"She's with me," Ralph said, glancing at Soleia as he did.
"Why did you bring her in?" Orion asked, practically hollering into the stone. His voice scared a flock of birds from the branches where they were nesting, and Ralph had to hold the stone away from his face, wincing.
"Sir Ralph did not," Soleia said, walking over to the stone.
"Soleia?" Orion's voice came from the other side. "Are you alright? Where are you? I'll come find you right now―"
"I'm fine," Soleia said, cutting Orion's frenzied questions off swiftly. She shared a look with Ralph, a crooked smile on their lips. When had Orion ever been so frantic about her safety before? "We're headed back now."
Once Orion was reluctantly pacified, Soleia and Ralph headed straight back for the edge of the forest, Reitan cradled in Ralph's arms. Only when they were right about to exit did Ralph place Reitan back on the ground, and the three walked through the heavy barricade of soldiers.