Chapter 18 - The Children

While the festivity went on outside, Kouga and his mate took Kagome and Sesshomaru inside their cave.

Kouga sat, cross-legged, and offered Kagome a seat across from him which she took. His mate stood behind him, tail swishing. Sesshomaru stood behind Kagome, his back leaning against the cool cave wall.

"Kagome," Kouga grabbed her hands; she half expected him to call her his woman again. She wondered if his mate would hit him upside the head as Sango did when her husband pulled that same stunt.

"You are always welcome here,"

She smiled,

"You might even find a mate within the pack," His mate said with a wink,

Sesshomaru eyed the female while Kagome eyed Kouga. She knew most of his pack and no offense to any of them, but If she were to mate a wolf, it would have been Kouga. She laughed nervously.

"I know you have e done a lot for us but, I need another favor from you,"

"Uh sure, Kouga, what's up,"

"I want you to be a part of my family,"

She blinked,

"As a second mother to my oldest son,"

"Like a guardian?"

"Yes, that!" Kouga said proudly,

"Sure, that's no trouble at all!" Kagome announced proudly, "I can be Aunt Kagome!"

"Wolf," Sesshomaru cut in "Explain in detail,"

Kagome looked back at him, and then back to Kouga, who took his hands back and looked away.


He sighed "It would mean marrying your firstborn daughter to my son," He could not make eye contact with Kagome.

Kagome's jaw dropped,

Kouga mate jumped in, waving her hands from side to side "It's not what you think, Kagome,"

Kagome crossed her arms and gave them a look that said she wasn't impressed.

Kouga finally looked at her.

"First off, I don't even know when or if I am going to have kids second, if I did, I wouldn't arrange her marriage!"

Kagome looked down. "And even if I did even contemplate it, its something i would need to talk to the father about,"

Sesshomaru eyes Kagome, impressed with her response; good to know she would not marry off their daughter without his consent, not that she was aware of any of this. It was all in his head at the moment.

"You misunderstand," Kouga said quickly. "I know you dont believe in that kind of thing, I was just thinking about something else,"

She looked up,

"Hear me out?" He asked,

Kagome sighed and agreed.

"I'm just saying we play matchmaker, make them meet, let them become friends in hopes that it turns into something more when the time comes,"

Kagome looked up at this mate, then back down at him.

"As parents, it is our job to make sure our kids get the very best," His mate said softly, "We want them to find protection and love,"

Kagome could understand that, especially in times like these.

"I just thought it would be cool if we could become family," Kouga added. "I wouldn't force anything,"

"So you just want them to meet regularly?"

Kouga shook his head, "K, and, besides, he is like his old man; what is not to like, eh?"

Sesshomaru literally rolled his yes.

Kagome giggled. "I dont see anything wrong with introducing our kids and seeing what happens, "When and if she had them.

Both wolves smiled,

"But you realize it could be many years before I have kids, right?"

"It does not matter; we age differently, remember? I mean, Sesshomaru is like a thousand years older than you,"

"I am not that old wolf," Sesshomaru cut in,

Kagome looked back at him, unsure what HIS age had to do with anything.

Kouga stood. "Well, now that that's settled, please enjoy the festivities, eat, drink, and have a little fun hu," Kouga put his hand around his mate's shoulder, and together they walked out of the cave.

Kagome stood and dusted off her dress. "Well, that was, weird,"

"It is common practice,"

Kagome looked at him. "Wait, do you have-

"No, perhaps if my father had still been alive, he would have meddled in such things though I would not bend to common practice,"

He looked back at the opening of the cave. "Inuyasha's mother would not have been able to matchmake for him, him being a half-breed and all,"

Kagome walked to the front of the cave and looked out; so many wolves dancing and having fun.

"I am surprised you agreed, Miko,"

She shrugged. "It can't hurt, besides I already know your kid takes over, maybe your kid and their kid mate,"

Inside, his mind said indeed, but outside that, he kept his mouth shut.

She beamed up at him. "Maybe our kids, mate!"

No amount of control kept him from snorting through his nose at her statement.

Kagome put her hands on her hips. "What, my kid is not good enough for yours? Maybe it's the other way around, mister,"

Ah, and here was his chance to put it out there. Walking by her, "That would be difficult, seeing as how they would be siblings, that Miko is frowned upon. Do they allow that in your time, interesting," He didn't wait for her to put it all together; he walked away.

"Wait, what, no?"

He counted to three in his head.

"Siblings!" She yelled,

He smirked; this was a moment he would never forget.
