Chapter 2 - The blessing of a new identity

Darius was waking up in his bed and a woman was sitting there, it was the goddess who had talked to him the day before.

"I am Fey, the goddess of memory. The events you experienced were a mistake, you having all that power would only get you into trouble, your childlike body is fragile and someone so strong would be easily hunted down to avoid being a problem in the future," she paused and got up from the bed and as she did so her breasts moved and the swaying brought a feeling of desire to Darius, but not carnal desire, it was different, his mind wanted something like that, but his body wasn't yet fully developed for it. "I can't ask the goddess of memory to change the memories of everyone who was there, so I asked the god of time to take us back to yesterday morning. You still have your memories and I'll change your status, you'll be a mage with my blessing, that's the information everyone will see, but you'll still have all the blessings and classes you had before."

"This is getting more and more confusing, even my memories don't make sense."

"It's normal, don't worry about it, soon your mind will be as it was before, to help you stop imagining yourself as Yuki, now you're Darius Lestor," she sat back down on the bed. "Don't worry about anything, mistakes happen and the gods somehow liked you, that's why they wanted to give you the blessings, but I talked to them and they all agreed to hide it. At your baptism you will receive the blessings as normal, yesterday's dragon will appear at another time, she was a gift from the goddess of nature." She paused for a long moment, "I have to go now." She snapped her fingers and disappeared.

Someone knocked on the door, after a few seconds a young woman in maid's clothes entered, she was young and her breasts were not yet developed, but Darius watched.

"Good morning, my lord. I've come to bring your clothes for today," she said as she placed the clothes on a small table by the bed.

Darius got out of bed and his memory told him to stand in front of her. Seeing this, she approached him and began to remove his pajamas, Darius was stripped and she took a wet cloth and began to wipe him down, after the whole body had been wiped down she took another cloth and began to dry him.

Then she began to dress him, he felt uncomfortable, but that was how it was supposed to work. The young woman didn't seem to look at his body with any malice, that made the experience less bad, she only looked a few years older than him, it would be a problem if she was much older, maybe parts of her body couldn't contain themselves.

After getting dressed, he went downstairs to have breakfast. He sat down in a chair and the waiters began to serve him his food, which was apparently normal, containing bread, eggs, tea, and cake. But the taste was different, everything seemed bland, the only normal thing was the egg, which tasted just like a chicken egg, although he suspected it was from another animal, he thought about it for a while and remembered that they were from chickens. Some animals from his world existed in this one, such as cows, pigs, some birds, fish, and chickens. They all tasted the same, at least they looked the same.

His father was sitting at the table and didn't say a word. After eating everything, he stood up and said: "I hope you don't spoil it. You won't be my concern next year anyway."

When the noble children turn 9, they enter the school of Magic and Swords of the Kingdom, named after the Great Mage, Eos Nanor. He founded the school 500 years ago. After a while he disappeared, some say he's still alive, others say he's dead.

The school is made up of various disciplines in magic, fencing and other areas such as archery and alchemy. The school prepares young people for various fields, as well as allowing them to have a higher status as they advance and receive marks. It also accepts commoners, but they also take a test and few pass, more due to lack of study and training.

For a commoner, passing the school is tantamount to completely changing their future and the future of their family, as they each receive a stipend, and when they graduate they receive a job and some a title of nobility, depending on their merit. But it's certain that when they graduate they'll at least have a job with a nobleman, even if it's with a Baronet or a Knight.

Darius was sitting in the carriage and the conversation he had with his brothers was the same as before, nothing had changed. Not even his dry throat, but it was less intense.

At the church he took the same route and heard people's conversations again, this time he ignored them completely, it didn't feel the same, he knew it wasn't what they were saying, it helped him on his way.

He stood in front of the sphere, put out his hand and said his name, a light appeared again, but it was weak. Even though it was weak, it still drew a little attention.

When Darius placed his hand on the plaque, his mage class appeared, then his blessing, from the goddess of health and life. Fey is one of the five great gods of this world, below her are the intermediate gods and the minor gods, totaling 33 gods.

His father gave a slight smile, he felt relieved, he wouldn't be as useless as he thought, at least a job with some nobleman would be possible because the fourth son normally doesn't inherit anything, his first son has become a knight, which means he has his own title of nobility, his second son is proving to be a prodigy and will inherit his title and the third is also proving to be intelligent and hardworking, so he can get his own title of nobility, his daughter will marry a nobleman, so he doesn't worry so much about that.

In his house, Darius was sitting in a chair, and on his desk were some papers and a pencil, he took a sheet of paper and began to draw a picture of Fey. Somehow he could still draw, in this world, he'd never tried, but in his old world, he was a great draughtsman and had once thought about being a mangaka, but gave up the idea when he was close to finishing high school.

Fey's drawing was nice, a little exaggerated in some parts of her body, but nothing that would change much.

Someone knocked on him door; it was her father, who soon entered. He was holding a box. He left the box on the table and went away. Then him mother came into the room.

"Don't mind him, your father will never change. So you'd better get used to this behavior," she paused for a long time. "Open your christening present."

Darius took the box and looked at it. It was tied with a blue ribbon, which was the color the family wore, and the family jewels were usually sapphire. Each family was recognized by its coat of arms, and the clothes they usually wore were one that was on their coat of arms, and the jewelry was also that color.

When he removed the ribbon and opened the box he saw a ring, it was different from the others in that its stone was green, an emerald ring.

"I hope you like it, it will fit your finger, so don't worry about the size."

He picked it up and put it on, then a light came out of it.

"The ring liked you. It's an heirloom from your grandfather, he wanted to give it to a son, but none of them were mages, so your father inherited it and promised to give it to the next magein the family. Now it's yours."

She left the room, but before closing the door she turned and stared at her son, then left.