A peaceful morning..
The kind of morning that has repeated itself endlessly since that day.
As I open my eyes, the soft embrace of my bed tempts me to linger a bit longer. Sunlight streams through the curtains, casting smooth streaks throughout the room.
I stretch and let out a deep yawn, savoring the stillness, the fleeting peace that seems so uncommon in recent times.
"Good morning, Kiitaharu. It's time to get up, Kiitaharu."
The tranquility is shattered as if a rock was thrown into a serene pond. It's neither the gentle voice of a loving wife nor the nurturing touch of a caregiving mother. No, it's my obnoxious robotic alarm, droning on as it does every single morning.
"What a miserable piece of technology.." I mutter, slamming my hand down on the pathetic device. Its silence is my first small victory of the day.
Dragging myself out of bed, I slip into my typical gray suit with a red tie. It's classic, not surprising and definitely outdated. While the world of 2037 thrives on innovation and modern stuff, typical office workers like me still cling to these boring uniforms, relics of an old time. I could change my style, I suppose, but why should I? Trendy fashion doesn't suit me really, and honestly, it feels like the world hasn't really moved on as much as it pretends to.
In the bathroom, I brush my teeth the old-fashioned way — with a manual toothbrush. Call me insistent, but those high-tech gadgets with all these unnecessary features just feel overcomplicated.
Looking in the mirror, my reflection stares back at me, my gaze drawn at the jagged fracture at the bottom corner. How long has it been like that? What man keeps a fucking broken mirror?
Broken... just like you, Kii...
Arrived in the kitchen, I brew myself a pot of green tea, my daily morning ritual. Sure, it's not the best choice drinking that on an empty stomach, but let's be honest: Who in this fast-paced world really has the luxury of enjoying a proper breakfast before attending work?
As I take a delightful sip, the rich aroma envelops me. The undescribeable taste is overwhelming, smooth and soothing, a small pleasure in the midst of an otherwise monotonous life.
"Ah... If life could only always be this good..."
Leaning against the counter, I glance at the clock. 7:40 AM. Just twenty minutes to go before another day of drudgery begins. Shrugging on my coat and slinging my bag over my shoulder, I grab a pack of cigarettes on my way out.
The shared garage greets me with a familiar sight: my old, battered motorcycle. A gift from a man named Satoru when I was just sixteen, it has aged alongside me, clinging to life despite its years. Outdated or not, it still gets the needed job done.
The engine sputters to life, and I secure my helmet before hitting towards the quiet Tokyo streets, the morning air whips against my face, cool and invigorating, as I weave through the empty roads. These boring car drivers, they'll never know this kind of freedom.
At nearly 100 kilometers per hour — well above the speed limit — I let the wind carry me.
Until I hear it.
The wail of a siren cuts through the air, shattering my idyllic mood. I glance in the mirror to see flashing lights.
"Please pull over to the side of the road!"
Damn it. Not now. Hesitantly, I slow down and pull to the curbside. The police car stops behind me, and a young officer steps out, barely out of his teenage years. His slightly shy and nervous nature screams rookie.
"General traffic control. Show me your driver's license please." he requests, fumbling a bit.
I just hand it over, not complaining, watching his expression shift as he checks it.
"Yarikawa Kiitaharu... That's an unusual name. Where does it come from?"
I sigh, my patience already wearing thin. "From my mother's imagination. Besides Officer, unless it's part of your duties to question family history, I suggest we keep this brief."
"Oh, uh, yes, of course. My apologies!" He stutters, hastily returning my license. "You may go, have a nice day!" he adds ashamedly.
With a brief nod, I turn around and start the engine again, leaving him in my rearview mirror as I head back onto the open road. Another day, another disruption...