like a true swordsman. What of you, Nagisa?」

I asked as I focused my attention on her.

Nagisa: 「Honestly, I would've preferred to reach that level of power with my own capabilities.

I'm sure the same goes for all of you. But I can't let my desire get un the way of my lord's will. Please do as you wish.」

Aika: 「Hm! Spoken like a true worshipper!」

Sariel: 「Oi, Oi!! The hell are you guys on about!?」

They laughed as I complained about their antics.

With that matter settled, I was given the go-ahead, so without a hitch, I began the ritual.

Well, not me in particular, but–

——— Raziel-san, you're on. ———

「Understood. Beginning the process of spiritualization.」

The process is actually quite difficult.

This is only possible for me because of Raziel-san's subskill 『All Creation Alteration』.

With this skill, all she needs is to change the constitution of their material bodies.

She alters their material bodies' components, transforming it into a spiritual body, thereby effectively making them spiritual life-forms.

With data on the constitution of a spirit body, there is nothing we lack to make this idea become reality.

Their safety, memory, knowledge, and power are surely inherited, making this a safe process.

With this spiritual transition, an evolution is forced to occur.

Their material bodies were destroyed and converted into energy, along with their previous energy.

Sariel: 「Let me lend you some of my energy. Your names shall be Nagisa Tomoki, Akihiko Harami, Akane Masami, and Aika Kanroji.」

As I named them, a new type of bond was formed between us.

A soul corridor.

A lot of my energy went into each of them in their spiritual matter state.

The energy from their old bodies were then used to form a new body for them, a spiritual body.

They were now undergoing their evolution.

This was the first time I had done such a thing, but with Raziel-san's help, it was a breeze.

The process was completed safely, and their evolution was about to reach its climax.

With a few minutes gone, their evolution was completed.

With the bodies created, they now had to possess a material body to exist in this world.

That, I created, using 『Material Creation』.

The bodies I created were created using adamantite, making its quality and durability quite high.

With my help, they possessed these bodies with no problem.

Synchronizing with their bodies took some time, but it was ultimately done.

I witnessed the formation of their tissues and blood vessels.

It was quite a sight.

As they finished the process, their eyes snapped open as they looked around confused.

It seems like they have yet to completely understand how to work with just their souls and astral bodies alone.

I will educate them on the process to make things easier for them.

They stood up and looked at me with an expecting gaze.

I smiled and spoke to them.

Sariel: 「Congratulations guys, you are officially saints.」

With these words spoken out, they let out a relieved sigh.

It seems they were also worried about the end result.

Well, I trusted my partner without a single doubt, so I wasn't worried.

Aika: 「Thanks a lot, Sariel-sama! I now feel closer to you than ever! I didn't expect to be named by you, which makes it even better!」

Akane: 「Hm. I will dedicate my body and soul to live up to your expectations, my lord.」

Honestly, these two...

Akihiko: 「Milord. This one shall put more effort into his blade. Let me once again reaffirm my loyalty to you.」

Nagisa: 「Same here, my lord! I will never leave your side!」

Sariel: 「Hm. And let me once again declare ownership over you all.」

I smiled as these were some of the rare moments I had with those I cared for.

I won't be so stupid again to believe that nothing would go wrong.

I knew that if things remained the same way they were, then I would continue to lose what I want, along with those I hold dear to me.

In order to keep those I cherished close to me, they had to grow strong. Strong enough to defend themselves.

That also goes for me. I need to get stronger to protect what I love.

I just hope I won't be nagged to death by Guy because of doing such a thing today.

This was what life held for me during this period, and as time passed by, I would come to encounter another stressful day.


Word Count: 「4200」