Chereads / Twisted Toons / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: First steps

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: First steps

The room was similar to the one in the show, abit messy but overall relatively clean though I say relatively as the pile of dirty laundry in the corner could be smelt even from where I lay.

'Damn that's stank'

Thinking this I covered my nose with my hand immediately noticing that instead of the light brown hands I've grown up with for the last 20 years there instead was a hand covered in bone white fur covering it

Realizing my change of features I quickly looked behind me to observe the tail that waved quietly behind me.


Amazed I took the time to observe myself before I got down from the bed I was in noting how instead of a bed it was instead a triple bunk bed with the bed I was in being located in the middle of the top and bottom bunk.

'well that's different'

Taking note of everything I saw in the room I was relieved to find I seemed to be alone which was good as I wasn't sure what was the situation was.

Starting my investigation I soon found many signs of my new body long term stay in the room be it clothes to even a picture frame on the desk of what looks to be the watersons which now hosted along with my new body two large older looking cat people but unlike Nicole's iconic blue fur they both had white fur similar to mines with the only break being the brownish ring that went around what looked to be my new mothers eyes.

'Seems I'm more than likely related to the watersons, which would make sense as this bodies mother looks quite similar to Nicole's father'

Coming to a quick conclusion I felt a bit more confident about my presents and moved to leave the room deciding it would be best if I went to find more clues outside of the room.


Opening the door it let out a sigh as the hallway was clear so with light steps I made my way down the hall towards the stairs occasionally peeking into rooms that had their doors even slightly open

'seems no one is here thank goodness'

Sighing in relief I wasted no time making my way down stairs my steps still as silent as a mouse as I approached the door prepared to leave the house to go explore.

'Hope this isn't to bad'

With one final push I opened the door and stepped out ready to explore