Chapter 30 - The Great Loss.

Sariel: 「Velda... Lucia...」

I barely muttered out as I stared at the lifeless bodies before me.

It was so unreal to me. I had always felt happy with Velda by my side.

Yeah, he can be such an asshole at times, but that's besides the point.

Why did this happen? No, instead, why does this always happen to me?

I don't need to be told that this wasn't the first time I've lost someone dear to me.

I've lost more than I could ever get. It was always happening.

The more I gained, the more I lost.

But this... isn't he a God with a capital "G?"

"How did the world even manage to take a God away from me?"

This is a stupid question. I don't care anymore, but just... why?

Have I not lost enough yet?


If you need something next, just take my life without making me suffer this much.

I didn't even get the chance to speak to him for the last time.

There are thousands of questions bugging me, but with no one to answer them, I can only keep my mouth shut.

I knew this could happe-... no, I knew this would happen.

He may have tried to hide it, but I knew... he was slowly getting weak.

It wasn't as clear to me as it is now, but I found out after the lizard subjugation.

As soon as he became as weak as a human, I knew he was definitely going to die.

But the truth was too harsh for me. I couldn't accept it at the time, so I shrugged it off as paranoia slapping me senseless.

Well, him marrying was out of my wildest imagination. I was completely stupefied at the moment.

I had always seen him as this righteous "god," the Christians tend to see him as.

But with his actions, that image was dealt away with.

That's just who Veldanava truly is.

As for Lucia, although we weren't close for long, I considered her a sister as she was married to someone I could categorize the same with.

A kindhearted and free spirited woman, that's who she was.

She even managed to capture the heart of a God.

That's not an easy feat, I tell you.

She could be considered the "Goddess of The World," even if she doesn't accept it.

To be honest, Velda has good eyes. He got a big fish, so he must be quite satisfied with himself.

But that is another problem. I would mourn his death, yes, but he can always revive himself.

He was THE "God" after all, right?

That's where things go south. With all his actions, I was forced to accept reality.

"He wasn't coming back." That's a fact.

It was obscure to others, but I knew better than to just hope.

Most of those related to him would mourn, but none would do so as much as I would.

That would be because they all have it in mind that he would return.

Well, this is not going to happen.

Looking at it with my human soul, I know what he wants.

All his actions give me signs of it.

It's just like how I would always habitually try to complete my bucket list.

He made sure to leave this world with everything in tact.

He is a perfectionist, after all.

He created the world to satiate his boredom.

He established himself in the same world he created, living his life to the fullest.

Meeting new people and forming new relationships along his journey.

Giving out roles to his close ones, making sure that the world would be able to exist without him.

Experiencing the tides of the world and life he created, enjoying how wonderful his creation is.

Marrying the one his heart is content with and leaving a legacy in the form of his child behind.

If you look at it this way, it seems like a complete bucket list.

This is how a human who has nothing to lose lives like.

The truth is...

He is satisfied with his life.

He is content, unlike me, who is yet to be truly happy with his life.

I am happy for him. He got what he wanted.

He must've been worried about his child, but for him to still leave her behind, that must show you just how content he is.

He knew what he was doing. He knew that his child would be safe, so he left her behind.

I guess he also expected me to know that he wasn't returning.

"If he did, then why not speak to me for the last time!?"

I am kinda jealous of him. He must be quite happy dying with his lover, unlike me, who always dies in solitude.

But even with his satisfaction, I am the one to face the pain.

He was the closest person I had with Raziel-san and Kalisha out of the way.

Now, with him gone, I am now facing the consequences.

Will I continue to lose more of what I have? Someone, please answer me...

Kalisha: 「Master...」

I don't think I will be able to handle it if this happens one more time. I might break.

This isn't just me speaking nonsense. It's a fact.

My spirit has been broken more than I could count.

I've always put my negative emotions out of the way when dealing with others in order not to place my wrath on them, but... this is too much for me.

I'm tired. I've said that countless times in my mind, but this hits deeper.

What will this world take from me next? Raziel-san? Kalisha?

If that happened, I'll just-

「Notice! I will never abandon you even if you were to send me away!」

Kalisha: 「Me too!」

I see. But can I even be assured?

Simple words can not convince me now. But for sanity's sake, I will just blindly believe it.

I set aside my internal conflictions and walked towards their lifeless bodies.

I didn't notice it, but his assailers were looking at me with wide eyes.

Did they recognize me?

I was quite popular with my deeds known to the world.

Well, who wouldn't know a primordial demon who was globally known as the "World's Guardian" and performed many works.

Not to brag-okay definitely to brag, I am a godlike existence to most humans.

The assailers seemed... scared?

Why weren't they scared when they decided to assault a God?


I sighed at their antics as I walked past the invaders.

I would definitely kill them, but they weren't as important as what I was headed for.

As I approached the bodies ahead, one of the high humans spoke up.

「H-Hey, he's the silver primordial, right?」

「Yeah, if we take him back, we'll definitely be highly rewarded.」

「Are you even sane!? How can you declare that so boldly! He's not the silver primordial for nothing.」

「Hah? Don't lecture me, fool! This isn't the first time I've been in this situation. I've done this before. Trust me 」

I listened as they spoke to each other. I nearly laughed out loud due to the humorousness of the second humans words.

Capture me? How audacious. When you dream, dream big, right? They just took that statement to a whole new plane of reality.

I wasn't mad. On the contrary, I was quite calm.

I had an emotionless expression plastered on my face with a little hint of calmness.

This was just a facade. Just one mistake could make me lose any sense of rationality.

Realizing that, I wouldn't bet my chances of success.

Sariel: 「Raziel-san...」


With the short exchange, the intention was felt.

The souls of the high humans were instantly harvested.

This was all possible with the supreme ability of 『Soul Lord』.

The skill 『Soul Harvest』was linked to my other skill,『Soul World』, sending their souls to the chaos world (Subspace).

Forgetting what I just did, I stood in front of the dead bodies and crouched down to cradle them.

As I looked at him, he'd had a satisfied smile lingering on his face.

He was happy. That's all that matters. As long as he died happily, there was no problem.

Suddenly, a flash of light emerged from his body.

A bright and transparent pink colored energy swirled around, shining brightlybin the process.

The ethereal glow of the divine light was mesmerizing, leaving off a calm feeling.

The light finally died down as the pink energy formed a sphere.

The power contained in this sphere was not something to pass by.

It was all too familiar.

Sariel: 「His dragon factor...」

Without my permission, the energy sphere was absorbed into my body.

Sariel: 「W-Wah! What... happened...?」

As soon as that happened, my consciousness began to fade out.

My soul began to ache violently as I tried to fight against the foreign experience.

--- Raziel-san... what's going on...?---

「Notice. The foreign energy is trying to sublimate itself with your soul.」

Wait... seriously? Isn't that... dangerous?

「Answer. No ill intention detected.」

What the hell!? What does she mean no ill intention detected!?

My consciousness was still fading out, but I fought the drowsiness.

The pain was almost unbearable. It was as if a ball was being expanded and distorted in so many ways beyond recognition.

This was even worse than when I was struck by Iverage's attack.

It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.

As if something was forcefully repelling my soul.

I felt as if I was on the brink of death.

Not the one where you think you could be reincarnated, but the eerie feeling of true death without revival.

It was a terrifying experience.

Even so, my will could not allow myself to be defeated by a mere energy sphere.

I fought against the foreign sensation with all my strength.

It was becoming harder and harder the longer it took.

But it wouldn't last long as I heard the one voice I always looked up to.

「Notice. Analysis of the foreign energy completed. The energy has been deemed too dangerous for the soul.

Sealing the energy in the『Soul World』... successful.」

With these words spoken, the pain I felt subsided, and the force repelling my soul collapsed, as if it never tried to overwhelm me.

Automatically, the intrinsic skill 『Infinite Regeneration』began to do its work.

In the end, I managed to survive.


Sariel: 「What was that about no ill intention?」



I sighed once again at the humorousness of the situation.

Turning my attention back to Velda, the pain and grief from earlier on returned.

I had briefly forgotten about it because of my attention being occupied.

Now, it was all coming back to me.

My thoughts were broken as I suddenly heard a loud cry.

This was not a cry for help or mercy, it was-

Sariel: 「A baby?」

What would a baby be here for?

I focused my attention on the sound and moved towards the direction I heard the cry from.

Sariel: 「Lucia? Wait...!」

The dots were finally connected.

They had conceived but weren't able to stay with her for much long.

In Lucia's arms was a baby with platinum pink hair with bright blue eyes.

The baby was covered with white clothing and was protected by a magical barrier that warded off any type of attack.

The child, or should I say the baby, was a carbon copy of her mother.

She really picked after her mom.

I don't even know what to feel. She is going to be an orphan from here on.

Her parents are gone, never to be seen again. She will become quite lonely, but she doesn't deserve this.

I walked closer to Lucia's deceased body and picked the baby up.

「Notice. Attempting to deactivating defensive barrier... successful.」

--- Thanks, Raziel-san. ---

She was still crying, perhaps from losing any sense of warmth.

I cradled her and started rocking her gently.

The effect could be said to be immediate as the sound of her crying died down, and she began to laugh for the first time.

She looked at me with her bright blue eyes, causing my heart to melt.

She was so cute.

Sariel: 「Milim... Milim Nava.」

That will be her name. Although she was already named Milim, I could still do so if I wanted.

My magicules flowed into the little baby's body, enveloping her in the form of a bright light before dying down.

There were no obvious differences, but her energy quantity increased quite significantly.

I smiled at the result and focused on her left enclosed palm.

Inside her palm was a little paper I made for Velda a while ago.

I made it to make his work easier.

It had his magical signature on it, making the sender quite obvious.

I took the paper from the baby's little palm and read it mentally.

"Yo Sariel.

It's been a while-I know, but that's not the matter. If you're seeing this message, then I'm probably dead. I know I messed up and stuff, but I also know you'll forgive me like you always do.

I trust you to be smart enough to figure everything out on your own, so there's no need for explanation. Once again, I'm sorry, but I'll be leaving all the tough jobs to you.

Take good care of the cardinal world and my subordinates for me, alright? This isn't the first time I'm dumping all the work on you, but it will definitely be the last. The star dragon factor you saw is my last gift for you. I know you already possess one in that "true body" of yours, but I know you won't be using it anytime soon, so yeah. It will take some time, but that skill of yours will definitely find a way to put it to use.

Also, please watch over my daughter for me. I'm really sad to have to leave her behind, but it is what it is. *Sigh*. Thank you for everything you've done for me. You may not know it, but you have done a lot for me. I've not mentioned this to you before, but Lunax and Norana were able to fully develop their will and ego because of you. You helped me sate my boredom and filled my life with colors. For that, I sincerely thank you once again.

I know my absence will cause a lot of trouble for you to deal with, but anything for your buddy, right? I'm really sorry for leaving so abruptly. I hope you manage to forgive me. Take good care of yourself and continue to live on. Don't stop because life opposes you, but continue because life couldn't kill you. That's my word for you. I hope you find the satisfaction you've been searching for. Goodbye, my dearest friend. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.

Your buddy, Veldanava.

As I looked at the letter in hand, I couldn't help but remember all the times we spent together.

I recall the manga we read together, quietly basking ourselves in each other's warmth.

There was no need for words as the atmosphere said it all.

I recalled the rare times we would spend looking at the cardinal world from heaven.

Even though I was against it, he still insisted that it wasn't called stalking.

I also recall the memories of him in his dragon form, soaring through the skies above the land, with me at his back, enjoying the view of it all.

It was a magical moment. These were the moments I would always cherish.

They were unforgettable.

Thinking of him once more, I could only say...

Sariel: 「Veldanava... you were truly foolish... Hahahahaha!!」

I had my usual fearless smile plastered on my face, but I didn't notice the tear running down my cheek.

Sariel: 「That's what I said, you asshole... Your carelessness could even make an almighty figure like you die one day in the distant future...」

My usual smug grin was worn outside, whilst my heart inwardly sank with grief.

And just like that, the millenia-long bond between Velda and I was severed.

This is the greatest loss I have ever faced.

I did not only lose a teacher, but a true friend.

The world did not only lose its creator but also its foundation.

This would be the time when all the chaos awaiting this world would ensue.

All in all, "it was a great loss."


「Note: I know this is a very short chapter, but please accept it.

This chapter was dedicated to the bond between Sariel and Velda, and it marks the beginning of a new era, so I guess it is what it is.

Thanks for reading my story as always. See ya!」