It's late afternoon at The Barimah's house. Aku enters followed by Flint both looking exhausted, tired and dirty, covered in brown stuff. Each has a stick strapped to their side, and a leaf shield or just a big leaf on their back. Licia met them at the door, she looks up to them uttering the only words, "You Stink!" the words stab the 2 like knives as they stumble, Licia runs away covering her nose.
Flint tries to explain, "Li! Wait, its training!" tears threaten to fall but he holds it in, he turns to look at Aku.
Tears flow from Aku's eyes as she forces not to let them, "2 weeks. 2 weeks that spoiled brat used us like toys! First, it's 100 swings, 500, 1000, then we fought monsters WITH A STICK! THEN A SHIT BATH!" She throws her sword onto the floor. "THAT DEMON'S TRYING TO KILL US!!!" She yells as a red aura surrounds her but she did not notice it.
Flint gives a wry smile as his thoughts, "True making us fight monsters with these things is madness." He remembers a scene where Aku's being chased by orcs in tears.
****FLASH BACK****
The 3 of them, Flint, Aku and Twenny are on the grass plains practicing. Twenny is lying on the grass as usual, she sits up quickly and grins. "I've got a great idea. Follow me." They're confused on the sudden change so they just follow her into the forest. When they reach the edge of the forest, "Take this." Twenny hands then a stick and a big leaf each. "You're to infuse it with energy I mean mana."
Twenny then points to a hill, "You have to reach the top of that hill." The hill is a bit far, "This will test your control on EP….Mana." Aku nods. Twenny adds, "OH, you must go separately." Aku is surprised.
"Okay." Flint agrees, Aku sighs and they split up. Flint takes to the left and walks into the forest while channeling the warm feeling into the leaf and stick, EP. A goblin pops out of nowhere spooking Flint. "A monster?! Now?! Right I can use the DRAGON CRY SKILL. RROOAARR!!" The sound blows the skin of the goblin leaving its bones with nothing on it, it crumbles, "Waaooww, this DRAGON CRY skill is insane, and it's only level 1" He walks deeper into the forest then comes to the cliff, a steep drop below him. He looks around and sees dust picking up below him, he focuses.
"YIIIEEE!!!" Aku's frantically running at full speed with a pack of wild orcs right behind her, she puts her all into running. "Blarrghh! Roaaar!" the orcs yell behind her, very close. The spit of the orcs touch Aku's neck and she screams, "YAAHHH!" as she picks up speed, she sees Twenny relaxing on a tree branch. "TEACHER TWEEENNYY! HEELLPP!"
She watches Twenny get up on the branch, pick 2 big leaves, and gives a cheer dance. "GO! GO! YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT! GO! GO!" She wiggles her butt at them. Aku has a blank face as she stops to watch Twenny, surprisingly the orcs do same. An orc scratches his head mumbles then shrugs his shoulders, Aku finally realizes her situation and continues frantically running away screaming, "YOU DEMON!"
They finally reach the top of the hill, and before Twenny. The top has no trees but the ground has cracks in it. That should warn them of something. They look over the land they traversed to get here, how far they've come. They sat down to rest, Flint takes a meditative pose.
Twenny finally arrives, "You guys look tired. Have fun?" Aku has a vein popping on her head especially at the fact that Twenny is eating meat walking to them but she stays out of the cracks ground.
Aku gets on her feet. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! ORCS WANT ME FOR DINNER AND YOU'RE CHEERING ME?!" she stomps on the ground, Twenny looks at the ground and takes a step back. Aku keeps ranting on as she stomps on the ground more. "AND YOU'RE ASKING IF I HAD FUN?! Well, this is my answer, I" She stomps her foot on the ground *CRACK CRACK*. "HAD" she stomps again *CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK*. "FU- "The ground breaks as she falls with Flint. "AAGGHH!!"
Twenny's eating the meat stick then turns away. "I can't lose my appetite." The 2 fell through the cracks, what waited them below is a pool. A pool of brown stuff. That leads us to the current situation
Flint looks at Aku who's too tired to complain anymore, his thoughts. "Twenny's methods are strange but you can't deny the results. APPRAISAL." He appraises himself and Aku.
Name: Flint Barimah
Race: Human
Title: SSTM DC Wielder
Level: 4
- HP: 45
- EP: 40
- SP: 45
-SoP: 35
Physical Stats:
- Strength: 15
- Endurance: 19
- Agility: 21
- Intelligence: 16
- Wisdom: 18
Information Magic (Level: 6 Bonus skill)
Physical Enhancements (Level: 2)
Dragon Kin (Level: 1)
Rune Mastery (Level: 1)
Energy Sword Slash.
Name: Akua Barimah
Race: Human
Level: 5
- HP: 55
- EP: 0
- SP: 65
-SoP: 40
Physical Stats:
- Strength: 21
- Endurance: 30
- Agility: 27
- Intelligence: 1
- Wisdom: 1
Basic Combat (Level: 1) > Swings.
Flint looks at his sister and his thoughts, "Although she has no EP, she can still control EP. This just shows how effective Teacher Twenny's training is. I still can't appraise Teacher Twenny, I'll keep growing strong so I can one day see her status. Aku doesn't notice when I appraise her so System probably hides it from her." They go for their towels and head to the baths. That's the end of their day.
Flint wakes up the next morning, his father walks to his door. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Flint, Chuck's here. Seems urgent." Flint replies, "Okay, I'm coming." He gets up and goes to meet Chuck in the living room. "Hi Chuck, I thought you'd be at the farm." Chuck grabs Flint's hand. "Huh?" Chuck drags Flint out of the house and runs towards the center of the village, the chiefs house. "Chuck, what's the meaning of this?"
"Watch." Chuck turns Flint's head to the house. The door opens revealing a girl in the same age gap as them, she has a wooden watering can as she waters the garden. Chuck stares, he takes a deep breath and out. "She returned last night from the academy. I'm thinking of asking her out today." Chuck walks forward but Flint trips him making him fall. "You snooze you lose."
Chuck is baffled, "Wha?! Then." Chuck takes a crab from who knows where and throws it at Flint. *SNAP SNAP* Flint wails, "YIIEE!" Flint grabs the crab and pulls it from his butt, ripping his clothes off. Chuck runs past him. "Finders keepers." Chuck schemed this from the beginning, he didn't know how to approach Cynthia. So, he use Flint to create a situation to get her attention then ask how she's doing.
Chuck walks up to her, "Hey Cynthia, how're you doing?" He puts his hands on the fence trying to act cool. Flint walks beside Chuck, Flint is taller than him. "C-Cynthia hi. I didn't know you came back. How's the academy?"
Cynthia folds her arms as she looks at them, "Are you fools done here? I don't have time for you." Her words shock the boys. Chuck speaks, "Cynthia, it's me Chucky, we're friends, we played together." Cynthia rolls her eyes, "As kids, it still doesn't change the fact that I'm out of your league. Besides, you'll get into trouble." Flint pushes Chuck's head away, "W-W-What do you mean? We just want to see how you're doing."
Cynthia shrugs, "I'm engaged." The boys' world come crushing down. Flint, "B-B-But w-w-when?" Cynthia sighs, "I know you boys like me, but face it. I'm out of your league. I'm marrying the son of a count and going to leave in Frishia."
Chuck is worried, "But what about the village?" Cynthia shrugs, "I'm marrying into a count's family, what about the village? Now scurry along, my fiancé gave me guards to protect me from peasants. Because we were childhood friends, I'll let this crime of walking up to the future count's wife without permission go. You're welcome." 4 soldiers exit from the house, their figures are strong and buffed in their eyes. If Flint gives his all he can beat all 4 of them though, but he doesn't know that.
Chuck holds Flint's arm, "Come on, let's go. We can't interact with a noble lady." Flint is pulled away as he stares at Cynthia with his jaw dropped, he couldn't believe it. He got his heart broken before he even got a chance. The boys left the girl as she displayed arrogance not to them alone but to the whole village.
They boys walk outside the village, to their usual spot. Chuck turns to Flint, "Looks like none of us won huh, hahahahaha." Flint looks sad as he asks, "How can you be alright with this? Cynthia is gone, just like that." Chuck looks at him, "So what? Filly." He smacks him saying, "I'm only 16, it's not the end for me. Also Cynthia isn't the only girl in the village, there's the baker girl, Cathy. Even Prissi and Guera, others too. Hahahaha." Flint looks at his best friend in the eyes, he sees he's hurt but trying to liven the mood.
Flint gives him a fist bump, "You're right, it's not the end for us." Chuck looks at him and bumps his fist, he smiles as he turns to leave. When he walks a bit far, he rubs his eyes and smiles as if nothing happened. Flint shakes his head staring at his friend's back, "I know I didn't stand a chance. Back to training."
AU: Hi, sorry I'm not good with writing romance that's why its messed a little.