Chereads / That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Primordial Demon / Chapter 18 - Daily Life Of A Primordial (3).

Chapter 18 - Daily Life Of A Primordial (3).

After activating my teleportation skill, I found myself in a familiar environment.

I am glad to have this particular skill back.

I would normally be unable to enter without having 『Dimension Leap』 but it seems like he sensed my attempt and allowed it.

As soon as I appeared, I was met with a familiar sight.

It was the Heavenly Star Palace, the place where the God with a capital "g" resides in.

I was greeted by Obera, whom I have come to like. Not in a weird way.

We easily became friends after the dragon subjugation.

She has a cool headed personality like Zalario, but unlike him, she actually cares about her underlings.

Well, aside from that, I also became closer to Pico, Gracia, and Dino.

They all had their own quirks that differentiate them from each other just like we the demons.

She led me to where Veldanava was.

I didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but I just hope he isn't gonna add more stress to my depression.

Entering the room, I was met with the sight of Veldanava and another strange individual.

Veldanava: 「Ah, it's about time we meet.」

Sariel: 「Uum, hi, I guess.」

Veldanava: 「Oh c'mon. Is that all you can do?」

Sariel: 「I could slap some sense into you.」

Seeing our interaction, the mysterious individual giggled.

Veldanava: 「Hmph. Even after not seeing me for a while, you're still as mean to me as ever.」

He said this with a pout. I was trying to figure out whether he was being honest or sarcastic.

Sariel: 「You know, I would find it cute if it were a girl. But an old man... pass.」

He looked at me confusedly before sighing and speaking up.

Veldanava: 「Do you know the reason I called you here?」

Sariel: 「Uum, no.」

I have a hunch, but I'm not really sure of it.

Veldanava: 「Well, I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.」

Sariel: 「..... What?」

Veldanava: 「You heard me.」

I'm lost for words. Of all the times I've been with him,

I've never heard him say anything like that.

The disturbing thing about it is that I don't even know what I did to deserve thanks.

The dickhead Twilight never stops doing that stupid thing of his.

The number of monsters that began to assault human civilization has increased.

I thought he was gonna nag about the increasing rate of monster activities, but this is quite unexpected.

Sariel: 「I didn't do anything to deserve your thanks, though.」

Veldanava: 「Hahahaha. I'm talking about you protecting the world like I requested.」

「You may not know it, but you've dealt with so many monsters that were bound to pose a threat.」

Sariel: 「Even so, I'm sure someone like Feldway or Guy would be able to do the same.

Perhaps even better if I'm being completely honest.」

I mean, I could've stopped that beast from destroying a part of the Jura Forest, but I was busily fooling around at the time.

「Modest now, are we. But considering what happened, the damage would already be done by the time they make an appearance.

Besides, they already have their own job to worry about.

You might not know it, but Feldway also protects the cardinal world from foreigners.」

Oh, so it's like me protecting the interior whilst he defends against external forces.

I never knew that we had a secret cooperation.

Veldanava: 「If you were not here, damages would have been done before anyone could act.」

「If the forest were to be cleansed of monsters....」

Sariel: 「The humans....」

Veldanava: 「You catch on quickly.」

The humans would most definitely attempt to conquer the forest.

That particularly goes for the high humans.

They are so egoistic and prideful in their magical capabilities.

Some consider themselves gods if their magical capabilities surpasses that of their brethren.

I have to keep an eye on them if I want to stop them from causing trouble.

Perhaps that's what Veldanava wants me to do.

Sariel: 「*Sigh*. You want me to keep a close eye on them, huh? Don't worry. I'll handle them if things get out of control.」

Veldanava: 「You're scarily sharp, you know.」

Sariel: 「Well, I'm sure there's another reason for calling me here, right? Spit it out.」

Veldanava, after hearing me, turned to look at the mysterious individual, hinting for her to act.

She stood up and placed her hand above her chest.

「It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ramires. I am the Queen of Spirits.」

Huh. Spirits? I never knew that such things existed.

Personally, I'm not a fan of spirits.


Who'd be a fan of them when you can't see them or even touch them. Like, literally.

But wait. If she is the spirit queen, and I am seeing her, does that mean spirits in this world can be seen?

But I gotta ask first.

Sariel: 「Wait. What are spirits?」

When I asked that question, they looked at me incredulously.

Veldanava: 「I think it's best we show you instead.」

And with that, we have our new mission.

I really need to suck out all the wisdom this old man possesses.

I never knew of spirits, and perhaps there could be a knew magic to learn about.

I think this is going to be a fruitful mission.

Whilst we headed for a strange location they called "Dwelling of the Spirits," he explained what spirits were.

Basically, spirits, like demons and angels, are a race of natural forming spiritual life-forms.

They reside both in nature as well as in the spirit realm.

They can also be called "Elementals" as they each embody a specific element.

They come into existence from either a large gathering of natural energy or as offshoots from a higher spirit.

They also possess spiritual bodies capable of taking magical energy and transforming it into natural energy in the form of their respective element which unlike regular magic, fully obey the laws of physics.

It was something I never knew about.

There are different types of energy one can use.

There is magicule, which is the most basic form of energy.

There is also spiritron. A particle that can be imbued with various elements to perform magic on a higher scale compared to magicules.

In hell, there is a type of energy called minus energy.

The energy that opposes life. It can be used to kill spiritual life-form, but it is very difficult to use.

There is also stardust. Veldanava did something weird to my "True Body," making it possess a dragon factor.

That factor will allow me to use Stardust as long as I've fully analyzed it.

That is not something I will be able to do soon.

For now, I don't have enough analytical prowess to do so, but I believe that I will be able to do something about it in the near future.

Veldanava also mentioned some strange energy called "Turn Null Energy."

Apparently, it's just a destructive energy, even superior to Stardust.

He used it to create the world but was lost due to lack of storage.

Quite the things to remember.

Just like we demons, there are lesser, medium, and greater spirits.

Greater spirits are quite strong and are the best match for arch-demons.

And at the farthest end of the spirits' normal evolutionary path are Spirit Lords.

They are quite rare, and some may believe them to be mythical figures rather than actual beings.

If I look at it this way, they should be comparable to demon peers.

At the very top of the spirit hierarchy are the Great Holy Spirits.

They are spiritual forces that have been around since the dawn of creation, with unfathomable power, but possessing no ego.

I learned a lot today from this simple meeting.

Ramires explained that spirits, like demons, can be summoned, with the difference being that they are only summoned in the dwelling of spirits.

I might try it out.

She teleported us straight inside without having to go for a long walk through the door.

It was... amazing.

One could sense a lot of lesser spirits flying around.

I could tell them apart because they weren't really strong.

Once we appeared, they all seemed to stop whatever they were doing and began to fly around Ramires.

It seems like they had sentience, although it is quite low.

Veldanava: 「As I explained earlier, spirits possess a particular element.

These elements are grouped into two categories; that is, the lesser elements and the greater elements.

The lesser elements are fire, water, wind, earth, and space.

The greater elements are light, darkness, and time.」

Sariel: 「Wow. Quite the variety. Does that mean anyone [1]possessing a spirit would be able to use the element aligned with the spirit?」

Ramires: 「Exactly. Though it all depends on the spirit at the end of the day.

If it is a lesser spirit, the amount of authority the spirit wielder has over the element would not be as powerful as a wielder of a greater spirit.」

I guess so. It's a given since they are stronger than your regular spirits.

Ramires: 「There is also a type of three-way dynamics between you guys.」

Sariel: 「Hm? What do you mean?」

Veldanava: 「It's like a type of food chain. Demons are strong against angels, angels are stoeng against spirits, and spirits are strong against demons.」

Sariel: 「And dragons are strong against all of them, huh.」

Veldanava: 「Hahahahaha. You bet they are.」

Sariel: 「Fucking dragons...」

I muttered this silently and bitterly. It's almost unfair how powerful they are upon birth.

After some time, a new dragon would be born.

The amount of damage it would cause is nothing to pass by.

I witnessed the after effects of Velzard's birth.

The ice chaos she created was nothing short of catastrophic.

She was the reason why a new season, known as winter, was created in this world.

And after that, I'll be the one to clean up the mess.


Veldanava: 「Well, back to the topic of spirits.

The elements also have their own power dynamics.

That is, water against fire, fire against earth, earth against space, space against wind, and wind against water.」

What a surprisingly complicated system created by Velda here.

I didn't think he could do something like this on his own.

I'm quite impressed that he was able to do this without dying of brain overload.

Veldanava: 「Oi! You thought of something rude just now, didn't you?」

Huh? What's the old man blabbering about?

Sariel: 「Whatever could you mean Velda-kun~?」

He looked really uncomfortable when I said this, but we were interrupted by Ramires.

Ramires: 「Ehem. So, as we were saying, the greater spirits are quite rare to come about. This goes for the lesser elements.

As for the greater elements, the spirits in this category choose the individuals who have gained their interest.

Like those that have the potential to do great things.」

Well, that's neet. According to them, they can also incarnate into a physical body to become a new race.

After learning all this, I'm definitely summoning a spirit.

Sariel: 「Considering the elements, it seems like time dominates all, am I right?」

I mean, time is a broken ability.

I knew that because of my former unique skill.

No matter what you say, all the elements are under the influence of time.

Once time ceases to exist, all the elements will also cease to exist.

Ramires: 「Yes. Time is the most powerful element of them all. It is also the rarest element to be summoned.

Even summoning a lesser spirit of time is quite rare. Summoning a medium time spirit is considered impossible.」

Well, that's a good thing. Imagine a bunch of high humans randomly summoning spirits of time like the maniacs they are.

They already made plans to summon demons to do their bidding.

If they hear the of the existence of time spirits, they would most likely kill in order to get them.

Sariel: 「What of greater time spirits?」

I asked this because I find it difficult to believe that there are greater time spirits casually roaming around in the spirit realm.

Ramires: 「They do not exist. But that was before.」

Veldanava: 「Hm? Are you implying that...」

Ramires: 「Yes! A new greater time spirit was born not so long ago.」

Really? That changes... everything.

Veldanava: 「Hm? That's quite troublesome.」

Yeah. I think I get what he means.

Imagine a no-named character summoning a greater time spirit and getting op.

That is in no way a good thing.

Having a greater time spirit would be akin to having a unique skill embodying the time element.

Now that's dangerous.

Ramires: 「What should we do? Unlike the others who lack a strong will and personality, this particular spirit has developed a powerful will and ego.」

Veldanava: 「I would actually like to see this spirit. Do you mind summoning it?」

With a nod, Ramires began to perform her 『Summoning Magic』.

Ramires: 「Come to thee. Oh, great spirit of time... 」

As she said that, a huge amount of natural energy was released.

It was quite large. Comparable to an arch-demon's magicule pool.

A spirit with long silver hair and a slender body appeared before us.

It wore a white, sleeveless gown with a golden crown adorning its head.

It was definitely a spirit with a strong will.

Spiritual life-forms are beings that need only their minds to remain alive.

Their appearance heavily depends on their self-image, which shows how strong their will is.

The way they look can also show their level of sentience.

With how she looks, she could give an arch-demons a run for their money.

She looked over at us with a confused and curious expression.

When her eyes landed on Veldanava, she immediately fell to her knees.

Veldanava: 「Hm. She has quite the intelligence.」

He turned to look at me.

Sariel: 「What. Gonna dump another work on me?

Like hell, I'll never accept any more work from you hence forth.」

Veldanava: 「Oh come on, Sariel. You can at least do this much for me, right?」

Sariel: 「Huh? Don't fuck with me. You dumped your subordinates on me. You dumped Iverage on me.

You dumped the job that gave the most headache on me. And now you want to dump a spirit on me?」

When I mentioned the list of things he left on my head, Ramires looked at me with pity before looking back at Velda with half-closed eyes.

He turned his head away in shame before looking back at me as if he had thought of the greatest thing in the world.

Veldanava: 「Alright! If you do this for me, I'll grant you something in return.」

Sariel: 「If you're planning to offer me a dragon ride, know that you already owe me one.」

As I said this, he looked at me with a shocked expression.

Veldanava: 「Wait! How did you know!?」

Sariel: 「Fufufufu. We call that "Bro's Intuition" sucker. *Sigh*. Honestly. Just because it's you, I'll do it.」

Veldanava lit up as soon as I said this. He looked at me with a hopeful facial expression.

Veldanava: 「Wait, really? You're the best, Sariel! Thanks once again. You're really the best thing that could happen to me.」

My cheeks turned red at his statement.

Wait, am I... blushing?



*Uum.... Seal-No-Jutsu?*

Wait, why am I blushing so much.

「Notice, you are experiencing the emotion known as shyness.」

——— Yeah, no shit, sherlock! ———

Sariel: 「W-Whatever, just don't get your hopes high... idiot.」

Ramires: 「My~. Is little Sariel becoming shy? Cute...」

Oooooiiii!! I am in NO way "cute."

I am an evil tyrant! The terrifying demon of the beginning!

The handsome and malicious ruler, and the one who will conquer the world! That's how I'm supposed to look.

——— Sage-san, think quick. Am I "cute?"———

「Answer: Master is not cute.」

Ah~, Sage-san, you have not forsaken me! You're the only one who truly understands my feeli-

「You are the most beautiful entity in all of existence.」

——— ... I see traitors all around me..... ———

Sariel: 「*Sigh*. Let's just get this over with.」

With a nod, Veldanava turned to look at the spirit.

Veldanava: 「You do know that a spirit only accepts those they deem worthy, right?」

I gave him a nod and turned to look at the still kneeling spirit.

Now that I think of it, the poor spirit has been kneeling since we started our bickering. Poor fella.

Sariel: 「U-Um spirit-san, would you mind forming a contract with me?」

When I said that,she looked at me intently. One would see nothing but curiosity filled in those eyes.

The way she looked at me, as if judging my worth, made me extremely uncomfortable.

After a few seconds, she widened her eyes before smiling.

I didn't pay attention to the smile; instead, I thought of something else.

——— Damn it! Why am I acting weird!? I sound so cringe right now! ———

Veldanava: 「Hahahaha! You're really acting like that tsundere character in Attack on Titan. What was his name again... Aha! It's Levi!!」

——— ....What did I do to the creator of the universe? ———


Ah, shoot. I forgot about her.

Sariel: 「Y-Yeah?」

「Please, instead of contract, allow me to serve you.」

Ramires/Sariel/Veldanava: 「Eh?」

That was the only thing I could utter.

Sariel: 「Anoo... are you sure about it.」


She didn't even give it a second thought.

Okay, I already have enough people under me.

Heck, I have millions of subordinates under me.

But getting a time spirit is definitely worth it.

Who knows the number of things I could do with her by my side.

「Notice. There are a lot of things that we could use her to do.」

Yes, yes. If it is lent to me, I'll gladly take it.

With these thoughts in my mind, a chill ran down the spirit's body.

Sariel: 「Well, if you don't mind, I'll gladly receive you.」

The spirit nodded and made her way into my body.

Once that happened, I felt as if I had another guest in my home[2].

It was a strange yet comfortable feeling.

「Notice. Analysis of the greater spirit of time has begun.」

You didn't even....


Veldanava: 「So, I guess we're done here. It ended in an anticlimactic way if you asked me.」

Sariel: 「Whatever way it ended doesn't matter. We've solved the problem, and now, we're free.」

Veldanava: 「Hey. Do you mind giving me the second book of the new manga. I'm really hooked up with that Deku kid.」

Sariel: 「It was nice meeting you, Ramires-san.」

Ramires: 「Let's toss aside pleasantries. It was also nice meeting you.」

Veldanava: 「Oi! Don't ignore me.」

After a few chitchat, he finally parted ways.

We headed nowhere in particular, searching for a new mission.

Why did I say we?


That was how I ended my day.


[1] Meaning, anyone having a spirit in their arsenal.

[2] Like having someone/something familiar occupying an empty room of yours.