Chereads / Harry Potter: The Lightning King / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Stormbringer's Clan

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39 Stormbringer's Clan

"Mr Potter, what is this?" Ask Rodrig

"It's call Faine's Statue, and I believe it can help you with your problem" said Harry "try praying to the statue"

Rodrig moved in front of the statue and feels the aura coming from it. He lowered his head then got down on 1 knee, and he cross 1 of his arms across his shoulder. He then let out a prayer.

Suddenly, Rodrig felt a strong pulse in his chest and then it continues to pulse. Each pulse gets stronger and more painful. He can no longer endure the pain, and he starts wailing

"Harry, what is wrong with him?" Ask Hermione.

"He will be fine, we just have to give him a moment," said Harry

Everyone saw Rodrig rolling around in pain and see his skin start to change color. His fang starts to change into tusk. After a while Rodrig's pain eased down and he stop screaming.

"Rodrig how do you feel?" Ask Harry.

Rodrig got up and seem to be a foot taller and body is more bulky. When he opens his eye, everyone realizes his pupil change from black to white.

"I feel great" said Rodrig but he realized his voice become deeper. Rodrig looks at himself and lets out a loud laugh. Then he kneels in front of Harry "thank you my lord, I apologize for my doubts earlier. I swear to never doubt you again"

"Get up, just remember our deal," said Harry

"Harry, what happen?" Ask Hermione.

"This statue is one of the goblin ancestors, Faine. He was the leader of the Stormbringer Clan. Before his clan fall, Faine build this statue in hopes he can revive his clan. He places a spell on the statue and those who worship it will get his bloodline," said Harry then he looks at Rodrig "you will be responsible for this statue, and you should know how important this statue is so take extra care of it"

"Yes, my lord" said Rodrig

"Enough of "my lord". Just Harry," said Harry

"Yes Mr Potter" said Rodrig.

"Whatever" said Harry then he turns to Hermione "what do you think pretty cool right?"

"Hmph, Show off," said Hermione.

Then they heard some cart coming their way. There was a group of goblins, and they came to investigate because they heard reports of screaming.

Rodrig saw the group and told Harry "they are high executives of Gringotts. The leader's name is Griphook"

Harry smile and watches them walk over cautiously. Griphook look at everyone in the training ground then at Rodrig. He recognizes his aura but his appearance changes so much it hard to recognize him.

"Rodrig is that you? What happen to you?" Questioned Griphook.

"I manage to evolve" said Rodrig, surprising all the goblin and they become excited and then the goblin looks at Harry and the other.

"This is goblin matter please leave" said Griphook, trying to kick out Harry and the others.

"No, my lord, I mean Mr Potter, have made an alliance with the goblin clan and become my master" said Rodrig

"Rodrig, you are one of the leaders on the goblin race, how can you let a mere human child command you?" Said one of the goblins.

"Watch your tone" warned Rodrig then he released arches of electricity from his hand "I can follow who ever I want"

The goblin step back when he felt the power coming from Rodrig's electricity. Griphook got in between the 2 goblins.

"Enough Rodrig " said Griphook "tell us how did you evolve?"

"It's thanks to Mr Potter" said Rodrig and then he announces "those who want to evolve from money grubbing goblin to Stormbringer goblin, can follow and join Mr Potter"

After hearing what Rodrig said, they goblins became stunned they stiffly turn toward Harry.

"How did you do it?" Ask Griphook.

Harry point at the statue and said "this statue can help you evolve but you need to join Rodrig new clan and swear an oath of loyalty to be"

"How do I know you telling the truth?" Ask Griphook.

"I'm the walking proof but I could get somebody else to test it" said Rodrig then he disappeared and then reappeared with a goblin "I will need your help to test something. I guarantee it safe, and you will change just like me"

Rodrig reassured the goblin follower and told him the process to evolving. The goblin was spectacle, but he was a loyal follower of Rodrig, so he did what he said. He starts by swearing the oath of loyalty and then follow Rodrig's posture when he prays. Suddenly, he fell over in pain and managed to scare the Griphook and his group, but when they saw his changes, everyone got excited.

They rush past everyone and bow in front of the statue, but nothing happens. Then they try following the last goblin posture but it's the same.

"Hmph, didn't you forget something?" Ask Rodrig making them confused "you have to swear an oath of loyalty first"

"But why? This is our goblin race statue" said one of the goblins.

"Wrong, it's the Stormbringer's statue and this statue belong to Mr Potter. Those who are not loyal to him can't evolve" said Rodrig.

3 other goblin from Griphook group walks over to Harry and swear an oath and then prayed in front of the statue. After they finish change, they walk over to Harry and thank him. Now there is only Griphook and one other goblin.

Rodrig whisper to Harry "Griphook is the leader of Gringotts, and he won't give up his position for the evolution. The other is the grandson of Ranrok and his family hates human wizard"

"If they don't want to join its fine. We will build our own clan" said Harry and then he hands Rodrig the Blueprints for Lightning Elements. It turns out the Blueprints are just a bunch of rocks with weird symbols on them. "This is the treasure of your ancestors and it's the Stormbringer's guardian"

Rodrig look at the rocks and said "I know what these are, these rocks are call runes" he felt like he knows these runes and start placing it on the ground.

After placing the last rune, he injects magic into the runes and then a giant humanoid creature made from lightning appeared.

"Hahaha it works" said Rodrig. Then he turns toward Griphook and the racist goblin who was scared by the giant.

The rest of the Stormbringer's goblin lets cheered and roars, when they saw the 15-feet giant.

"Rodrig, I will leave you here in charge" said Harry "I been here long enough and I need to complete my task"

"Yes Mr Potter" said Rodrig and then he brought Harry and the other to the surface.

Rodrig new appearance surprised all the goblins and wizard, but they were ignored by him. Rodrig look at everyone behind Harry and said "you guys are Mr Potter so you will get discount for money exchange and a personal vault each". Then he hands Harry a horn and said "this is magical tool that represents the goblin race. If you blow this horn, all nearby goblins will assist you, no matter the reason"