Once again, I am told of my many fortunes
No bones of mine have yet shattered on cruel abuse
Except the shattering of my pride as they laugh
Nor have I felt humiliation but for
Dark scorn in their haunting, hating, and jealous eyes
Once again, I am told of my many fortunes
I've never begged, besides my yearning to be loved
And I've inherited no grudges of the bygone times
Only the wisdom of my many forebearers
Only the weight of some mistake I did not cause
Once again, I am told of my many fortunes
Against my will, I represent my race each day
But not as darkly as other races I'm told
I have a house, I have food, and security
But not a home, a friend, or a purpose
Once again, I am told of my many fortunes
I'm surrounded by others who look like me
Except none of them look like me, I feel sick here
My voice matters most when I speak up to others
But every word I speak is monitored closely
Once again, I am told of my many fortunes
I've never been inside of a prison cell
I was told that should I ever end up in there
then I would be the bitch on the block, all access
I don't ever want to end up in prison
I've never been tortured before in my life
Unless you add the thousand stabs in my white soul
Wrought on my flesh by the knife of the unskilled hands
Held trembling with cold mockery and hot malice
By rage of the meek, by schemes of the righteous
Evil is jealousy; I'm jealous of evil.