Chereads / Aristocrat (HP/SI) / Chapter 45 - Chapter 42

Chapter 45 - Chapter 42

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Summer is a time of relaxation for the average high school student. Hogwarts students also prefer to spend the whole two months playing games and doing nothing. But Richard hadn't had a single free day in July. Big business requires a lot of attention, and if you want to save the world from the apocalypse, it's a lot of work. But that didn't change the fact that Ritchie was a schoolboy. It meant that he had to do the homework assigned by his teachers for the holidays.

By his birthday, Richard had done some of the most important things.

Harry Potter had gone with Scott to Scotland. You'd think they were on holiday, but no. Scott was still searching for Sirius Black, he was trying to find any leads, for example, the Potters were currently staying in Hogsmeade and interviewing all the wizards.Scott took the threat to his nephew seriously, so he dragged Harry around the country with him, teaching him the wisdom of detective work and involving him in the investigation. Wizards were happy to share almost any information with their famous hero, which the detective shamelessly used. Harry, because of his young age and adventurous spirit, saw everything as an adventure, so he enjoyed travelling in his uncle's company.

Richard's birthday party went smoothly and quietly this time. No wizards, unless you counted the bodyguard and Justin. Harry had congratulated Richard over the magophone and regretfully said he couldn't make it as he would be celebrating his birthday in the company of his uncle. The boys owled each other to send gifts.

Richard's birthday celebration was held modestly, in a small family circle: some two dozen aristocrats, which is nothing for such an event.

In early August, Richie finally got around to doing his homework. For a whole week he dropped out of life.

Soon the letter from Hogwarts arrived. Richard didn't feel like going to Slanting Lane. Especially after a whole week spent writing, he had a lot of important things to do at the office. So Richie sent an owl to Arthur Weasley asking him to buy the books and ingredients on his list. Attached to the letter was a pouch of galleons. Richard reasoned that Arthur would be going to Slanted Lane with his family anyway. What difference would it make to him whether he bought everything in five copies or six, especially to do a favour for his boss....

That's the beauty of being a big business owner - you don't have to do everything yourself, moreover, it's even contraindicated. You need to be able to select management staff, competently give orders and control their execution. And you can buy robes later, when there is a free window in your busy schedule. Richard wasn't ready to trust anyone else to pick out his clothes. He was going to order another batch of unicorn wool underwear for himself and his father from Malkin, as well as socks and some thermal underwear made of unicorn wool (underpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt) and other small things.

Having done his homework, Richie travelled to Battersea in south London. Here, on the south bank of the Thames, is the defunct Battersea coal-fired power station. It consists of two major sites. The first is "Station A", which was built back in 1933 and closed in 1975. The second is "Station B", it was commissioned in 1953 and closed in 1983. To this day, the power plant is decommissioned and awaiting reconstruction. With a high probability both stations could wait for reconstruction for another thirty to forty years, or even the whole half a century.

Both stations were built in the same design, providing the well-known four-pipe layout, i.e. a rectangular structure with huge pipes sticking out of the corners like castle turrets. The buildings are made of brick and the walls are very thick. For a long period of downtime, both buildings have not a single window left intact.

Richard was part of an expert committee that went round the abandoned stations. Chief among the experts was John Wickheim, one of the Under Secretary of Energy.

Mr Wickheim was huge, a good six feet tall. Slim, yet athletic and fit. Next to him, Richard, with his six-foot-forty stature, seemed quite small. In his fifties John had kept his hair intact; it was thick, but completely grey. His face was riddled with early wrinkles. The deputy minister's faded blue eyes regarded the remains of the station with keen interest.

Richard asked the attendant politely:

- 'What do you think, Mr Wickheim?

- Construction experts say," the deputy minister began to answer, "that the condition of the walls is close to perfect. They were built to last for centuries in those days. Look at this, Lord Grosvenor, the walls of the station are three feet and three inches thick!

- You mean the walls can be left up? - Richard asked.

- Yes," the deputy minister nodded. - We'll just have to remove the pipes and caulk the ceilings in their place. And, of course, make repairs, glaze the windows, install modern equipment and run new cables to the high-voltage lines.

Richard approached the nearest of the four boiler rooms with curiosity. He examined it and wondered if it would be feasible to restore it with enchantments. Presumably, such a thing was possible, but it would need the judgement of an expert wizard. In the restored boilers it is possible to ignite magical flames and get free electricity.

- I suppose we won't have to dismantle the pipes," Richard said. - They won't get in the way. We don't want to spoil the look of a historic building.

- If you want to keep it..." the deputy minister said. - That's your right. So you're happy with this station?

- Yes, Mr Wickheim, I am," Richard nodded. - I'll be reconstructing both sites.

A few building inspectors disturbed a pile of dust that kicked up into the air and filled a good portion of the spacious room.- Ahem..." Wickheim coughed. - Bloody dust! Oh, I'm sorry," he glanced guiltily at Richard.

- It's all right, sir," Richie replied.

- 'Excuse me, Lord Grosvenor,' said the deputy minister, 'are you actually going to build an innovative green power station?

- 'Of course, Mr Wickheim,' Ritchie replied. - The latest secret British development based on cold nuclear fusion, after which there is no trace of radioactive decay. So no radiation. Even in the event of a reactor failure, there would be no explosion and no environmental damage. Presumably, these plants will be able to produce at least one gigawatt. Experts will be able to say more precisely.

- Modestly, - stated the Deputy Minister. - At eighty per cent load, the investment will pay for itself in five years.

- I'm in no hurry, Mr Wickheim," Ritchie replied. - Besides, you're not quite right. Don't let the grace period bother you. In fact, the payback period for this project is only a couple of years, because cold fusion energy is so cheap. In addition, this is only a test power plant, so its capacity is quite low.

- I see your point," Wickheim nodded. He asked in a meaningful tone:- "Is it true that Her Majesty owns part of G Electrix?"

- 'No doubt, Mr Wickheim,' Richard replied calmly and continued ironically:- This information is in the public domain..." he continued with a sly squint and a hint of innuendo:- Otherwise, who would allow me to build a pilot power station almost in the centre of London on Windsor land!

- I'm sorry," the deputy minister stretched out. - I understand everything...

- Not quite, Mr Wickheim," Richard continued in a meaningful tone. - Your immediate superior, because of his advanced age, has expressed a wish to retire soon. I don't think Sir Major will object to your candidacy for the post.

The deputy minister stumbled and froze. He looked down at the boy with an expression of intense amazement and joy.

- Thank you, my Lord," said the dazed Wickheim.

- Sir, so that there can be no confusion between us," said Richard, "I did not recommend you for the ministry. But I was in favour of your selection. I hope our co-operation will be fruitful.


The summer flew by in a flash. On the first of September, Ritchie was relieved to be in the second-to-last carriage of the Hogwarts Express, which was traditionally used by second-year students. Familiar faces didn't have to wait long. The first to look into the compartment was Harry.

Potter's hair was dishevelled and his glasses were skewed. He looked like a mad scientist.

- Richie, you're here! - Harry said cheerfully and fixed his glasses.

- Hello, Harry," Richard greeted his mate. - Come in.

- Yeah, hi," Potter nodded and sat down opposite his friend. - What a day!

- Did something happen? - Richard asked.

Harry nodded and began to tell him:

- 'Richie, can you believe it, some bastard glamoured the barrier between the normal station and platform nine and three quarters. I flew right into the column with my forehead. Good thing Uncle Scott and I got to the station early. We had to go to the Smokehouse and use the fireplace to get to the platform.

- Is it just you, or is it everyone? - Richard frowned.

- I think it's just me," Harry replied. - I saw wizards coming through the crossing from the platform. I think it was Dobby.

- Who?

Ritchie looked at Harry in bewilderment.

- Oh, I didn't tell you! - Harry slapped himself on the forehead and immediately cringed, for the encounter with the pillar had not gone unnoticed. - On my birthday, Uncle Scott and I went home to London. At first we wanted to celebrate my birthday in the magic tent, but we decided to take a little holiday. I'm sorry, Richie. If I had known, I could have come to your birthday party.....

- That's all right," Richard replied. - So who's Dobby?

- That's the most interesting part,' Harry looked glum. - My uncle went to the shop to get a cake, and I started setting the table. Suddenly a strange house elf burst into my kitchen. He was wearing a shabby towel that looked more like hemp. A look of insane delight in his eyes. Against Donka's background, this house elf seemed like a complete psychopath and a stalker. Can you believe this lug claimed he was stealing my mail? He demanded I not go to Hogwarts! He threatened me, saying that if I went to Hogwarts, I would be in danger.

- That's odd," Richard ran the back of his hand over his chin thoughtfully. - Either someone sent that houseboy, or he's gone mad. Madame Marchbanks told me about mad house elves. You can't expect anything good from them. You have to kill them at once, otherwise they can kill the wizard they've chosen as their target.

- I was ready for that," Harry grumbled, frowning. - Especially after Dobby grabbed my wand and levitated and beat all the crockery in the flat, then dropped the wand and apparated away. Soon I received a letter from the Ministry warning me that I would be expelled from Hogwarts for the next offence.

- Harry, don't worry about that," Richard said. - I'll ask the Minister, she'll sort it out.

- Thank you, Richie, but no need," Potter shook his head from side to side, making his hair even more dishevelled. - When Uncle Scott came back, I told him everything. He thought the house elf had been sent to me by Sirius Black. My uncle and I went to see Madam Minister. My uncle told Madam Bagnold everything, and she immediately ordered the warning to be cancelled and told me that the next time I saw him I should not hesitate and immediately try to disarm the house elf by any means necessary, even unforgivable spells.

- You said that? - Richard raised his eyebrows in amazement. - Unforgivable?!

- She was joking," Potter shrugged. - 'Well, I think she was. At least Mrs Bagnold said unforgivable in a joking tone.

- Ah, I see," Richard exhaled with relief. - Millicent has a sense of humour. A rare gift for a woman. Harry, what about your investigation?

- We've found out a lot about Black," Potter said, brightening up. - We've had to do a lot of investigating and interview a lot of wizards.

- Get to the point.

- We found out," Potter continued, "that Sirius Black was my father's best friend.

- I know that," Richard said. - 'Millicent told me.

- Did she? - Harry was a little surprised. - Well, I have something to surprise you with. My father was also friends with Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin.

- Pettigrew was killed by Black," Richard nodded.

Harry smiled victoriously and shook his head sideways.

- 'He wasn't! - He exclaimed. - 'Uncle Scott and I conducted an investigative experiment.

- Hmmm...," Richard stretched out interestedly. - Harry, you intrigue me.

Potter smiled broadly and continued:

- 'According to the Aurorate, Black killed Pettigrew with the Reducto maximus spell. All that was left of Peter was one finger. But Uncle thought that was very strange. There should be more body parts left after an explosion. He asked me to learn this spell. In a deserted area, we made some dummies and I used the enhanced explosion spell on them. Then we blew up some pig carcasses. There were always a lot of parts left over from them. From this Uncle Scott concluded that Pettigrew was not dead. At first he thought Peter had cut off his own finger and apparated away.

- Very likely," Richard agreed.

- Yes, it does, but it's not," Harry said, glowering. - We found Remus Lupin. Turns out he's the same werewolf Uncle Scott talked to when he was looking for a bodyguard for you.

- Small world," Richard said. - But do they teach werewolves in magic school? Or did he become a werewolf as an adult?

- He's been a werewolf since he was a boy," Harry shook his head sideways. - Lupin carefully hid the fact that he was a werewolf from everyone. But Uncle Scott managed to crack that wizard!

- Harry, you look so happy, as if you've learned the secrets of the universe," Richard said, looking at his mate's satisfied face. - Come on, tell me what you've come to.

Potter didn't bother his friend and continued:

- Lupin told us that my father, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew had learnt to turn into beasts at school. They did it so that they could be in Mr Lupin's company during full moons when he turned into a werewolf. It's like a werewolf isn't dangerous to the animagi he considers his own.

- Now, that's interesting," Richard perked up. - So Black and Pettigrew are animagi?

- Yes!" A wide smile graced Potter's face. - Black's second form is a large black dog. And Pettigrew can turn into a grey rat. Uncle Scott concluded that things were not so clear-cut with Pettigrew. Most likely, when Black threw an explosive spell at him, Peter did indeed cut off his finger, but he didn't apparate, but turned into a rat and escaped!

- Wow! - Richard was stunned. - What a twist! You really didn't rest, but worked all summer, and very productively at that. I didn't expect that from you. Well done, Harry. I take it you haven't found Black?

- Unfortunately, no," Potter shook his head negatively. - But Uncle Scott thinks that sooner or later the information about the amnesty will reach Black, and he'll relax and show his face in public. The uncle said it was highly likely that Mr Black had gone mad during his time in Azkaban. That's why he can still run around the UK as a dog.

- Did you tell the Aurors? - Richard asked.

- 'No,' replied Harry. - Only to the Minister. Uncle Scott said there was something fishy going on. Maybe someone is helping Black.

Ron Weasley came into the compartment. When he saw the boys, he was pleased and said, "Hi, Richie, Harry:

- 'Hi, Richie, Harry.

- Ron, hi," Potter waved his hand.

- Good morning, Ron," Richard nodded affably. - It's good to see you.

As Ron entered the compartment, slid his bag under the seat, and sat down next to Harry, Richard felt a slight tingle on the back of his left hand. He noticed that Potter was scratching his scar. This immediately made Grosvenor Junior suspicious. The boy decided to check that it was indeed the sixth Weasley who had come to see them, and not another wizard under the Turnover Potion.

- Ron, how's your flying Opel? - He asked.

- Opel? - Bringing his eyebrows together, Ron looked at Richard in bewilderment. - Richie, we have a Ford. At least if you mean an old car. Dad brought the telly in over the summer. We couldn't tear ourselves away from watching Muggle films. Among them was a film called Back to the Future. Dad was so impressed with the flying car from that film that he bought himself a Delorean and now he glamours it.

Richard realised that the Ronald in front of him was the same Ronald. The facial expressions, the motor skills, the construction of speech were exactly the same. He had also passed the louse test. Many people knew that Arthur had enchanted a car, but except for the Weasleys themselves and a small number of other people, none of the wizards knew what brand of car they had. In fact, most wizards didn't know much about car brands.

- Ron, isn't your sister supposed to be going to Hogwarts this year? - Richard asked.

- She is," Weasley replied. - Ginny's in the last carriage with her friend, the lunatic Lovegood. She said she'd come and see us when the train started. Oh, yes!" Ron said. - Richie, Dad said to give you the shopping.

Ron reached for his valise and began to quickly empty it of books, parchments, ink, quills, and potions ingredients. Richie was just as quick to move everything into his valise. The last item Ron put on the table was an unassuming, thick notebook with a black leather cover.

- Guys," Ron whispered in a mysterious whisper, "look at this!

Ron pointed at the notebook, which piqued both Richie and Harry's curiosity.

- What is it? - Harry asked. - It looks like a notebook. Ron, have you decided to adopt a progressive method of note-taking?

- No! - exclaimed Weasley. - It's You-Know-Who's diary!

Harry looked at Ron in bewilderment. He couldn't tell if Weasley was joking or being serious.

- Ron, what makes you think it's his diary? - Potter asked.

- Yes, I'm curious to know too," Richard nodded.

- It's signed and glamoured," Weasley replied.

Ron opened the notebook. On the title page was written in beautiful calligraphy:

The Diary of T. M. Riddle

The pages of the diary were pristine.

- You can write anything," said Ritchie. - Ron, if you've been sold this notebook as Tom Riddle's diary, then I've got bad news for you - you've been duped.

- No, I haven't! - Ron objected. - Ginny had found the diary among his textbooks. When she was looking at it, I saw the signature, and I knew who it was.

- That's a big deal," Richard said.

Harry took the diary in his hands and twirled it around. He said:

- Ron, you didn't buy it, did you?

- No," Ron shook his head sideways.

- But Ginny had it," Harry continued to think aloud. - So someone must have planted it on her.

Ron thought for a moment, and suddenly it hit him.

- Malfoy!" he exclaimed.

- Malfoy what? - Richie asked.

- "When we were at Flourish and Blotts in August, Lucius Malfoy touched the books in Ginny's cauldron. Dad got into a fight with Malfoy because he started insulting us. Pretty sure it was Malfoy who planted Ginny's diary of You-Know-Who.

Potter dropped the diary and started rubbing his hands on his robes.

- Harry, what are you doing? - Ron asked in bewilderment.

- What if he's cursed or poisoned? - Harry suggested.

- I don't think so," Ron said uncertainly, eyeing the notebook warily. - I took it from Ginny almost a month ago. If it was cursed or poisoned, Ginny and I would have died a long time ago.

Richie had been eyeing Riddle's notebook curiously during their dialogue. Shifting his gaze to Weasley, he asked:

- Ron, why didn't you give the diary to your father?

- Father? - Ron grimaced. - He would have taken it away, and I wanted to show it to you.

- Ron, that thing could actually be dangerous," Richard continued.

- It's so dangerous that if you write in a notebook, the ink disappears and the answers appear," Ron said nonchalantly.

Richard sighed heavily, closed his eyes and rubbed them tiredly with the palm of his hand.

- Gods, give me strength! - He said. - Ron, you know it's Riddle's diary. You know it was planted. It's a magical artefact. And yet you used it so quietly and didn't hand it over to an adult?! Ron, are you normal?

- Hey!" Weasley exclaimed indignantly.

- I agree with Richie," Harry said with a serious look. - Do we need this? Let's tell Mr Weasley.

Ron's eyes widened in fright and he shook his head silently from side to side.

- Why not, Ron? - Harry asked.

Weasley said in response:

- 'If Dad finds out that we've had a dangerous artefact stored in our house for a month, do you know how he'd swear? He only swore at me once, but that was enough for me.

- Ron, don't worry," Richard said in a soothing tone. - I've got a better idea. There's some secret research going on in Grosvenor's Workshop under the supervision of a representative of the Department of Mysteries. I suggest we send Riddle's diary to the unspeakable man in charge of the research. He won't tell your father, Ron, he won't say anything. Unspeakables know best what to do with dangerous artefacts.

- Um..." Ron thought. - If he doesn't say anything... But maybe we shouldn't give the diary to anyone. We might learn the secrets of You-Know-Who....

- No, Ron," said Richard, shaking his head no. - It's not worth it. Life and health are far more valuable than the secrets of some terrorist. And you can get "secret" knowledge from the Hogwarts library or a regular university.

- Oh, come on! - Ron rolled his eyes. - Richie, whatever you say..." he snorted cheerfully. - Secret knowledge in the library! Ha ha! Do I look like Granger to you?

- I have to send the notebook off," Potter stated. - 'Perhaps I should call my uncle? He might come back.

- No need, Harry," Richard said. - 'There's a quicker option. Donkey!

A personable house elf appeared in the compartment between the boys with a clap. In an expensive black three-piece suit, white shirt, navy blue tie and polished shoes, he looked very respectable and personable.

The elf held himself with the dignity of a butler. He immediately found Richard with his eyes and gave him a low bow.

- Did my lord call for Donkey? - he asked.

- Yes, Donkey," Ritchie answered and turned his eyes to Riddle's diary. - What can you tell me about this subject?

The sharp and attentive gaze of the house elf's large eyes fixed on the diary. The house elf's nostrils flared wide, as if he were trying to smell an elusive odour.

- A bad thing, My Lord," Donkey replied dryly. - If allowed to make his point, Donkey thought the lord should stay away from such an abomination.

- Which was to be proved! - Harry exclaimed happily. - See, Ron, and you wanted to keep the diary... Ron? RON!

Weasley was lost to society. His eyes became no smaller than a house elf's. Ronald kept a stare of utter amazement on Donkey's face. After Potter's last loud exclamation, Weasley shook his head sharply and shook it off as if he was shaking off an obsession.

- Oh, Merlin's codpiece! - he exclaimed dumbfounded. - A real elf in a costume! I thought Dad was joking.....

Donkey remained completely unperturbed. He looked at Ron calmly and said coldly:

- Mr Weasley, sir, of course Donkey is wearing clothes! Or would you like to see Donkey naked? You rascal!

Ron's jaw dropped to meet the floor at that answer. He looked as perplexed and amazed as if a cow had suddenly spoken to him and started preaching veganism.

- What?! - Ron blurted out.

- Ah..." the house elf rolled his eyes. - How quickly children grow up! Mr Weasley, sir, I assure you, Donkey has nothing to see under her costume....

Ron realised the elf was joking with him. He noticed that Richie and Harry were holding back from laughing out loud. Weasley's face began to flush red. Ron exclaimed indignantly:

- To Morgana your costume!

- Ro-o-n..." Richard said in a joking tone. - Why are you so fond of Mr Donkey's costume and always want to undress him?

- It's nothing like that! - Ron shouted back indignantly. - I don't care about your houseboy's clothes at all... And anyway, back off.

Ron noticed that Harry couldn't hold back any longer. Potter was biting the sleeve of his robes and shaking with laughter. In a voice filled with sadness, Ron asked:

- And you, Harry!

Barely hiding his smile, Richard turned to his mates:

- All right, all right, gentlemen, jokes aside. Donkey, take the notebook to Mr Broderick Bowd. I'll write him a note now. Don't mention the notebook to anyone but Bode. And another thing.

- Yes, my Lord," Donkey's long ears perked up.

- Keep a discreet eye on Bawd's research," Richard continued. - I have little doubt that he will share the truth with me.

- Donkey will do, my lord," the house elf replied.

The house elf waited for Richard to write a note for the unspeakable, took the letter and Riddle's diary, and then disappeared with a clap.

- Now that's what I call a normal house elf! - commented Harry Potter, a smile still on his face.

- Harry, he was messing with me! - Ron said indignantly.

- Yeah," Potter agreed. - He was joking, but he wasn't setting me up or mocking me. Donkey's got a great sense of humour and a style to match. Not like Dobby.

- Oh, stop it..." Ron pouted offended. - I don't know who Dobby is, but look what I've got.

Ron proudly pulled a broom out of his bag.

- Wow," Harry exclaimed excitedly. - It's a 2001 Nimbus!

- Yes!" Ron was beaming with happiness and pride. - I want to qualify for the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year. What about you, Harry?

- I don't have a broom," Harry replied frustrated.

Richard realised that they were about to start talking about Quidditch, and it was going to be a long conversation. Probably all the way to Hogwarts. So he hurried away.

- Guys, I'm going to go and look for people I know," he said. - Don't be bored.