Chapter 15 - 15. Chuck and Shield.

Another day at the Barimah's house, on this particular day there is a guest waiting for Flint. This guest approaches the house as he greets John getting ready to go to the farm.

"Morning Mr. Barimah. Has Flint woken up?"

John turns, "Oh Morning Chuck. No, he's still asleep." He waves for Chuck to go inside.

Chuck enters the house and sees Aku getting down the stairs to get to cleaning, Chuck leans on the wall and strikes his handsome smile at her. "Morning beautiful."

Aku walks past him, "It's too early to deal with this." She walks past him. "Also, your zipper is down."

"Huh?" Chuck looks down, "No wonder it felt breezy." He tries to act cool and closes it. He heads upstairs as his face is red mainly because he's been holding his breath because of what just happened. He smacks his cheeks, "My 13th attempt was a failure, I've got more time to rebuild my image."

He sees Licia about to knock on Flint's door, "Licia dear, could you not do that."

Licia is confused, "Why not? Big brother is always tired from training so I wake him up every morning."

Chuck walks beside her as he rubs his hands together, "Don't worry. I'm doing that today."

"Okay, tell him dad is going to farm and then go hunting today." Licia says as she runs off.

Chuck watches as Licia disappears from his sights, he grins as imaginary horns could be seen on his head. He slowly opens Flint's door and moves stealthily into the room.

"Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz." Flint snores, Chuck sneaks to his bed side and sees Flint sleeping with his back facing the roof. Chuck waves his hands over Flint's face to make certain that he's asleep, Chuck sneaks to Flint's wardrobe and opens it slowly.

"I am going to enjoy this." He takes 2 belts and feels them and picks one he prefers, he sneaks over to the bed. His face turns into a demon as he lifts the belt high.


Outside the house, Licia is walking to John as she's carrying a bag. "Daddy, mummy told me to bring lunch. She said it's your favorite."

Flint smiles as she takes the bag from her, he pats her on the head. "Good gir- "


John looks at Flint's window, "They're such good friends.".


Back in Flint's room, Flint is lying on his back clenching and holding his butt with a large belt mark on his butt. Chuck smiles, "Good morning sleepyhead."

"GOOD MORNING MY BUTT!" he rolls over and falls, his filled with rage.

"It's your fault for sleeping at this time." Chuck shrugs, he takes the chair and sits facing Flint. "So, we made plans to hang out and here I'm here."

Flint groans, "Did the plan include a wake up call? Because I didn't agree to that." He gets on his feet.

Chuck chuckles, "That's a free service." Flint glares at him, Chuck smiles. "You're welcome."

Flint dresses up as the two leave his room, Flint keeps scheming for a chance at REVENGE. They leave the house as they head out walking towards the training grounds….plains.

Chuck is following Flint, "So, is there a place we're going to hang out or?"

Flint looks at Chuck with a cold glint in his eyes, he shakes his head as his thoughts. "This guy is too thorough. I need to outsmart him somehow for payback." He answers, "I've been training with the mage living in the village."

Chuck is impressed, "Ohh, that girl. Can I join."

Flint's thoughts, "Score!" he tries to hide his grin and speaks, "Sure, I was planning on inviting you later."

Chuck raises a brow, "You sure she won't mind?"

Flint waves his hands, "Teacher won't, she's a great person. I'm sure she'll train you well."

They arrive at the grass plains as they see Twenny lying on it napping. They walk right up to her yet she doesn't notice. Chuck stares at the beauty before him, he goes down on one knee as he slowly tries to take Twenny's hand.

Flint grabs him by the hair as he pulls, "No flirting with teacher please." Chuck feels a chill run down his spine as he gives a wry laughter.

"I wouldn't even dream of it." He stands straight as he pouts looking at the cake he can't have.

Flint stands beside Twenny as he tries to tap her shoulder but Chuck grabs his hands with an intimidating face. "DO. NOT. TOUCH." Flint is taken aback, he shrugs and calls out to Twenny.

"Teacher, Teacher." Twenny's eyes opens as she blinks. Coincidentally butterflies fly around her as Chuck is enchanted by her. Twenny yawns and stretches, then turns to Flint.

"Welcome Farm boy, how ar- …. Who's this?" She points at Chuck.

Flint tries to introduce Chuck but Chuck cuts in and introduces himself. "Chuck's the name, I'm the most handsome guy in the village." His signature-smile. "I'm also singl- " *BANG* Flint smacked him on the head as it swells. "Excuse me." Chuck gets up and grabs Flint's collar. "What was that for?!"

Flint grabs Chuck's collar, "You said no touching!" He lifts Chuck who is shorter than him up but due to Chuck's resistance, they fall.

"I didn't touch her I only spoke with her!" Chuck grab's Flint nose as he pulls him down and tries to get up.

Flint pulls Chuck's ears, "Your breath touched her!" he grabs Chuck by the neck between his elbow.

"Of course, I have to speak to her." He get's free as he locks Flint's arm. The two eventually end up kicking dust clouds around as they quarrel.

Twenny sits by watching them. "This is good entertainment. I'll have fun until Aku gets here." They keep going until Aku finally arrives, she see's the boys quarreling so she sits beside Twenny as the pair continues to fight.

Aku looks worried, "Is Chuck going to be alright? We have been training for about a month now and he has no training." She looks at Twenny.

Twenny stretches, "There's no need to worry. Even if he's got training he has no intention of hurting Little Man so nothing's going to happen." Twenny raises her hand at them, "WATERBALL." A rune circle appears on her hands and fires a water ball at them, it has a bit of explosion effect so it separates the two as they land in undignified poses.

Twenny gets up, "Alright you guys, you've had your fun. So Chuck, why're you here?" she holds her hands and smiles.

Chuck stands up with his chest out and a smile. "I have heard of a beau- " He feels a cold breath behind his neck, he slowly turns to look and sees the grim reaper. The grim reaper places a finger on its bony lips and, "Shhhhhh." Chuck sweats rivers as he looks around, no one seems to notice.

Twenny did notice as her thoughts, "Cancel SUMMON > HIGHEST CLASS UNDEAD REAPER. That should keep him from flirting with me." Twenny tilts her head, "Chuck? Is something the matter."

Chuck stutters, "N…N….No n….not….nothing." He takes a deep breath and looks back again to see nothing, he holds his chest and calms down.

Flint looks at him with disdain, "You better not say your heart skipped a beat with that expression to Teacher."

Chuck retorts, "I WILL NOT! Besides, life's too short." He turns towards Twenny, "I have heard that you give lessons and I'm here to join." He bows deeply, a perfect 90 degree.

Flint is shocked as his thoughts, "WHAT?! For the first time he's actually not hitting on a girl?! I thought he'd date anything." Chuck looks at him what a look that says, "I know what you're thinking and this has nothing to do with that."

Twenny looks at Chuck and circles around him, she holds her chin, "How do you feel about using a shield?"

Chuck is confused but then thinks, "A shield will be perfect to protect my face. I'll take it." Chuck is indeed handsome and he responds. "I'll use a shield." Twenny applauds as Flint is even more confused, Aku was looking elsewhere like this doesn't concern her.


"AARRRGGHHH!!!" Chuck is running as he's carrying a big dull silver shield and he's being chased by a troll 4 times his size. "I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIIIISSS!!!"