The tension between Felix and Debbie lingered like a storm cloud, but it didn't stop Felix from pulling her deeper into his life. When he invited her to meet his family at their sprawling estate in the outskirts of
Bangkok, Debbie reluctantly agreed, hoping a change of scenery might clear her mind.
Felix's family was everything hers wasn't—wealthy,
loving, and tightly knit. His parents, Aiden and Lila,
greeted her warmly, their affection for Felix evident in every glance. His younger sister, Elise, a spirited 18-year-old, was thrilled to meet Debbie and immediately began peppering her with questions about their trip and her life in Phnom Penh. But beneath the surface, Debbie sensed an unease.
Felix's mother had a way of looking at her that felt both curious and cautious, and his father's casual remarks about family expectations carried an undertone that made her stomach knot.