Chapter 16 - Listen

Kouga looked up at the stars "Just one problem," He looked back at Sesshomaru.

"Your kids will be half breeds,"

Sesshomaru smirked. "If she were to mate with a lesser demon, perhaps,"

"Man, you are cocky,"

"I am correct,"

"Your father was powerful, Sesshomaru,"

Sesshomaru's smirk vanished. "My father mated with a weak human female,"

"So your halfbreed may be a bit stronger, but they will still be half-breeds; you gonna be ok with that?"

"And if I'm not?"

Kouga looked away. "She's my friend,"

"Worry not, wolf, for it has been confirmed, if she mates with me, she will produce powerful full-blooded demons,"

Kouga looked at him again, fire cracking between them. "Tell me that's not your only reason,"

"I think I have told you well enough, wolf. I do not have to answer to you,"

Kouga stood, turning his back to Sesshomaru. "So what, you gonna woo her or something because let me tell you, it ain't easy,"

"Perhaps not for you," Sesshomaru stood.

Kouga made fist at his side. If this had been Inuyasha, they would be fighting right now, but this was Sesshomaru; it was a fight he could not win.

"Say, you said your kids take over all the lands,"


"That means my lands,"

Sesshomaru blinked,

"Do you know how or why?"

"I do not know,"

Kouga would have to be extra careful,

"Perhaps our children mate,"

Of course, that never dawned on Kouga. "Wanna make that official?"

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. "I have not impregnated the Miko yet,"

Kouga blushed. "You haven't even courted the Miko yet! You can't skip a step man!"

Sesshomaru wanted to roll his eyes. "I believe the Miko would frown on arranged mating."

Kouga pinched the bridge of his nose while his tail swished behind him. "I think the Miko would frown at our whole conversation Sesshomaru. Do you even have a plan?"

"So you do not object,"

"Would you care if I did?"


"Then does it matter?"

Perhaps it did, perhaps it didn't, but he wanted to know.

"You know what? As long as she is happy, I wouldn't object, but your bother-

"I do not care what the half breeds thinks, do not forget he abandoned us all, including her,"

The fire died down,

"Hey, um, thanks for telling me, you know, everything,"

Sesshomaru said nothing,

"Big day tomorrow, Im going to go get some rest; I trust you can find your way?"


Kouga walked off, and Sesshomaru turned and sniffed the air.

Kagome swallowed hard; she had come to get Sesshomaru some time ago but froze when she heard them talking. Keeping her mouth covered and heart calm, she went undetected. She heard it all. With only seconds to spare, Kagome bolted back to the den given and quickly laid down and closed her eyes. She had to calm herself and her heart so as not to raise suspicions.

How dare he! She didn't even know what to be upset about first.

Moments later, he showed up and stepped in. Of course, she knew he would know she was not asleep.

"Everything ok?" Kagome asked, peeking just over the sheet, keeping her face hidden.

"The wolf likes to talk,"

This made her giggle,

"You find this amusing?"

"It's late; I should get some sleep,"

"Rest while you are still able; I will watch,"

Kagome turned her back to him and curled up on the bed of mixed blankets and pillows. Covering her mouth again, she had to keep her thoughts calm and her mind calm, but after everything she heard, being near him all of a sudden had her on edge. She was a mix of angry and embarrassed, and shocked.

Never, in a million.

Maybe he was pulling Kougas's leg; that would make much more sense.

She sighed and thought over the conversation she just heard.



"Did the old tree demon say anything else,"

Sesshomaru turned slightly to stare at her back.

"It's just I've spent most of the night trying to process everything."

He turned and looked out at the stars; there were maybe five more hours of darkness left.

"Due to the jewel's power running through your blood, he believes it will have an effect on your offspring,"

Kagome turned to face him; she wondered if he would tell her the truth or not.

"If you mate with a human, your child will be strong,"

Kagome sat up,

"If you so choose a half-breed, they will be stronger and possibly live even longer,"

Sesshomaru turned his face to her. "If you mate with a powerful demon, your children will be full fledge and immortal,"

Kagome swallowed, and he turned away from her again. "A blessing or a curse, Miko, it is up to you,"

What did that mean?

"I can't,"

"Can't what,"

"I can't watch my kids die of old age," Of course, she had pretty much decided another human was not an option.

"Then you must find a strong demon male,"

"Why did you not tell me this sooner?"

"You were given a lot of information to process. I was merely letting you breathe,"

Kagome laid back down and stared up, perhaps he was being thoughtful, but at the same time, Sesshomaru was known for making moves that directly benefited himself, and clearly, he thought this information would benefit him, never mind what she thought, right? Hell, she wasn't even thinking about a husband right now.

She turned her back slowly to him again and closed her eyes.

It was a lot; this was a lot, he was a lot.

But how could she even entertain the idea when she knew full and well it was because of the information he learned about her possible off spring. Then again, the book did say he produced very powerful children.

Five children, at least.

Kagome blushed and pulled the sheet over her head; how was she going to act normal tomorrow knowing what she knew, what his intentions were?

Maybe this was all a dream, maybe she hit her head at the bottom of the well, and she was in a coma. As she lay there, she wasn't sure if she wanted to wake up remembering all this, or forgetting it; after all, it's not every day that a powerful, once enemy, demon Lord tells someone they want to mate with you.


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